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Fandom One Piece: New World

DaughterofAthena said:
I am experimenting with B&B code to make the lore page prettier and more detailed.
So far, it is fun!
I'm not amazing with it, but I am an okay-ish coder. If you need any help, just hit me up. (^.^)
Sunbather said:
I'm not amazing with it, but I am an okay-ish coder. If you need any help, just hit me up. (^.^)
So far so good, but I will keep that in mind! xD

On another note, is anyone here good at either drawing or at using a computer to make pictures? I think it is about time we had a flag...
What did you have in mind? I'm awful at drawing, but I am somewhat capable in the mighty field of photoshopping, heh.
Sunbather said:
What did you have in mind? I'm awful at drawing, but I am somewhat capable in the mighty field of photoshopping, heh.
I just want a jolly rodger with a red ribbon tied on it somewhere. It doesn't sound too hard, but I'm terrible at everything related to art.
DaughterofAthena said:
I just want a jolly rodger with a red ribbon tied on it somewhere. It doesn't sound too hard, but I'm terrible at everything related to art.
Something like this maybe? I can make ribbon bones into normal bones, if you'd prefer

The lore page has been updated! It is a lot prettier now than it was before and it has some more information. I am also going to start fishing through character sheets for more lore to add into the page. If there is anything you think ought to be mentioned there, please let me know ASAP.
@DaughterofAthena Tora is from Fischer Island in the East Blue. It's an island that specializes in the fish industry and the majority of the male population is either a fisherman or a sailor. There are no major cities and the architecture looks like an old fishing village.
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shadowdude505 said:
@DaughterofAthena Tora is from Fischer Island in the East Blue. It's an island that specializes in the fish industry and the majority of the male population is either a fisherman or a sailor. There are no major cities and the architecture looks like an old fishing village.
Katarina is from Pescatore Island in the South Blue, it's really small and far from any other islands. It is full of fishermen because that's the only steady food supply. Merchant ships from Baterilla often stop there before heading to their actual destination.
........ North Blue. The Island of Silly People Who Definitely Aren't Ninjas.

An island with a varies landscape. Including a forest, two mountains, an active volcano, several ports, and a permafrost tundra. The island is neutral to pirates vs marines affairs. Action is taken against either group if inhabitants are bothered beyond a certain extent. The islands government consists of a group of Elders. One from each particular clan, for 26 in all. The oldest of all islanders holds an honorary 27th spot as Grand Elder, and serves as a tie breaker in voting disputes. The island doesn't have a singular main import/export, as each clan member developed their own personal skills through travel/adventures. Although assassination is a pretty sought after service. Especially from the seniormost members.

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BLUR said:
Got a thing against the North Blue?
No. It is set up for a future arc. The North Blue is currently overrun with slavery and it doesn't happen to be compatible with a lot of people's backstories. Scarlet grew up there as a slave...
Oooof, I just read through all the character sheets bar one in a single sitting. My brain's smoking, but now I have a decent idea how everyone ticks. :D
Johnny is from Mercantore Islands, East Blue. It is a common trade post, as many trade routes pass through the island. It is currently under marine authority, but the town is still full of under-the-hand trades between nobles and pirates.
AnnoDomini said:
Johnny is from Mercantore Islands, East Blue. It is a common trade post, as many trade routes pass through the island. It is currently under marine authority, but the town is still full of under-the-hand trades between nobles and pirates.

School is currently taking over my life so I can't add it right away, but I will when I have time.
I plan on working on a post for Scarlet and Mateo tonight, so be prepared! Stuff is going to move forward again this weekend so if you haven't posted recently, get a move on!

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