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Fantasy OAOOC (Discontinued)

Demonhunter Demonhunter
Sure why not Lucamores definitely got some questions for him too
DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride totally down! Isroh has awnsers even if hes gonna be kinda dodgy on some of them. Oooooh so his theory is that someone in the school is a big scary bad guy? Isroh does kinda dodge some questions, mostly regarding the whole blood thirsty demon thing. What if the thought in everyones mind is it may be him? Sure he did help with he whole chimera thing. But what if thats what he wanted you to think? DUN DUN DUUUUUN.

Buut eventually it just becomes known hes a big goofball with a love for video games, booze and dirty jokes.
I'm Isroh and I'm down for two types of shenanigans. The kind that gives me the ability to kick some ass, and the kind that gets me a small dog. Preferably a poodle or a Pomeranian.

XD That one nearly put me on the floor.
XD That one nearly put me on the floor.
lol That's why I love this character. Although I do want someone to take him to an animal shelter for a dog at some point... and he find his dog he had in life. (which-sidenote- was a Pomeranian)
Why do i not get mentioned ;-;
Sorry XD I added the people Luxu was interacting with the most today, considering Lucamore and the others have been interacting with Luxu the most, he included them. Though I'm sure if Zerex interacts with Luxu more tomorrow he'll include him as a friend! But if you really want me to I can indeed include Zerex into my post instead XD
Sorry XD I added the people Luxu was interacting with the most today, considering Lucamore and the others have been interacting with Luxu the most, he included them. Though I'm sure if Zerex interacts with Luxu more tomorrow he'll include him as a friend! But if you really want me to I can indeed include Zerex into my post instead XD
Lol I'll try to interact with him tomorrow.
Hello everyone! How can I jump in?
Your best bet is to probably have your character already settled in, maybe they've just been notified about the chimera attack and perhaps its all the talk in the cafeteria. Most of the people are in the cafeteria right now anyhow. Jade, Violet, Zerex, Nova, and James(?) Are in Violet's room. I think Marcus is open for interaction ( Yaboymiller Yaboymiller s) character.
Your best bet is to probably have your character already settled in, maybe they've just been notified about the chimera attack and perhaps its all the talk in the cafeteria. Most of the people are in the cafeteria right now anyhow. Jade, Violet, Zerex, Nova, and James(?) Are in Violet's room. I think Marcus is open for interaction ( Yaboymiller Yaboymiller s) character.
Ah, ok then. ^^
Thanks a lot

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