OLD RP - The Crownlands

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Victarion Greyjoy (Present)


[SIZE= 12px]Victarion entertained the thought of joining a melee, it had been a while since he had tested his steel.  Although a while for iron born may be a week for others, their culture was a warrior culture, the greatest in all the seven kingdoms or so they had themselves believe.  Victarion was aware of the strengths and weaknesses of his people, along with the sometimes narrow and borderline idiotic thinking, he had studied the failed rebellions and conquests of the pasts and could only see the same mistakes happening over and over again.  When the Kraken came onto the land it imploded upon itself and the greenlanders merely poked them back into the sea however on the waves they were almost unstoppable. "I fear my will be wrapping her arms around my neck for the majority of the festivities, do not think her a weak woman though Axell I will do you a service and warn you of her temper." It was rare for Victarion to even try and be humorous so he hoped Axell would appreciate that.  But before he had a chance to reply a man boomed his greetings from across the garden and began to approach them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Victarion wasted no time identifying the man, the way he touched and spoke to Axell gave off the impression of a friend, that was not a surprise after all. Tyrells were an ever popular family.  The stranger was young, couldn't be older than Victarion, maybe a few years his minor.  He wore the sigil of House Redwyne on his garments, likely of the main line the way he acted.  It did not take long at all for Victarion to come to the conclusion that this was Lord Austen Redwyne of the Arbor, his father had passed away recently leaving him and his sister Ave Redwyne to fend for themselves.  He glared at the young lord as he spoke to him [/SIZE]"..." [SIZE= 12px]Victarion paused for an extended period of time that filled the gardens with silence, it was a pain in the arse meeting all these new people in a short space of time, he could only hope that the drowned god would give him a break soon. [/SIZE]"Nay I don't believe we have... Well met Lord Austen, I have heard many things of you." [SIZE= 12px]He didn't specify what those things were of course, although he didn't necessarily have to as folk tended to take that positive.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]@Savagai @TheFordee14[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Victarion Greyjoy (Past)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Victarion shook his head at the man, he was a fool for doing such a reckless act.  If anyone else had caught him doing this then no doubt he would have lost the hand that plucked the poppy from the soil.  He spoke of a friend who let them into the Red Keep...  The fact someone was smuggling people into the red keep was warrant to continue questioning enough but Victarion still had his suspicions on the nature of this petty thiefs character.  It was just a gut feeling but the man seemed almost dishonest but he was unable to pin point in what exactly he was dishonest about. [/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]"You have my word I will not punish you or your friends... Now you best get out of here before anyone else sees you, I doubt you will receive the same kindness from them." [/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]He turned his back to the flower thief, waiting for him to disperse behind his back so perhaps he could be dishonest with himself about letting a criminal escape freely.[/SIZE]


"Of course thank you m'lord." Arin said before quickly walking out of the garden when the greyjoy had his back turned. So far so good on Arin's account. Now he just needed to get the poppy to a street urchin so that it would reach the guild safely and he could continue with his roaming of the Red Keep unimpeded. Of course if he ran into the greyjoy again he would either have to continue with this facade he had created of being a love struck servant boy or let him know that Arin lied to him so he could get an ingredient for the guild. In retrospect Arin thought it probably would have been okay to tell the greyjoy the truth, as they don't exactly have the greatest relationship with the hand, but he could just drop a hint for the Ironborn. " If you every are in need of any medicine go to the alchemist guild and ask for Arin. I'll do my best to repay this debt." With that Arin disappeared into the halls.
As he walked through the corridors to his room, a small hitch in his stride remaining from his duel though he was sure it would pass in time as he thought about the She-wolfs words. Reminding him of his answer Rhaengar, who had kidnapped Lyanna Stark and almost ruining the Targaryen dynasty if not for the perseverance of the mother of Dragons and the return of dragons to the world. However now the situation was different. House Targaryen had dragons, and Rhaengar would have never been struck down by Robert Baratheon and the rebellion would have ended in fire and blood, if it would have started at all. After the harsh lesson that Aegon the Conqueror gave the seven kingdoms if House Targaryen had dragons who would dare challenge the dragons actions except Dorne. the rest of them fell like so much corn stalks under the scythe of the farmer and who would be willing to risk rebellion when the only thing that awaited at the end was a dragons belly. These were not the days of the past and he knew he must have her. Beautiful and strong she was exactly what he wanted in a consort and saw today as only a tease of what might be able to come. "Never the less, I must be a bit cautious, till I take my throne my movement is still limited. Ethier way it won't be long now, just another week or two and I will have vengeance." He thought to himself, eagerly anticipating the day when all his preparations and careful plans would finally come to fruition.

He only had a few hours to work with, first going to the seamstress who made much of the royal clothing, who he knew would be staying in the castle to make a pretty penny of ladies who suddenly wanted their dress adjusted or felt their brought clothing wasn't noble enough for the occasion and quickly bought new ones. Stopping by he walked into her parlor, giving her a shock of a prince would come and visit her directly and when he asked to see her womans clothing she barley blinked when bringing out her most noble dresses and even ones she was fixing for others people, after all who would dare offend a princes nobility for other minor lordlings and ladies. He glanced among her wares before stopping in front of a dress he considered suitable. It was a low cut dress, blue, with a design in the upper portions and held together at the waist by a brooch he couldn't recognize, likely set aside for some Lady of the court. He turned to the seamstress. "From this moment you have four hours to send a servant to the quarters of Rae Stark and get the measurments for her dresses from her servants and resize this dress to those specifications. I don't care how it is done but I want in finished by then. Succeed and I will pay triple the cost of the dress and recommend others to your service and give you my patronage. Fail and I will see you don't work in the Red Keep again. And replace that brooch with a dire wolf, no reason to have some minor houses symbol on the dress." He said as he left, the seamstress vowing to have it done in time no matter the cost. He left, going back to his room to prepare himself, there was more work to be done after all.

-------- Time Skip 4 hours----

After he had finished preparing himself he walked now with two guards in the direction of the Lannister dinner. The seamstress had sent him an errand boy, telling him the dress was finished not long ago and he had sent back payment and promise to recommend her to others. He had also sent news along with the dress itself to Rae, claiming he would be expectant to see her at the dinner and that he would be waiting for her at the entrance to the Lannister quarter. However as he walked he came across someone he hadn't expected to see, making him pleasantly surprised. "Vaella, wandering the halls by yourself again?" He teased as he approached. He was wearing a handsome black shirt embroadied with a roaring red dragon near the left side spreading its wings as if about to take flight while the black almost seemed weaved with shades of red as if the entire outfit was aflame. "I would have thought you would know the Red Keep by now."

