OOC (Broken Lands)


Maelstrom Engineer
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I'm drifting between a Gunlugger, a Hocus, and a Savvyhead. I'm going to sleep on it. Anyone else that's interested, please feel free to claim any of those three since I haven't made a final decision.
Torn between Brainer and Hardholder, and the Child-Thing has me intrigued. Waterbearer is also an interesting one.

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News definitely looks like fun, but I'd save them for an explicitly more stable, further from the Apocalypse game.
I'm gonna see how the group is panning out before I settle, but I may go back to Hardholder.

I'm inclined to pick a mobile hold of some kind, like a train.
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I can likely get mine done tomorrow, but Monday and Tuesday is my weekend, so it'll be Monday at the latest.
The Chopper has a gang, which is awesome. Especially with the new combat and chase moves.

The Child-Thing says a lot about the world. The Maelsrom moves are super neat.
I am also still tempted by the idea of a Hardholder with some mobile snow-crawling war machine, hiring out his gang to Frixz's Waterbearer to protect her source.

Needs more chatter in here, methinks.

Child-Thing wouldn't be a nuisance to work with, Wlf? As a GM I'm looking at it and feeling mildly concerned but cannot adequately articulate why I'd hesitate to have one at my table.
I think Child-Thing does impose a little bit on the GM with the Maelstrom stuff, but it doesn't look like WlfSamurai minds. The moves, and general feel of the playbook, seems a little raw and unfinished to me. I think either of those might be the source of your reluctance.

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