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Fantasy • SAKURA ACADEMY • main (Reboot)

Reno figured that since he already texted Hazel, he's go back he did he sat back down on his bed and asked Tori about her mother. He was a bit astonished at how his mother worked with someone so powerful. Reno felt like he should comfort her when she suddenly felt depressed about her feeling like she's not strong enough. He places a hand on her shoulder and rubs it a bit. "Don't worry," he softly told her. "You'll be as strong as her one day. Hell, I'm sure she didn't get that powerful over night myself." Reno removed his hand from her shoulder and laid back on his bed. He then started to stare at his human roommate, who's still resting on his bed. "Anyway," he says, his voice sounding serious instead of comforting. "Since you're a part of the Elite, you're gonna have to show us that you're strong enough to be worthy of such a title. Fame, fortune, and looks all have a time limit, but skill and intelligence doesn't." He stood up from his bed and placed his back against the door while crossing his arms. "Plus, since this school aims to have elementals and humans working together," he continues. "We're gonna show the humans that they can count on us...as some of us have a bit of human in us but are too prideful to admit it."

Hazel just looked at her phone as she smiled as she text back her friend' yup I'm at my dorm you can stop by if you want' she text back she was happy that he was coming to see her she haven't told him about her mom dying she just kept it to herself as she sat on her bed she just looked at the girl talking she frowned a bit' karoline i thought you say I sounded okay with speaking than why that meanie saying I don't sound good and I need to practice' she signed to her friend as she just wanted to punch her" why woold someone meke fun of deef person like me" she say she just looked at her friends" I'm not needsy" she say as she lay on the bed' screw you' she signed hoping she didn't understand her @Leo Radomir @CandidFox@ShadowSaber331
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"Hey," he shouted. "You must be our roommate... Isaac, right? I'm Reno, and that kid in the hoodie looking like he's hung over is Arcus. Both of us are the Elites in this school...and don't worry, all of us do want to work with humans" Reno knew he was going to be having a human roommate, but he didn't expect him to be this late. Reno stood up from his bed and walked out of his dorm. "I'm gonna take a walk for a moment," he told the new student. "if you need anything, ask Arcus...or find me." He walks out and closes the door behind him. 'This human doesn't pose as much of a threat,' he thought. 'He might be a powerful ally, he does have a look that says 'I've had some experience in a fight.' Nonetheless, I have to be careful around him.' Reno pulls out his phone and texts Hazel, figuring that he should visit her for a while. 'Hey, Hazel, it's Reno. I know it's been a while since I texted you, but I figured I'd check to see how you're doing. Are you in your dorm? If so, can I stop by?'

@Leo Radomir

  Issac looks at him and says" it's not that you two don't seem nice but from experience thus far it can be a bad thing if one jumps to conclusion, and that was a little weird coming in then suddenly going out but ok in my line of work we get all kinds of people". Issac pauses for a minute then says" I just finished a job for the family and it took longer to wrap up than expected have i missed anything important that i'll need to know for my next two years here". He goes silent and wants for arcus to talk. '  i don't hate friendly people but i'm not one to be all chummy and do the group guy thing but i will need allys so how to go about it is the tricky part of this'.

Hazel just looked at her phone as she smiled as she text back her friend' yup I'm at my dorm you can stop by if you want' she text back she was happy that he was coming to see her she haven't told him about her mom dying she just kept it to herself as she sat on her bed she just looked at the girl talking she frowned a bit' karoline i thought you say I sounded okay with speaking than why that meanie saying I don't sound good and I need to practice' she signed to her friend as she just wanted to punch her" why woold someone meke fun of deef person like me" she say she just looked at her friends" I'm not needsy" she say as she lay on the bed' screw you' she signed hoping she didn't understand her