@ailurophile @Ms MistyEye

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[FONT= 'Courier New']Vaella Targaryen[/FONT]


[SIZE= 11px]Had her brother not spoken, chances were Vaella would not have noticed him for some time. Fortunately he did, and the violet-eyes beauty turned around to see who was speaking to her, her face instantly lighting up-- it had never really been a secret that she favoured her family above anyone else in the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms. She'd often claimed that she would die for each of them, although now that she was older and no longer just a scrawny little thing barely resembling a woman and carelessly brandishing a wooden sword, her promises meant a lot more and were certainly more sincere.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"I'm on my way to dinner, as it happens," Vaella replied with a coy smile, admiring her brother's shirt before looking back up at him, still appearing pleased that they'd bumped into one another, "Judging by your attire, I'd say that perhaps we are on our way to the same location." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]Compared to the delicate lavender of her own dress, which was very slightly sheer and displayed the silhouette of her body if she happened to stand in the right light, Aegon's shirt was much fiercer and more unique. Perhaps even their clothes reflected the differences that had come between the two siblings as they had matured. Brushing a lock of silvery-white hair from her violet eyes, she tilted her head to the side and continued to look up at her beloved brother.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"Do you mind if I walk with you? If you are heading to the same dinner as I am, that is. It'd be pointless if not," Vaella giggled a bit, brushing her fingertips against his forearm, "Not that I don't enjoy your company, of course."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]@Akio[/SIZE]




Lord Austen Redwyne

( PAST )

"Ha. I do not know, Axell." He began, "I am well- although I could, of course, be better." A lie. I am well-er than well. However, I must remain in an act of mourning 'til more time has passed. Austen looked at The Greyjoy, who had responded well to being called by the name 'Victarion'. Austen wanted to let out a sigh of relief at that, but he held it in. "All good, I pray." Austen said, slyly. He knew very well what would be said about him. He has always had a bit of an infamy that followed him around.

Of course, he relished in said infamy.





Rhaenyra Martell

( PAST )

She listened. Sometimes all a mother can do is... listen. Her eyes widened a lil' bit when her son confessed his love for a Lannister. 


When her son had finished, Rhaenyra looked at him. She sipped her wine and then placed the cup on her perch. She cupped her hand and placed her palm to his cheek. "I do see where you are coming from, son. I do." She began, "But-" She stopped. After a mother listens however, it is her job to give judgement. May that judgement be kind, or harsh. She must give it.

"Lewyn, I want you to follow your heart. I really do. There'd be nothing that would make me happier than to see you at your happiest. However, sometimes in life we are not allowed to be at our happiest." She said, "You are a prince. When you do indeed marry, it must be to someone that you and your house can benefit from. It cannot be to some Lannister 'cousin'."

Rhaenyra brushed his cheek.

"And I don't think Tiber Lannister would be interested in marrying his only sister off just yet." She continued, "And from the sound of it Lewyn..." Rhaenyra stopped. She didn't want to speak another word in-chance that it would fracture her boy's heart. "From what you've confided in me- I'm not sure if Celena is interested in marrying either." She put it politely. I can't tell him that she may not have any interest in him whatsoever.

"You, my son, are a man grown. So you are allowed to make your own decisions in this life. But you are too much like your father in that you are a very passionate young man. And there is a time where you must stop following your heart and instead follow your head."

[SIZE= 12px]Rhaenyra's hand fell from his face and she looked into his eyes.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]"Your heart may tell you that you love Celena Lannister. But you will come to love many another." Rhaenyra said, "If your uncle and Tiber Lannister see it fit to marry you and Celena- then so be it. Your heart will be satisfied, as well as your head. But if they do not see it 'fit' and you never marry Celena Lannister- you shouldn't worry. And you shouldn't chase after her. I wish you could. But I don't think you can, Lewyn."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Rhaenyra picked her chalice up and put it to her lips.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"You may accept this favour, if you wish. But remember she is only a 'cousin' of Tiber. She will never amount to anything. And you and House Martell will not amount to anything by marrying her." Her words were cold, but she thought them to be true.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]He may be maddened by them, but I have given him the best counsel I could possibly give at this time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]She sipped.[/SIZE]






Lord Austen Redwyne

[SIZE= 12px]"Disgusting." Austen spat. He held in his hand a cup of Arbor Red. Even at a Lannister dinner I cannot even escape 'The Arbor's Finest'. Austen hated the taste, which his family had always thought to be strange. His sister would oft comment on how 'ironic' it was. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Oh, hush. Can you not pretend to enjoy it, at the very least?" Ave replied as she sipped her own wine. Austen shook his head. "I can pretend to do a lot of things, sister. Enjoying our terrible wine is not one of those things, however." Ave rolled her eyes at that. They had been sitting at The Lannister's dinner for a little while. So far, Austen hadn't been enjoying it. He found it... too boring? His sister had done nothing but stare the eyes off of a Dornishman. He looks like Lewyn Martell. Although I can not be sure as I haven't seen him in years.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"At least humour me with a joke, sister. That may indeed rescue me from a death brought on by sheer boredom." He told her. He put the wine filled cup to his lips once more, but decided that he really did not wish to drink any more. "Why don't you go talk to Tiber Lannister again?" Ave asked. Her eyes not leaving Ser Lewyn.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]He froze.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"I didn't get to talk to him earlier. I could not find him."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Then where were you?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"I ran into Axell Tyrell, and a Greyjoy." Austen said. Although he wasn't telling the complete an' utter truth. Only half.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Ave, finally, looked at him. "I see." She said, her eyes digging into him like daggers. "Excuse me." She stood up and left, leaving Austen to simmer in his lies. I lie a lot. But I find it very hard to lie to my sister. Austen put his head in his hands and let out a sigh. One which he had been holding in for several hours...[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]When he looked up, he saw his sister by Lewyn Martell's side.[/SIZE]





Ave Redwyne

"I hope I'm not interrupting." Ave said softly as she stood beside Lewyn and a Lannister. She isn't Celena, but she looks like her- kind of. The girl seemed to look at Lewyn lovingly. We can't be having that, can we? Ave brushed hair away from her eyes. She stood there, awaiting a response of sorts. Her dress was different shades of light blue, with a hint of purple through-out. And, it showed just the right amount of skin she had hoped to show off. As her septa had always said,

"Always cover yourself up, because The Seven are always watching."

Ave never really did listen to her...



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[FONT= 'Courier New']Vaella Targaryen[/FONT]


[SIZE= 11px]Had her brother not spoken, chances were Vaella would not have noticed him for some time. Fortunately he did, and the violet-eyes beauty turned around to see who was speaking to her, her face instantly lighting up-- it had never really been a secret that she favoured her family above anyone else in the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms. She'd often claimed that she would die for each of them, although now that she was older and no longer just a scrawny little thing barely resembling a woman and carelessly brandishing a wooden sword, her promises meant a lot more and were certainly more sincere.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"I'm on my way to dinner, as it happens," Vaella replied with a coy smile, admiring her brother's shirt before looking back up at him, still appearing pleased that they'd bumped into one another, "Judging by your attire, I'd say that perhaps we are on our way to the same location." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]Compared to the delicate lavender of her own dress, which was very slightly sheer and displayed the silhouette of her body if she happened to stand in the right light, Aegon's shirt was much fiercer and more unique. Perhaps even their clothes reflected the differences that had come between the two siblings as they had matured. Brushing a lock of silvery-white hair from her violet eyes, she tilted her head to the side and continued to look up at her beloved brother.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"Do you mind if I walk with you? If you are heading to the same dinner as I am, that is. It'd be pointless if not," Vaella giggled a bit, brushing her fingertips against his forearm, "Not that I don't enjoy your company, of course."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]@Akio[/SIZE]

