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Fantasy One on one fantasy rp (not looking for new members)

Name: Ashlynn Winters
Age: ??
Race: Vampire/Fallen Angel/ Wolf
Eyes: One silver, One A light lavender color.
Markings/Tattoos: Black markings on neck and just under eyes.
Hair: Black with lavender colored streaks
Extras: Wolf ears and tail, Large, charcoal black wings

Traits: Kind, Shy, Quiet, Serious, Secretive, Fierce.
Quirks: Often untrusting, Sarcastic at times, Walks in to areas in the city she knows well like she owns the place. (Sashaying)
Weaknesses: Trust, Very Independent, Blood.
Strengths: Magic, Combat, Tight spaces.
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, playing a special violin she got from a friend.

Weapon: Dual scythe that splits into two short swords, Arm guns and Laser swords, Laser scanners.
Powers: Chaos, Void, and the ability to Shapeshift.

Ashlynn escaped from an institute that had been testing on her to make better, more powerful weapons. Since, she has been constantly moving, and rarely goes into cities visibly. (I know it's short but she doesn't have much background, sooo..)

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