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Once Upon a Time an Angel and a Devil Fell in Love with DarkxAngelxRollins ONLY


Sassy Wild Horse

"So Take Your Hand in Mine it's Ours Tonight, This is a Rebel Love Song"

A well known young criminal would never want anything to do with the family of a policeman right? Well, usually that would be the case, however, in this story the criminal falls in love with the son of a police officer. How will this love work?
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Local Diner
Parker and Felix

Caleb was out with his two friends as usual. The trio always loved to cause havoc around town; it was just what they did. He went through his backpack before grabbing a can of spraypaint. He started painting his usual logo onto the side of the building. He wasn't a bad kid; he just liked to cause trouble around town. Most of the time his friends call him Stitch, only because he is troubled just like Stitch.


Local Diner

Caleb and Felix

Parker watched Caleb as he was tagging the side of the building, smirking lightly. "You know if you get caught Officer Maddox is gonna kill you," he stated. Caleb was harassing the officer for quite a few months lately. Honestly, it was kinda funny. He looked over at Caleb's bag before grabbing a can of spray paint as well. He soon started tagging the side of the building.
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Local Diner
Caleb and Parker

Felix grabbed a can of spray paint from Caleb's bag as well. He looked over at Parker and chuckled. "Nah he'll be fine," he said. He used his parkour skills and ran up the concrete wall and as soon as he got up to the roof of the building, he grabbed on to the ledge and swung there with both feet planted on the wall and spray paint can in the other hand. He started drawing whatever came to his mind at the moment trying not to fall off.
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Local Diner
Parker and Felix

Caleb chuckled nodding at Felix's comment. He knew when to run when it comes to the cops; he could hear the sirens from a pretty far distance away, so no matter what he'd be fine to run and get away with it. He finished tagging the wall with some other little things before throwing his spray paint can into the bag he brought. He stretched out his body, leaning against the wall watching what Felix was doing. "Yo Felix don't hurt yourself," he stated. He smirked lightly, knowing his friend all too well. He had a feeling Felix would be falling flat on his face pretty soon. He didn't think anything else of it before turning his head to face the main road. "Guys we gotta go the cops are coming," he stated. He grabbed his bag after Parker, but his can back in and zipped it up. He waited or Felix to get down from the building as well before booking it towards his house.


Local Diner
Caleb and Felix

Parker tagged a few different things, depending on what he was thinking of at the time. When he heard Caleb mention the cops, he tossed the can of paint to him before looking towards the road, waiting to see when they were clear to run. When the cops came here, they always went inside first to see the owner of the diner, so when they were in there, the trio could make a run for it. Once he saw the cop go into the building she nodded to both Caleb and Felix indicating they were good to go. He followed Caleb towards his house, waiting until they were a safe distance away to stop.
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Outside of Caleb's House
Caleb and Parker

Felix jumped down from the building actually landing on his feet before doing a tuck and roll. He ran towards his two friends as quickly as he could before the cop came out of the building. Once he was caught he dropped the empty spray can in Caleb's bag. He chuckled jogging in place. "Well that was fun," he said. He was always a rebel at heart but now that he actually has friends that enjoy doing the same things, he can go out and be more adventurous.
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Outside of His House
Felix and Parker

Caleb stretched before sitting on the sidewalk and chuckling. "Yeah, it was," he stated. He smiled lightly before leaning back, now laying on the sidewalk. He loved the adrenaline rush he got from doing things like this. He didn't care that it was illegal, it was something to get him out of the house and have a little fun. He loved the fact that he had friends who would take part in his favorite activities. He chuckled lightly again before sitting up. "I'll see you guys later," he stated waving goodbye to his friends. He got up grabbing his bag before walking into his house. He tossed his bag to the side and took his shoes off. He looked around, trying to figure out where his brother was so he could avoid him. He wanted to avoid any unwanted altercation with him today.


Outside of Caleb's House
Caleb and Felix

Parker smiled when they arrived at Caleb's house before hugging Felix. "That was great," he said smiling lightly. He looked over at Caleb when he said he would see them later. "Alright, have fun," he said waving goodbye to their friend. He then started walking to his house with Felix before they split ways. He waved goodbye to Felix before running into his house and going to his bedroom to sleep.


