• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • OCC (Reboot)

So I was just wondering but why is everyone asking about class when this is over the course of a two week winter break?

just curious don't take this as being irritated
@GreyGremory I've been quite sick as of late and on top of that I had exams , I understand it may have seemed like I quit but in fact  I did not. By Saturday I should be back to posting as normal.
there's a lot of people that have chars that haven't posted so wondering how are we going to go about that
Just rp with those who are active and if you wanna include those who aren't then you can, but don't interact with those who haven't because obviously they might not be in when you want to rp with them 
Just rp with those who are active and if you wanna include those who aren't then you can, but don't interact with those who haven't because obviously they might not be in when you want to rp with them 

that's true i doesn't seem to have them take up rooms though if their not here we can always create new rooms and what not later
Okay so I'm just spit balling here but would it be okay if I made another character to play as in addition to Homura. This character would be Homura's sibling. I'm still undecided on gender but just want to know if I can first.

@Mr Swiftshots
Ok , I'm fully back now. I'm really sorry about that but my health must come before RPNation.

Can someone give me a quick recap ?

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