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On the partner prowl (Fantasy)(Futuristic)

Prince Hal

Itinerant Gentleman-Rogue
Hello one and all, ladies and gents! My name is Inigo Montoya, you kill - erm wrong introduction. :P I'm Prince Hal, or Nat, whichever you fine folks prefer!

Whilst stuck between classes and waiting for my ride to arrive, I came up with some very very bare bones ideas for a couple RPs! At least two fantasy RPs and possibly two sci-fi ones were created! If y'all are interested, feel free to post or PM me! If you aren't but want to chat, feel free! I'm always keen to meet new people. :)

But first, I'm going to post some ground rules for RPing with me.


-Post somewhat frequently, if possible. I'm in college and hopefully starting work soon, so I understand time management and all that good stuff, but if possible try posting once a day or two. If you're gunna be gone for more than a week, please just let me know. No long winded explanations or such required, just a quick "Going to be gone for a couple more days," etc.

-On a related note, I prefer and must request a minimum of a paragraph per post. I myself am somewhat of a rambler and thus prone to writing a paragraph to five paragraphs or more, depending on the nature of the post and how inspired I am by the current situation, character's development, other strange occurrences, etc.

-Grammar, courtesy, and etiquette are a must, I'm afraid. Grammar, as long as the effort is made, is acceptable. But posting leik u don kare iz nawt kuul.

-Romance is all fair and dandy, but not really something I try to include every single time in RPs. If something develops between characters, I'll run with it as far as I can and make it part of the story and be quite thrilled, honestly. However, I typically don't set out to craft romance RPs or make that


singular crowning achievement of the RP. If the story organically develops into that direction, I am a-okay with that, though!


-I have role played males and females of hetero, bi, and homo sexual orientation and am comfortable with characters of any orientation under the sun included in my games.

-Please no meta-gaming/power-gaming/god-moding/other forms of "winning". This is RPing, we're here to tell a story.

:) Lord knows my own characters have suffered some pretty tragic, grisly, and brutish endings.

Personal Info:

-I live in the Pacific Time Zone

-I'm a 19 year old male college student. Also, I'm an Aeries if that makes a difference.


-I love fantasy, history, anime, sci-fi, role-playing, and most things geeky. My love of history is so strong, that it's my major!

-I'm a big theater geek. Shakespeare is my homeboy.

And now for the fun stuff! The ideas!

One thing I love about RPing is creating a world. World building is as much fun for me as running characters through all kinds of rigors and challenges. In this option, you and I would craft a world satisfactory to the two of us. I'm a big fan of dark, low, high, sword-and-sorcery, urban, and anime-esque fantasy, as well as steam and dieselpunk worlds. The sky's the limit with our world, as long as we both find it a fun, intriguing, and interesting world to explore! Because of the nature of this option, a plot would be something the two of us would work together towards creating and thus kinda up in the air right now. If that's a problem, I have three other ideas!

That's one lengthy title. :P Basically, I received a copy of Vampire: Dark Ages in the mail today and it just so happens that lying next to where I plopped down in my room was the Pendragon RPG. I put two and two together, and thus was this unholy love child born!

Britannia lies ravaged by Saxon, Angle, Jute, Pict, and Irish raider. Rome sent her legions home. Our allies in Europa fight the Franks, and meanwhile our petty differences divide the Britons between Pagan and Christian, Kings and Priests, Noble and Commoner. Yet our very way of life is in danger. The great sorcerer Merlin has prophesied that a great King will unite Britannia and drive our enemies into the sea! Little did the common folk, huddling in their villages and in forests realize that this great King was a Kindred. One of the Vampiric nobility using the Mortal power-struggles to consolidate their hold. Is Arthur an old Vampire or young as the petty kingdoms dotting Britannia's fair shores? Is Arthur merely a puppet, led by the hand of another Kindred, older, wiser, or simply more powerful? Or is there another hero or villain whose story desires to be told upon this our canvas?

Basically, Vampire King Arthur. You can play as Arthur or any original character or canon King Arthur character you wish! Historical knowledge of the period is nice, but not needed. If you've seen Clive Owen's King Arthur or read Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles you're more than prepared. If you've done neither, that's perfectly cool too. :) RP will be military, political, or anything really. Just vampires. And Britain. And Saxons.

Sci-Fi ahoy!

