OOC Chat

That sucks. Getting sick is never pleasant. 

I agree, this should be fun. It is an interesting concept.

BTW I don't know if I ever thanked you.

You were the first gm and furst RP I had when I joined this site. The experience was pleasant and it's pretty much the reason I stuck around haha
Woo! Seriously though, thank you. The first rp is always the most impactful one. I wouldn't even be a roleplayer had I not joined a particularly good roleplay when I was younger.
Woo! Seriously though, thank you. The first rp is always the most impactful one. I wouldn't even be a roleplayer had I not joined a particularly good roleplay when I was younger.

Well, looks like you passed it down mate hahaha. But yes thank you mate. Now I see you everywhere tho lol
I'm glad I could help. It is because we share a similar taste in roleplays, of course you are going to see me everywhere. :P  
College was stressful for me but not because of the classes. A lot shit was going down in my life all at once in that time
Senior in High School....its not the actual school part....its the stuff going on in my life at the same time/combined with those ahha moments. I really really don't want to grow up....being an adult sounds like a lot of stressful work. Any tips?
Sign up for as many scholarships as you can, go to college, find you a job, save up as much money as you can, and don't get pregnant.

College will help you in the long run and saving money would help you with food, car, house, etc.

I was in college and ended up pregnant so I had to drop out. I regret getting pregnant during college, but I don't regret having a kid.

But, it's some food for thought. It's not to discourage you or try to be mean. I am just sharing my thoughts and experience :)  
Senior in High School....its not the actual school part....its the stuff going on in my life at the same time/combined with those ahha moments. I really really don't want to grow up....being an adult sounds like a lot of stressful work. Any tips?

Well....your not wrong. The things you learned in high school does not prepare for what you need to know out of it. Not including college,u learn....different kinds of stresses tbh. Your always gonna stress about something. What u stress about changes is all. 

Best advice I can give you is to not fight it. The things you learn, you are going to need to learn. With the new set of stress and problems others kind or melt away or become so minimal that they might as well not even exist. Roll with punches and stay tough. No one grows up on a day u know
Sign up for as many scholarships as you can, go to college, find you a job, save up as much money as you can, and don't get pregnant.

College will help you in the long run and saving money would help you with food, car, house, etc.

I was in college and ended up pregnant so I had to drop out. I regret getting pregnant during college, but I don't regret having a kid.

But, it's some food for thought. It's not to discourage you or try to be mean. I am just sharing my thoughts and experience :)  

See what I mean? Lol things happen and you just gotta roll with the punches. If you stick with it you will make it. Eventually lol. Just takes time and patience
Would you recommend taking a job during college? What are your guys opinion of student loans? From what I understand Student loans should be avoided at all costs, but they might be a necessary evil as there are few other ways to pay completely for college. 
(You guys may have just become my secret back up school related things people XD)
Would you recommend taking a job during college? What are your guys opinion of student loans? From what I understand Student loans should be avoided at all costs, but they might be a necessary evil as there are few other ways to pay completely for college. 

Depending on the college, do not for the love of everything, get a student loan. I wanted to go to a college in FL and it was $60,000 a year! I couldn't pay that off. But a college I went to, it was like $1,500 for 15 months and then you graduated so I could've gotten a student loan. Unless you want to be caught in years of debt (my step-mom was in debt for 5 years  after her college term) then that's up to you. I'd recommend scholarships first and student loans be your last resort or to pay off what you can't get. Some colleges (very few) will allow you to enroll and pay while you're there. But I highly recommend a job during college too. Some colleges require you to get a job, others will give you vouchers for food but you will have to buy other necessities (feminine products if you're a female, toilet paper, tooth paste, etc.), and others you have to have your income for everything including food.
I hate the thought of student loans (after having heard many many horror stories ie my English teacher was in debt for 17 years before it got payed off). but I am nervous that it may be something I will eventually have to resort to...I'm going to do my best to save up and get scholarships first though! Right now it is difficult because my Dad never went to college, my mom is passed away....and quite honestly the friends I had a few years ago all seam to be drifting away (or moving away). I don't have any older siblings to get advice from....so basically it is me and the Councillor trying to talk (though it has not gotten to college yet cause I seam to have developed an annoying habit of crying....I swear I do not do it on purpose) sooooo....basically how I can sum up my feelings right now is a) lost b) alone 

