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Fantasy {OOC} An Adventure of Cowards

Do you want to use Discord for OOC discussions and lore debating alongside this thread?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 61.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 44.4%

  • Total voters

    -Added some new rules and infos on how this will work, go read please.
    -Active player and voting system established, get to voting there are some cool ideas already proposed.

    Question: hi this is about the Lore Page. When someone's idea is approved to become official lore, how do we go about posting it? I thought of 2 ways, let me know which one you think is better.

    1. The creator of the idea posts it, if it is an idea that multiple people contributed, credits within that post have to be given accordingly. Leave a Cookie/Like if you vote for this one or write down an answer.
    Pros: Less wait in posting the idea. Creator has full control over their content.
    Cons: If the creator has ghosted we have no way of adding or modifying the info in that post unless I delete and rewrite it myself. Also as the thread piles on it might get less and less easy to look for info efficiently.

    2. I am the only one posting on that page. Of course I will copy and paste exactly what you want it to be written and credit everyone involved in that idea. Leave a Heart/Love if you vote for this one or write down an answer.
    Pros: Like in my top posts I do tabs and I can better organize everything into categories like have one post for creatures, one for different biomes, one Kingdoms and places etc...
    Cons: If I am inactive for a long time you guys will have no way of editing or adding onto the lore. I'm thinking maybe to counter that yall can just post on the page and update/organise however you see fit but yeah and just ignore the posts I made. Or make a new pâge entirely and organise it as you see fit.

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