 Ruby sighed as she saw the girl cussing her and says" i'm used to hated but handling you with kid gloves and saying everything will be ok won't help you grow, and you might be surprised how cruel some people can be so till proven other wise i don't see the point in expecting people to be a true friend and it makes it easier when people let you down". " well there's not a lot i can say now you don't like me but but i hope in time my words have some baring in helping you grow". ' this is why dealing with over sensitive people is a pain in the ass and come on dealing with one little sister is hard enough i'm not the warm and fuzzy type so what do you honestly expect from me'. 
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Hazel just looked at her as she was glaring at her" yoo don't undeustane me so leave me alone I don't care what others think of me I like being deef so stop doing the pity look" she angry as she just ignored her" see ya ass hole" she say leaving her room she just cry going to the library' I'm at the library Reno can you come I hate my new roommate she say I sound awful when I speak and need to practice but karoline say I sound good' she cry texting her friend @ShadowSaber331
"Yeah, I got someone I need to meet in her..." Reno was interrupted by his phone vibrating. He takes it out and reads a message from Hazel, telling her to meet her at the library. "Well, I was about to say 'meet her at the dorm,' but I guess I have to meet her at the library," he said. "Anyway, I'll be back soon." Reno left his dorm after meeting with both Tori and Isaac and made his way towards the library. When he arrived, he noticed Hazel looking gloomier than normal. He walks up to her and sits down somewhere parallel to her spot. 'I'm here Hazel,' he signed. 'I got your text, and I think I know who you're talking about. Your roommate, along with Raiven goes by the name of Ruby, though I don't know what her story is. Want me to talk to her?'

@Leo Radomir

Hazel saw him signing as she just smiled' yes please can you she more scarier than raiven was when we first meet' she signed as she just looked at him as she sighed' she a meanie' she signed' do you want to go to talk to her I hope she don't get mad at me for telling on her' she signed to him' big brother Reno is kind like my mom was' she signed getting more sad @ShadowSaber331
'Was,' he signed. 'What happened to....actually, no, scratch that, I don't want you to relive something traumatizing.' Reno's thoughts were on overdrive when Hazel said through sign language that he was as kind as her mother. A few possible scenarios popped into his head, but one of them was most likely to have happened: her mother passed away. He was glad he caught himself before he asked her what happened to her mother, because he knew it was a can of worms that he didn't want to open. 'I'll head over and see if your roommate's still around.'

Hazel just looked at him as she nodded standing up as she just smiles' thank you big brother for taking care of her she mean I don't know what to do' she signed she was happy that he didn't ask about her mother death she just smiles' I have a new home with raiven' she signed she just sighed as she was looking at him' thanks for not askingabout her' she signed she just didn't know how to grive out with her mom death" can yoo help me grieve over mom's deeth" she talked to him she just was eating the candy that was given to her' want some candy that was made for me karoline and raiven made me candy' she signed  @ShadowSaber331
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He nodded. "Homura could be a bit.. Well oblivious on things. He doesn't really find out he did a boo-boo until it's too late." Adrian kinda smirked when Raiven suggested Reno. "Yeaaah Reno is a really nice guy. He's sweet, funny- well kinda funny, not really a douche, he's a bit cold but he's a water elemental who usually uses ice so what are you gonna do, he's attractive- not as attractive as me but he's second best I guess, I'd date him and that's saying A LOT seeing onto how picky I am with my partners, I approve fully if you'd date him though, AND seems to care for you a lot." Adrian Vivien everybody, the ultimate wingman. 

"The best thing to do to Homura is let me blow him off to another country and make sure he doesn't come back talk to him, tell him that he hurt you. It's best you tell him this if you really did see him as a potential boyfriend." For some reason Adrian didn't like imagining the two together. Because now that you think about it, they didn't seem like they were meant to be. Now that Homura hurt Katalina that is. Not to mention he was now the unofficial wingman for Reno. He was quite determined to get the two together. 

Adrian frowned a bit. "Hey, not all men are ignorant." He then fixes his formal vest, bow tie, and fixes his hair. "Like, look at me! I'm not ignorant, right?" He gave the two girls his saddest look, this little shit is manipulative. Of course he'd try to let them say that he wasn't ignorant like most men.

@demnkiller @Eternal Dragonchild
Raiven giggled, Adrian was real fun to talk to and he had a great sense of humour "I said most men were jerks. You, Reno and Arcy aren't" She looked Adrian up and down "I dunno, you're ignorant at times. for example, you haven't noticed the spider on your shoulder" Raiven points at his right shoulder with a look of dead seriousness on her face "It's scaring me, get rid of it" There was, of course no spider there but Raiven was feeling slightly bored so she decided to mess with him. 

