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Fantasy character page - fantasy rp



1 foot down into the madness
To keep our characters. Let's use the following CS format:

strength: /100
endurance: /100
finesse: /100
intellect: /100
charisma: /100
speed: /100
weight: /100
weaknesses(personality & physical):

Character description: (like, what do the numbers mean? Are they blood, holy, unholy, dead or undead vampires? What are most of their powers atm)
Last edited:
Name: Bar Necrugar
strength: 75
endurance: 65
finesse: 40
intellect: 45
charisma: 55
speed: 60
weight: 70
weaknesses(personality & physical):
Cannot perform basic mathematics. p
Has a temper so bad, he hurts himself. p
Doesn't ask for help when he clearly needs it. p
Can be burned easily. ph
Loud noises will make him entirely confused. ph
Left arm is weaker than rest of body. ph
Born from a formitable village of endercron, Bar has acquired the body of a farmer. He has wandered the world for some time now.
It wasn't until his body was full-grown that he's been bitten by a Beta-werewolf in his left arm. It was in fact, completely removed. A female Alpha werewolf took pity on the dying farmer and licked his wound. Bar would have certainly died if it was not a full moon that very night. His transformation was a success, though he is yet scarred.
Later Bar found the alpha werewolf that saved his life killed and defiled. He carried her teeth as a necklace and wears her pelt as a coat. (or at least, the parts he could still gather.)
Ever since, he's been at odds with most werewolfs.

likes: potato's, milk and chicken
dislikes: cats, ice and being yelled at.

Character description: This orc has a werewolf transformation that he has coped with his whole life, wearing both stretchy and plated full body armor is what keeps his armor in check during transformations.
Though he might be able to do it by his own will once a day, full moons always trigger his transformation. He is wet, he smells bad.

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