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Fantasy Olympus: The Children of Gods [IC]

♡ Victoria Pazeratt, Apprentice to Aphrodite ♡

Victoria giggled and waved back. "No thanks necessary!" she quipped as he shut the door. Deciding that the gods wouldn't like it if she came out to breakfast in pajamas, she decoder to get changed. Heading back to her room, Victoria flung open her closet. Her closed was enchanted with extra space, and therefore held inhuman amounts of clothing. Victoria looked through them. Aphrodite had pocket out most of her clothes, but being Aphrodite, most of them were way too oversexualized, even for Victoria. After a period of deliberation, Victoria decided on a lilac sweatshirt and a pair of white shorts. Putting on a pair of sneakers and slinging Lovestruck's case over her shoulder, Victoria left her room.

Victoria briskly walker through the main corridor, stopping outside Soryll's door. One more quick jab at him before breakfast. Eases the mood.
Soryll Kazan|Hera's Apprentice Soryll's room was fairly simple in comparison to that of his peers. Whereas theirs had fancy wallpaper and magical desk, his was plain white, with a few posters here and there. The most noticeable think in the entire room was a small statue of Hera and a bowl set aside for offerings. It was simple, just the way he liked it.

The young apprentice strode over to his dresser, and picked out a nondescript t-shirt and some gray cargo pants. He thought his normal clothes might take away from the articles of cat clothing, but he doubted it.

He completed a few other menial tasks, such as refilling Achilles' food bowl, before he finally decided to head for breakfast. As he was leaving, he tossed a drachma into Hera's shrine.

When he stepped out and saw Victoria, he broke out into a grin. "Still here, huh? Couldn't stand the thought of being away from me?" he teased.

Literally Batman Literally Batman
♡ Victoria Pazeratt, Apprentice to Aphrodite ♡

She smiled. "Maybe I can't stay away from my adorable little kitty cat. Also, today's Mission Day, and a gentleman like you wouldn't leave a poor lady hanging without a partner, would you?"

Mission Day was a day when the Gods sent their Apprentices to mortal Earth to complete a training task while the Gods got drunk and partied. Pairs of Apprentices would strive to complete a challenge first. Everybody got their days's chores off. Except for the pair that came in last; they had to do all of the other pairs's chores. Mission Day had no pattern to it, but Aphrodite generally gold her Apprentice in advance about Mission Day.

"Whaddya say? I mean, you can't really say no at this point."

Soryll Kazan|Hera's Apprentice He nodded. She was right about that; he hadn't asked anyone yet, nor had he been asked. Plus, Victoria was fun to spend time with.

Though he'd hardly accept without giving her a hard time. "If I must." he sighed dramatically. He shot her a smile to let her know he was kidding.

"I don't know if I'm your best option, though. Besides my impeccable fashion sense," he tapped the cat ears, "I've not much else to offer." He retained his wit, but it was more than likely today would be a test of strength. He had a few tricks up his sleeve, of course, though they would do little but stall if he were faced with the more combat-oriented apprentices, such as Danny or Corey.

Literally Batman Literally Batman
♡ Victoria Pazeratt, Apprentice to Aphrodite ♡

"But if they send us on a puzzle one, you'll probably win. Remember the life-size chess?" Only a few month prior, they had been sent on a mission incoming giant chess pieces. Evidently Victoria was the only one who hadn't been taught chess, so that failed dismally. "Believe me, I chose you for a reason. I could have pocket Corey, or Alathia, or Jude, or Danny...well, probably not Danny, but you get the point." She grinned. "Plus, Spartan, remember? I can fight a bit. We can win."

"Anyway, their meeting can't be that much longer. Like to go to breakfast, my feline partner?"

FireMaiden FireMaiden beep
Anabelle, Apprentice of Hestia

Anabelle had been lost in thought for about half an hour, sitting in front of a lit, small fireplace that was installed in her room. To her, life up here on Mt. Olymp hadn't been much different from her life down on earth, thus why she often felt bored and spent most of her time in her room if there weren't any orders from Hestia.
With a heavy sigh she stood up again, extinguishing the flame of the fireplace, and left her room, locking the door behind her.

Slowly, almost as if in slow motion, she made her way to the garden, as she needed some herbs for a recipe. She entered the garden almost without a sound. By clearing her throat she broke the silence: "H-hello? Is anyone here?", she asked, almost entirely sure that Demeter's apprentice was around.

