Noah pulled up to the business office of his new job sighing heavily as he shut off his car. He'd been given this bodyguard oppurtunity by a friend of his who also worked for the family and was grateful for it, but he was also worried about working for them. Sure his last few jobs had him dabble here and there in illegal business, but he knew for a fact this family wasn't as clean as they made themselves out to be in the public eye. He got inside and gave his name to the doormen before following them up to the head office staying quiet for the time being.
Max sat in the family car as she and her husband made their way to her home for a family meeting. It had been nearly ten years since the last time she had been home and she was nervous to be back. Though, she was thankful that for now her face was clear of any bruising from the hands of her husband. She'd been forced to marry him years ago to align their families and he had a temper that was untameable no matter how hard she had tried.
Carmen sat down on the couch in her fathers office with her water and leaned back. “I told you that I’m fine, I’m sure that it was all one big prank and I don’t need a baby sitter.” She muttered. She’d received a few threats in recent weeks and she knew her father was panicking, as the only daughter after the death of her sister, years before she was even born, she had always been held onto a little tighter. There were days she didn’t mind and then there were days when she couldn’t stand it. “Jolly tell him that I will be fine.” She grumbled, shaking her head at Ragnar until there was a knock at the door and she glanced over, her eyes taking in the tall glass of water stood there looking a little nervous.
He glanced over at her and shook his head. “Wipe the poor me look from your face before we get in there. Don’t want them thinking you’re not happy.” He muttered. For a moment. Just a moment, when they were first married he had adored her. But then only a couple months in she had called him Ivar in bed by mistake and from then on he’d carried a chip on his shoulder about it. He wasn’t best pleased he was bringing her to see them but he needed to close this deal and it was his only way of gaining their trust to have her there
Jolly shook his head some and gave a heavy sigh as he looked at Carmen "I'm afraid I have to agree with him this time. These threats aren't to be taken lightly." He explained before looking at the door and smirking seeing Noah walk in "Speak of the devil, Ragnar this is Noah." He said watching his friend go over to shake hands with the man.
Max stood up straighter and gave a small nod. She had grown up with the sons of Ragnar and her heart always belonged to the youngest of them. She never wanted anyone else no matter how she tried to love her husband, she knew it would never happen. As they got into her father's office she gave a brief smile hugging him and her uncle tightly "Its good to see you both." She said quietly
She sighed a little but gave up and went to grab something to drink from the vending machine in the lobby.
Ragnar shook his hand and nodded. “Please. Have a seat, I’m sure she will return shortly. These, are the threats that were sent. I’m sure that Jolly has filled you in but I want to make it crystal clear… she is my only daughter. And as independent as she is, I worry for her… you are to be her shadow. Wherever she goes, you go.” He told him. “I have arranged 48 hour shifts. There will be two others with you and you will rotate between the three of you to ensure that she is kept safe.”
Kalf stood back and nodded to them, shaking their hands. “I do hope these meetings won’t take too long. I’ve promised your daughter a week in Greece to shed these winter blues, we’d like to get out there as soon as possible.” He told him, forever putting on the facade of a husband who doted on his wife when it was quite the opposite. He was only kicking himself because now he’d have to actually arrange a week in Greece so harald never caught on
Herald chuckled happily and smiled at the two "Oh she will be fine, come come sit down." He said as he guided him to his chairs letting Max sit behind them. As much as he loved his daughter, his reputation and business meant more. Maybe if she had been a son he would have thought different, but unfortunately she was his only child.
Noah nodded as he listened to Ragnar while looking over the threats "Understood, she won't slip past me." He assured him before looking up at the elder man "Are there things I should be aware of for her? Medications or health issues?" He asked just wanting to make sure he had all bases covered.
Carmen stepped back into the office to grab her bag, wanting to head home. “I can answer anything you need to know on me, father, I will see you next week.” She told him sweetly,nodding to him before walking out of there, hearing footsteps following her and sighed a little, waiting til they got in her car and she headed out of the parking garage. “It’s gonna be Carmen to you not miss Lothbrok… but I’m hoping to be rid of you by the end of the week.” She muttered, her demeanour dropping.
