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•Mr. Death's blue eyed girls•


Boink Bean
Jar island, a quiet, small island located just East of Boston, where students who live on the island are forced to take a ferry to and from school everyday.

It's the summer of 2016, and Jar Island is warm and beautiful as usual, tourists buzzing the streets taking pictures, visiting shops, going surfing, and lolly gagging around parks drinking coffee and conversating.

Yet Jar Island's darkest summer is beginning, and no one is prepared for the horror and grief that is going to poison Jar Islands residence..
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Valeria laid on her pink towel, the sun dancing over her lightly tanned skin. She wore a white bikini with a pink bow between the breasts and another pink bow on the front of the bottoms. She has her silky brown hair spilling over her shoulders like silk. "Lance!" She calls, sitting up, "when are they supposed to get here?" She asks referring to Boo, and Verlie. They all have all been friends for years now, Verlie and Valeria were super close.

Lance shrugged, "last time I texted them they were on their way." He tossed the Frisbee back to his friend Chad, who caught it and chuckled for almost falling.

Jessica laid on her violet colored towel, basking in the sun. Her blonde hair in a messy pony tail. She wore a black bikini with violet bows similar to Valeria's.

A few minutes later an SUV would pull into the parking lot right next to the beach. About six people would file out of the car, two of them being Verlie and Boo.

Verlie wore a pair of black shorts that hide her Hawaiian styled swim bottoms though her top was out for full display. She walked around, smiling and talking with other people as she walked onto the beach with Boo in tow until she saw Valeria.

"Valeria!" Verlie shouted, running over to her best friend as Boo continued at his leisurely pace. He took notice of Lance and sent his friend a small wave and grin for what would happen tonight.
Valeria smiled excitedly, getting onto her knees to hug her friend she hadn't seen since yesterday.

The brunette looked to Boo and smiled politely, before beginning to talk to her friend about a few guys around the beach she had seen. A few tourist guys walking around slowly, taking their time admiring the beach and the girls.

Jessi slowly sat up, her skin shiny and lightly sun kissed. She smiles at Boo, her cheeks lightly flushed, before slipping off toward the bathrooms where there were a few vending machines around the back.

Lance caught his Frisbee and hurled it back to Chad before ditching the game to approach Boo, Valeria and Verlie. "Hey guys." He said with a smile. He wore black shorts with A White tied lace to prevent them from falling, leaving his upper body to be admired. "You guys excited for tonight?" Referring to the party they planned to go to at Chad's.
Verlie smiled, hugging Valerie tightly before giggling.

"The boys do look really cute here today. Score!" She said, a grin on her face. Boo glanced at Verlie and sent her a small smile before looking over at Lance when he'd come over to them.

"Tonight's going to be wild!" He replied, nodding his head in agreement. "I'm talking getting drunk and everything."

"I hope everyone doesn't get too wasted. That would cause problems." Verily said with a small smile before grimacing as she remembered a party gone wrong.

"I think we'll be fine." Boo said, his eyes on Jessi as she walked away. He licked his lips as a small smirk came to his face. "Excuse me if you may..." He mumbled, leaving the group and walking in the direction he'd seen Jessi go.
Jessi goes behind the building, no one else was back there. She pulls a few dollars out of her bikini top, and puts a dollar into the machine. She punches in the number and bends over slightly as she grabs a lemonade. She fussed with her money slightly, the cold drink pressed against her light sun kissed skin. She tosses her wavy blonde hair over her shoulder gently as she buys a small bag of chips.
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Boo made his way over to the vending machines, watching Jessi quietly as she got her drink. He smirked, walking over to her.

"Hey Jessi..." He said, his deep voice breaking the silence between the two. He leans against the vending machine she's at, a smile on his face.
Jessi looked up, a bag of cheetos in one hand and lemonade in the other. "Oh, hey boo!" She said with a pretty white smile, her lips a deep shade of pink, almost red. She looked up at him and tilted her head slightly, "you come over here just for me?" she asks, blushing lightly.
"I see no one else but you so yes." Boo joked, a teasing grin on his face. Despite being an ass to pretty much everyone else, Jessi held a special spot within him and he could never find himself to be rude to her.
Jessi chuckled, shaking her head. He blonde hair ruffles in the wind. "want some?" She asks, holding out the bag of chips for Boo. She licks her fingers gently, her tongue a soft pink. She looks toward the sea, "you surf?"
Boo shakes his head at the offer. "No thanks Jessi. I've got my own food. Besides, I'm not all that hungry yet." He said with a small nod. "Thank you though. He glances back at the sea before turning to her. Pressing his hand to her lower back, he guides her back to where the others are. "Nah, I'm not a surfer. I'm sorry to say." He said with a chuckle.
She blushed as his warn hand touched her lower back. She smiled, "whatever Boo." She teased, beginning to walk back toward the group.

Valeria brightens, "Verlie, want to come to my place to get ready? I'll do your hair if you want." she smiles softly, her tan cheeks rosy.

Jessi grabbed her bag, digging through it she grabs a pair of white denim shorts, pulling them on over her curvy hips, She smiles her famous white smile. "I have to get to my place to get ready, I'll meet you guys at the party, okay?" Jessi smiles.

