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Fandom One Piece: Dawn of a New Age

So I was thinking since my character basically just uses guns and is generally weak compared to the rest of the crew, could she be able to learn haki faster and execute it better than the rest of the crew? :3
@Bunny I'd prefer it was story explained. It is WAY too early for us to be using haki, and, as it is generally awakened at dangerous situations, so we'd need a chance to pop up for it to happen. As to it being stronger, as long as you can explain it, I believe we can manage it.
All by myself~

I'm a Marine all by myself~

Everyone wants to be a pirate~

So I'm all by myself~

@Aratani Also Haru could be what pops some of your guys Haki since I feel when you meet up with him it'll be like when they meet the ice dude.
Both of the people my character was interacting with disappeared, one of them being the GM. Not sure how to move forward from that.

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