OOC Discussion

Ughhh much busy. And its the start of my weekly 3-day homework horror marathon. I'll see if I can catch up with an Emma post. I meant to get it out last night, but... priorities. DX
welian said:
It depends on if this was Luc's first day or not. If it was, then he basically missed his entrance exam and will need to report to the main office. If it isn't, then he missed an exam and will need to report to whatever class he might be scheduled for on Friday afternoons.
Hmmm..... None, really. Good Samaritan laws still exist. Luc did not obstruct justice, he tried to rescue people. While it's stupid of him to go into a dangerous situation - it would have been one more body for the recovery team - I don't see him facing any sort of legal punishment.
Cool. If any of the teachers or the director sees the news and wants to take Luc to task for taking foolish risks, he is scheduled for mental discipline, and will be headed there shortly. I am guessing this is only the start of his second semester, given his timeline.
Soooo... My midterm exam starts next monday. I need to ace this, so i am going on a full hiatus/semi hiatus mode (proably still going to check the site when i have some spare time) starting this weekend. I'll be back in a week or two!
TheDaftStudent said:
no idea what to post...
welian said:
Dante running to class and tripping on his shoelace.
Don't forget to have a slice of toast hanging from his mouth. And have him run into the nearest senpai.

@M0N0 Badass grandma is badass.
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Obligatory PSA since I'm a mod - remember that Helper applications are always open, so if you enjoy partaking in the RPN community please consider applying to be a Helper! We could always use more general helpers to hang out in the introduction forum and greet new users, or Newsletter helpers to assist with finding content to feature each month.
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[QUOTE="Ryuuko Shin]Aaaand it's done! Behold, my first character sheet (this year)!

I am completely in love with your character *Q*

*Adds her to my ever growing drawing queue that I have no motivation or time to work on*
[QUOTE="Ryuuko Shin]Aaaand it's done! Behold, my first character sheet (this year)!

Imagine her and Mitch talking about someone in Chinese

Or her scolding Mitch when she sweared in Chinese
So. Guess who graduated.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/original.gif.b9bd2b8661aa476e1f94a581b71430f2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/original.gif.b9bd2b8661aa476e1f94a581b71430f2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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... the one time I get notification for AEGIS IC... and it's from a post. x 3 x Sorry @Teh Frixz & @Suzuki Mine I didn't get notifications at all when you tagged me. x 3 x I'll get a post out soon enough.
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RemainingQuestions said:
There was someone with portals as a power right?
Yes, there's someone with portal power, and she doesn't mind world domination at all o‿o

Luckily, space is out of the portal range...for now. I haven't decide whether the distance limit is absolute or something that could be trained.

That power generator idea is interesting, btw. In short, Mary could get an unlimited electric supply if she is willing to relinquish her daily use of portals (since she only can make one).
New Profiles as the Purge Approaches

So as probably zero of you noticed yesterday since there’s no incentive to look, I rehauled the Character Sign-Up page. For the sake of brevity, I took a lot of information out, but I hope that everything should still be fairly easy to understand. The new profile format is also now live, and I’d like everyone to download the text file in the sign-up thread and get to work when they can.

99% of the information is the same. The 1% difference involves a new heroism trait and a profile picture. The new trait is Diplomacy, which essentially indicates whether your character prefers to use physical force or negotiation to settle an altercation. If they prefer force, they’ll have a low score. If they prefer to talk things out, they’ll have a high score. As for the profile picture, all you need to do is replace the default profile image with your character’s picture. If you don’t have a picture, leave the default one in place.

There’s also going to be a player purge at the end of tomorrow, the 16th.

@Swimswamswom @Teh Frixz @TheDaftStudent @too much idea @ViAdvena @welian @Zahzi

((sometimes I feel like I should put these announcements on an email list))
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I almost posted in the Update tab again. But this time...this time I defeated the urge.
Good job! Also, I totally forgot - please take this link and put each of your character's information in it. I'm redoing my spreadsheets to make them more organized.

Aegis Database Entry
welian said:
Good job! Also, I totally forgot - please take this link and put each of your character's information in it. I'm redoing my spreadsheets to make them more organized.
Aegis Database Entry
Forgot to put Marcus in there. All done now.
welian said:
Good job! Also, I totally forgot - please take this link and put each of your character's information in it. I'm redoing my spreadsheets to make them more organized.
Aegis Database Entry
Pretty sure i have already registered Mitch... Dammit, my memory failed me
[QUOTE="too much idea]Pretty sure i have already registered Mitch... Dammit, my memory failed me

You did. : ) And even if you put her in twice, I'd just delete the older of the two duplicates.
welian said:
Good job! Also, I totally forgot - please take this link and put each of your character's information in it. I'm redoing my spreadsheets to make them more organized.
Aegis Database Entry
So there's ranks A-E on the form. Are there no more S rank?

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