"I wonder if Arcy is asleep, and if he'd object to me cuddling up" She yawned slightly, the fight having taken it out of her today "I, i could really use a nap" Raiven often went from acting like she was high on coffee to falling asleep in a few seconds, it usually co incided with the candy running out of her system.

@eero-prince @demnkiller
After countless hours of walking and walking, Balthazar finally sees a huge building blending with the dense forest in the distance..
"That must be it!"
said Balthazar with a suprised look on his face "Never expected to be this far into the north much less to have such perfect blend with the snowy forest that gives the view definitly a sense of harmony."
Standing there a couple of seconds admiring the view "A new chapter of my life is about to unfold here, just thinking about pumps me with lots of energy to go around the rest of the day.", he then began to resume is steps walking to the main gate while whispering softly..
After countless hours of walking and walking, Balthazar finally sees a huge building blending with the dense forest in the distance..
"That must be it!"
said Balthazar with a suprised look on his face "Never expected to be this far into the north much less to have such perfect blend with the snowy forest that gives the view definitly a sense of harmony."
Standing there a couple of seconds admiring the view "A new chapter of my life is about to unfold here, just thinking about pumps me with lots of energy to go around the rest of the day.", he then began to resume is steps walking to the main gate while whispering softly..

Zenith steps out of the shadows and says" welcome it seems your ready for this place i'm zenith an assistant teacher so i hope you enjoy the classes and make the most out of your youth while your at it", He pauses for a minute or so then says" do you know where the dorm and your room is by chance if not i don't mind taking you there". ' this kid is a bit on the odd side but hey it takes all kinds to make this place and i look forward to all my students growing it makes the long years i spent training worth it'.
Balthazar answers with a bright smile "Hello, my name's Balthazar Dáinsleif, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Zenith" while giving Zenith a polite handshake "According to the letter i've received" pulls out a letter with the Academy's seal
"I'm going to be starting my job here as a teacher, although i pretty much must have made a couple of mistakes on my way here, since i wandered around the forest like a lost soul."
said Balthazar trying to forgive himself for his difficulty with directions  "Also i would like to take your offer to show me around since i still need figure out where is the Dean's office to mark my arrival and deal with a couple of paperwork to fully finish my contract and also to review the subjects i will be lecturing after the holiday break and if it's not too much trouble could you help me get a map of the Academy just so in case i get lost again i can have a foolproof plan." declared Balthazar still with a sunny smile
Balthazar answers with a bright smile "Hello, my name's Balthazar Dáinsleif, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Zenith" while giving Zenith a polite handshake "According to the letter i've received" pulls out a letter with the Academy's seal
"I'm going to be starting my job here as a teacher, although i pretty much must have made a couple of mistakes on my way here, since i wandered around the forest like a lost soul." said Balthazar trying to forgive himself for his difficulty with directions  "Also i would like to take your offer to show me around since i still need figure out where is the Dean's office to mark my arrival and deal with a couple of paperwork to fully finish my contract and also to review the subjects i will be lecturing after the holiday break and if it's not too much trouble could you help me get a map of the Academy just so in case i get lost again i can have a foolproof plan." declared Balthazar still with a sunny smile

Zenith gently laughs and he hand shakes his hand and says" my bad there's been a lot of students lately so i assumed you were another one, as for the map you best ask the principal about that when we get there". Zenith then pulls his hand back and says" before we go please don't forget to shut the gates i'd rather not have some wild beast to deal with so soon into the school year". ' i feel a little bad for him i hope he get's used to this place soon otherwise people might take the utter mick out of him'. ' that aside i hear we have a really hot female teacher i wounder what working with her will be like i hope she doesn't try and make out with me infront of all the students that would be super awkward'. 

Raphael Moreau


        I woke up, and barely an hour passed. I needed something to do. I needed to talk to someone, I needed to, I don't know, fix my impression on others, as clearly not making friends is the path to my destruction. I felt like I could start with Reno. After all, he was indeed good at battling, and he seems to run the show on his own, yet he is not at the top. I got up and quickly dressed up in my normal clothes, which were pretty formal if you'd ask me. I stepped outside and walked up to Dorm Room 103 and gave it a knock.