Sorry for the emotional dumping I am doing....I do it a lot these days almost to the point where I don't recognize myself. Thanks for the support and advice! It means a lot.  
I hate the thought of student loans (after having heard many many horror stories ie my English teacher was in debt for 17 years before it got payed off). but I am nervous that it may be something I will eventually have to resort to...I'm going to do my best to save up and get scholarships first though! Right now it is difficult because my Dad never went to college, my mom is passed away....and quite honestly the friends I had a few years ago all seam to be drifting away (or moving away). I don't have any older siblings to get advice from....so basically it is me and the Councillor trying to talk (though it has not gotten to college yet cause I seam to have developed an annoying habit of crying....I swear I do not do it on purpose) sooooo....basically how I can sum up my feelings right now is a) lost b) alone 

Sorry for the emotional dumping I am doing....I do it a lot these days almost to the point where I don't recognize myself. Thanks for the support and advice! It means a lot.  

No worries! We are here to help and listen! :)  

But student loans check credit scores and if your father doesn't have good credit, it'll be very difficult to get one. That's what happened to me. But also, get a credit card because it'll help your credit score so you can get a house and/or car. Just make sure you have stable income so you can pay it off and use it for emergencies. Trust me, it'll help. Just don't go crazy or you'll end up in student loans plus credit debt.

And I am very very very sorry for your loss! :/  
Work Studies might help, but I am not to sure on how it works exactly. Grants and Scholarships are what you want. I only went to college for a year, but I used a Pell Grant so I didn't have to pay anything back.

However, I wasn't that great of a student, even in highschool. I spent most of my time reading books and didn't socialize very much. My last year was pretty good though. I failed my English class for the first semester and had to retake the class online. Ironically, I passed that in a week. Had the rest of the time to myself. I also had a social studies class online and was able to finish a years amount of work in a very short amount of time. So I effectively had two free periods for my last year.

I have some free time on my hands so if you guys have any questions about the rp I will be on for awhile. Probably finishing up my secondary charcters....just so you know we are going to be roleplaying are primary characters for a week (which I plan on being a roleplay day) than we will introduce the secondary characters.

Also, as there are going to be siblings...do you think one's secondary characters should essentially be the clutch of siblings your primary character is born with? Or do you think we should mix and match to spice it up a little...perhaps look for eggs made by different roleplayers that look similar then make them siblings. Remember just because your primary character is the main character you are playing that does not mean they need to be dominant...the primary characters are going to be born first, but they have to establish their leadership once the secondary characters hatch...otherwise they could very well be one of the followers (which is not actually such a bad thing, as the leaders are the ones that get into the most fights...usually) 

Anyway I am rambling...I'll be hanging around so feel free to make conversation.

I have some free time on my hands so if you guys have any questions about the rp I will be on for awhile. Probably finishing up my secondary charcters....just so you know we are going to be roleplaying are primary characters for a week (which I plan on being a roleplay day) than we will introduce the secondary characters.

Also, as there are going to be siblings...do you think one's secondary characters should essentially be the clutch of siblings your primary character is born with? Or do you think we should mix and match to spice it up a little...perhaps look for eggs made by different roleplayers that look similar then make them siblings. Remember just because your primary character is the main character you are playing that does not mean they need to be dominant...the primary characters are going to be born first, but they have to establish their leadership once the secondary characters hatch...otherwise they could very well be one of the followers (which is not actually such a bad thing, as the leaders are the ones that get into the most fights...usually) 

Anyway I am rambling...I'll be hanging around so feel free to make conversation.

I think the ones with similar colors makes the most sense. A rainbow of Dragon eggs when mom is red and dad is green it....just seems weird to me
Technically we don't know what their parents look like though...;) 

But I totally agree, I think it would be interesting to have clutches made up of similar eggs...and if a clutch is particularly small it could be taken over by a larger clutch. Other opinions?
See you guys on the other side! Tomorrow will be a busy day setting things up! 

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