OOC Chat


I have some free time on my hands so if you guys have any questions about the rp I will be on for awhile. Probably finishing up my secondary charcters....just so you know we are going to be roleplaying are primary characters for a week (which I plan on being a roleplay day) than we will introduce the secondary characters.

Also, as there are going to be siblings...do you think one's secondary characters should essentially be the clutch of siblings your primary character is born with? Or do you think we should mix and match to spice it up a little...perhaps look for eggs made by different roleplayers that look similar then make them siblings. Remember just because your primary character is the main character you are playing that does not mean they need to be dominant...the primary characters are going to be born first, but they have to establish their leadership once the secondary characters hatch...otherwise they could very well be one of the followers (which is not actually such a bad thing, as the leaders are the ones that get into the most fights...usually) 

Anyway I am rambling...I'll be hanging around so feel free to make conversation.

So, there are 8 different primary dragons (or 8 different people) so that means there will be 40 secondary dragons. If you divide 40 by 8, you get 5 so each person can pair up with 5 different people.
Possible Siblings (This is only the Primary Characters...we will have time to discuss the secondary character siblings after we have started up the rp.) 

Ator- @Quinlan63 | Tatsuya @demnkiller

Shardas- @BeebeTheWarrior | Rhona @Ellieroan

It is totally up to you guys if you want to be siblings...these are just suggestions based on eggs. Having a sibling can make things more difficult at this stage as they are competition...and dominance fights may happen depending on personality. Than again later on in the rp they could be great backup and emotional support (or deadly enemies depending)  
Possible Siblings (This is only the Primary Characters...we will have time to discuss the secondary character siblings after we have started up the rp.) 

Ator- @Quinlan63 | Tatsuya @demnkiller

Shardas- @BeebeTheWarrior | Rhona @Ellieroan

It is totally up to you guys if you want to be siblings...these are just suggestions based on eggs. Having a sibling can make things more difficult at this stage as they are competition...and dominance fights may happen depending on personality. Than again later on in the rp they could be great backup and emotional support (or deadly enemies depending)  

Wait everybody HAS to make 5 secondaries?
No xD  The most you have to make is 1......

5 is for the daring. Secondary characters can die off and most likely will....if fact if you really don't want another character, and only can handle one...you can make a runt that dies at birth.  
So at least you have 1 Primary and 1 Secondary. 

And the secondary can die off....just tell me to put it at the top of the predator list in its character sheet. Or say that it will likely die off at birth. (That sounds horrible I feel like an executioner.) 

So we will have to see how many secondary characters are introduced ;)  before we start combining. 
lol ;)  

Right now it is 4 05 where I am...expect the rp to be up in around 2 or 3 hours. 
I normally don't make characters that might die, I get too attached and I always feel sad when they die. Since my primary character is male, I guess I should make a female secondary character for balance.
Lol I know the feeling, my heart will be broken many times in the future. 
Well, I am going to do my best to keep my secondary character alive. Which is why I have given her a very special ability.
Later than expected, and I still have to finish up some explaining the mechanics, but the rp is up and running. Feel free to post guys! 
Oh, and neat idea for eating the egg shell Seraph, I know some actual real life creatures do that so, neat xD

Just for further reference, each post hunger is subtracted by 5 and hydration by 10 ;)   (I really need to finish up the hunting tutorial thingy I am working on. ) I have work to do and sleep to catch up on so for now, I think we are good. 

As a reminder, the hatchlings are basically animals that know words...to go into more detail (because I talk to much XD) the only time they ever usually get violent with each other is over territory, food, water, and dominance. (Though some can just be born with a need to kill) Usually you don't have to worry about violence over food and water unless one of those gets under 50....than things can get nasty in a fight for survival. Dominance is different for every dragon and can be cruel or kind....but the most dominant hatchling always eats or drinks first. They can be indifferent to fights between their 'clutch mates' or they can break up fights. Hatchlings that submit as less dominant are instinctively urged to follow the orders of the highest established dominant...usually dominance does not change but things like magic or physical/mental trauma have been known to change how dominant a hatchling is. Clutches hunt together, eat together, and sleep together... territories are what the clutch brood parent (or leader, alpha, whatever you wish to call the most dominant member of the clutch) views as his or her own. This can include things, creatures, or places. (Okay lore lesson at an end XD....) 

Good night peoples 

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