When Vaella smiled at him Aegon could feel a wide smile coming over his own features so instinctually he didn't even have to think about it. His sister was the one person in his family he never had qualms about and every time he saw her a mixture of happiness and want seemed to come over him in a way that made it hard to think about anything else. And indeed she seemed beautiful tonight as well, her dress soft and delicate which depending on the way he looked seemed to show more of her frame then expected which lead him to admire its well made craftsmanship and her most of all before bringing his eyes back to meet hers also seeming pleased to see her as shown by his eyes in a way her perhaps most of all could tell more then any other. "Indeed I'm on my way to the dinner, its my job to check on my guests and I felt it only right I made an appearance at the party." He said, his voice strong and clear as he came to stand next to her, with even though their attires were different still seeming matching and right with her at her side. "Of course, you know I would love to escort you to the dinner my sweet sister." He said lightly resting a hand on her head with a smile, before bringing her to walk with him. "You look beautiful tonight Vaella, you will stand out among any girls of Tibers court." He said, complimenting her as she walked.

[FONT= 'Courier New']Vaella Targaryen[/FONT]


[SIZE= 11px]"You've always been too kind to me," Vaella responded to his compliment with a blush, casting her gaze down at the stone floor bash fully as they walked. All through her life her family had showered her with compliments even when she had been little to behold, and yet even so, she still blushed and giggled like a young girl. "I did try to make myself presentable. It's sweet of you to say, although I did speak with some of the Lannister ladies earlier on, and they are a beautiful group."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]In truth, the princess was actually rather pleased about the prospect of perhaps getting the opportunity to mingle with the ladies again even if the encounter could only be brief-- she had already grown fond of their company and had grown to miss it within a matter of hours. It was not often she had such free conversations with people outside of her immediate family, particularly women.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"I still can't quite believe that you are to be wed tomorrow, my dear brother! You must be tired of people asking you how excited or nervous you are, so I'll hold my tongue in that sense. I'm just very proud," Vaella gushed, truly seeming to beam with almost motherly pride for a moment. She always got excited when one of her siblings got married, but for some reason seeing her darling Aegon married off made her the proudest she had been. Maybe it was just the fact that the two were so close.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]@Akio[/SIZE]

Lewyn (Past)

Lewyn sat there quietly, listening to his mother and digesting her words. Lewyn had always been a good listener even from a young age, he didn't talk much or was particularly loud or boisterous. He never had an eye for politics like his sister but he knew how to wait and listen, even when it was something that perhaps he didn't want to hear. He knew in a way his mother was right, he had a duty to house Martell and he would not be able to marry Carysee no more then he could marry a crofters daughter being one of only two direct blood of house Martell his marriage would be at least partly regulated despite his grandfathers promises to let him marry for love he could really only marry one of similar birth and he could not shame house Martell though he was uncertain if there was really shame attached to it and thought her words were a bit harsh though he would never call it out.

"Don't worry mother, I never planned to marry Celenas cousin. It was just kind of... A means to an end." He said the words hesitantly. He thought those words were cruel on his part but wasn't it that what she was? The only reason he had considered taking her favor was become it would make Celena happy. He could take her favor, but after that it would be cruel to lead her on longer when it could not work. But never the less he felt his mother was misunderstanding something about Celena, or at least, not saying what she really thought. "But mom I don't think you know but Tiber will not chose who Celena would marry. She told me that Tiber promised her when she was younger that he would not chose who she would marry and that she could chose her own husband. Perhaps shes not interested in marrying right now but I want her to at least recognize my feelings, even if I have to wait." He said, trying to find words to explain what he wanted to say but was so impossible to describe

"I love her, I like to be around her and to talk to her, just to enjoy her company. She had kindness, but also strength in her that I can't describe. I want to help her and protect her, to give her my home and hearth to share and her troubles and her hurts. And I want to make her happy, to give her whatever she wants to see her smile. Isn't that how love is? Isnt that how you felt for my father, you only knew him for a year before he had to go away for war but didn't you love him?" He asked, his voice both needing and desperate all at once as if he desperately needed that assurance of what love was because if he didn't then he wouldn't know what he felt anymore.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lewyn after he spoke, felt himself not paying the same amount of attention he should have to Carysee after he agreed to take her favor, his mothers words still ringing in his ears. It was a relationship never meant to work, he could take her favor to please Celena but it was a relationship that would never work in the end. He couldn't focus on it and shouldn't etheir for it would do no good for him and his house. Even if he had set aside his duty of heir he was still a son of house Martell and needed to be aware of his actions, even if it meant perhaps action more callous then he was originally comfortable with. Around that time he heard a familiar voice behind him, the second girl his mother had warned him about and he felt himself stiffin slightly. "Of course your not disturbing, Lady Ave." He said politely to her. He couldn't help but admit she was beautiful but he didn't know her and right now with Celena so close to him and with Laenor distracting his attention he didn't seem to notice her dress for long before almost subconsciously glancing in Celenas direction.

Almost exactly at that time he saw Laenor from across the room stand which caused him to freeze and his hand around his cup tightened till he felt the cup begin to hurt his hand with the force of the grip as his muscles stood rigid as if to stop him from getting up and going over to the man. He knew where he was going from the second he stood and followed his progress with his eyes still he came and stopped at the Lannister table as Lewyn starred at the conversation, for the moment almost all his attention focused as the twos meeting, his eyes seeming to become dark in the light till they were almost black as he seemed to be gritting his teeth as well, in a way if anyone had been alive from that time who remembered might have been compared to Stannis with the strength he was putting into it as if he was having a hard time keeping a half pleasant expression.





Leanne Lannister

[tags] @WanderingJester @ArisenMoon 

[mood] welcoming

It was brief, but for Leanne it was still enough to have her husband's eyes on hers for a few simple moments in which she could forget about everyone and simply bask in the love that was hers. Her arm heated up where he'd kissed it, and she felt a flush travel up her arm to the pale of her cheeks. So what if they were in the middle of a dinner party where every guest could behold there every action and word - Then Edwyn's voice and Leanne realized she'd been half-way off her chair, leaning into her husbands warmth in the heat of the moment, and scrambled back towards the solitary of her seat. She put an agreeing smile to her lips at her husband's pacifying words he directed towards the more general population, twisting at a strand of hair to distract from the rosy flush she was sure had darkened her cheeks. Pull yourself together, she mentally chided herself before double-checking that her sons hadn't noticed the.. Scandalous behavior.