( RiversEdge RiversEdge [Noa Flores] )
Soryll Kazan|Hera's Apprentice Soryll nodded; he remembered the chess event well. It had been one of the few intellectual games hosted by the Olympians, and one of the few games he had actually won. He grinned. "Fair enough." He closed his door. "And breakfast sounds good. You think they serve tuna this early?"

Literally Batman Literally Batman
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♧Noa Flores♧
Apprentice of Demeter

If she were anyone else Noa might have honestly fell asleep by now. As it turns out tending to the plant life had a wonderful relaxation effect on her. She had laid in the grass, staring at the clouds as they floated past in complete bliss. Of course Noa would never actually fall asleep, not out in the open like this.

She perked up, hearing the sound of a soft voice enter the garden. Noa stood up, walking towards the entrance further and recognizing the apprentice of Hestia. "Oh, it's you Annabelle. I don't see you out often."

(Interacting with Capricornus Capricornus [Annabelle])
♡ Victoria Pazeratt, Apprentice to Aphrodite ♡

"Probably not, but I'm sure they'll make an exception for you," Victoria said with a roll of the eyes. "Can't wait for Hera to find out her Apprentice is stuck with cat ears because he lost a bet." She held back a hearty laugh as she entered the Throne Room.

As it happened, the Godly meeting was over. All 14 Gods stop and left the long table that served as a conference table of sorts. This was abnormal.Generally Hades didn't attend Godly meetings. He much preferred to remain in the underworld. However, today he was there, sulking around in his death God way.

At the end of the table was Zeus, God of Thunder. Despite his common portrayal, Zeus choose a younger appearance while on Olympus. Thick gold curls covered his head and were combed back. He had a similarly curly and golden beard. His eyes were storm grey, like clouds. He quickly began to take action after the meeting ended. First, he shouted. His booming voice somehow bounding through every room in Olympus, he shouted,
"Breakfast is ready. Come down here now. Apprentices, form partners while you're ahead. It's Mission Day today."

After that was done, he proceeded to nudge Hera.
"Hey, darling, why is your Apprentice wearing cat ears and a collar?"

Victoria quickly got herself something to eat from the infinitely (for real) buffet trays, and then sat down, deep in thought over something.

♦ Corey West, Apprentice to Hermes ♦

Before he could throw a strike, Zeus's enchanted voice flung itself through the arena. "Finally, food. Ooh, and it's Mission Day today." He slowly started to make his way towards the stairway. He looked at Alathia. "Umm..." He stated slowly, the words weren't coming out right. "Alathia do you have a partner today by any chance?"

Lost Lost NanLia NanLia CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse

Anabelle, Apprentice of Hestia

Anabelle was looking around to see if she could find Noa. She was surprised when she stood up, as she didn't see her lying in the grass.
To her remark she answered with a soft shrug and a smile. "Well it is true that I spend most of my time in my room because it's the closest to my home and to me, my home is where my heart(h) is.", she chuckled, a little proud of her pun, seeing as she was the apprentice of the goddess of the hearth.
"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting you, but I might need your help." She fidgeted around with her hands, mostly pulling and picking on the ends of her blouse. She often felt uncomfortable asking others for a favor as she didn't like to owe something to someone.
"Well I was thinking about improving my culinary skilks and so I needed some h-", before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Zeus' voice, calling every apprentice for breakfast. Only now she realized that she was quite hungry.
" Ah, seems as if Mr. Almighty is calling", she said pointing in direction of the diing halls. "Oh and it's mission day as well...", she murmured, mostly to herself, followed by a heavy sigh. Anabelle was clearly one of the least fittest of all apprentices, thus why she hated mission day. "Well I guess we should go, eh?", she asked Noa.

( RiversEdge RiversEdge [Noa Flores])
Zalis Aminos, Apprentice to Dionysus

Zalis was an eighteen-year-old newly chosen by Dionysus to be trained by the God. Zalis was new to Olympus, but he'd begun to grow used to the magnificence of it all. At this point in time, Zalis was sitting in the middle of the first floor garden, alone except for the comforting presence of the plants surrounding him. There were many different kinds of flowers and crops, but only one small grapevine, brittle and wilting. Zalis stared at the brown-tipped leaves from his spot in the center of one of the smaller clearings, studying how close to death it was. He decided to nurture the vine, just as his mentor would in his place. They were very alike, after all. Dionysus never would have chosen an apprentice that was unlike himself, of course.