Valeria nodd, "sure, remember, 6 o'clock!"

Jessi checks her phone, 4:47pm. She nods, "alright, bye!" She turns to leave, walking past Boo, "See you later, Boo." She says in a soft, sexy tone, before walking toward the forest She had to cut through to get to her house.
Verily looked up at Valeria and smiled, nodding her head as she grabbed her bag. "I would love to go get ready with you! And for you to do my hair is just an added bonus for me." She said with a laugh before waving back at Lance and Boo. "Bye you two!"

Boo smiled at the girls and waved at them. "Bye Valeria, bye Verlie! Goodbye Beautiful!" He said with a grin.
Jessi disappeared within the forest.

Valeria lead Verlie to her car, a white jeep with pink rims. She unlocks her car, climbing inside. She tosses her bag in the back, and starts the car. She smiles at Verlie, "how do you want your hair done? Curled, wavy, straight, braided, what?"

Lance looks to Boo, and tosses a Frisbee at him. "So you trying to get Jessi?" He chuckles, backing up a bit so they could toss the Frisbee.
Verily thought about it for a moment, placing a finger to her lip. "Hmm.... Wave it up for me darling!" She said happily, getting into the car. "Make me beautiful!" She joked.

Boo looked over at Lance before watching the frisbee. "Why not? She's beautiful and I like her. Might as well." He said with a grin.
Lance shrugged, "she is young though, and pretty innocent. She-" suddenly two loud pops can be heared, sounding like a car's back fire. He jumps slightly, the noise loud and echoed slightly.

Valeria nodded, before pulling out of the parking lot and heading toward her house. she heard the bangs too, "did you hear that?" She looks around, "that was pretty loud." She pulls onto a main road, driving slightly faster then usual.
Boo rolled his eyes. "I know that Lance. I'm not going to do her wrong." He blinked, looking around. "What in the hell was that?" He wondered.

Verlie nodded her head, looking out her window. "Yeah, those were loud... I wonder what that was..." She mumbled.
Lance shrugged, "sounded like a car back firing to me." He catches the Frisbee from Chad, tossing it to boo.

Valeria shrugs, "probably some dumb kids messing around." She shrugs pulling onto her street.

(Time skip to the party?)

Boo made a small noise before jumping in surprise when the frisbee was thrown to him. He easily caught it before sending Lance a mock glare. "Dude!!!"

"I hope that's all it was." Verlie replied.
Lance stood in the kitchen, talking to a few of his friends, taking a shot of vodka.

Valeria walked into Lance's house, Varlie behind her. She wore a white tight dress that hugs her curvy body, with silver heels, her brunette hair curled perfectly. She looks around, "I wonder where Jessi and Boo are. "I bet jessi is with Boo." Valeria giggles.
Verily looked around, sporting tight red and black dress with her red heels. She smiled at a few guys, waving flirtatiously at them as she walked with Valeria. "Who knows? If they were together they'd be doing something nasty. You know how Boo is. He moves pretty quick."

Boo however wasn't with Jessi nor was he having sex. He was standing in a corner in the downstairs basement as some girl continued to try and gain his attention. He glanced down at her but said not one word. He was waiting for Jessi.
Valeria sticks out her tongue, "ew. Jessi is a virgin, she doesn't move fast like Boo." she smiles at a few guys.

When the street was blaring with sirens. at first Valeria thought they were crashing the party, yet they drove past the house and took a turn into the forest. Valeria got a sinking feeling, an ambulance and four other squad cars barreling into the forest.

"Come on." she took Verlie's hand, leading her outside. a herd of younger kids chases after the cars.

Lance walks outside also, "i wonder whats going on." he walks down the steps of his porch toward the forest.
Verily looked on at the scene with facial features that screamed worry. She walked ahead of Valeria, pulling the girl behind her as she began to walk quickly to where the cars had just gone.

"I don't like this Valeria..." She said, her voice just a bit shaky. "That's the way Jessi went earlier right? I don't like the feeling of this. Not at all." She said, stopping to take her heels off. Once she got them off she picked them up and sprinted off to her destination.

Boo heard the sirens and quickly ran up, ready to leave the place before he could get arrested. He saw the police cars going past and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's going on?"
Valeria looks at Boo, "something is wrong.." she takes off her heels chasing after Verlie.

Lance runs after the girls.

Valeria catches up with Verlie as they near a clearing. The horde of children run toward them screaming and crying. Valeria watches as a body is loaded into the ambulance. "Whats going on?" she asks, grabbing a young boy, before realizing That its Jessi's younger brother. He is bawling, "Jessi is dead! Someone shot her!!" he wails, running off toward his home.

Valeria whimpers, "w-what?" her legs feel weak.
Boo runs after the group as Verlie leads them. She's attacked with two sobbing children as they scream at her.

"What? What's going on?" She asks, looking over at Jessi's younger brother. She hears his words and her eyes widen in shock. "Jessi? Someone killed her?" She said, looking at the ambulance. Tears came to her eyes as she held onto the children tightly.

Boo gasped, leaning forward as he tried to catch his breath. He'd felt as though he'd just been punched in the stomach.

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