Picking up the glass once more to take a invigorating sip of the wine, Leanne met her husbands eyes to smile once more before turning to the meal of varying substances. She'd heard 'raving' reviews on the boar and supposed that wouldn't be too bad an option although she wasn't much a heavy meat person. Another twos entrance briefly pulled on the Lady of Casterly Rock's curiosity, eyes flicking upward to meet the entrance of two. People tended to travel in twos here, Leanne pondered pushing a smile on her lips as the man made his way to her husband. He was familiar in the worst of ways - the kind of painful familiarity that put ones name on the tip of your tongue yet didn't help to relieve the itch in any way.

Her husband spoke the house name and Leanne recalled him as being the warrior who had quite literally swept her sister-in-law off her feet.  He seemed distracted and Leanne realized her eyes had been on him for much too long to be politely appropriate and returned her gaze to the food. Or would've, had it not been for the familiar voice that addressed her. The smile was now a natural one as the Lady of Casterly Rock turned to consider her adopted brother with ebullient eyes.

"It's fine of course, Tom. Everyone has there duties and I would never look on you any differently for addressing yours," she would've hugged him any other setting, but then again she didn't take Tom to be much of a hugger irregardless. "you've met my husband of course?" gesturing towards the fore-mentioned man accordingly. "But don't let us stop you from sitting and getting some food. I'm sure your starving so please do sit, eat,"

[FONT= 'Courier New']Vaella Targaryen[/FONT]


[SIZE= 11px]"You've always been too kind to me," Vaella responded to his compliment with a blush, casting her gaze down at the stone floor bash fully as they walked. All through her life her family had showered her with compliments even when she had been little to behold, and yet even so, she still blushed and giggled like a young girl. "I did try to make myself presentable. It's sweet of you to say, although I did speak with some of the Lannister ladies earlier on, and they are a beautiful group."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]In truth, the princess was actually rather pleased about the prospect of perhaps getting the opportunity to mingle with the ladies again even if the encounter could only be brief-- she had already grown fond of their company and had grown to miss it within a matter of hours. It was not often she had such free conversations with people outside of her immediate family, particularly women.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"I still can't quite believe that you are to be wed tomorrow, my dear brother! You must be tired of people asking you how excited or nervous you are, so I'll hold my tongue in that sense. I'm just very proud," Vaella gushed, truly seeming to beam with almost motherly pride for a moment. She always got excited when one of her siblings got married, but for some reason seeing her darling Aegon married off made her the proudest she had been. Maybe it was just the fact that the two were so close.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]@Akio[/SIZE]

Aegon couldn't help but feel pleased when she blushed and looked at the floor bashfully. Unlike some other woman he had been forced to compliment over the years, some genuine and some not, she never seemed to take his word for granted and always made him feel appreciated with every word. Which after years of being ignored by most people in favor of pleasing his older siblings and even what achievements he made being compared his brothers own was more then he had gotten from anyone else, even by the simple acknowledgement that made it so even when he stewed on the rest of his family with growing hatred he had never applied it to his sweet and caring sister and she almost seemed apart from the rest of the family that in his mind was nearly impossible to occupy by anyone else.

However he wasn't liking that she was bringing up her wedding again. It was necessary to his plans but he was not completely happy about it, after all he much rather marry the woman at his side and while Isla wasn't a complete bore he was marrying her for her troops, not her personality though she was a pretty enough broodmare to bare his heirs. However most of all that annoyed him was that look in her eye. It was more motherly then anything else and he didn't need her to be a mother, nor did he want her to be. Never the less he hid his feelings behind an affectionate smile because in the end she was still his sister. "We may have to wait a bit once we get there, I have a guest I'm bringing who needs my word to attend since the event is mostly private."

Rhaella Targaryen

[tags@Akio @ailurophile

[mood] apprehensive

Her walk had ended much sooner than she'd expected with the boisterous entrance of a guard who alerted her to a Lannister feast. "Is attendance mandatory," Rhaella had quipped, to herself of course, although the guards unneeded response had been less than satisfactory. That he'd bothered responding at the affirmative at all was an unforgivable offense. So Rhaella had made sure his attendance in the stables helping to clean the excrement of the many foreign horses was a mandatory event. 

It was truly shame that her walk had been cut so short. Rhaella had hoped to make herself busy with the weapon rooms, or perhaps busy herself in the dragon pits boring Gaelyx with every historical recount of woman warriors she could recall. But then again that was something she could do any day, and she surely did so. Her daily routine had long since soured and took on what Rhaella could only call the most boring of emotions, so there hosting of all these houses was in a way a blessing in disguise. She wouldn't be dying of boredom any time soon at least.

She'd returned to her rooms directly following the event that she was thus far highlighting as the most exciting event of the week. Which in itself was a sad one. Perhaps that was why she'd felt a flicker of excitement at the prospect of a party of sorts. She'd actually never been one for dressing up for such events - her child-hood consisted of tantrums and "I-don't-wanna's" when it came to such events, but Rhaella highly doubted that either would be appropriate for this event.

After all, she was sure the Lannister's in all there blonde glory wouldn't appreciate her screaming and writhing on there decadent little tables.

A wry smile shaped the Targaryen's lips. She'd selected a dressed of the same facet of purity as the previous one, a white number of a halter design, with a considerably long slit down its center. It was backless as well, although what it lacked in modesty it made up for in it's long length, touching the floor and concealing the brown boots Rhaella knew her mother would've scowled to look at.

But they were comfortable and Rhaella preferred them to the sandals of various ridiculous fabrics and designs that littered her room.

Her hair was down, draped in it's pale grandeur over the skin of her bare back. It was too plain, Rhaella decided before selecting a silver hair piece from the collection on her desk. It stung for a moment where she'd pushed the sharp metal too deeply into her scalp but the Targaryen ignored the pain in favor of making a quick exit from the darkness of her room. The Targaryen started towards the Lannister's quarters in her usual brisk motions, the slight click the accompanied her boots making contact with the floor the only alert of her movement.

The two figures standing conspicuously close to the entrance briefly halted the Targaryen as she caught the gleam of white hair and the slender figures that were her siblings. Closer inspection helped Rhaella to put names to the faces - Aegon and Vaella. She wasn't a smiler but she made an effort in this extenuating circumstance. They were her family after all.

"Aegon. Vaella," she acknowledged them with a dip of her head. "don't you too look nice," there being outside rather than within the little feast already drew curiosity to Rhaella's expression, although it was barely discernible from beneath the smile that creased her lips. Catching the last couple of words he uttered about waiting for someone, Rhaella met his eyes. "are you waiting for the wife-to-be?"
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[FONT= 'Courier New']Vaella Targaryen[/FONT]


