Other One Random Fact About You?

When I was four, in the nursery I hit a girl for touching my picture which was on the wall.

Germs, just... *Shudders*
I've represented my school in all the sports clubs I've joined (and the respective sports) to date. ( ;) )
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Last night I bought a roll of plastic wrap thinking it was aluminum foil. GG
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Random fact about ME THE NINJA!:

The ninja had to go through BEAM PEWPEW eye surgery from one eye because of it having High Hyperopia!! The lens needed to be replace on right eye so it match my left eye! ME SEE VERY GOOD! me now TRUE ninja -3-
Random Fact about me eh?

I have Synesthesia. ( I also have Bi-Polar Disorder...And anxiety. )

Look it up. xD

I have a lot more crazy shit about me though, that is just one of them. xD
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Small but simple facts are the best.

My birthday is on Christmas Eve... now I saved you a trip to my profile info.
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Hmm Facts About me:

I have Arthritis in my right hand, which is my dominate hand.

I can not stand soda

I suffer from writers block often.

I scream in my sleep, or cry. (I have a video of this...curse siblings)

I have to keep things neat when I write.

I hate being timed.
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One notable fact: I can sing, and pretty damn well, but only if I'm reading off of the bass/ baritone part and not the tenor part.
I am good at everything but really good at nothing... So basically everyone is better than me... Very depressing fact... ( :( )
I speak fluent (or at least I'd like to think so) German, as I am, in fact, half German. Writing in German is a whole other story - I find it difficult to spell. Das ist eigentlich ein kleines problem, aber ich sprech mere, und das ist fur yetzt gut genuch.
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]I host tea parties with my family all the times, I swear, one would think we are Brits

Mmmm, quite. -Sips tea with finger raised delicately- One does need a good tea party from time to time. (Scottish counts as British, okay?)
I laughed at this because I know overwatch

I've been stung by a red wasp and within 10 minutes the swelling had died and it didn't hurt anymore.

I've also been bitten by a brown recluse but after five days it had cleared up and was perfectly fine (Besides a small scar).

I stubbed my toe so hard one time it ripped part of the skin off of my pinky toe.

There's three for you :) I'm one tough bastard
I qualify as hypermobile!

I have a suuuuper bad habit of cracking knuckles.

I have handwriting that is literal trash

I really hate summer.
I hate gardening... I can't stand mowing the lawn or watering plants... its one of my least favorite activities in the world
I like the sound of rain

When I was sad as a kid, I used to walk outside when it was raining, put a blanket over my head and listen to the rain until I wasn't sad anymore
Katsuya said:
One random fact about me:
I can open doors and flip light switches with my foot.
I've done this too...haha

[QUOTE="Power Crazed Killer]One random fact about me:
I can eat as much as I want, but can't get full.

This is me with water. I can drink water as much as I want, but I probably won't get quenched.

UmbreonRogue said:
I stretch almost constantly, most often stretching my ankles. I have no idea why I do this.

Opium said:
orite lmao
no ,it was a junior boxing tourney in belgrade nd this kid (least 2yrs younger than me) was rly scrawny ,as if straight frm a fucking concentration camp ,I jabbed his ribs so fucking hard one of thm fractured nd he died three weeks latr in hospital (frm othr hits tht night too)

its fucked up ,still devastated
Are you being serious?

Sunkissed said:
-i have sensitive teeth so i can't bite ice cream or ice lollies because it makes me cringe
Same! But my front teeth are more sensitive, so I have developed a habit to bite and chew with my other teeth, even if the food is normal temperature.

Lokipi said:
I once side tracked a two-hour osteology lab on trauma (examples of decapitations and what not) by asking my lecturer 'if you were a Disney princess, which one would you be?' 15 minutes after the lab began. We got zero work done.
That actually worked?

[QUOTE="Miss Starchild]A random fact about me:
My PB&J sandwiches have to be at least 75% jelly. It could be all jelly, too, forget the peanut butter :P

Lol same. Jelly for the win. Have you ever tried peach jelly? It's pretty good too.

Acacia said:
My high school nickname was Muggles, given to be me by a teacher. It caught on, and some of my classmates only knew me only by Muggles and had no idea what my actual name was. Even a couple other teachers began using it when calling on me in class.
Lol wow.

redbeatsmermaid said:
I can pick up small objects... with my feet! > :D
I've done this.

LilyannaGaming said:
I hate being timed.
Yes me too.

thnksfrllths said:
I really hate summer.
Same! The heat drives me insane, especially where I live, to the point that I am looking into special summer gear - cooling hats and cooling bandanas.

Trust said:
I like the sound of rain
Me too.

FictionDream said:
When I was little I hid a cat in my room, feed it and had bought a litter-box for it, I had it for two weeks before my mom found out.
Wow, nice job on keeping that secret for two weeks! I wouldn't be able to do it for even two days.

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