Ben's House

Carter was hanging out with Ben for the day. He was wearing his usual attire a long sleeved flannel and jeans. iI was nice for him to get out of the house. Considering, his dad didn't like his house. He looked over at Ben then out the window. "Has the kid been harassing your dad anymore lately?" he asked. He knew there was one kid in particular who always loved to mess with Ben's dad, honestly, he was shocked his dad hadn't killed the kid yet.
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His House

Ben was doodling in his sketchbook on the bed when he looked over at Carter shrugging his shoulders. "Eh probably," he said. There isn't a day when that kid isn't harassing him. From what he heard from his dad his name was Caleb. He's pretty sure every time he left the house it was of him. It was nice to have friends around because his dad is rarely ever home.
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Ben's House

Carter chuckled lightly before nodding. He looked through his bag for something to do. "I mean you're not wrong," he said. He rubbed his arm before stretching. Carter honestly didn't know anything about the kid who bugged him, but he knew that he was always bugging Officer Maddox. He laid down before staring at the ceiling and sighing lightly. "What can we do?" he asked.
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His House

Ben put his sketchbook away and bit his lip. "Maybe we can go for a walk?" he asked. He tries to get out of the house as much as he can honestly because it gets pretty boring when he's alone or with someone else. There is nothing much they can really without spending money, unless you're Caleb and just goes out to cause mischief.
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Ben's House

Carter nodded at the idea of going for a walk. Being a broke teenager sucked in this town being almost everything costs money. Most things aren't that cheap either. He got up stretching out before grabbing his shoes and putting them on. "Are we just gonna walk around town or go to the park?" He asked.


Around Town

Caleb got bored of being in the house, so he got up and walked outside. He made sure he grabbed his phone and bag before leaving. He honestly wasn't sure of where he was going at this point. He just wanted to get out of the house and walk. He made his way downtown looking around; he snuck into an alleyway when he saw a cop car shaking his head slowly. "Son of a bitch," he muttered. He hated that the cops were almost always out in this town it made things a lot less fun. He continued down the alley before turning back onto the main road. He checked his phone for the time before deciding to cause some havoc; it's what he does best after all.
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His House

Ben got up from his bed and put his hands on his hips. "Why not both?" he said smirking. He depends on his dad to get him stuff so he rarely has any money on him and he tries to find anything he can do that's pretty much free, even if it is kind of boring. At least he can hang out with his best friends and just relax out in nature.
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Around Town

Carter nodded at Ben's comment before getting up and walking towards the park. He figured why not start off at the park. He loved the park; it was a peaceful place to go. The best part was that the lake was fun to walk around besides most people didn't go around the lake so it would more than likely be just him and Ben.


Ben and Carter

Caleb was running towards the park now, trying to stay away from main roads. He didn't want to run into the cops. He picked up his pace slightly when he started hearing sirens, not even certain if they were for him or not. He ended up running into another kid. "Ah sorry," he muttered helping the other kid up before turning to face his friend. Why the hell was he wearing long sleeves in summer? Eh, whatever it wasn't his business. "You okay?" he asked Ben.
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The Park

Caleb and Carter

Ben took the kid's hand and pulled him himself up before brushing himself off. He looked up and smiled at him. "I'm fine," he said. He heard sirens fade away in the distance. They were probably chasing after him but he didn't want to assume things. He was just about to leave when he saw someone walk towards them. "Heeeyyyy Caleb what's up?" he said to him. So that's Caleb, hm?
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The Park

Ben and Parker

Caleb groaned when he heard an annoyingly familiar voice.  He tried to ignore it, focusing on Ben.  He looked the kid up and down for a moment before realizing who exactly he was.  Son of a bitch that's Maddox's kid.  He honestly didn't wanna think much of it, he wasn't acting out or anything at the moment anyway.  "Are you sure?" He asked.
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The Park


Ben smiled weakly at Caleb. "Yeah," he said. 'I guess he figured it out' he thought. He stepped back a little and put his hands in his pockets. He didn't know who that other kid was so he just wanted to avoid confrontation because Caleb didn't seem too happy without him being there. The kid went up to Caleb and put his arm him. "HI buddy," he said.
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The Park

Ben Parker and Jaquan

Caleb looked at Ben smiling lightly, although it soon faded into frown.  He glared at Jaquan, already pissed off at the whole situation of him being here.  "Leave me alone already," he said.  He hated him so much.  He wanted to get away from this kid already, but something about Ben was keeping him there.  He felt an odd attraction to this kid.  "I gotta go anyway," he said pushing Jaquan away from him walking closer to Ben now.  He was hoping Ben would go along with this at this point.  He stood next to Ben taking his hand in his.  "I gotta walk my boyfriend home anyway," he said. 
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The Park 