[SIZE= 11px]There was no way Vaella could have known that her motherly streak irritated her brother somewhat, but thankfully she seemed to lose that look of pride when they moved on from the topic of the wedding again  and returned to her usual self. She flashed him a smile and nodded, curious as to who he might have invited. As they walked and adjusted the neckline of her dres; as it was a rather plunging neckline, she had to make sure it sat right. After all, she only wanted to display enough to attract a little attention, she didn't want to expose [/SIZE][SIZE= 11px]herself or seem... Whorish, perhaps that was the word she was looking for. No, no, Vaella liked to consider herself as anything it a whore-- besides, she was as pure as the day she was born.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"Rhaella!" Vaella's greeting was a touch more enthusiastic than her sister's and she actually moved as though to trap the girl in the same at of hug their brothers had received earlier that day, yet stopped at the last minute to contemplate the question. She pursed her lips for a moment before smiling and looking back up at Aegon[/SIZE][SIZE= 11px], resting her hand on his arm again. Physical contact had always been something that Vaella had like and yearned for.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"I'm not too sure myself, dear sister. I was just about to ask."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]@Akio[/SIZE]@JustJazzy
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Aegon was a bit surprised when Rhaella approached them, he knew all the Targaryens were invited but Rhaella was always a bit of a loner, a scrappy girl who had no interest in marriage or doing any activities that resembeled something lady like instead preferring to fight with the men and do thing for herself. He had trained with her more then once and honestly unlike his brothers which he mostly despised his sisters were harder to classify. They had no claim to the throne so he didn't see them as a threat, he would have though that after the mother of dragons that woman might have been put in the path of inheritance like in Dorne but there was no change in inheritance laws. In addition when ignored by his brothers he got closer to his sisters, training Rhaella and adoring Vaella through their time in Kingslanding. Part of the reason however was likely his own body if he had to admit to himself, his sisters were certainly beautiful and that likely affected his perception.

"Rhaella." He said, affection clear in his tone though perhaps a shade less then when Vaella had appeared though unlike Vaella he made not move to give her a hug. Aegon was a physical person but really didn't give much physical affection to his family other then Vaella. When they asked he grinned a bit and crossed his arms, seeming a bit smug remembering Rae. "My wife to be did not profess any desire to come with me so I'm not asking her to share my duty to entertain my guests to our wedding. I am waiting for Rae Stark, who I had the pleasure to meet earlier. Shes a bit like you Rhaella, a fighter and warrior at heart and I decided to invite her to entertain me here, as I was not sure you two were coming." She said looking at them with amusement.

@JustJazzy @ailurophile @Ms MistyEye

[FONT= 'Courier New']Vaella Targaryen[/FONT]


[SIZE= 11px]"Hm, that's interesting," Vaella mused, tapping a fingertip against her plump bottom lip before giving a soft laugh and nudging her brother with her arm. "Well, you just be careful that you don't accidentally offend anyone. You know how touchy some of these people can be," She added teasingly. In Vaella's eyes, her family really could do no wrong, especially Aegon as she was so fond of him. Love and affection often blinded the young woman, that was a problem.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]"I am excited to meet her! I don't believe I have greeted the Starks yet," She explained, then winked and jokingly remarked, "Although I have heard that your new friend's brother is a handsome one."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]@Akio[/SIZE]

Rhaella Targaryen

[tags@Akio @ailurophile

[mood] apprehensive

Seeing her sister pause before hugging her drew just the slightest bit of dejection from Rhaella. No, she really wasn't much a hugger but there were always exceptions to the rule. She stepped forward to draw her sister in a hug of sorts. She wasn't actually sure how to engage in the "hugging" properly so she only hoped it involved a short squeeze and that was enough for her to step back and once again respect her sister's personal space.

Her brother's response drew the Targaryen sister's eyebrow up the moment she heard the word 'Stark'. She wasn't one to judge her brothers.. taste's but she did think it a bit ironic for a Targaryen to take a Stark of all things to the wedding. Of course it would have been a bit odder if they were of the Lannister house, Rhaella mused before pushing her thoughts away in favor of glancing at her brother.

"I suppose that should be interesting," she felt her brother privately was playing a dangerous game in his choice of plus ones but it wasn't her place to say so. "just.. Be careful with that I suppose brother."
Rosyn Lannister

The Lions' Supper, The Red Keep

For the better part of a year Rosyn had heard a half dozen different version of Celena's coronation from as many different people. Every tale had most of the same core elements; the tounament, the Lion Maid's excited attention, the frozen moment when Ser Laenor had ridden past a bevy of the Realm's acknowledged beauties to place the crown of beauty on her head. Her breath had caught and she'd stared lingeringly after him as he rode away... to war. Some said she had been pining after a callous lout just after a moment of acclaim. Others said it was true love and wrote rhapsodies over the passionate romance they'd nearly had, and would doubtless have again - just as soon as he came back for her. Team Laenor and Team Lewyn, there were as many factions and rivalries as in the War of the Five Kings; the only three who were above it all were the principal parties. But then, it was a family affair - and Celena wasn't invited.

"You are too kind, Ser Lewyn; I know Cary will be delighted to cheer for you, fighting in the melee in her honour. For the Lion and the Sun alike!" She dimpled at the dashing Dornishman, seated beside her. "I must admit I have never ventured as far south as the Dorne. We fish have a way of drying out and dying when we get too far away from the river or the sea," she shuddered playfully, "but you make the water gardens sound quite delightful. Perhaps we can visit one day?" She stretched out a hand for her silver goblet and took an appreciative sip of the Arbor White - then raised it to him. "Ser Keren speaks highly of your gift with a sword - he tells me he's never seen your equal as a swordsman in ten years or more. But why have we never seen you joust? You must know how, Ser Knight - or didn't they teach you before you earnt your spurs?" she teased gently. He was a good man, Lewyn Martell. She could see why so many of her near-family favoured him.

"What do you think Cary," she threw a smile across at her merry young sister, "don't you think Lewyn would make a peerless knight in the joust - carrying all before him?" In truth there weren't that many famed knights showing interest in the jousting at this particular wedding tourney, though there were plenty of younger knights hungry for fame and glory. Like Ser Karan and Ser Keren, of course. "I'm sure he would... make quite the show." She dimpled, sliding her eyes back to meet his own. Removed from the heart of the gossip and banter, the Lady of the Rivers had never really chosen one team over the other. She'd wanted to give her dear friend a chance to speak to her heart's desire - but who knew how much of it was true love, and how much was simply being overawed by the knight's stupendous show? She wanted her cousin to find true love, whichever course she may need to take to get there. "Please, excuse me a moment - I see someone I need to speak to." She lifted the cloth to her lips and dabbed at them; then threw the Dornishman a wicked little smile and rose to her feet. 

Rosyn moved down the table, her hips swaying; leaving Ser Lewyn sitting squarely between the two young Lannister maidens.

@Akio @WanderingJester

< >   < >   < >   < >   < >

Gregor Rowan

Aelyx's Quarters, The Red Keep

Gregor leaned back in his seat and downed the last of his ale, then set down the cup and cracked his knuckles. "So be it. The Tyrells have never been friends to me and mine, and loyalty cuts both ways. You have my agreement to the plan, and my men. That is," he paused, leaning forward on his crooked hands, "upon the signed and sealed betrothal papers we discussed." He met Aelyx's eyes steadily, teak brown against violet; respectful, but not yielding an inch. "Words are wind, my Prince. I put my trust in blood ties and loyalty. I won't insist on a wedding..." he smiled ruefully, "Not now. It would seem silly, setting it against your brother's festivities. But maybe a year or two down the road." He shrugged.