Zalis was like a perfect match for his God, what with a full name that roughly translated to the Greek word for "tipsy." Little boy Tipsy and his mentor the drunkard. Dionysus wasn't really a drunk, but almost everyone thought him one for his power to change any liquid to wine and his devotion to the grapes that made such a beverage. Zalis ran a hand through his chestnut-brown curls and sighed, pushing himself up onto his feet. It was so depressing just sitting alone and pondering his own life and the situations leading to gaining Dionysus's favor. What a dork, he thought, dusting off his pants. What friends am I going to find acting like this?

Soryll Kazan|Hera's Apprentice Soryll flinched when he heard Zeus mention his attire to Hera, but made no move to hide from his patron goddess. Experience taught him that running was futile; he, was a mortal, and subject to Hera's many whims.

As he awaited Hera's inevitable arrival, he took a moment to contemplate his small dilemma. The problem was not the wager itself, but rather who he lost to. He doubted Hera would take kindly to the fact that he was beaten by Aphrodite's apprentice. The goddess of love's infidelity rivaled that of Zeus himself, and Soryll of all people knew that Hera tolerated no adultery.

Regardless, he didn't regret the bet. The little event had been enjoyable, and Soryll thought his own punishment was hilariously ironic.

He only hoped Hera would think so too.


Nirvana Dayton, Athena's Apprentice
Nirvana was bored. She it wasn't time to train yet, well, more she didn't want to at the moment. I mean, she could, but eh, there had to be something else to do. And sitting around in her room didn't do much, so off she went. Barefoot and armed, Athena's Apprentice exited her room, and started down the hall. She decided to go to the garden to like, take a nap or something. Or read, people sometimes left books down there.

Besides the garden was pretty anyway, reminded her of home. But this was home now, so that's a bit redundant. Either way, she was heading down to the Gardens to pass some time. She hurried down the steps, like always, jogged through the throne room to the gardens. She immediately smiled, taking a deep breath. She loves it here. Somewhere on matter what happened, she always felt calm and peaceful.

Even when someone else was there. And today, it was some guy dusting off his pants. Well, she was hored, and he looked bored, so why not talk to him? She just walked up, smiled and waved. "Hiya!" PseudoLives PseudoLives
Zalis Aminos, Apprentice to Dionysus

Zalis glanced up at the newcomer and hesitantly smiled back. He silently chastised himself for being so awkward; this girl looked pretty nice... more-or-less. Smart, too. Probably Athena's apprentice, or maybe Zalis was just dumb on his own. His self-esteem was shooting down, he realized with a hint of irritation for doing this to himself. What was up with that?

"Hey." Zalis found himself contemplating what to say. He wanted to be accepted as one of the dozen or so apprentices residing here, and an easy way to do that is to not be an ass. That's what he was shooting for, mainly, but he couldn't choose which would be the best out of "What's up," "Nice weather today," or "I'm Zalis and I'm terrible at holding conversation." All seemed equally embarrassing. His indecision was obvious on his face, especially if the girl really was of Athena.

"Do you enjoy coming to the garden often? I'm new, so it's the first really peaceful place I've found thus far," Zalis settled on saying. Maybe if he could relate with someone in this place, he wouldn't have to lounge around and fuss over a grapevine for however long his apprenticeship would last.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Alathea Titania
Her spar with Corey was interrupted by the announcement of Zeus for dinner and form them form pairs. She was a bit disappointed by this, but she welcomed breakfast. She was getting hungry after all.

"No, I still don't have a partner." She replied to Corey's question. "I usually just pair up with someone who doesn't have a pair yet. They always seem to decline when I ask them to pair up. I wonder why?"

Literally Batman Literally Batman
Vanessa, Apprentice to Poseidon

Waking up to the announcement of breakfast, Nessa sprinted to her dresser, grabbing a shirt and ran out her door, already wearing pants and pulling her shirt on as she sprinted to the buffet. Dammit! Late. Again. Of course, it was a Mission Day, too. And, figures, she didn't have a partner yet. Sorry, Poseidon. Nessa sent a silent prayer as she ran into the buffet, almost running into a table. Shit!

♧Noa Flores♧
Apprentice of Demeter

She chuckled, appreciating the play on words for what it was. Though her eyes lit up in curiousity. It wasn't often someone came to her for help. Well, unless they needed herbs or something like that. Noa paused, for once truly surprised. She hadn't thought that Annabelle even liked to cook. But then again she didn't know that much about her personally. But Zeus's announcement had interrupted them before she even had the chance to say yes. "Ah, mission day." She didn't really like it or dislike it. It was more that she didn't get what the point of it was.

