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•Mr. Death's blue eyed girls•

Valeria stares as the amublance takes off. She whimpers, police look over the area, looking for eevidence. Valeria tears up, and begins to sob. She falls to her knees, her hands landing in warmth. She looks down and let's out a terrible scream, blood. Jessi's blood covered her hands, and the ground. Valeria recoils, landing on her behind, blood staining her beautiful white dress. She begins to sob.
Boo is still too shocked. He walks towards the ambulance before running off. He chases after it for a few houses, tears running down his face.

He stops, dropping to his knees when he realizes that he can't handle this.

"Jessi!!!" He screams at the top of his lungs, feeling his throat burn. He stops, slamming his fists to the ground in anger before looking back when he heard Valeria scream.

Verlie is crying, holding tightly to the young child before the child is taken away by her parents. She hunches over but does not fall to the ground before jumping in surprise when she hears the scream.

"Valeria!" She cries out, watching in horror as her dress soaks the blood up.
Valeria pulls herself up, police begin to sweep the area around them. Rushing Valeria and Verlie to move. Valeria stumbles, her eyes burning with tears. Lance grabs Valeria, before holding onto Verlie as well. His eyes are red with tears, yet he doesn't cry. He leads the girls away from the scene, back toward the house.
Verlie continues to cry, wanting to lash out at the police officers who force her to move. She doesn't want to move anymore. Verily moves though when Lance guides them back to the house. She does not fight against the helping hand but continues to cry, not caring that her shoes have been left. "Jessi..." She groans.

Boo makes his way back to the house, a frown on his face and eyes red from the quick crying he'd done over the girl.
Lance stops at his place, most of the people bailed when the cops showed up. The police began to ask Lance questions, how he knew Jessi, and of he knew anyone who would do this to her.. He didn't know who could do this to Jessi.. Valeria sat on the steps, hanging her head and sobbing. "She was so young.. so sweet..." she sniffled, wiping her eyes slightly.
Verlie sits beside Valeria, trying to calm herself down but there is no chance of that. Boo sits down beside Valeria and pulls her into a hug, patting her back softly. He stays silent, not knowing what to really do or say.
Valeria sobs into Boo's shoulder.

Lance sits beside Verlie, wrapping her into a hug. They sit like that for awhile, until Valeria sniffles. "Verlie, do you want to go back to my house now?" She stares at the ground, her eyes red and puffy.
Verlie sobs. "Lance... Why did they do that to her?" She asked, sniffling though she knew he wouldn't have the answer. "She didn't deserve to die."

Boo rubbed Valeria's back silently.

Verlie nodded when Valeria asked the question, sniffling just a bit.
Valeria sniffles, her brunette hair covering her eyes slightly. "Or should we stay here?" She sniffles.

Lance rubs Verlie's back gently, and shakes his head. "I think you two would be safer here.." He watches as police go door to door asking about Jessi. Jessi's mother who lived a few houses down could be heard screaming and crying, her little brother was only eight. Eight years old and he saw his older sister dead.

Valeria hiccups slightly, and whimpers.
Verlie gulps at the screams, flinching when she hears the crying. "I don't want to go anymore." She croaks, fresh tears coming to her eyes. "I don't want to go anywhere." She stood, rubbing her arms and walking up the steps to make her way back inside the emptied house.

"Do you want to go inside too?" Boo asked.
Valeria nods, follow Verlie. She sniffles softly. "I don't understand..." she says softly, a few more tears dripping down her cheeks.

Lance looks to Boo, following the girls inside.
Boo glances at Lance and walks with him as they make it back into the house.

Verlie sits down on the couch, burying her face in the cushions as her shoulders slowly stop shaking.

Boo leans against the wall, looking out the window in silence.
Valeria cuddles up against Verlie, holding her from behind, letting her tears soak Verlie's dress. Valeria looks to Boo and Lance, "do either of you have clothes we can change into? I need to get out of this dress.." she says weakly.
Boo nods. "I have some in my car. I'll be right back." He said, turning and making his way out the door. Verily turned, wrapping her arms around Valeria and holding her tight.
Valeria buried her face in Verlie's dress fabric. She sniffles softly, a few tears dripping onto her dress fabric.
Boo came back inside the house after a few minutes, closing the door behind him softly. He held a small duffle bag in his hand.

"Here you two go." He said softly, giving them the bag.
Verlie took it from her after, looking through it as well. She grabbed a huge sweater and some shorts from inside his bag before getting up. She took Valeria's hand and lead them to one of the bedrooms to change.

Boo sighed, sitting down on the couch before glancing at Lance. "This... This is absolutely crazy. Jess- she's gone..."
Valeria pulls off her dress, she felt gross and dirty. She sighs, "I need a shower.." she mutters, walking to the bathroom carefully, before starting a shower.

Valeria wasn't afraid to show her body, especially not to Verlje, they have been friends for what felt like ever.

Lance shakes his head, "this can't be real..." He hears the shower running, and sighs.
Verlie changes into her new clothes, snuggling into the sweater. She takes a deep breath, sighing as she watches Valeria go take a shower. She exits the bedroom, closing the door behind her before slowly walking back to the guys.

"Did this really happen? Are we all dreaming? My Jessie-poo isn't gone is she?" She asked, looking up at the guys with wide eyes.

Boo bit his lip, turning away.
Lance pulls Verlie into his arms, holding her tightly. "No, Verlie.. it's not a dream.." He says softly.

Valeria begins to wash herself.
Verily takes in a deep breath, shaking slightly in his arms.

"Jessi..." She mumbles, pressing her face into the crook of his neck as she tries her best not to cry once again. "Lance, I want this to be a dream..."
He strokes her hair, "I know, I know Verlie..." He says softly. He holds her like this for awhile, for as long as she needs.

Valeria gets out of the shower. She puts on the large tshirt and shorts. Walking downstairs she looks to Boo, she looked better, yet her lower lip trembled and she bit it hard in an attempt not to cry again.
Verily takes a few more deep breaths, trying to regain control of herself. She sighs before looking up at him. "Thank you Lance. I needed this." She admitted, wiping at her eyes.

Boo sends Valeria a small smile and opens his arms for her to hug him. "Come on over here Val."
Valeria wraps her arms around Boo, and whimpers, holding him tightly. "I want to go to sleep.." she whispers softly.

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