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Fantasy Of beast and men


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ
You're free to utilize your own Character sheet but there are a few points and rules you have to keep in mind!










Equipment: Can range from full plate armor to light leather attire, note that there isn't ONE perfect armor, sometimes a heavy armor won't be suited at all for a certain contract and you'd be better off with a more agile equipment

Weapon:See above

Talents: great at reading tracks? Good chef? Able to imitate duck calls?

Magical Talent(?): Magic is a very rare gift and often comes with a price, usually a physical handicap. Magic exist in three different forms;

Nature; Primal, healing, interaction with wildlife and flora

Spiritual; More refined, the one that might be taught by certain individuals, elemental magic for defensive and offensive use

Physical; Strength of corpus that can be fueled into magical spells that can influence the user's physical form by rousing battle fury or boosts one's resistances

Prior occupation/skills:

Social standing:




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Por_pic_41.jpg.d3576da3ad570cc909ddace474855e37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Por_pic_41.jpg.d3576da3ad570cc909ddace474855e37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Larmilla

Age: 20

Gender: Female


Appearance: average tall, red-headed, drowsy-seeming

Clothing: She wears her full plate armor most of the time; when she is inside, she wears a brown lightweight armor of leather

Equipment: Larmilla only has one set of blue plates armor

Weapon: A two-handed double-edged axe she forged


Talents: She keeps most of the time a global vision of everything in the battlefield and a tracking of monsters' state. She forges great weapons and knows how to forge armors

Magical Talent(?): She can use a minor spiritual magic to strengthen her weapons and armors (I don't know what could be the price of this power)

Prior occupation/skills: Weapons forging, caring and cuddling

Social standing: Doesn't care?


Personality: Larmilla never seems enthusiastic or in shock, and looks quite slow to react. She has not a man's strength, but she has a great sturdiness ans is fast even with such heavy armor, has enough resolve and energy to stand up one entire day against worst monsters. She is very careful for her friends, however hunting she only focus on anything about her prey and anything that could disturb the hunt, with her very good sight, and then serves as a scout and observer with a weak strength. It is said she loves spicy meals.

Larmilla was born in a poor country where the richs were abusing and maltreating the people, as the daughter of a blacksmith and a knight.

Ten years ago, she was a 10-years old girl when her mother died in the line of duty. Som years after, her father teached her a lot about the forge, she began to work for the town, and she soon start to stand up against the way her fellows are maltreated. The others appreciated her attention and recklessness, but some guards often came to intimate her to stop her disturbings.

Having heard about the newly discovered untamed continent where beasts feed on curious adventurers, Larmilla decides to leave this country that doesn't need her. With her mother's damaged armor and two boys she knows for a long time which hate their country, she goes walking to see the new world from her eyes, wishing there were many people trying to make a happy life in this no man's land and in need of a warrior to protect them.

Then she walks until she comes in sight of a castle, where the Drakebane guild accept her.



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WIP a Vanguard










Equipment: Can range from full plate armor to light leather attire, note that there isn't ONE perfect armor, sometimes a heavy armor won't be suited at all for a certain contract and you'd be better off with a more agile equipment

Weapon:See above

Talents: great at reading tracks? Good chef? Able to imitate duck calls?

Magical Talent(?): Magic is a very rare gift and often comes with a price, usually a physical handicap. Magic exist in three different forms;

Nature; Primal, healing, interaction with wildlife and flora

Spiritual; More refined, the one that might be taught by certain individuals, elemental magic for defensive and offensive use

Physical; Strength of corpus that can be fueled into magical spells that can influence the user's physical form by rousing battle fury or boosts one's resistances

Prior occupation/skills:

Social standing:




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Markov Solotov Voichek







Markov stands 5.9 Feet in height and weight of 137 pounds . He posses a very light tan from being out to much and hunting down simple game. His body has a sight muscle build but more sender than anything.



Markov when not in combat or free from anything he usually wears a simple dark green silk tunic and some simple comfy pants of the same color to just hang around and sleep. But he still wears his ranger head piece and with the goggles to avoid the sun from hitting his face and well he just loves wearing that headgear!