Now there's an idea..."Yes, we should. Actually since we're already together would you like to pair up with me?" Noa asked this while they walked, not wanting to miss the meal. She smiled when she smelled the food in the distance. "Oh, and Annabelle...I would be more than happy to show you what I know about cooking. Whenever you feel the need."

(Interacting with Capricornus Capricornus [Annabelle])

○Jude Hallows○

Apprentice of Hephaestus

The voice bellowing through the halls made him jump. "Ah, guess I won't be getting anything extra." Jude shut the fridge door quickly before turning to Danny. "If anyone asks I wasn't going to eat anything. I was just....taking stock of our supplies." He said it jokingly, but he did actually monitor the amount of supplies they all had at least once a week.

Jude grinned, a laughed bubbling it's way up and out of his throat. "Mission day too. This just keeps getting better. Needed some movement, action!" He bounded his way towards the dinning hall. He turned back to glance at Danny as he ran. "Keep up man. Time doesn't wait for anyone!" With a second bout of laughter he was far off ahead, running in an effort not to be late.

(Interacting with No One)

(Mentioned- MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx [Danny Jackson])
Nessa, Apprentice to Poseidon

As she got in line for the buffet, Nessa heard shouting and laughing in the hall. She poked her head out into the hall, wondering what was going on, and saw Jude sprinting towards her. She yelped and pulled her head back in before he realized it was her spying on him.

RiversEdge RiversEdge
○Jude Hallows○
Apprentice of Hephaestus

Jude skidded to a stop, eyes wide in slight concern for a moment. Did he hit someone? But as he turned his gaze he let out a sigh and grinned. "Nessa? You went and had me thinking I knocked you over or something. Don't tell me that I startled you?" His eyes shone a bit mischievously before he chuckled and shook his head. He stepped in line with her, eyeing the buffet intensely.

(Interacting with @BilsGreat [Nessa])
Nessa, Apprentice to Poseidon

Nessa blushed and chuckled. "Maybe a little bit." Hey, at least she was interacting! As she was looking at the buffet, she turned to Jude. "Two things. One, do you want to go in front of me? And two, do you have a partner for the mission today?"

{Interacting with RiversEdge RiversEdge [Jude]}
○Jude Hallows○
Apprentice of Hephaestus

Jude raised an eyebrow at her for a moment. "Do I dandy go in front of you? Is that a way of telling me I can go ahead of you, because I'm fine with that." He side stepped around and ahead of her, grabbing a plate and loading it with practically everything he could see. "A partner you say? Oh right, for the mission day..." He took a bite out of a chicken leg and ate a bit before answering. "Nah, not really. Though I was thinking of asking Danny since he was hanging around with me this morning. Hah, I may have out ran him here."

(Interacting with @BilsGreat [Nessa])
Nessa, Apprentice to Poseidon

"Oh, okay." Nessa responded, slightly dissapointed and also slightly angry with herself. "Is there anyone you suggest I partner with?" she asked, grabbing a chicken leg and some scrambled eggs before moving further down the line.

{Interacting with RiversEdge RiversEdge [Jude]}

(Also, my username is Bi Is Great, just as one word)
○Jude Hallows○
Apprentice of Hephaestus

Jude hummed under his breath. His plate couldn't literally couldn't support anymore food. He settled on just grabbing some napkins and silverware at this point. "...mm...Sorry little miss. I can't really think of anyone right now." He shrugged apologetically. "But it usually always works out. I wouldn't worry about it."

(Interacting with that1aj that1aj [Ness]) (Thank you. I was trying to figure out why the heck it wasn't working!)
Nessa, Apprentice to Poseidon

"Alright, well, thanks anyway." Nessa said, grabbing some more food and silverware. She would just have to go back for napkins. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" she asked Jude, considering there wasn't anywhere else for her to really sit.

{Interacting with RiversEdge RiversEdge [Jude]}
○Jude Hallows○
Apprentice of Hephaestus

"I don't mind. We are all supposed to be working together at some point aren't we?" Jude smiled before going to pick a random table to sit at. He started in on his food almost immediately. Though he did keep an eye out for Hephaestus. He was hoping to get to talk to him soon.

(Interacting with that1aj that1aj [Nessa])

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