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Realistic or Modern Omega Max Prison

Luca watches the people fighting over supplies some guy brought. He then realizes someone just spoke to him and looks up to see her "Well its kinda true plus some people actually think I'm a kid while I'm actually way older than that" He says as he continues to watch the group of people fighting over supplies "Well I'm known as Hazard by most" He says with a friendly child-like smile. He tugs his long white sleaves down to cover his hands.
i get thrown into a forested area from above with a mighty boom the forested area is just left a crater and i scream in pain unable to move and finding it difficult to breath and stay awake. then as i lay their almost dying 2 swords one black and one white come flying at me as they scream- this is what you deserve you trash either survive here or die either way we will be free- then i pick myself up my wounds mending from a wave of shadows coming over me as the blades get enveloped i laugh insanely and disappear into the shadow wave
Asura Title (like a nickname):aj

Appearance: shadowlike camo with jet black hair black eyes and a black bandanna covering a scared face 6 feet tall


Power:can warp in and out of shadows at will so long as im in a shadow as well as manipulate the shadows to my will and in time can create my own shadows and my weapons can talk and control them selves if need be

Weapons:2 twin swords one completely black (nightmare) and one pure white (lunar)

Items: a very angry cat that has a link to my powers and stays by my side

Homeland: the shadow realm

oh and sorry i couldn't find the place or message anyone to ask if i can join
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So far the kid seemed like someone she could use - he looked young, so he could be used to manipulate others with how naive he appeared. That all depended on what the boy's actual personality was like, of course, which had yet to be discovered. Best continue talking to find out.

Nizah shook her head, "you wouldn't be here if you were just a kid, so I doubt anyone here will think that." She glanced at the bedlam of prisoners fighting for supplies with a strange mixture of amusement and disgust. Such disorganization made complete and yet no sense by Hobbsian standards; people naturally try to form societies in order to attempt to end a constant struggle for power, and yet in this society the organization resulted in nothing but a constant state of war. There was no way she was going to try to go in there alone.

She looked back at the boy. "Well, Hazard, I could probably help you get into the middle of that," she pointed at the mess of people, "But I need to know what your ability is to make sure it would work. Or..." Nizah tilted her head with a smirk, "I could probably help you get better things if you work with me."

Chthon Chthon
Oh, thank God, was the voice that rang inside her head. She took the cigarette, a little more desperate than she intended. She needed this, after not having one for quite a while. Sadine murmured a quiet thank you, before taking it with the sides of her two fingers.

Wasn't that gracious of him, she thought, as she took the tip between her lips and took a deep inhale of it. At least she wouldn't be forced to quit cold turkey, even in the place where she was trapped in for the rest of her life. Was that ironic? She couldn't tell.

Away from the people she knew, her friends, she was completely alone... Well, let's not think about that just yet.

"You think... " she coughed midsentence, knowing she wasn't exactly making a great impression, "I'd be able to join?" She cleared her throat, "...your crew, I mean."

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
I start looking around and sniff the air and recoil from the smell-where the hell am i-tries to take a step and collapses from pain-what did those basterds do to me-touches my legs and i start mending the bones-if they werent already dead i would kill them..HELLO ANYONE OUT THERE
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Cete had to raise an eyebrow when he saw he take the cigarette as if her life depended on it, but he couldn't say anything, after all he was like that before he came here to the dome. He taken aback by her request to his crew as she called, so who was he to deny her that. "So you wanna join us? Sure, welcome to the Freeman's, I'm Ezra but I mostly go by Cete here." Sure his name was weird but he preferred using Cete which was his middle name.
budgieboi budgieboi
Start walking in a random direction hoping to run into anyone so i can figure out where i am and as i walk my cat roxy jumps onto my shoulder and moews in my ear-where have you been little one-pets her as she purrs- you wouldnt know where we are would you-merow-i thought not, oh well
Leco looks at the crowd it would be useful to have someone to help him get over there. Considering the fact that there are so many people trying to get the supplies"Well I do need to get over there, My power is electricity " He says as he snaps his fingers causing a spark to jump from them.
Nizah's smirk broke into a grin. Oh, this guy could definitely be useful. Too bad they didn't have a bucket of water to dump on the other prisoners, though; then she could just let him have at it and send sparks all across the mess of people. Then again, if there were someone whose power negated his, it would be a risky move.

"If you keep in contact with me, I can keep us hidden from the others and navigate through the crowd," Niza explained, elaborating her earlier statement about being able to help get some supplies. She frowned for a moment before adding, "There's also the option of joining a gang to earn more supplies, of course." Honestly, she wasn't in favor of such an idea, though it was seeming more appealing with the current squabble for goods.
She took another deep inhale of her cigarette, this time, much more deeper and slower, as she listened and comprehend what he just said. She exhaled, afterwards, as she took a minute for it to sink in.

