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Multiple Settings °✧okita's trash bin of plots and things✧°


✧pretty tears✧

..°✧about me


°i go by okita (or occasionally kita) online, but my real name is jules if you prefer... either works

°i don't really wanna give away my exact age online, but i'm an older teen, so don't worry about dark content being too much for me or something weird like that.

°i used to roleplay a lot a few years back. i'm not a noob at it, but i might be a bit rusty so patience is appreciated. that being said, i'm not completely terrible. this i can assure you.

°a few people mentioned this as a peeve, so i just wanna say that while i write in all lowercase for the a e s t h e t i c in things like this, i assure you i'll write 'properly' in the actual roleplay.

°i enjoy quick responses as much as the next human, but i have a life that does not revolve around roleplay. because of this, i may not be able to reply more than once a day. so please, don't go psycho and spam me 300 times because i'm not replying... that's why i quit the scene for a while, and i'd rather not have a repeat, thanks.

°life happens, but i will try my best to reply at least every other day even when things get more hectic. that being said, if i haven't replied in over a week, feel free to message me. i may have forgotten i owed a reply at all...

°i like to chat ooc and befriend, or at least get to know, my roleplay partners. if this is something you absolutely hate, obviously i won't force it on you. it's just nice to know who you're writing with and makes the whole thing a little less awkward and a lot more fun.

°plotting is cool. please tell me your ideas and anything you might want to see/do/add. i can be a little shy at first, but i won't leave you to do all the heavy lifting. to me, plotting is part of the fun... though just seeing where things go can be interesting, too.

°i'm not a professional writer. i do, however, expect more than one or two lines in reply to my paragraphs. if you specifically want a short-term, fast-paced rp with shorter replies, i may be interested in something like that. otherwise, one paragraph minimum, please.

°anime-ish is my default style, but i'm generally open to anime or realistic aesthetics in my roleplays. just specify which you prefer beforehand so i don't use the wrong faceclaim/images.

°if you don't wanna use faceclaims and just wanna write the descriptions, i can do that as well.

°my fandom phase is over, and i prefer original rps. there are a few fandoms i wouldn't necessarily mind doing some self-indulgent oc x canon in that i'll mention below, but original characters and settings are my focus here. if you don't see a fandom you want listed there, you can ask... but i probably either don't know it or i'm not really into roleplaying it.

°i'm not interested in celebrity/real person roleplay.

°when pairings are involved, i usually roleplay either mxf (with me being the f) or mxm. once in a blue moon, however, i don't mind trying fxf. when doing oc x canon, my oc is female.

°i'm not interested in dominant/submissive, seme/uke, or whatever you wanna call it in any pairing. some characters may be more pushy or sweet than others obviously, but i prefer a reasonably balanced relationship.

°pairings are not a requirement. i can and do enjoy roleplays that focus on other relationships and aspects.

°i've never doubled before (wasn't a thing on my old site), but i'd be willing to give it a try as long as my partner is understanding about my noobishness. just mention you'd like to double when choosing a plot!

..°✧i'm looking for ?


°current craving? angst. angst. angst. oh, and did i say angst? bring on the tear-jerkers and slow-motion sad music scenes!

°someone who's okay with me being a little rusty and/or new to some aspects of this site (like doubling, the site layout and bbcode).

°on the other hand, if you're new as well, that's totally fine. we can learn together.

°a partner who understands i have a life outside roleplay, but preferably replies at least once every three or so days barring major distractions.

°i'm pretty chill, so hopefully a like-minded type that isn't too harsh or difficult to please... education is enough pressure, i roleplay to relax.

°someone who's either into original roleplays (preferred) or, if insisting on fandom, is okay with oc x canon.

°i live in america, but i have weird and sometimes unpredictable hours. if you have a tight schedule for replies, i might not be the best fit.

..°✧plots & ideas

(if there's a role i'd prefer, it will be bolded.)
°ghost x human (v1)
a girl (mc), freshly turned 18, has just moved out of her childhood home and into a cheap apartment in a city far from any of her family or friends so that she may chase her dream of becoming (an artist, a singer, a poet etc). unfortunately for her, things are not nearly as easy as she imagined they'd be, and she begins to regret her rash decision. lonely and overtired, at first she barely notices the strange happenings around her. before long however, she encounters the ghost of yc, a boy around her age who once upon a time, had the same dream of becoming (artist/singer/poet). despite the bizarre and originally scary situation, he helps her out of her shell and she helps him feel (well, almost) alive again. the odds are against them, yet both feel pulled together by a bond that defies death. for extra bittersweetness, the love of the girl could be the thing that finally sets yc free from the in-between realm of ghostliness.

°ghost x human (v2)
see above for the basic plot, this version is just two boys instead of boy and girl, though we can of course change a few things up. in this rp, i'm good with playing either the human or the ghost.