Mars. Our home. The last bastion of Humanity. Earth died a miserable death, torn asunder from within by her own children, blasted and bombarded from without by the Xenos menace. We defeated the Xenos, but at a great and terrible cost - our home. Now, the last of our colonies still standing after the First Xenos War, Mars has been divided between the former governments of Earth. The weapons we used against alien lifeforms, now turned against Man. Great war walkers, humanoid mechanized vehicles capable of great destruction, are used by the feudal warlords who have sworn allegiance to the Old Earth governments to battle. War. War never changes.

Okay so technically, no Fallout here, I just couldn't resist the reference. :P Inspired by Aldnoah.zero, Deus Ex, Eclipse Phase, Ender's Game, this RP is going to be heavily military themed but with the definite possibility of R&R shenanigans, and other sorts of possible RPs. Oh and I almost forgot - this one is the most overtly anime inspired of the four ideas. If that's a problem, gomenasai!! Or uhm, sorry for you non-anime fans.

Emptiness. The void stretched on as far as I could see. Bright yet cold pricks of light shone as far as the eye could see. Stars. My heart soared; my heart sang. The siren song of the stars had stolen my heart and made me desire nothing more than this - to fly a ship, crewed with my friends, and see the universe. It might be dark out here, but the stars and the fire in my comrades' eyes more than make up for that icy abyss.

Have ship, will travel. Inspired by Star Wars, Infinite Space (an awesome anime style DS game), Cowboy Bebop, Firefly, Traveller, and a little bit of Star Trek. Explore space, meet strange new races, become immersed in local politics, smuggle weapons to rebels fighting an evil dictator; you name it, if it can be done IN SPAAAAAACE it could be in this RP!

By Thor this seems like a long post! I apologize for that, and if you made it this far, thank you so much! It truly means a lot if you read all of this. I hope you and I, dear reader, can become further acquainted and have some fun in these worlds!
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Oh dear, the entirety of that was a joy to read.

Starting from the very beginning of it. Although I'm fairly certain that I didn't kill your father.

Joking aside, willing to write! Particularly interested in Sci-Fi Option 2.

Thank you.
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Doth mine eyes deceive me? Another History fan?

I can say with utmost sincerity that my interaction with individuals who actually enjoy History - let alone decide to major in it! I applaud you for doing that which I have not. - is dismally limited. It would seem that most are pulled into futuristic and/or fantasy settings these days. Not that I'm complaining, they are equally as enjoyable; however, I will admit that my RolePlaying diet is limited in the History department. If you'd be interested in such a RolePlay, or even your Fantasy Option 1, I'm certainly game.

I suppose that I should note that I'm a new member on the site, meaning that as of now I am still under the 10-post / 24 hour Rule. Due to this my pm system does not currently function.
eheu said:
Oh dear, the entirety of that was a joy to read.
Starting from the very beginning of it. Although I'm fairly certain that I didn't kill your father.

Joking aside, willing to write! Particularly interested in Sci-Fi Option 2.

Thank you.
I completely agree, and am interested in both Sci-fi options. I'm really on a sci-fi kick.

I'm very much interested in plot building, be it 1x1 RP, or coming up with a plot for a thread.
Wow all of those ideas are very well thought out! I love Fantasy option 1 with the idea of a world created by us! I also think Fantasy option 2 would be fun to play. A dark twist to the world of Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table. Perhaps we could find something to get together on!
Oh goodness! Thank you so much, all, for the responses! 'Tis quite heartening to have such a positive out flowing when I'm hardly well known on these forums!


eheu said:
Oh dear, the entirety of that was a joy to read.
Starting from the very beginning of it. Although I'm fairly certain that I didn't kill your father.

Joking aside, willing to write! Particularly interested in Sci-Fi Option 2.

Thank you.
I'm glad you enjoyed the zaniness of pop culture references, obscure writing style, caffeine-addled syntax, and utter randomness that is my mind! (*U*)

And I'd certainly hope you didn't kill my father! I'd hate to have to challenge you to a duel. That might dampen the mood here a bit....( :P )

And excellent! If you're interested in Sci-fi Option 2, mayhaps yourself and @Wixed would join with me for an RP? Assuming the two of you are game; if not, not to worry! I'd be comfortable running several RPs.


PeanutLemur said:
Doth mine eyes deceive me? Another History fan?
I can say with utmost sincerity that my interaction with individuals who actually enjoy History - let alone decide to major in it! I applaud you for doing that which I have not. - is dismally limited. It would seem that most are pulled into futuristic and/or fantasy settings these days. Not that I'm complaining, they are equally as enjoyable; however, I will admit that my RolePlaying diet is limited in the History department. If you'd be interested in such a RolePlay, or even your Fantasy Option 1, I'm certainly game.