Wait, just like that? Well, that was... easy.

"Er," Sadine replied, taken aback at how quickly he accepted her request, similarly. So, there wasn't any initiation, or razing, or anything...? Well, for the razing part, that probably would have came later on, but still... She probably should have been cautious at this, maybe, but she couldn't help but be somewhat relieved. At the best, at least she'll have a place to come to. "Y... yeah, I do," she said, as she nodded, "Sorry for asking, but do you really accept people that easily into your gang?"
Cete smirked before patting her head, but taking his hand off quickly. "I don't really care what you did or who you killed before, what I care about is if you will follow me in every step and not betray us? Will you not kill anyone unless necessary? Will you only kill those who want to hurt our gang? Our family? The innocents?" As he said before, he didn't care what you did but he didn't let anyone in who wanted to murder or rape someone, nor did he let traitors in. He himself had been one but what expected from the gang is for everyone in it, to treat each other as family. They were all here for life, and he knew that others didn't want to be alone. Those who didn't want to be alone, those who we're innocent, he called them family even if you didn't join him but became his ally. "The moment you join us, we will lay our life on the line for you, we will help you if you are ever in trouble. Just as long as you don't betray us." He had lost his family by betraying his own country and people, but now that he was here, those who wanted to be beside him, those innocents who couldn't do anything for themselves, he was gonna go through everything to make sure they still live. The moment you killed one of theirs, a Freeman, there was no redemption, they became the hunted and he became the hunter. "Answer those questions, and whatever you need, we will provide." budgieboi budgieboi

The violence spread like a contagion, fights erupting all around as people realized there was something valuable at the eye of the storm. Caught in the sudden press, Raelynn caught a few stray elbows as she pushed and shoved her way toward the edge of the crowd. She hadn't gotten far when something warm and sticky sprayed across the back of her neck and her shoulders. She jumped in surprise, whirling around as the crowd parted slightly with a sudden, communal gasp.

A rather ordinary young man with black hair, and dark eyes, stood there, clear of the spray of gore. Before him, two halfs of a man lay near one another, twitching. It was like a switch had been thrown as superpowers exploded all around. Bright balls of kinetic energy, waves of unseen force, fists of steel and stone, weaponry created by thoughts ... a truly impressive variety of carnage, like everyone suddenly remembered that they were superpowered. The ground beneath her feet began to ripple, moments later a pillar of stone jutted out into the crowd, propelling her and a handful of people skyward, and dropping them into the crowd.

Raelynn landed hard on her side, feet stomping and struggling all around. She managed to fight back to her feet and escaped from the bulk of the frey a few moments later. Standing there for a few seconds, her neck and shoulders still covered in a stranger's blood, bodies colliding in an orgy of violence before her eyes ... this wasn't life. This was hell. No one here deserved to continue ... no one.

And then the thought dawned on her ... the answer lay within the dome itself. A giant wheel of nuclear death ... and what if the force-fields weren't there to keep the blast contained, what then? It's not like the people outside the dome were any better. Just animals clawing at one another in an endless battle for satisfaction. Taking a few staggering steps backward, her eyes scanned the area until they found Mira again ... if any of the gangs had thought to keep some kind of record, it would be them ...

Moving around the edge of the riot, she soon came to where the Queen's guard kept a close watch on the fight. Slipping past those distracted souls who had been lined up to speak with her, Raelynn approached the woman slowly, her hands in plain view.

"... I uh ... I'm suddenly very interested in joining."

TL ; DR - The fight has grown in intensity, people are using their super-powers after Kyphon's display of power. Raelynn has approached Mira and asked about joining the Valkyrie.

Location: The Arrival Area Company: The DoomyFish The DoomyFish Condition: Functional Invincibility
Ariel watches as people are shot into the sky, amazed by the ability. She runs out of the way to avoid any falling bodies that are plummeting towards the ground. She runs down the street and realises she is in front of the 28's skyscraper. She enters the building she sees two guards by the elevator, she just walks up to the elevator and enters the guards enter with her. "What are your intentions here?" one of the men ask. "I want to become a 28, so I have come to join." Ariel says confidently. "Well, good luck." the other man says as the elevator dings and the doors open.

