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Realistic or Modern Once Upon a Happenstance [Kex x Nymphaleon]


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How Aiden found himself in the center of a large crowd of sweaty, noisy, drunken college students had already become a blur. Sketch had disappeared nearly an hour ago, leaving his roommate trapped in this pulsing mob of discomfort. His cell phone, an ancient brick which did little more than make an occasional successful call, had long since died. In a final attempt to keep himself somewhat sane, the blonde and befreckled boy had posted himself in the quietest corner he could find and pulled the brim of his hat down low. His breathing gradually began to slow as his muscles relaxed.

The music thumped in the other room, the throbbing heartbeat of the party. Aiden focused on the beat, closing his eyes. It echoed in his chest until his heart synchronized with it. A long, slow breath escaped his lips and his head leaned back against the wall. His moment of peace was soon interrupted, however, by a heavy hand landing on his shoulder. "Hey there, handsome," a loud voice boomed. Aiden's eyes popped open and he found himself face to face with a thick and intimidating beast of a man. "Who left a beefcake like yourself all by his lonesome, eh?" He dropped into the seat next to Aiden and began squeezing the farm boy's biceps and examining his freckled features. "The name's Haden, how about you?"

"Aiden," he managed to rumble, his bass voice barely audible over the thump of the music. He drew inward on himself, wondering how in the world he had yet again managed to appear like he needed a big, strong man in his life. And where the hell was Sketch? He was supposed to rescue Aiden from these types of situations...He would certainly get an earful when the two of them got back to their dorm.

Haden wrapped his arm around Aiden and pulled him against his smelly, sweaty body. Aiden froze up and stared across the room, hoping that by some miracle Sketch would step through the door and rescue him.

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