"With any luck this won't happen any time soon. You will make a good King, my Prince - but if we can see this done without tens of thousands dying, the Seven Kingdoms will thank you for it."


< >   < >   < >   < >   < >


Alysia Webber

Privy Garden, The Red Keep

In a small courtyard garden in the western wing of the Red Keep, a slender young handmaiden sat on the lawn beside a shadowed pool. Usually it was the sun that lit the flowers and bushes that grew here, one sunbeam reaching through a stained glass window of Baelor's Sept painting the white stone bench crimson. Right now of course everything was painted in shades of grey - but then there was something peaceful about the moon on the water, the breeze lifting the branches and setting them swaying in the breeze. This is just what Alysia needed and she trailed her fingers in the water; feeling the stress of her day in King's Landing drain out of her. She began to sing gently to herself, idly reflective.

"The Mother gives the gift of life,

and watches over every wife.

Her gentle smile ends all strife,

and she loves her little children..."

Jon Ashwood sighed as he walked around the Red Keep. He was looking for his brother but it was already night which meant he was probably already gone. He and took a few more steps before seeing a little garden with a ginger haired girl. A very young one actually. He looked at the sky seeing the pretty moon. She started singing, her voice gentle and soft which made him close his eyes and hear a bit of it. He smiled remembering the voice of Miya Ashwood. He didn't hate the Ashwood family. He just simply didn't like staying too long with them. He sighed and walked towards Alysia with his best smile.

"You have a beautiful voice" he said with a smile hoping to not have scared her. "Soft but powerful" he said bowing towards her "Jon Ashwood" he said "You probably haven't heard my name my Lady" he said lifting his head so it was looking at the black sky. "It's a beautiful night. Calm and beautiful" he said looking back at her "Hope I am not interrupting anything my Lady" he said as he put two of his fingers and whistled loudly. A sound of a bird, a hawk to be more precise, could be heard in the distance. The creature flew fast towards Jon. He raised his left arm and the brown flying creature landed on it.

He looked at Alysia and smiled "What is your name my Lady?" he asked with a gentle smile and patting his bird.

Carysee Lannister

Red Keep, King's Landing, The Crownlands.

Lady Carysee Lannister wasn't the prettiest of the Lannister Ladies, nor the curviest, nor the youngest, nor the most desirable position wise.  She knew this, but she had accepted that fact long ago, after many a broken hearts and teary nights.

Still, the lioness had accepted her place in life, and despite having to wade through much lamentations, came out of it to find some happiness and contentment in her place in life.  Therefore, when Celena had suggested that her good friend from House Martell ask Carysee for her favor she couldn't help but beam widely at Prince Martell.  Knowing that he would likely attend the dinner later, Carysee took the time to find a more low cut dress, and donned it despite her sister and mother's quiet disapproval.  Now, with Lewyn sat down beside her and Rosyn and declared that he would indeed ask her for her favor in the melee, she couldn't help but yip just slightly as she fished out a handkerchief from seemingly out of nowhere and handing it to him.  "Oh Prince Lewyn, you do honor me!"  Turning to Rosyn, she nodded.  "Of course I'll be happy to, though I hope to not have a situation between you and my cousin.  Then I'll not know who to wish victory to."  She frowned, thinking and looking over at the silent Martyn.  When Rosyn spoke of the Joust, Carysee snapped out of her thoughts and looked over to them, smiling again.  "Oh yes!  I'm sure you will win many honors and even victory in the joust!  Please keep my token for that as well if you like."  She batted her lashes at him again, doing her best to give him a flirtatious smile.

In truth, Carysee would be happy to be Lewyn's wife.  While she didn't relish spending the rest of her days in Dorne, she did know from what Celena had told her that he would treat his wife nicely, and being the prominent family of that region, Carysee couldn't ask for more.  So the lioness nodded to Rosyn as she stood to move further down the table, and turned her attention back to Lewyn, who seemed preoccupied with something for one reason or another.  Tracing his gaze, she found them on Laenor Velaryon and Celena.  Ahhnow I wouldn't mind having that one as my own either, Carysee thought, though she knew that out of everyone Celena would have first grabs at him.  After all, he did crown her Queen of Love and Beauty.  Not many highborn ladies in the realm could claim that, and most that do were married to their knights after.







[SIZE= 14.6667px]Laenor Velaryon[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Red Keep, King’s Landing[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14.6667px]Laenor’s smile only seemed to widen as her eyes met his, emerald matching amethyst as the Lion Maid turned her head in greeting, giving the knight of Driftmark a clear reminder as to why he had crowned her in the first place. Celena Lannister, was a beauty, that could not be denied, and he had little doubt that her golden locks and blemishless complexion had been enough to win the hearts of many a dashing young Lordling over the years, making it an even bigger mystery that she had remained unwed for so long. Laenor may have known that Queen of Love and Beauty was just an honourary title, given to the maid who most took a knight’s fancy, yet he also knew that if ever there were a person deserving of that title then it was the woman sitting before him.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14.6667px]Somewhat surprised when she offered him her hand, Laenor moved almost instinctively to take it with his own, still gloved, right hand, faltering just short and instead shifting so as to comfortably use his left. He covered the movement with a scratch of the scar just below his left eye, bowing his head so as to kiss Celena’s hand, as was the accepted custom when greeting a Lady of her standing. (or at least it had been in the courts of Pentos where he spent the majority of his youth) In truth he was not as familiar with the courtly traditions of Westeros as one would expect him to be as the nephew to its king, and he had not had much time to brush up on courtesy during his time in the navy, he merely had to pray that she didn’t find his lack of proper gallantry too offensive or crass, and that he would recall at least some of what his mother had taught him.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14.6667px]“There were no need for thanks,” Laenor replied, he could hear the light sound of clapping from somewhere just outside his view, though he didn’t turn to see its source, “I believe the laurel is intended to be presented to the most beautiful woman present, it would have been dishonest if anyone were to wear it but you. Even a fool would have done what I did. I do however, concede that my departure may have been a bit premature, it has after all delayed our meeting for over a year, for that I apologise. I would make an excuse about how war waits for no man, but I’d rather not have you think me a liar after only a few minutes of meeting.” He paused at her inquiry about his time spent across the Narrow Sea, deciding not to alienate her with details about what had amounted to a long a tiring campaign in which neither side seemed willing to relent. “Not too taxing,” he repeated after a short silence, his brow furrowing slightly, it wasn’t a complete lie, and for the most part he’d enjoyed his time playing defender of the realm with a horde of angry pirates, but it wasn’t the complete truth either. “How about you Lady Celena, was your ride from Casterly Rock pleasant?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]@WanderingJester @Akio @Greenbriar[/SIZE]
Lewyn knew how to listen, which meant even as he watching the reunion of Laenor and Celena with rigid disapproval and even anger he still found himself unable to stop listening to Rosyn, her soft voice doing little to ease him but still found a way to draw his attention and make him listen. "The Watergardens are a beautiful place and accepting of all comers. Many noble children and servants alike spend their summers theres, playing together and laughing. Barriers to not exist in the Watergardens and I'm sure my Grandfather would be honored to host the Lady of Riverrun there, if you ever desire to see it." He said not unkindly, turning his gaze to her for a moment as the blockage of her and her cousin still made it difficult to see Celenas face and looking at Laenor to long made his blood boil with fury.