Ariel walks out and the elevator doors close behind her. Well this is going to be interesting...
Kai Clarke

(I wasn't told the RP started. >.< )
Kai woke up on an old, rickety bed, nauseous and aching. He really shouldn't have drank that vodka he found. He sighed and stood, stretching before checking the time. "Shit," he cursed. He should've been up hours ago. He was going to go surprise Billy Mongrel, the right hand man in the 28's and a friend to Kai. He always hung around them as he was apart of the gang. He should probably see if they ha any jobs for him to do today. He used his enhanced speed to shower, change, and all in all sort himself out for the day. Once this was done, he sped up the stairs and out the front door. He was almost as fast as the speed of sound but, if he went too fast, he'd pass out cold. It didn't suit him, passing out, as his fiery and energetic persona needed to always be moving, which is why he spent half an hour whizzing around the prison looking for a certain muscular molten man.
Mentioned - The DoomyFish The DoomyFish

Luca frowns when he hears her talking about joining a gang "As long as i don't have to join a gang i'll help with getting supplies" He says. He looks up at everyone crowding around the supplies. The things get even worse people just remember they have powers and the chaos gets even worse. Objects fly through the air and powers fly "Um quick question, But how are we going to get into the middle over that" He says pointing in the direction of the crowd fighting each other with powers.

Celo Celo
"Looks like we're on the same page," Nizah said as she studied the crowd of chaos that continued to devolve into madness as people began using their abilities. The abrupt murders made Nizah flinch. A gang suddenly seemed a bit more appealing, but stubbornness prevented her from changing course. She responded to Luca's question, instead.

"I can conceal us with my ability while you shock your way through the mayhem, or if you can use electricity from a distance, you could maybe 'shoot' some lightning while I keep you hidden from these guys." She lowered her voice before adding, "There's also the possibility of us stealing it later on. I can keep us hidden, after all."

Chthon Chthon
"No'Shooting' lightning I cant do it very well," He mutters as he has to dodge a very sharp rock with almost hits him in the head. "I think the faster i get through the chaos and grab some supplies the better ," He watches people fight each other "I would like to not have my head taken off by a rock." He says with a shiver at the thought of being killed by a rock. His hands sparks a bit "Just get me close enough to touch them and the supplies are all ours."
Nizah moved away from the boy as the rock passed by, golden eyes wide for a moment as she registered what had just flown past. With the dangers of being hit in the crossfire and Luca's words, Nizah moved her hand forward in order to place it on his shoulder in hopes of activating her power. "As long as I am making some sort of contact with you, people cannot focus on you. They can only see us like we're in the corner of their eyes, so they shouldn't be able to look directly in our direction, and should ignore us, as a result." She frowned slightly, "That doesn't mean we cannot be hit by any stray attacks, though. It's like a weird version of invisibility."

Chthon Chthon
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Sadine glanced upwards quickly when she noticed a hand come in contact for a huge quick second, though she didn't have enough time to really react, only merely wince a little. Guessed that answered her question. "Jeez, you think I could do that?"

"I don't think I'm really the type of person capable of raping anyone," she replied, with little humor, "So you don't have to worry about that, at least." She covered her mouth as she coughed once more, before continuing to speak. "I'm also not the type to try and kill a person without reason, and if you need to know, I don't usually attack people unless they attack me first." And, I'm alright to people who are kind to me, she would have said, but it seemed to be a general given. She wasn't lying, but of course she did guess her commitment, or loyalty would still be in question.

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
Cete started to take a few step beside her, giving her a neutral look as he stood beside her. "As long as you follow the rules, then you are welcome to join us." He smirked but the neutral look was still on his face as he held out his hand toward her. "Freeman stand side by side, no one left behind and protecting the innocent with our lives." Those were the simple chants that came from behind him, as all of his followers stood beside him, well except a few. He guessed that those few had left to join the 28s, and he would get back at then for it. But now he needed to show the girl beside him the location of where they all stayed at. "Follow me then." He started to walk slowly, but none of his gang members walked besides him, as they all waited for the newbie to walk beside their boss. budgieboi budgieboi
It were an odd smile, a smirk, but it was one that didn't seemed to linger towards any other emotions. Was that good?

Might as well believe that you were one decent vigilante, as it seemed, with a decent law system. Thinking about his words, it was something Sadine could get behind. Though, even if it might be some trick, it wasn't like she didn't have an ace up her sleeve. She was pragmatic, willing to take any chance to survive and have a meal, but she wasn't overly, or even rightfully cautious, and it was because of her power which made it so.

Powers. God, she nearly almost forgot about that, didn't she? From her impressions, the area seemed to be a regular old, worn out city, and she might as well though she found herself in an extremely urban area if she didn't know better. She knew that most people here did have a power, not all of them, but nearly all. Did he have that in mind? Was it something that she should even ask about?

She might as well see how this goes. "Don't see a problem with that," Sadine commented, though her voice were again more of a murmur than anything else. Taking another deep inhale of the cigarette as she did so with the other hand, before sighing out. She gripped his set hand, and continued to followed Cete to wherever he might be leading her.

"I'm, I forgot to introduce myself," she says ended, as she began her pace, "My name is Sadine."

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
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