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Balthazar laughs for a bit and while closing up the main gate makes a small conversation with Zenith
"I'm suprised with the amounts of wildlife and several types of plants around here. I hope you don't mind if i took a couple of herbs and plants on my way here so i can study them for a bit later."
curiously said Balthazar and follows up with a question
"What type of wildbeasts are we expecting to be wandering in the forest actually?"
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Reno was surprised to hear that Raiven is giving Hazel a home. Out of absolutely nowhere, he hugs her, not a friendly one, but one of sympathy, and of happiness. 'That's good to know,' he signed. 'I know she can take care of you. Raiven's quite the mother figure when she has to be...I did ask my mother if she could help me build like a base of operations for the Elites, I even told her that I'll call her for when I make a few new friends. She already has 11 planned, 8 for the Elites, and 3 for you, Luka, and Karoline.' Reno checks his clock and notices that it's almost time for bed. 'I'm gonna talk to your roommate now,' Reno gets up and walks over to Hazel's dorm, and notices Raphael in front of his. "Raphael," he shouted. "What are you doing near my door?"


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Raphael Raphael


        "I was going to ask if I could come in. Like any good gentlemen of course. I also really don't like your voice pounding in my ears in such a manner as I am right in front of you." I noted. "Anyway, I was here for a chat." I sighed as I continued, "The world is full of enemies, and it seems I have gotten off the wrong foot here it seems. Cultural divides it seems. In France, insulting one's style is a base for improvement. It is very normal to have criticism, but it is looked down upon if you continue having the same problems." I had noted. "I am sorry if my cultural habits have soured our 'relations' as it seems," I said apologetically. Awaiting for his response.

"Eh, I don't really blame you," he responded. "Take it from someone living in the United States for a long time. Not a lot of people can take criticism." Reno rests his back against the wall with his arms crossed. "Besides, I find it more logical to be your ally than to go against you," he continued. "Especially since you basically hav a counter for almost all of my tactics, hell, I'm pretty sure Clair was impressed to see a battle involving wits instead of brute strength. But this is something you gotta tell the others as well, not just me." Reno looks over at Hazel's dorm room 104 and proceeds towards it. "Anyway, we'll talk later, I got someone to talk too." Reno walks over to room 104 and knocks on it.


@Leo Radomir
Hazel just looked at him as she smiled as she was walking to her dormroom as she knew it was almost dorm room as she just walked with reno she was happy to have a friend like him that can fight her own battles with her room mmate she just walked inside her dormroom' i glad big brother is going to talk to her i have no problem getting pade fun of i'm happy the way i am no one can underestimate me because i'm deaf i want to change the way they think' she thought as she looked at reno she took off her hearing aids as she put them in her case' what you going to do big brother' she signed" he my big brother' she say wrong as she just sighed as she was reading a book @Leo Radomir @ShadowSaber331
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Raphael Moreau


        "...I see," as I began to look at the girl inside the room Reno was just in. Perhaps another Elite? I thought. I needed to create a base of relations here, someone in the Elite who can vouch for me. I needed to play the puppeteer here, but yet seem that I am just here to be friendly. "Hello, I am Raphael Moreau," I greeted Victoria. "Pray tell, may I come in? I may not be an elite, but I am just as influential as one," I asked her.

"Eh, I don't really blame you," he responded. "Take it from someone living in the United States for a long time. Not a lot of people can take criticism." Reno rests his back against the wall with his arms crossed. "Besides, I find it more logical to be your ally than to go against you," he continued. "Especially since you basically hav a counter for almost all of my tactics, hell, I'm pretty sure Clair was impressed to see a battle involving wits instead of brute strength. But this is something you gotta tell the others as well, not just me." Reno looks over at Hazel's dorm room 104 and proceeds towards it. "Anyway, we'll talk later, I got someone to talk too." Reno walks over to room 104 and knocks on it.

