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Realistic or Modern โ ๐‘ถ๐‘ด๐‘ต๐‘ฐ๐‘จ ๐‘ด๐‘ถ๐‘น๐‘บ ๐‘จ๐‘ฌ๐‘ธ๐‘ผ๐‘จ๐‘ป. โž


๐™จ๐™š๐™š ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช, ๐™จ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™˜๐™š ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ฌ๐™—๐™ค๐™ฎ.
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welcome to blackthorne!

[div class=block style="background-color: white;"]A PRESTIGIOUS SCHOOL WITH A DARKi SECRET
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โ omnia mors
aequat. โž
death makes all things equal.
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Since it's opening in 1855, Blackthorne Institute has always been the top of elite boarding schools in the country. The grand mansion of a school lurks in the shadow of countryside, only a fifteen minute walk away from the local village known as Broadchurch. The Institute has produced nothing but exemplary students that have grown to become the next generation of british businessmen and politicians. Over a hundred years, Blackthorne strives for hardworking, determined and outstanding learners, and nothing short of talented. According to its reputation: they always succeed. The students relish in grand dorm rooms, endless after-school activities -- and of course -- an excellent education. But at what cost?

A long-standing rumour whispers through the hallways at Blackthorne Institute. Hushed voices speak about the school being haunted by vengeful ghosts, past students who have been done wrong. Students claim to hear voices echo through the halls, seeing pairs of glowing, red eyes staring through the windows from the forest that surrounds them. If you don't great the eerie portrait of the original headmaster as you enter the library, a cold chill will follow you for the rest of the day even on the hottest day of the year. Strict, strange rules plague the school with the staff claiming it's to keep the students safe and sound. And perhaps they aren't wrong.

A scandal loomed over the school in the late of 1969, in fact it nearly caused the school to close down, almost replicating the destruction of an empire. After what happened to Matilda Fischer, the school did everything to keep their reputation clean. The tragic story of what happened to Matilda Fischer has become twisted and strewn over the years -- blaming it on secret cults, demons that sneak in the night, another student who lost their sanity; but the core of the story stays the same, still terrifying students who believe the tale.

The fiftieth anniversary of the tragedy is inching closer. Recently, when the students returned from a break and a day or two before classes officially commenced, the school was found decorated in bright red graffiti. Not any fortuitous graffiti: Satanic symbols, messages proclaiming the Devil's return, and his reckoning coming for Blackthorne. Two students were expelled for the destruction but uncertainty of whether it was their fault, or was it something un-human coming to warn them, still floats through the air. Perhaps it was Matilda Fischer, coming back for vengeance. Teachers are on high alert, and students are constantly looking over their backs.

Whatever you do, don't scream.
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01. This roleplay is heavily inspired by dark academia themes, religious imagery and listening to Hozier on repeat. I expect this to be a mainly a dark themed roleplay with minor light moments. Do not join expecting happiness and doves.

02. This roleplay will also mainly focus on the teachers' perspectives, but also possibly featuring a small friendship group students. If you plan to have more than one character, please make them opposite genders.

03. This is not first come, first served. I'll be having acceptance rounds and then sending out a discord, which is a requirement for this roleplay.

04. Realistic face claims allowed; no anime or drawing allowed, please.

04. I expect detailed paragraphs, at least 2 paragraphs per post with readable grammar. Also to be reasonably active in the ooc and plot since this will be heavily focused on relationships, amongst other themes.

05. If there are any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to pm me.
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to be updated once links are posted.

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[div class="tabInterior tabInterior101"]PLOT.

[div class="tabInterior tabInterior102"]RULES.

[div class="tabInterior tabInterior103"]LINKS.[/div][/div][/div]
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I'm super interested ^^ The teachers' perspective is v unique and intriguing also we love one man, and his name is Hozier
i really shouldn't be joining roleplays considering i'm still on freakin' vacation but - i'm so interested, if i'll be able to get a form completed in time after i come home, lmao. but this sounds so damn cool.
Oooh, Iโ€™ve always wanted to try a darker themed rp and the teacherโ€™s perspective is definitely different but a welcomed difference. Definitely super interested.
Oh this sounds very nice.
teachers, you say ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
Should be interesting from the teachers perspective, fantastic idea
I'm super interested ^^ The teachers' perspective is v unique and intriguing also we love one man, and his name is Hozier
i really shouldn't be joining roleplays considering i'm still on freakin' vacation but - i'm so interested, if i'll be able to get a form completed in time after i come home, lmao. but this sounds so damn cool.
i have been waiting for something like this ! definitely interested
Oooh, Iโ€™ve always wanted to try a darker themed rp and the teacherโ€™s perspective is definitely different but a welcomed difference. Definitely super interested.
yep im interested
interested !

ahhh thank you so much for the interest !! i'll be working on the threads possibly later today or tomorrow, but if people are still interested and are curious, please feel to join !
you know iโ€™m h e r e for this
Hi! I just wanted to say that I unfortunately have to drop out of the RP. I was thinking and came to the conclusion that due to the amount of RPs I currently have and the fact that I'll be much busier soon, I won't have the time I want to have for more RPs. Your RP should have people that can be active. I hope you all have fun!

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