When out for hunting or combat he wears his trusty "King's Tyrant" armor as its called. Its a light set of armor build for mobility and supplies some defense to the user from body attacks BUT this armor seems to be very resistant towards Heat. Crafted from the scales and webbing of a fallen Creature from No mans land and bound with metal this armor is both light and effective. The armor is capable of protecting the user from attacks but of course not as well like medium or heavy armor types. But what it dose make up for its is ability to grand higher defense towards Heat and fire as the scales and webbing from the creature protect Markov from the heat elements and oddly the inside of the armor is at cold temperatures as the scales and armor bonding with metal isolates temperature and protects the user from Heat.

When in comes to storing items found out in the lands he posses a small pouch on his waist and a Medium Satchel with multiple small pockets as well. Not much to store but to keep himself light this is the best he could bring



Tyrant's Bow

Simile to a long bow, The Tyrant Bow class is the next level. Being up to 6 Feet tall,Made from metal both bow's body and its String replaced with metal coils instead of threads. This bow class is made and fitted to hunt down bigger and stronger game such as Dragons and such. The bow so powerful normal arrows are not compatible that is why "Tyrant's Arrows" are crafted. Thus type of arrow are two times longer and thicker than a normal arrow and use a MUCH larger arrow head that make the arrows look like spears! to accommodate people the bow can be Snap and folded down to be carried with much easier task. The bow requires a lot of power to be pulled but with the help of the bows slight bending capabilities its much easier to pull but still requires lot of might.

{Arrow Types}

Pircing head

This is the normal type of arrow as is the one seen above,possessing a long spear like head. Crafted to do both good body and Piercing damage

Spiral head

This arrow type is made to dig as deep as possible inside a target,Having its arrow head with 4 edges that spiral down like a drill head. This arrow is made to Pierce deep inside targets.

Tooth head

This type of arrow head posses multiple sharp teeth like edges on its head that will tear apart flesh like paper. This arrow type is made to do as MUCH body damage as possible by ripping flesh apart

Anti-Escape Arrow

A special arrow that is used to halt the escape of fleeing monsters,using a Spiral head to pierce deep in targets but has a kick. Behind the arrow's end there is a strong metal coil as once pierce the target it can be pulled or use the Dual type where you fire the arrow at the creature and fire a other arrow at a solid object that has both arrows tied together and this will stop creatures from escaping. This gas many uses especially taking down flying creatures.


Capable Tracker

Exceptional Cook

Adept Natural craftier

(using natural object to create threads,healing herbs,etc)

Adept Tanner

(Working on hides,etc)

Creture anatomy knowlage

Hunter's senses


Markov is able to use the flora and fauna to know the location of creatures that have run off or to know where they are hiding,etc, communicating with the flora and using the plans as "Sensors" and "see" where they are located,not just that but he can as well with wildlife as he can understand there "speech" and can ask directions like some one lost in a city....But there is a problem...with this Magical ability other animals can sense HIM to. This means Monsters and Wildlife alike can "see" him from a certain distance.

{Prior occupation/skills}

Markov was a Hunter as you can tel and he is a well train bow user and both hunter.

{Social standing}

{Past} local hunter

{Current} No man's land Hunter



Markov is a calm individual, Patient and cunning as well. Most of the time he is laid back and calm reading a book or writing down what he has see inside a journal that has small drawings and body descriptions of creatures he has seen. Its a hobby of his. Once he decides to go out he is very serious and silent and overall patient as a hunter keeping an eye all the area and tracks he could see. Sometimes he jokes around and has a laugh but when in duty there is no time for laughs.


Markov was born with both his parents and his older sister in a Cabin in the Forrest where they dint depend on anybody,mostly all they got where from the wild as his father hunted for food and they cooked and clean without any other interaction from the outside, the one time they went to the outside was to trade goods with the nearby village and clothing. At the age of 7 he was one of the few with "Magic" his mom use to tell stories of him talking to a rabbit and plants and oddly each time they got close he already knew they where there without him even looking,soon they discovered he could communicate with nature itself. As Markov grew with his father he learn how to use a bow from a young age and slowly grew using such and learning how to hunt just like his father to the pint where he was the one hunting soon enough. But Markov dint want to be in the woods all the time, yes it was his home and he loved being in such but he wanted to know more!

He left his home and soon to the village where he became the local huntsmen and made a good buck from his game,his wall had the heads of animals that he has hunted and well he was all a hunter! but soon rumors came to the village that there was a land "No mans land" as it was call in the village where it was full of unknown and monsters beyond knowlage! and want better way to go out exploring than out in the unknown and even try hunt down some better game and see even the widest of creatures! he promise he would return with a trophy for his dad from this so called "No mans land".

