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mother of sorrows

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WELCOME ! โœ โ”€ โ”€ โ›

Hi, hello! I'm haruspex, I'm 21 and I'm a student from central Europe. I've been in and out of activity due to irl stuff, but I decided to pick up a few more roleplays again! I've been roleplaying for around ten years and I love literature, video games and manga. 7495-sad-cat-running.gif If we ever rp'd together and it didn't work out, don't hesitate to reach out again. I can disappear due to school and work, but I rarely lose interest once a rp starts.
  • My posting schedule varies a lot, so please be patient. I try to post semi-regularily, but I might only be able to post once per month if I'm really busy. I'll make sure to give you the same courtesy - I truly don't care how long it takes you to post!
  • Please introduce yourself! What plot you are interested in, how often you post, etc.
  • Be 18+.
  • I tend to write 2-4 paragraphs per post, depending on if it's dialogue, action scenes, etc.
  • English is not my first language, though I try to spellcheck my posts.
  • LGBT and diverse characters are very much appreciated.
  • I love all pairings (NbxAny, FxF, MxM, etc.) Though, platonic plots are just as welcome.
  • OOC chatter is v welcome! I love making moodboards, sending memes and making pinterest boards for our characters.
  • I'm ghosting friendly.
  • I'm also open to 1x1x1's.
  • I'm really not interested in roleplays that are extremely depressing or that are heavily focused on homophobia, transphobia, etc.
  • This should be a given, but I'm not always available. Poking me is appreciated! But I have a life outside of this and nothing annoys me quicker than demanding replies. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Some bare-bone ideas I'm interested in;;
  • Two estranged siblings come together to scatter the ashes of their recently dead parent. I would love for this to have some shenanigans (maybe themhaving to travel to another country) and a complicated relationship - in my mind, their parent def wasn't a good person and the siblings are a mess, but I'd like a positive ending.
  • An arranged marriage plot because I'm weak. 6558-manly-flush.png
  • A bodyguard trying to stop a CEO/Mafia boss/Celebrity's kid from destroying the entire city. The rich heir doesn't know what taxes are, the bodyguard feels like this.
  • The sidekick of a hero and a supervillain's henchman becoming friends thru talking major shit about their bosses.
  • Darker wild west roleplay. An outlaw and the cowboy hunting them down.
  • Muse A is a worker at a hotel/McDonalds/somewhere (maybe a place that's rumored to be haunted/cursed). Muse B, their new coworker, is very obviously a serial killer/demon/ghost, but Muse A doesn't get paid enough to give a shit. Cue Muse A simply being like this while Muse B does increasingly weirder shit.
  • Muse A is a famous actor/idol/singer, widely known and widely adored. Though, what the world doesn't know is that they have a twin living in obscurity - Muse B. Jealous, hateful and at the brink of desperation, Muse B decides to murder Muse A and take their place. Nobody notices the change and Muse B is free to live in their twin's identity. Though, Muse C, Muse A's public rival has just come back from business-related travel... and they're unsure about their rival's new behavior. Maybe Muse A and C were secretly lovers? ๐Ÿ˜ณ Maybe Muse C helps Muse B pull off the scheme?
  • Muse 1 and Muse 2 are criminals working for a dangerous, overarching crime lord. Due to recent investigations, their boss has to go into hiding and tasks the duo with taking care of their child. The kid, however, gives zero shits about anything. I NEED the kid to call them cringe and make tiktoks in their living room. ๐Ÿ˜”
  • Two exes of an assassin join forces to beat that mf UP. ๐Ÿ‘Š
  • A cheesy, cheap romance writer that might be a serial killer and a horror/crime writer that really just wants love.
  • Slice of life plot in an ancient civilisation. This doesn't need to be super historically accurate as long as the vibes are there!
  • Enemies to friends to lovers except its two neighbours that feel possessive over the local cat they both feed.
If you have any ideas of your own, please share!!

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  • The sidekick of a hero and a supervillain's henchman becoming friends thru talking major shit about their bosses.
  • Slice of life plot in an ancient civilisation. This doesn't need to be super historically accurate as long as the vibes are there!

    These two caught my interest!
pls send pms if you are interested and don't forget to introduce yourself!! :3 a slight bump as i revive back into action
Hello there! I'm interested in the muse a works at McDonalds/hotel/somewhere one! (Didn't know how to say it normally!) Please pm me to plot!

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