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Fandom Once Upon a Time or Something [Disney AU]

  • nick wilde
    police station
    heyyyy pretty lady
    noah widener.
    It was another beautiful day in Storybrooke (which was lowkey the stupidest name for a town ever, but nobody asked Noah’s opinion when they named it, so whatever), and once again, Noah Widener was in the police station.

    Now, he wasn’t necessarily in trouble for anything. This time. No, instead, he was bringing by the latest puppy to be adopted by the force, hopefully to be trained to be part of the K-9 unit or whatever they intended. Or maybe the officer in question just wanted a buddy to throw people off when they went undercover. It wasn’t any of his business. He was just the man with the paperwork.

    Of course, that didn’t stop Noah from flirting up a storm with every officer who looked his way. The only one he didn’t flirt with? His former parole officer. Instead, he saluted him and cracked a boyish smile. Rolling his eyes, Jerry said, “Just don’t cause too much of a fuss, okay, champ?”

    “Yes, sir,” Noah replied seriously, sincere for once in his interaction with someone. This was the one thing he was not willing to mess up. If there was ever a reason to be in the police station, he wanted it to be for legit reasons. Never again was he going to get in legal trouble. Unless, of course, someone was charging him for being too sexy. (But he’d checked, and that wasn’t a thing. Sigh.)

    The puppy at his feet whimpered, and Noah crouched down to tend to her. “I know, girl, I’m sure they’ll be out soon.” The German shepherd before him was a beautiful one, he had to give her that. Sort of reminded him of the two pups he’d gotten adopted by that cool kid. Alex, if he was remembering correctly. He wondered how Gwen and Lance were doing with him. Probably great, considering how happy Lance seemed to be when Noah had called him about Gwen. If only he could just as easily find homes for some of the cats at the shelter. He didn’t have room at his apartment for all of them…

    Noah looked up as he heard a door opening, thinking perhaps it was the officer he was waiting for. He scooped the puppy into his arms, more to keep her from running away then for any desire to hold her (though her fur was very soft and he’d just bathed her this morning). With a smile, he turned toward the door and—

    Me-OW. Now where had this beautiful lady been all his life?

    Was a cocky grin climbing up his face as he looked at her? Probably. Was he ashamed? Not in the slightest. This woman was gorgeous, with a capital G. Wavy dark brown hair, eyes that were probably also a beautiful color (but he couldn’t quite see it from this distance), and the rest of her? Oh, yeah, his motor was running just fine for her.

    A tug in his heart reminded him not to let it go too far. But there was another tug, deep, deep down. Almost like she was familiar. Noah was fairly sure he’d never met her before, though, so he had no clue what was up with that. Oh, well.

    Yeah, there was a bit of a saunter to his step as he approached her. There was always a saunter to his step when a pretty lady was involved. He only had shame about one aspect of his life, and this certainly wasn’t it.

    “Pardon me, miss, but do you happen to know where Officer Hatchett is? He was supposed to meet me here about this puppy here.” He held up the German shepherd as proof that he was actually here for a purpose, not just to pick up girls. (Though that was often a plus.) “More importantly, are you doing anything later? Not to be too forward, but you’re an absolute knockout.”

    Oh, yeah. He was smooth as hell. Heh.
    coded by natasha.


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