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On the hunt yet again.


Junior Member
Hello! I'm Piper, and I'm looking for some new role plays. (Please note- If you've been involved with something with me in the past and I vanished, just drop me a PM if you want to continue or start something new. I was very busy in the last few months, and when I get busy, I get forgetful.)

A few things about me-

*I've been role playing off and on for about four years now.

*I prefer to play female characters. I've found that I enjoy role plays a lot more while playing a female role.

*I can post anywhere from one to four paragraphs.

*I can reply more than once a day most days.

*I'm in EST.

*I like to role play over PMs, as I reply on my phone quite a bit and PMs are easier for me to handle.

What I ask for in a partner-

*Grammar and spelling. Nobody is perfect, but I need to understand your posts.

*Play a male role, please.

*Standard RPnation rules, don't god mod.

*Talk to me. Contribute to the plot. If you're not happy with something, let me know. If you really don't like the role play and want to leave, please let me know. To prove that you're actually reading this stuff, please put the word 'yellow' in your response somewhere. Responses without it will be ignored.

*Reply at least once a day. More than once a day is preferred. I can't stay interested in a role play if I only here from you once a week.

That's all the boring stuff I can think of for the moment. Now onto the fun stuff!

Settings- I like a modern setting, or maybe something slightly into the future.

Pairings- If somebody is interested in a pairing, I can explain any plot ideas I may have. I'll probably be adding more pairings as I think of them.

Vampire x Human

Vampire x Werewolf (I would prefer the Vampire role.)

Scientist x Detective (I would prefer the Scientist role.)

Ghost x Human

Solider x Prisoner (This could be Vampire x Human)

Vigilante x Vigilante

Vigilante x Journalist

Vigilante x Cop

Vigilante x Scientist

^^^For the 'Vigilante' pairings, think the CW's Arrow but with OCs, different city, etc.

That's all, for now. Please post below or PM me if you're interested! :-)
As a big fan of arrow I really like the vigilante x vigilante idea. Also I'm a fan of werewolf x vampire.
Allo' You sound a lot like me. Like I mean, you'd pretty much be my female counterpart for roleplaying. Oh, BTW, walking in, I saw some yellow snow. Its not lemon syrup in the snow, and just trust me on that c';

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