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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • OCC (Reboot)

Well, the story so far goes like this: Students are back to school, everyone got situated,made new friends and enemies, Raiven and Arcus hooked up and banged. Reno and Raphael fought which ended in a stalemate, a whole god damn war happened, Clair went bat shit insane and almost destroyed the whole school,, and now three of the Elites are eating while the others are doing whatever, and that's the short version.

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The Time skip will take place tomorrow , classes will be taking place from then on. I should have a table up for battles tomorrow at some stage but if not it will be up on Saturday.

I have also updated the room rosters and made altercations to the register.

Sorry for any inconveniences. 
The Time skip will take place tomorrow , classes will be taking place from then on. I should have a table up for battles tomorrow at some stage but if not it will be up on Saturday.

I have also updated the room rosters and made altercations to the register.

Sorry for any inconveniences. 

looking forward to seeing how things go 
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The Time skip will take place tomorrow , classes will be taking place from then on. I should have a table up for battles tomorrow at some stage but if not it will be up on Saturday.

I have also updated the room rosters and made altercations to the register.

Sorry for any inconveniences. 

I guess I'll just make my first post after the time skip. Unless I get bored. Then I might post tonight.
I was going to time skip yesterday but everyone seems keen on attending this dinner. 

Perhaps its best best left until the dinner is finished. 

Any objections ? 
Sorry for not posting, guys! I'm waiting until after the timeskip to really introduce my character
I'm waiting on everyone to be ready 

if your all all happy I'll skip today 
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