°tomboy x goth/emo (or similar)
she's (mc) headstrong, wild and totally fine with being one of the boys... or beating up boys. a proud misfit, she's the unofficial leader of the 'outcasts' in her high school and a self-proclaimed badass. he's (yc) the new kid, quiet, closed-off and fighting his own demons. when they first meet, they don't really get along. but when mc saves yc from bullying or yc saves mc from one of her misadventures gone wrong, they begin to work out their diffences... although the snarky banter? that stays. i was going for a poignant but altogether more light-hearted feel with this idea, like something out of an 00's teen flick. it could be combined with the idea below for a really long and emotional roleplay though.

°healthy friend x sick friend (v1)
(if romantic i would like to play the girl, but if platonic, i'm fine with either role)
mc and yc have been friends since middle school, sharing similar interests and a love of breaking the rules and being over-dramatic together. they're practically inseparable. but yc has a secret... he's badly ill with (serious, potentially lethal condition of your choosing). not wanting to hurt mc or ruin their senior year, he keeps it to himself and does his best to hide it from her and the rest of the world. mc, however, knows him too well. when she finds out, she's heartbroken, but keeps it together for him. when things take a turn for the worst, the two pool what would've been their college funds to take off on one (possibly) final adventure together.

°healthy friend x sick friend (v2)
almost identical to the above plot, just with two boys instead of boy and girl. can be platonic or romantic, and i'm good with either role.

°famous x unknown
c1 and c2 were close friends back in high school, both bullied outcasts of the same age with a love of music and a dream to make it big. (if the roleplay is romantic) they also shared feelings for each other, but never admitted them or went past slight flirting. now that they're both in their early twenties however, they couldn't be more distant. c1 is a hugely successful rock singer adored by fans across the world and never wanting for anything except a bit of time to himself. c2 had no choice but to give up his dreams of stardom as they never seemed to go anywhere, and instead he's miserably accepted his reality of working a low-paying job and living in a tiny basement apartment. the two meet again for the first time since c1 moved away just after graduation in a little no-name bar, where c1 can hide from his obsessive fans and c2 can drink his problems away. c2 gets a little too drunk and despite the fact he'd been ignoring c1, c1 decides to take care of him anyway... just to make sure he's safe. can they ever rekindle their friendship/relationship despite their differences? i can take either role, i've done this plot before and played c2 which was fun and delightfully angsty, but i wouldn't mind trying c1 either. this roleplay can be romantic or platonic, whichever you prefer.

°not-quite-competent vampire x newly turned vampire
mxf or mxm or fxf
c1 is a vampire... just not quite as effortlessly deadly and badass as the ones you read about in books. they try to act edgy and like they're the ruler of the night, but when they accidently mortally wound c2, a human, they completely panic and end up turning them. now they're stuck educating this new vampire, and they're responsible for keeping them out of trouble too... what a disaster. it doesn't help that the newly-turned human has an attitude, either! this can be romantic or platonic, i lean a bit towards platonic with this plot but honestly either works.

°survivor x survivor
(mxf or mxm)
two enemies/people who just don't get along end up on the same boat or plane, whether together for some reason or just by coincidence. they spend half the trip arguing as usual, when something goes seriously wrong and the plane/boat begins to wreck. the two end up on an uninhabited island together, presumably the only survivors. with no other choice, they must put aside their differences and work together if they ever want to see their old lives again. can be platonic or romantic, whichever you'd like.

(i would be playing the oc)

°like i said before, i'm not really looking for fandom stuff right now. i miiiight consider oc x okita (hakuouki), oc x ibuki (hakuouki), oc x sonic (one punch), oc x nick wilde (zootopia), oc x sebastian (stardew valley) or mayyyybe oc x abigail (stardew valley) but that's about it for the moment. if one of these for some reason strikes your fancy and you have a plot idea, go ahead and message me. ya never know, right?

(like ideas and thingies that aren't detailed enough to be a proper plot??)

°call me basic and/or controversial but i do enjoy all that yandere shit and especially playing a female yandere... although i'd be open to trying a male one if i like the plot enough. i know this is a big no-no for some people and i 100% respect those boundaries so please let me know if it's something you're uncomfortable with!

°post apocalyptic stuff??? idk man, just a thought

°or something involving powers maybe?? could be combined with the two ideas above as well, hmm

°two best friends running away together and having to survive out in the real world with only each other to rely on?? could turn romantic or stay platonic

°if any of this grabs you, leave a message below or pm me!

It’s basically about a couple adopting troubled foster kids though in my case, it would be be two dads and my characters are the two children.
It’s basically about a couple adopting troubled foster kids though in my case, it would be be two dads and my characters are the two children.
aha sounds like an interesting story but i'm absolutely terrible at playing older/responsible characters so i don't think i'd be able to do it justice for you sorry T-T

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