Caleb Carter and Jaquan 

Ben was caught off guard by this but he played along. There was something about this kid that he really liked and he doesn't know why. "And then where are you going to go?" Jaquan asked. "Your dad doesn't give two shits about you and your mother is six feet under," he added. He smirked walking closer to him and getting right behind him. "Maybe she's chillin with Lucifer in hell," he said. He loved provoking him, especially when he's looking for a good fight.
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The Park

Ben Carter and Jaquan

Caleb narrowed his gaze before letting go of Ben's hand before turning around to face Jaquan.  He punched him hard in the face.  He didn't stop there; he continued pounding on the other dude.  "Shut the hell up!" he shouted.  He didn't want to think about his family, not now.  The fact that his mother killed herself and his stepfather was in jail was hard enough.  He took Jaquan to the ground now, pounding on his face until he was a bloody mess.  Although he still didn't stop, he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon.  This fucker pissed him off so at this point he didn't give two shits what happened.



The Park

Caleb Carter and Jaquan

Ben was taken back by the whole situation, he actually might like this kid and he just met him accidentally. He shook his head realizing what was happening. He ran over to Caleb and tried to pull him off of Jaquan. "Hey hey relax," he said. He knew his dad was going to show up at some point and the last thing he wanted was to be seen with Caleb because he would be questioned to death. He was keeping a look out so he could make a break for it.



The Park

Ben Carter and Jaquan

Caleb looked over at Ben when he grabbed him.  He kept his gaze locked with Ben's for awhile, for whatever reason it was calming him down.  He sighed lightly taking a deep breathe before getting up and walking away from Jaquan, staying by Carter and Ben now.  He looked at Jaquan then instantly back up when he heard sirens.  "Son of a bitch," he muttered under his breathe.  He wasn't sure where he was going to be going at this point, but he had to stay away from the cops, that's all he knew.  He chewed his lip looking at Ben.  "Can you cover for me?" he asked.  "Tell them it was self defense?" he asked.


The Park

Ben Caleb and Jaquan

Carter couldn't believe what just went down, but in all hoensty he didn't blame Caleb for what he did.  "Yeah I will anyway," he said casually.  He knew he would've taken the same actions if someone did that to him.  He had a feeling Maddox was gonna be the one coming, but oh well this was the right thing to do.  Caleb wouldn't have done anything if Jaquan didn't test him. @DarkxAngelxRollins
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The Park

Caleb Carter and Jaquan

Ben swallowed lightly and rubbed the back of his head. "Um...yeah I'll cover for you," he said softly. He felt wrong about it because he's lying to his dad but something about doing this felt so right. His dad might go easy on him since Carter was with him. He watched as his dad came over to them and tried to be as normal as possible in this situation. "Hi dad," he said naturally. "What's going on here?" Officer Maddox asked.


The Park

Ben Caleb and Officer Maddox

Caleb looked over at Officer Maddox before glancing back at Jaquan.  "He came at me so I defended myself," He said honestly.  Being verbally attacked is a good reason to defend yourself right?  He was not all to sure what to think of this situation, but he knew one thing was for certain, he was not going to jail.


The Park

Caleb Ben and Officer Maddox

Carter nodded at Calebs statement.  "He's telling the truth," he said casually.  He wasn't going to let anything bad happen to this kid.  He had feeling Ben would be doing the same, he had to have feelings for this kid considering he went along with the whole "he's my boyfriend" thing. 


          The Park

           Caleb Carter and Officer Maddox

Ben's father turned to him and asked him if everything they were saying was true. Ben nodded. "Yeah he attacked him first so Caleb protected himself," he said. He wasn't used to lying to his dad but this was an excepting. He didn't want Caleb to go to jail. He is praying that Officer Maddox won't say anything about him being out since he can't leave the house when his dad isn't there and especially being associated with Caleb now.
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The Park

Carter, Ben, Officer Maddox


Caleb stood by Ben and Carter.  Keeping his eyes on Officer Maddox. He didn't think Maddox would do anything, not with two people backing him up.  He sighed lightly before backing up slightly.  He was ready to run if it came down to it, he wasn't going to let Maddox arrest him for protecting himself.   
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The Park

Carter, Caleb and Officer Maddox

Ben stood in front in of Caleb putting his arm slightly around his waist as though he was shielding him in case anything were to happen. He glanced over at him then back at his dad. Officer Maddox sighed and raised his arms up. "Fine you guys are off the hook but Ben you better get home before when I do tonight," he said. Ben bit his lip keeping his head down and nodded. "Okay," he said softly.

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