Then she spoke of his jousting ability which gave him pause. In truth before last year he had no interest in jousting seeing it as more of a spectator sport then anything else, too rule based to have any application in actual combat other then knowing how to hit someone with a lance which was easy enough to learn on its own. Laenors victory last year had changed his perspective and his crowning of Celena broke any reservations he had and once he got back to Dorne he surprised his family by asking for several jousting horses instead of Sand Steeds and started to learn the joust at a relentless pace, practicing for hours and hours under the hot dornish sun to the point he even ended up with heat stroke, leaving him bed ridden for days. His sister had begged him to take a break after that but he stubbornly wanted to continue and his grandfather let him... With moderation. Since that day he still trained for as long as possible but with breaks and meals inbetween and his sister to watch over many of his sessions to make sure he actually took his breaks and ate and drank regularly. "I was never interested in the joust for a long time when I was younger... Though I have trained recently so I might compete but I do not wish to wear anyones favor for the joust as I'm still somewhat new at it and more likely gonna embarrass myself if I face a senior knight. Ill take your favor to honor you in the melee however." He said taking her favor and pocketing it as to not get it dirty, his voice not leaving much room for arguments. He would not tie promises to his arm during the joust unless it was hers, for it was for her he learned and no other reason would cause him to flinch in that regard. Then suddenly Rosyn tossed him a wicked little smile and stood, giving some excuse and left, leaving the way between Celena and him clear, breaking her own trap. Rosyn was proving to be more cunning then he realized, in a way that reminded him of his sister when she wanted something as he watched her leave for a moment a bit speechless and wanting to thank her.

He turned to look to them still talking and exchange greetings and pleasantries when Celena offered her hand in pleasantry and then Laenor did the unexpected and leaned forward to kiss her hand. For a moment his vision went Red and he bit the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood as his eyes flashed with hatred as Carysee completely left his mind. He controlled himself, finishing his cup of wine with two gulps knowing that he was gonna need more to get through the evening then turned to look at them, clearing his throat wondering if Celena would even notice, even with a clear sight path.
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Tom Brax

Nodding at her words, Tom moved around the table, taking a spot as everyone seemed to start talking. Taking a sip from his cup, he quickly set about filling his plate, and taking note who was talking to who while he ate. 

Who knows, maybe he could learn something of note.

Aelyx Targaryen

A small frown crossed Aelyx's face at the Reach mans words, but he nodded anyway. "I will speak to them on the matter of the marriage. Once all of this is done and over, we will talk and solidify the ties and agreements." Pausing, he leaned down and picked up his cup once more, taking another drink from it, before leaning his head back, sighing.

"That is all I had to say at the moment, Lord Rowan. You may depart, as I am sure you have other matters to attend to.


(Everything is short because I am on my phone)
"I know how to behave myself, were just friends and the Lannisters and Starks have been at peace for 70 years, it doesn't matter about previous hostilities, we can't live in the past, the war of 5 kings is over and I can invite what guests I want to." He said brushing off their concerns, he knew there might be some possibility of one person or other wondering why he didn't take his wife but that was not a concern to him, the dragon did not answer to the opinion of sheep after all. "Shes an interesting character regardless, you two are likely to enjoy her company." Vaella he knew would like her, though he was annoyed at the comment about Raes brother, she liked everyone and rarely judged anyone by their character and Rhaella and Rae were similar in their more combative nature and it should be fine in that area as well.

"Speaking of the dinner, Vaella, ive ordered one of my servants to bring me my lute later on as I plan to sing a few songs in honor of my wedding and the event. If you wish to join me like you did last time I won't say no." He said with a smile looking towards her. Around the time he got into the lute and started singing with the bards Vaella had already been singing for some time and soon he invited her to practice with him as to spend more time with her and now they often sing together at events, their voices playing a harmony with each other.



[FONT= 'Courier New']Vaella Targaryen[/FONT]


[SIZE= 11px]"Oo, I'd love to!" Vaella exclaimed excitedly, quite forgetting their sister in her excitement to sing with one of her favourite siblings once again. She quickly regained herself when she realised that her eagerness was almost childish, and cleared her throat with a sheepish smile. "That is to say, yes, I'd like to sing with you if that would be alright."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]Singing was one of the many ways that Vaella had bonded with Aegon over the years-- while sometimes he was forgotten and left in the shadows of his elder brothers, his talent for singing was something that appealed greatly to his sister and as she grew into a young woman rather than a child, she had grown to much prefer wandering off with Aegon to practise singing rather than listen to her brothers discuss tactics or swords. It had helped that many of their siblings had left King's Landing as well, for it meant that much more of Vaella's attention and affection was lavished upon Aegon and her few remaining siblings. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]Rhaella and Vaella shared a similar beauty, yet they were different at the same time. The former was stronger, more independent, whereas the latter was gentle and had a head more filled with sweet words and pretty nothings than issues or worries. Even so, Vaella was not a stupid woman by a long shot, and yet while she was indeed more intelligent than she seemed, naivety and blind loyalty could end up being her demise. Thankfully as of yet it did not seem she had put her faith in the wrong people.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]@Akio @JustJazzy[/SIZE]
(On mobile, please forgive any typos :/)


Rae let out a long sigh as she lay in the warm, rose scented waters of a large metallic bath tub. She lay looking up at the intricate ceiling of her chambers, her head cushioned from the rim by a small towel. most of her body lay beneath the waters surface, only her neck, head and the peaks of her knees were visible. Her previous dress lay in tatters across the room as after trying to remove it correctly, Rae saw the futility in trying to preserve the garment, simply tearing it from her body. Now she lay conflicted, her mind a whirlwind for thoughts, all of which seemed to centre around Prince Aegon. Whilst it sounded romantic admittedly most were thoughts of malice, ways in which she could manipulate the Prince to aid the North. Though she had never been one for strategy, much less near-treasonous scheming. No, those were roles better suited to Logan, but could she trust him to share her mentality? His sense of 'honour' often obscured his sense of opportunity, as with the case of this Targaryen girl. He could push her to ignore the Prince, or worse yet indulge in his desires and marry the man, among the ashes of the inevitable war of course. 

Whilst these thoughts clouded her mind there was a quick know at the door.

"You're brother is here to see you m'lady, it seems he has a gift." came the gruff call of one of her guards.

"Then by all means lethat him in!" Rae called back, curious as to what the present could be. The door swung inward and Logan entered the room, a delicate blue dress looped over one arm. He hesitated in his stride when he noticed Rae bathing, he quickly averted his gaze before speaking.

"What?" Rae asked, noticing his reserved stance, genuinely oblivious to its cause.

"You could have said you were indecent." He spoke, his tone somewhat annoyed. Rae stood up out of the water, looking down at her body in amused shock. Whilst doing so she did notice a brilliant purple bruise rising on her flank. She rolled her eyes before responding to her brother's remark. 