He chuckled and nodded. “Right. Love we won’t be long.” He told her, nodding towards the door and waited til she left. “When do we meet with the lothbroks?” He asked them both, rubbing at his temple. He was especially not looking forward to having to work with Ivar at all. Not only did he know how his wife felt about him but the man had a reputation.
Noah quickly followed after her as she started to leave the room. He sat in her car and gave a small frown at her demeanour towards him "Only giving me a week huh?" He asked as he glanced over at her "Anything in particular I should know about you? Medically speaking."
Herald chuckled some "Always straight to the point, we meet with them tomorrow. Be here by noon." He explained watching his son in law "There shouldn't be problems, hopefully Ivar will not make an appearance." He muttered pinching the bridge of his nose. As of late Ivar had been a complete thorn in everyone's side with the recent failure of his engagement and Herald didn't have the energy to deal with him at this point.
She snorted. “If that. I’m expecting by that time that you’ll either quit, I’ll give you the slip so you get fired or I simply won’t need you around because this is a waste of time.” She muttered, heading to her place outside the city.
He nodded and sighed, sitting through the rest of the meeting with them before heading out and nodding towards the door. “Darling, after you.” He muttered, rubbing at his face again, more highly strung than usual. “We should check into our hotel then I’m going to go out.” He told her
Noah gave a small frown but nodded "Death threats are a waste of time to you?" He asked as he watched the road around them "Jolly says your father dotes on you a lot. I am guessing you're very close to him?"
She gave a small nod and sighed a bit "And I will stay in the room?" She said frowning and shrinking back as he gave her a quick glare before getting her in the car "Can I atleast see my old family tomorrow while I am here?" She asked quietly hoping he wouldn't make her stay back in the hotel.
She frowned and shook her head. “And what’s it to you?” She snapped a bit. “I do not honestly believe that there is a single ounce of truth to those.” She muttered, pulling down her long drive and eventually ending up at the front of the house, quiet and secluded.
He scoffed a little. “I brought you with me because they willl warm to the proposal much better if you are there, of course you’re coming tomorrow.” He muttered, shaking his head. “You’re not leaving the hotel room because I’m very aware that round here things are not very stable.” He muttered, driving over there
Noah gave a heavy sigh and held his hands up in defense "Just trying to get to know you a bit so I can do my job right. No offense was meant towards you." He tells her quietly before getting out of the car with her "I'll do an inside check, and then a perimeter."
Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh not saying another word unless she wished to upset him more. She stared out the window until they arrived to the hotel getting out with him and grabbing her bags out of the trunk.
She sighed and rolled her eyes, going to unlock the front door for him to go in. “Fine. Do what you want.” She muttered, following in, holding back a smirk until her large dog came bounding over and jumped on Noah, sending him to the floor, growling in his face. “Iskald! Here.” She called him after just a few seconds but she smiled at Noah still, a glint in her eye. “What? You didn’t smell the dog when we stepped inside?” She asked, rubbing his fur then let him go
Hvitserk was in the middle of checking in himself to be there for a series of meeting with the family over the week, turning around once they’d got him sorted, smiling a little until he spotted Kalf and Maxine, “max!” He called to her, waving, not missing the way hee husband rolled his eyes.
Noah frowned deeply when he watched her and the dog "No afraid I didn't." He muttered before getting up and brushing himself off. He watched her another minute before he went around the check the inside of the house.
Max smiled a genuine smile when she saw Hviserk and ran over hugging him tightly "Hvitserk!! Oh it is so good to see you." She said happily before giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek "How have you been? I heard you're engaged now!"
She smirked to herself and went to get a drink, heading to her couch and took a seat, turning the tv on, keeping the dog close, completely ignoring Noah after that, including not answering him when he spoke to her directly.
