One night in the castle

Akira stood behind her and gently picked up both of her hands, positioning them over the correct keys. He sat a little lower and played the notes lower on the piano
Flower looked at him and then looked at the piano trying to memorize the keys to play. She smiled happily following his movements.
Akira nodded after teaching her the first few bars. "Hey, you're a quick learner!" he said happily
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Heh....thanks." She said and then repeated what she remembered from the song. She messed up and sort of flinched at the note. "Oops." She said and then tired again.
"Don't worry bout making mistakes. I've been playing since I was.... nine. And I still mess up every now and then"
Flower looked at him and then nodded. "If you say so. You still pulled off that song without a slip up though." She said and then continued practicing. She glanced at him and then looked back at the piano. "You've been playing for that long huh?" She asked.
"Yeah.... Stop making me feel old..." he said before laughing. "Oh who am I kidding? I've got more scars than most knights of the castle and I'm half their age! I am definitely not old" he nodded, speaking mostly to himself
Flower giggled at him. "Is a scar necessary to become a knight in this place then?" She said and then looked at him. "How old are you anyways?" she said as she played. "Even with those scars you don't look much older then me." She said.
Akira smiled. "I'm nineteen. And no, but knights end up with pretty nasty scars because of wars. I should know, I fought in one or two battles in the wars" he told her before lying down on the ground. Night lumbered over to him and licked his face before lying down and resting her head on his stomach
Flower looked at him and then sighed a bit. "I could imagine. You have to be more careful though. Keep pulling stunts like when we spared and by the time you're 30 no one would be able to recognize you." She said and leaned her head on her hand.
"Oh alright I'll be more careful" he said to her softly as he sat down on the bench next to her and placed his hands onto her shoulders. "Hey...... Don't worry about me...." he told her with a gentle smile
Flower looked at his hands and then looked at him. She smiled with a small blush on her face. "Alright, fine." She said and then leaned on her elbow. "I can only worry about at least keeping my pretty face if I ever get into that type of thing." She said chuckling.
Akira frowned and covered the scars on his face. "Yeah.... I just hope you don't end up like me...." he told her before sitting on the ground and petting Night. Night purred loudly, but it was clear that she was happy
Flower looks at him. "Now who's worried about who?" She asked and then giggled as Night was purring. Flower laid on her belly watching the two with a smile. "She really likes you."
Akira smiled. "Shush, a prince is allowed to worry if he wants to" he said before laughing. "Yeah, I've had Night since she was a kitten. Her mother had been killed by hunters and I found her when I went for a walk late one afternoon. The guard that was with me insisted that I should leave it to die, or kill it so that it didn't die of starvation, but of course I refused. I can't stand seeing animals getting hurt because of people"
Flower looks at him and then chuckled. "Not when it comes to me he doesn't" She said and then smiled as he talked of animals. "I hunt, but I try not kill any females and with any babies around. I hunt for food only." She said and then sighed. "Although it's sad about Night." She said and then kneeled down petting her head.
"I'm not a fan of hunting, but that doesn't mean I don't hunt every now and then" Akira said with a shrug before laughing when Night licked Flower's hand. "She likes you too. Which is odd because she's extremely protective over me"
Flower looks at him. "Animals just love me." She said and then hugged Night rubbing her head and giggling. "See?" She said and then looked at him. She pushed her hair out of her face. "Though having a big cat protecting you is a really good idea. I have a dog myself." She giggled. "She's a german shepherd."
"Eh, dogs don't seem to like me.... Maybe it's because I smell of a panther every time I pass them." he said with a grin and glanced up when he heard a servant knocking on his door. Night growled when the door was opened. "Sire, lunch is ready....." she said, stepping back nervously when Night stood up. "Hey Night, stand down" Akira reprimanded the cat and she sat down with a huff. "Thank you Marie, I'll be there now"
Flower sat cross legged and then looked at Night and giggled. She pushed her hair back and then walked up petting Night under the chin. "If you pet a cat here, where they have scent glands. You get their scent on you and they feel much more comfortable with you around." She suggested to the girl apparently named Marie.
Marie shook her head. "How is that thing not trying to kill you? She tries to kill anyone who gets too close to master Akira" she said quickly before walking off briskly.

Akira looked down at Flower and Night. He scratched Night behind her ears and she started purring. "She has a point, why are you being so nice to Flower, hm?"
Flower starts laughing. "Awww I'm loved by a cat." She said and then looked at Night. "Maybe since I've been around you I smell like you so she doesn't see me as a threat to you." She just guessed and shrugged. She pushed her hair back.
Akira shook his head. "My sister and I used to be together all the time before she left to marry some other prince, I can't remember his name. But Night never really liked her either"
Flower tilted her head. " it's a complete mystery." She said and then rubbed her head giving a small chuckle. "We better get to lunch." she said standing up and stretching herself out. She yawned a bit, a little tired from the excitement of the day.
Akira nodded and kissed the top of Night's head. "I'll bring you a steak, ok?" he said and laughed when Night licked his cheek affectionately. "Oh well, let us be on our way"

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