I suppose that I should note that I'm a new member on the site, meaning that as of now I am still under the 10-post / 24 hour Rule. Due to this my pm system does not currently function.
I doth protest, for your eyes do not deceive thee! I am indeed a history fan!

Thank you for such kind words! History is, to paraphrase a man in a blue box (out of context, I might add) "just a story in the end" and far too few people realize that! As for deciding to role-play in a historical setting, that is up to you. I'd be more than happy to do so, but would not want to force you out of a comfortable RPing setting. If you would prefer fantasy, that is quite alright as well! I shall extend to you and @ShadowDancer23 that I extended to Wixed and Eheu: to run a fantasy RP based on Fantasy Option 1, should the two of you be willing. If the two of you would prefer just a plain ol' 1x1, that's quite alright!

And worry not, on the PM situation! I do believe that if I PM you, you can still read/respond, etc.


Wixed said:
I completely agree, and am interested in both Sci-fi options. I'm really on a sci-fi kick.
I'm very much interested in plot building, be it 1x1 RP, or coming up with a plot for a thread.
Glad you, as well, enjoyed the post! And excellent for sci-fi! As I mentioned in Eheu's response, I extend to you the offer of running an RP with the two of you as players, should you both be willing. If not, I see no problem in running an individual, traditional 1x1 RP.


ShadowDancer23 said:
Wow all of those ideas are very well thought out! I love Fantasy option 1 with the idea of a world created by us! I also think Fantasy option 2 would be fun to play. A dark twist to the world of Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table. Perhaps we could find something to get together on!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the options! I'd be more than willing to run Fantasy option 1 for you, or, as I said in PeanutLemur's response, do a joint RP with the two of you, whatever the two of you prefer! (I think having a total of 3 participants in these RPs is okay...) I've always preferred slightly smaller RPs, as it feels a little more personal and all that. Or if you'd prefer, we could always do Fantasy option 2.

Thank you, all for the attention! It's been fantastic to start to make some friends here in this thread, and I hope we can all end up having some fun RPing!
I second @ShadowDancer23 's acceptance for a small group RP on Fantasy Option 1.~ Honestly my preferences for RPs are dependent on my mood, luckily I always seem to be up for some good ol' fantasy.
@Prince Hal

Thank you for the offer!

I'm comfortable and familiar with both one-on-one and group RP settings, and will be willing to take up whichever is set up in the end. Option two does look like it would work extraordinarily well as a small group RP.

@Wixed , your say?
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Everything seems to be falling into place! It's all...part of the plan....*coughcough*

@PeanutLemur and @ShadowDancer23, I will send the two of you a PM to start some world building/character building etc.

@eheu Indeed, option 2 was what actually made me think "Gee, this would work well with a small group!"
I think technically if I add another person to either the current sci-fi and fantasy groups that they'd be over the allowed numbers for the 1x1 forum. However I would be more than happy to run the vampiric King Arthur story for you with the possibility of adding another person, if that works for you, @UnwantedTruth.
No problem, and thank you! I'll PM you tomorrow (I have school far too early in the morning) and soon thereafter get the thread up and running! I've already got the plot worked out for that RP so it'll be starting fairly quickly!
eheu said:
@Prince Hal
Thank you for the offer!

I'm comfortable and familiar with both one-on-one and group RP settings, and will be willing to take up whichever is set up in the end. Option two does look like it would work extraordinarily well as a small group RP.

@Wixed , your say?
I'm flexible. I'm open to anything. So whatever is decided upon, if it is a group rp, I will gladly join.
Apologies to @UnwantedTruth and @Wixed for my late response! A final unexpectedly occurred today in one of my classes (silly professors deciding to finish the semester far earlier than I originally remembered) and I was rather hastily studying and working my way through all that stress.

Wixed said:
I'm flexible. I'm open to anything. So whatever is decided upon, if it is a group rp, I will gladly join.
Excellent! Thank you for your flexibility! I shall be sending you and Eheu a PM with some details on the world and all that.
Still got an opening, fellow arts enthusiast? I'd absolutely love to strike something up with her, be it sorcery or sci-fi. Just let me know and I'll shoot a PM your way- the second plot is beautiful, but I'm under the impression that's taken, so perhaps we can brainstorm?(:
Hi @P U R I T Y ! Thank you for responding and the interest! Your response has prompted me to go and edit my response, but in the mean-time, I can tell you that I have an opening in Fantasy option 2 and Sci-Fi option 1. If neither of those were to your liking, brainstorming would also be acceptable! :D

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