He smiled and hugged her back. “It’s good to have you back in town. I know my sister is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow… have um, have you spoken to Ivar recently?” He asked her frowning some.
Noah did his checks and came back in to see her in the lounge "Everything is clear." He told her frowning as the dog growled at him a bit. He gave a heavy sigh when he got no response and sat in a chair she had placed in the corner of the room.
Max frowned deeply and glanced back at Kalf who thankfully was still not in listening distance "No, I haven't spoken to him in over a year. Kalf tries his best to limit my contact with him." She said quietly giving a small sigh "Is he okay?"
He nodded and smiled. “I’m sure he will tell you tomorrow. He is okay… just a little sad at the minute.” He told her. “Kalf…. Be good to this one.” He told him and nodded to them both before heading up to his room.
She sighed quietly and leaned back, closing her eyes a little when the doorbell went, pausing her show to go answer it, rolling her eyes at one of the more familiar men her father had placed with her. “Leif…. Good to know my father worried enough to send me babysitters but not so worried that he has sent me an idiot.” She muttered, shaking her head and went back to her spot on the couch.
Max frowned softly but nodded a bit "I'll see you later Hvitty." She murmured before turning to Kalf as he came up behind her "Everything set for the room?" She asked quietly
Noah glanced at the man and gave a nod of his head before standing up to shake his hand "Good to meet you, I'm Noah." He said before turning to look back at Carmen
He nodded and frowned over at the son of Ragnar, shaking his head. “That one never got a grip on life.” He muttered, heading up to the room with her.
Leif nodded to him and nodded when Carmen asked for them to at least talk where she wasn’t trying to watch tv, having moah follow him to the kitchen. “So you’ve met the diva of the family then?” He muttered. “I assume you weren’t truly warned about hee then?” He smirked.
She frowned a bit and kept quiet as she followed him up to the room. As they got in she tensed a bit as she felt his hands on her arms rubbing soft circles on them "I plan on showering soon, would you care to join before you leave?" She asked quietly.
Noah shook his head and sighed "Nope, Jolly said it would be fine. I'm an hour in and she's already said she'll have me gone within a week." He explained before giving a small shrug "She always this dramatic?"
He smirked and nodded. “You should meet her mother,” he told him and shook his head. “Wasnt always this way. Don’t really know what happened though. Ragnar had me posted with his youngest overseas for a few years. Came back with him and this is what we came back to.” He told him. “Watch hee like a hawk when she goes out. She’ll do everything she can to lose you, don’t worry about your words too much though…. You’ll be fine.” He assured him.
He smiled and hummed quietly. “I think that would be a good idea.” He told her, his grip tightening on her arms as they walked into the bathroom, staring at her.
Noah nodded some and gave a heavy sigh "Alright I'll make sure to take that into account, thanks for the heads up." He said before glancing around the kitchen "So food I just ask to get something?" He asked a bit nervous to ask Carmen if he could eat or have a drink.
Max nodded softly and followed him to the bathroom. She turned the shower on before slowly stripping down the way he liked and stepped in with him following. While she hated their situation, she understood the role of the wife and knew she needed to keep his sexual appetite satiated for the most part if she wanted him to be more relaxed.
He shook his head. “The card that Ragnar gave you? For her expenses? That includes your food. Order something to the house. Do it on mine for tonight but I can run you through everything as we go.” He muttered.
He used her as he saw fit until he was done, washing off and heading out to get dressed. “I shouldn’t be late. They have good room service.” He told hee and grabbed his room key before leaving.
Noah nodded and gave a small sigh "Thanks man, anything else I should know about her?" He asked him glancing over at the doorway when he saw her come in to grab something to drink.
Max dried herself after she was done cleaning up and gave a small nod "Alright." She murmured before getting dressed and sitting on the bed. She gave a small sigh as she looked over the menu her thoughts soon shifting to seeing Ivar tomorrow.