Hazel just looked at him as she smiled as she saw a boy she got a bit scared' who is he is he your frind' she signed as she was smiling she look at her room she didn't want to get yelled at even though she couldn't hear she just looked at the boy' but we not elites we just humans' she signed' i have to get some of my stuff before they take my house away from me' she signed as she looked at the boy" helo" she say wrong as she was trying to use her voice she was scared to talk to her roommate ruby she wanted to stay with her other friend' i wonder where is raiven' she thought as she unlock her door and walked in her room she stick her tounge at her" neh" she say as she just looked 


Sapphire puts down her book and sees the girl sticking her tongue out at her from the corner of her eye then smirks and says" Really what are you in preschool i simply stated the facts what you choose to do about them is up to you, as i said before i'm not here to get all chummy with people just like that and i'm used to being hated, i just hope my other room mate isn't a bore i'm not in the mood for stupid drama and games right now". Ruby looks over at the guy her glaze colder than ice not caring if he likes her on not. 

Balthazar laughs for a bit and while closing up the main gate makes a small conversation with Zenith"I'm suprised with the amounts of wildlife and several types of plants around here. I hope you don't mind if i took a couple of herbs and plants on my way here so i can study them for a bit later." curiously said Balthazar and follows up with a question"What type of wildbeasts are we expecting to be wandering in the forest actually?"

Isaac takes all in and says in a semi nice voice" sounds like it's pretty crazy on your end i feel you because my work gets like that sometimes and my brain and mouth doesn't respond as i'd like them to but that aside i hope things work out for you because it's nice when things don't go sideways".

Zenith gently laughs and says" sure and yes there as for the beasts i don't really know the names or nature of them because it's not my area i'm a fire user but in a place like this as said before it's best not to take chances". Zenith starts to slowly walk towards the main entrance of the school so he doesn't lose the new teacher and have to go and find him again.
Hazel just lookd at her just looked at her" i deaf don't yoo understend" she say as she just looked at her she just got up as she just slammed the door she didn't want her friends to worry as she got out her phone as she just sit in the hallway she just looked at the other students passing by she just starting to cry her tears coming down her face' why does she have to be so mean i don't understand why i feel like i'm hated because i'm deaf' she thought as she just got out her phone looking at her texts she text riavne' hey where are you our roommate ruby is here i hate her' she text her' sheas more mean than when i first met you' she text as she felt she was pouting as she closed her eyes waiting for her big brother reno to talk to her roommate about her being so mean she hated people being so mean but she was diffrent @Eternal Dragonchild @Leo Radomir 
Reno sighs from her reaction, knowing full well that this person doesn't know that she's deaf. "Even if you tell her all of that," he explains. "She can't even hear you. She's lost her hearing in both ears when she was born, only way she could communicate was through sign language." He turns around and faces Hazel's roommate. "I take you're one of those people that has little to no patience for anything and everything, right? I'm Reno, one of the Elites in this school, and a friend of your roommates Raiven and Hazel. I'm also guessing that from your attitude...rough family life?"

@Leo Radomir
Hazel just lookd at her just looked at her" i deaf don't yoo understend" she say as she just looked at her she just got up as she just slammed the door she didn't want her friends to worry as she got out her phone as she just sit in the hallway she just looked at the other students passing by she just starting to cry her tears coming down her face' why does she have to be so mean i don't understand why i feel like i'm hated because i'm deaf' she thought as she just got out her phone looking at her texts she text riavne' hey where are you our roommate ruby is here i hate her' she text her' sheas more mean than when i first met you' she text as she felt she was pouting as she closed her eyes waiting for her big brother reno to talk to her roommate about her being so mean she hated people being so mean but she was diffrent @Eternal Dragonchild @Leo Radomir 

"We'll...no doubt about it. There are people like that in this world, don't expect most of them to like and simply help you in the blink of an eye. I bet they won't even care if you're deaf or if anyone has a disability." Karoline signed and paused. "When you encounter people like that....just let them be for awhile and do your own business, there's a reason why they're like that." Karoline signed and huffed. She was becoming realistic here, but supporting to Hazel as she just hugs her and pets her head. "Isn't that what happened when you first met Raiven? Didn't you hate her at first? Just give time Hazel...she will eventually just warm up later .." She reassured her while she took out a book to read while hugging her.

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