OOC Chat

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ahhhhh i was gonna go back to my old posts to fix my formatting because that has been low-key bothering me
it's probably a time-draining task and an unnecessary one at that

being a (sort of) perfectionist sucks

i guess i can start fixing up my CS because that's all glitchy ahhhh
Hey all, sorry again about my absence. I know I've been a bit on and off, RL has just been a lot to deal with for a while now. I'm still here though so don't worry about that :)
Huh, I thought the plan was for Olivia to run into Lilith and Amber. Oh well. I'll try to get something typed up in a couple of hours.
Huh, I thought the plan was for Olivia to run into Lilith and Amber. Oh well. I'll try to get something typed up in a couple of hours.
Wasn't Amber coming down the elevator still though? I figured Olivia would run into them along the way there
Sorry that took so long. A hungry ADHD case does not make for a fast typer. I must have gotten distracted by 5 separate YouTube videos.

and thetasfiasco thetasfiasco ...

Before Lilla gets in a ship she is just gonna sit back and be like

"Joshua and Natsuki...Skye and Olivia...aww..so adorable..."

Internal screaming because she is so lonely.
Meanwhile, in the Team OSEA closet...

*Amber sits in front of a girl spray painted onto the wall*
"You're cheating on me?! Gah... Sixth time this week."

*Starts wiping the paint off the wall*
"Can't even get a fake girl to love me.."

*Graps spray paint*
"Whelp, time to try again."
Meanwhile, in the Team OSEA closet...

*Amber sits in front of a girl spray painted onto the wall*
"You're cheating on me?! Gah... Sixth time this week."

*Starts wiping the paint off the wall*
"Can't even get a fake girl to love me.."

*Graps spray paint*
"Whelp, time to try again."
I really wanna make an OC just so Amber won't be lonely ;~;


Before Lilla gets in a ship she is just gonna sit back and be like

"Joshua and Natsuki...Skye and Olivia...aww..so adorable..."

Internal screaming because she is so lonely.

Meanwhile, in the Team OSEA closet...

*Amber sits in front of a girl spray painted onto the wall*
"You're cheating on me?! Gah... Sixth time this week."

*Starts wiping the paint off the wall*
"Can't even get a fake girl to love me.."

*Graps spray paint*
"Whelp, time to try again."

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