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Dice OOC and Join thread - Servants of Dawn 5e

I’m so mad. I was working on Copper and the site decided to delete like two hours worth of progress. I might just post the pdf and go into my angry dome
I would prefer if the sheets kept some kind of uniformity, kidz. I also don’t see a writing sample
So you have a preference on how sheets are posted? I must have missed that.

Writing sample is in his intro section.
It would make it easier for me to browse all the sheets on one thread if they are all clearly visible and I don’t need to click on links. I understand it’s a labor, but the others and I are doing that labor.
I wish that was under the character rules...

I'll work on converting it over into something like Psychie's
In that case then thank you for letting me know. I’ve made the appropriate edit to mention it
Kidzait Kidzait If you'd like, you can copy/paste my sheet, then just replace the needed info with your own.

  • Name: Fletcher Sweetmallow
    Race: Human
    Background: Outlander
    Age: 45 ish
    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Str: 10 / 0
    Dex: 15 / +2
    Con: 16 / +3
    Int: 13 / +1
    Wis: 17 / +3
    Cha: 11 /0

    Class: Circle of the Moon Druid
    Level: 1
    Proficiency: +2
    Initiative: +2

    Hit Points: 11

    Hit Dice: 1d8
    Armor Class: 13
    Passive Perception: 11
    Active Perception: +3
    Movement: 30ft

    Save DC: 13
    Attack Mod +5

    Prepped spells:
    Cantrips: Guidance, Shillelagh
    1st lvl: Healing Word, Detect magic,Thunderwave, Cure wounds

    1st level: 2 [] []

    Spellcasting focus: Shepard's Hook

    Quarterstaff (Shepherd's Hook) : +1 to Hit, 1d6-1 Damage -- Simple, Versatile, Bludgeoning


    Leather (11+2) 13

Last edited:
As I’ve stated before, the Blight took place in the past. Your character cannot have direct connections to it.
I have a whole section mentioning the after effect in the form of cultural design. Maybe the fact the Servants still exist makes people think the blight never ended?

I suppose it’s the details left unsaid that leaves confusion. There is a definite begin and end to the blight but nobody knows it’s because Dracula cursed the world with magic and it took a century to kill him
I didn't really notice that the blight was a threat already past. That's my own reading comprehension though, you mention in your hook that the infighting is the real threat and I just missed it.

Fixed mentions of Blight in my background.
Quite a crew! Leaving one spot open in case we get a late prospective player. I’ll begin working on the group thread
Aaaaaand we’re live!

The requirements are just things that need to happen eventually. They don’t need to be included in your first post. Just at some point these things should happen
Gurwin: excuse me sir, I hope my horrible ugliness doesn’t bother you.

Guy: not at all, boy!
-sniff sniff-

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