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Realistic or Modern Odd Ones Out

[QUOTE="Miss Alice]
ah ok, i was worried. >.< i feel way better now. xD

Don't stress xD it's just me doing 80 other things at once.

I'll try and look at them as soon as you finish up Victoria
Hi everyone!

Just so everyone knows, I'm getting hand surgery on August 1st, so I could potentially be out of commission from then until the 15/16th. But, I might be fine. I'm not sure exactly what my functionality will be, so we'll see!
[QUOTE="Miss Alice]let me know if Victoria's cs uploaded right.... the coding was being weird

I can't see it :(
I know I said I'd have it up yesterday, but my hand has been giving me a lot of trouble T.T

But, it is up now! :D

Now that I can see her CSs....

Congrats to @Miss Alice and her characters Haru and Victoria! Go ahead and let us know what you're thinking as far as relationships and feel free to post when your ready!

Since you missed the first day, you can just throw in a lazy "Finn told us to come randomly in the hallway" because that's something he would do :)

Haru's First Impressions

@SimplyMusicality - Finn Downard

Haru would always have respect for Finn considering he founded OOOmega & also because Victoria likes him but he'd be leery at first. Haru would probably be annoyed by his too-trusting nature as well as how naive he is. He'd definitely tease him to the point where Victoria would have to tell him to cut it out. However, after a few forced hangouts thanks to Victoria, Haru would realize that Finn isn't that different from his cousin. Because of this, Haru would grow pretty attached to Finn, looking out for him like he does with Vickie, but he'd still need his away time from him.

@SimplyMusicality- Kieran Maddox

Haru would definitely call Kieran "yojeong" which means fairy in Korean though he'd tell him that it's a term used for a friend. He'd love teasing the crap out of him (think kindergarten boy who has a crush on a girl & keeps pulling her pigtails) & Haru would also love getting his attention. Their relationship would start out like this, with Haru having a childish crush on Kieran, but as Haru got to know him better, he'd discover that they actually have a lot in common. I think Haru would find that he can confide in Kieran.

@NessieAlways - Lillian Yvette Brooks

Lillian has that "hipster" vibe that Haru likes. She's imaginative & fun to be around & I think he'd feel very comfortable around her. Comfortable enough that he'd feel like he could act himself when she's around. She'd be the one Haru would call when he wants to bounce ideas off of someone or when he wants to have fun. "Have fun" meaning do crazy shit like riding a motorcycle blindfolded. Actually, he'd never do that again... Way too predictable. But anyway, I could see these two having a pretty chill relationship.

@NessieAlways – Rebekah Quincy Donovan

Any ideas?

@Xeyran – Xavier Ford

Xavier is a lot like the people Haru used to hang around back in Korea: reckless & impulsive. Haru wouldn’t want to necessarily be friends with him but he’d definitely want to be partners in crime.

@RubyRose - Veronica Terri Wings

Haru would start a conversation with Terri simply because she looks like fun. He’d enjoy getting to know her & he’d also enjoy her bold attitude. I could see them being pretty good friends in the future.

@RubyRose – Alex Johnson

Any ideas?

@MidnightAnew – Evan Bentley

The only reason Haru would attempt to interact with Evan is to tease him in a way that's not directly teasing but still technically teasing. He’d be extremely irritated by his seemingly stiff attitude so most of the time Haru would just avoid him. However, there’d be lots of talking behind Evan’s back.

@MidnightAnew – Isabella Alderman

I think these two would just get each other. That’s it, they’d just be like two peas in a pod.

@CheshireKittenWill – Edena Jones

Haru would be intimidated by Edena because of her height & also because Victoria told him that she has a temper. He’d avoid her unless she tried to start a conversation with him, in which Haru would be very quiet, but once he realized that Edena isn’t so bad, he’d be a lot less tense.

@Mitheral - Duncan Moran

Any ideas?

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I have NOT been getting Notifs. Hmm ... better check to see if the last update altered my settings.

Duncan would be pretty new to the area and college. I'll read the full CS of yer charrie and see what I can come up with.
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Okay read Haru real quick (what I could. The font was too light on my laptop.) The music is going to put them in the same circles. Duncan's current courses of study include both Guitar and Keyboard. However they are complete opposites in some ways.
Mitheral said:
Okay read Haru real quick (what I could. The font was too light on my laptop.) The music is going to put them in the same circles. Duncan's current courses of study include both Guitar and Keyboard. However they are complete opposites in some ways.
i'm not really sure how Haru would react to Duncan... if it wasn't for Victoria thinking that Duncan is cute, i think he'd be pretty indifferent. but since that's the case, he'd be trying to get his attention for Vickie by doing stupid things like waving at him then pointing at Vickie & attempting to make a sexy face.

kinda like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Haru6.gif.5765b249f3308d06456991ae3a4ead5b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Haru6.gif.5765b249f3308d06456991ae3a4ead5b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Haru7.gif.7e0e5fcd5a76c3b9b2ac56ad8c692be9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Haru7.gif.7e0e5fcd5a76c3b9b2ac56ad8c692be9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Oh & for Vickie, since she's a 2nd year, @SimplyMusicality, does she have pre-existing relationships or do i write her first impressions like i did for Haru?



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My character was new - a Freshman - but I at least wrote general first impressions.
LOL, I know. I am just used to daily detailed posting. Although ... I am having a tough time with my current post. Not much to respond to yet. Part of why I was waiting. BTW ... how's the hand? If that was carpel surgery ... take it easy for at least a few weeks ... no heavy typing .... or other finger work.

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