As he ventured forth towards the nearest village closest to this so called land,The mountains touch the heavens from the view he had. At his time he tried gathering information of this place but all he heard was that many die and never return. and to his fact he witness one of those creatures! right near the entrance to the land between the mountains a large scaled green beast crawled on the ground as it follow fleeing men to the exit. it was massive and mighty looking, he saw soldiers battle the creature to death after many lives lost. they brought it to the village slain and dead and they began to remove its scales and pies of its body for coins and he decided to join on the fray and retrieve some parts of the monster where after months pass and a good blacksmith to help him he made armor out of this beast...well...kinda...it was not fully covered and was light bonded with metal, as well like his new bow.

From that time he ventured a few times in the dangerous lands and came out alive and has seen many things no words could explain. and to this day he still explores those lands but he has not yet slain a beast, only a few small ones but none big. But with what he has he has made a small name for himself.

Being on a phone and all, I am unsure of how this will work... The phone thing also means no pictures, but I'll update it tomorrow when I have more time:




Name: Arryn Hedge (of Dunmark)

Age: 27

Gender: Male


Appearance: Rough, torn, badass and silent

Clothing: Mainly a mix between heavy and light armor, finding good balance between fast and Efficient

Equipment: Lether lookin armor that strives to find a balance between defence and agility.

Weapon: A farily thin, curved sword that doesn't deal much damage... Unless you know where to put it.

Talents: Fast and very swordsman and a proficient tracker.

Magical Talent(?): Nope. Don't have none.

Prior occupation/skills: Famous Knights' apprentice.

Social standing: Prefers neutrality


Personality: Quiet, closed off, Prefers to stay away from people. He has this idea of a 'lone wanderer' in his head and runs with it, thinking he's badass. Truth is he needs help at many things, but refuses to take any. Also blunt, with little regard to others... However, what he lacks in personality, he makes up in his skills. You may not like him... But he's good at what he does, no denying there

History: Served as an apprentice of some Knight (won't reveal the name) and they were an amazing team, even though Aryyn is lowborn. He was shaping up to be one of the best fighters in the kingdom... But then he got accused of a crime (which he may or may not have done). Punishment? To go and live up here and kill monsters... Maybe he'll go back if he makes a name for himself




Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Appearance: Heavy armor has done it's working on bulking him up. Standing at 6' even, he is a somewhat daunting figure, whether he's in or out of his armor.

Clothing: Simple and cheap, he doesn't like wasting money.

Equipment: Heavy plate armor keeps wards off most wounds, and lessens those that do get through. However, he is slowed down by it's weight and so lighter, more nimble opponents could easily attack the weak joints where only a thin layer of chain mail protects him.

Weapon: A greatsword. Large and heavy, it can cut through most anything if given a good swing. But, again, it's large and heavy which makes it slow and slightly cumbersome.

Talents: If you can call hitting things hard and being able to take a good thumping, and standing up afterwards, a talent, then those.

Prior occupation/skills:

Social standing:





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Name: Jynn Venas

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Appearance: Brown haired, blue eyed, and a durable looking individual.

Clothing: He usually wears light clothing.

Equipment: Almost always wears lightweight or moderately heavy armor. Jynn is most often found wearing his Nether Armor set (as seen above).

Weapon: He is a master at welding Longswords. It is a large, but swift weapon, and it is easy to handle. The only drawback is that it cannot block like a Greatsword or Lance.

Talents: He is great at reading tracks left behind by monsters, and he seems to know where they should go and when they will probably arrive, as well as how they will behave. As well as this, he is very knowledgeable of when to trap and tranq monsters. He also, as said above, is extremely skilled with Longswords.

Magical Talent: N/A

Prior occupation/skills: Jynn was and still is a top notch hunter.

Social standing: Hunter


Personality: He is usually calm and collected, however, he can have his moments. He has absolutely no tolerance for beginner hunters joining him on Quests of his rank (Don't we all in the Monster Hunter games?).

History: He was born in the city of Dundorma, where he learned how to gather for ten years. At age 15, he began his hunting career and was a very inspirational hunter, rarely being sent back to base camp, and always one step ahead of monsters. He became a more recognized hunter when he slayed a Fatalis. Nowadays, he seems to be a monster relocator.



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