"It's not like you haven't seen it before, the nurses used to bath us together when we were younger."

She spoke non-chalantly stepping out of the vessel and wrapping a towel around herself.

"Yes when we were younger!" Logan responded shaking his head.

"Oh relax! We aren't Lannisters." She joked, deciding on change the subject. "What's that?" She asked referring to the dress draped over Logan's arm.

"A gift, though not from me. I ran into a royal servant just outside your door. Would you care to explain why you are receiving gifts from betrothed Targaryen royalty?" He probed, raising an eyebrow.

"I ran into Prince Aegon in the halls, he spilt some wine on my dress and insisted on providing me with a new one." Rae lied swiftly, moving over towards Logan and plucking the dress from his hands, holding it out in front of her. Whilst she had never been the most feminine of ladies, she did admire the craftsmanship. She glanced back at her brother who's face remained passive and unimpressed. 

"Is that the dress that'showed lying in tatters in the corner?" He asked directly. Rae paused, shocked he had seen through the lie so quickly, though admittedly he often did.

"I uh... I-" Rae stuttered before Logan cut her off.

"I'm in a rush of I'll accept the excuse now but expect the truth later." He spoke smirking at her flustered state. "I'm organising a feast for the Northern Lords tonight, your attendence is mandatory." He spoke firmly, his voice carrying his authority. Rae nodded, wondering if perhaps it would be best to let Logan in on her secret.

"I'll be there." She replied with forced obedience.

"Good." Logan responded before turning towards the door, pausing for one last word before leaving. "Wear something Northern, I doubt many of the Lordsword would be impressed with Southern attire." He laughed as the door closed behind him, heading back towards his quarters to establish the details of the feast. Rae nodded to herself, wondering how she was going to cope with two feasts in one night. Thankfully she had few plans for tomorrow, she though with a laugh before continuing to get ready.


Little under an hour later Rae exited her room and headed towards the Lannisters feast was being held. She wore the dress the Prince had supplied to her, supplementing it with a light Northern cloak, pale grey in colour with off white fur around the shoulders. Her hair and skin had been washed although her lower lip was still somewhat swollen, hardly noticeable. She had two guards escorting her, instructing both to ensure they knew her location at all times, no need in taking risks. With a final turn she came to her destination, spotting the Prince and what must be two of his sisters still standing outside. "I hope I'mean not interrupting anything your highnes." She addressed Aegon.

@Akio @ailurophile @JustJazzy
Alysia Webber

Privy Garden, The Red Keep

Alysia started as the shadowy man came upon her, but just when she was on the point of being affrighted a stray moonbeam caught his features and his smile, and she soothed and settled back into her pool of skirts, for all the world as though some small woodbird settling its feathers. "It is that," she said softly, the gentle ripple of the waters carrying over her voice. "That was what drew me, /a need for some space and to feel a touch of the moon and stars I know." She halted abruptly, realising how that sounded and thrust out a dainty palm to halt his retreat - though perhaps she only imagined it. "Please my Lord, don't go. I didn't mean to imply that your presence was unwelcome - and la, how selfish must I seem were I to keep all the night's beauty to myself?" That was when he called down his hawk, and Alysia startled again - retiring a few paces closer to the edge of the pool before she realised what it was. She had to calm down and stop making such a goose of herself, she thought angrily, and that was when he spoke to her.

His gentle tone was as good as the pats he administered to his raptor, and it was a smiling and soothed handmaiden who responded from her soft grassy seat. "Why I am Alysia Webber my Lord, presently handmaiden and companion to the Lady Rowan." She shrugged artlessly, then her smile turned conspiratorial. "But Rhea is abed, and I sought some peace here in the garden - and song, as you must have heard." The Mother's Hymn was widely recognized as an acceptable song for maidens all across Westeros. Alysia knew others of course, but something about this moonlit garden had called to the piety in her as the sept did back home and she had raised her voice in prayerful song. "You do not interrupt," she assured him, "but I didn't expect to see anyone else here, not with so many new arrivals and the Lannister feast drawing off most of those with the energy to stir foot outside their quarters." Indeed, he was the first person she'd seen near the gardens in the better part of an hour. "I believe I met your brother earlier, or your nephew? One Damien Ashwood, you must have ridden up together." But there were other important matters to discuss.  


"Do you sing, my Lord?" No! "I mean, what brings you out on such a fair night?" Better.



< > < > < > < >


Gregor Rowan

Prince Aelyx's Quarters

Lord Rowan's features smoothed at the brusque dismissal, but he paused long enough to finish his ale and nod his appreciation to the words of support. House Rowan had not risen to the heights it presently occupied though whimsical or rash response however, and so he simply inclined his head. A wedding would go a wrong way toward convincing him of the Prince's commitment to the cause - after all, this wasn't the first time he or those he knew had been left in the lurch as a diversionary action by their  "allies".

Inclining his head, he bid the Prince his farewell, and moved out onto the corridors.
After leaving Rae's room Logan laughed at the ease in which he saw through his sister's lie. Whilst she did so quite smoothly, she lacked the practiced grace of a politician, something Logan himself had in abundance. Whatever the true meaning for the Prince's gift, Logan hoped there was no ill-will between his sister and the Royal family. Of all the enemies to make, Royalty is best avoided. Though even as the thought crossed his mind Logan smirked at his own hypocrisy. By complying with Prince Aelyx's request to shelter his daughter he had made enemies among the royal family already, one had to hope that their actions in the shadows may never be brought to light. Logan felt uncomfortable thinking in such terms, his only comfort is his own reassurance that what he was doing was ultimately the just thing. Only time would tell. 

So wrapped up in his thoughts, Logan wandered the halls of the Red Keep, heading in the direction of his own quarters. Once there he met with several Royal servants and a dozen or so of his own men to organise the feast for the evening. Thankfully Logan had had the idea of sending a couple dozen barrels of Northern mead and ale ahead of their own party to be stocking in the Capital, ready for their arrival. Unfortunately the same couldn't be done for game or flesh. On of the Southern servants informed Logan that the kitchens would have all they required but Logan was eager to inspect the food himself, skeptical after his earlier meal. He also instructed several Northmen and Women to help in the preparations of the feast as authenticity was Paramount, especially after the long ride south on which no proper food could be prepared. Logan's excitement began to swell as the meeting came to a close and Logan left his room, escorted by the Royal cook and two Northmen to inspect the kitchens.

On their journey Logan's ears pricked up at the sound of heavy footsteps. Breaking off his conversation with the cook, Logan looked towards the source of the sound, his eyes met with the sight of a young, though strikingly beautiful woman leading a short column of Northmen. A quick glance at the house emblem brandished by the men and a healthy dose of deduction lead him to his conclusion. "Talia Bolton I would assume? It seems tales of your beauty were not exaggerated." He spoke lightly coming to a stop half a dozen feet or so from the Northern Lady. Whilst he was meeting her upon request his tone was genuine. Not to mention he carried with him a look of sincere interest with just a dash of curiosity.

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