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Not Everyone Is Perfect!

Ally Harper

New Member
You're beautiful

You're beautiful

You're beautiful, it's true

I saw your face in a crowded place

And I don't know what to do

'Cause I'll never be with you

You're beautiful

You're beautiful

You're beautiful, it's true

There must be an angel with a smile on her face

When she thought up that I should be with you

But it's time to face the truth

I will never be with you

Or will she?

Good afternoon!

I am currently seeking literate, female writers for a friendship plot based around two female characters, which could possible evolve into a romantic plot much later on if needed. (Or they can be dating from the very start, this can be discussed.)

Effectively, for this story, I'm looking for a female character to be friends with Alice. From the elbow down, she is missing her right arm. This is due to an accident, which will be mentioned/occur through flashbacks. This massively effects her self-confidence, and she only recently is brave enough to go out without wearing clothes to try and mask the fact she'd lost a limb. It's up to you if she's someone society considers "perfect", or if she too has an injury or something which allows her to understand how Alice feels, and for Alice to understand her.

Personally, I think it'll be more interesting for the one whom is Alice's friend to be someone who used to pick on her at school, and would seem the most unlikely of people to defend her from those who have negative things to say about her now. Prehaps it could be guilt, or Alice could have comforted her or had a heart to heart with her before the accident. We can discuss this, however.

There doesn't need to be romance, though I will be sticking to the fact Alice likes women. A one-sided crush is very possibly a thing I can bring in.

The youngest I'll write Alice is 18, and this is also the youngest I'll accept your character. I'm also NOT looking for writers under 18, as this may end up dealing with more adult themes as the story progresses. If we're going for 18, it's up to you if we set this in or out of a high school setting.

I've attached a writing sample, so you can see my style.~

"Do I look beautiful enough?" Alice stood before the full-length mirror located in the bathroom, her hand clasped around a necklace in front of her nervously. Her thin form was currently clad in a long, flowing summer dress, pure white with a pattern of roses along the hem of it. Sandals were upon her feet, and her hair was loose and curly, framing her pale, freckled face and delicate features almost perfectly. The question was something she asked herself, currently being alone in the small apartment.

She'd gone for this outfit as it was much too hot for her normal types of outfit. Sitting on the beach in a hoodie and jeans whilst the sun tried to cook her was something she didn't particuarly relish having to face. The other was to show off a tattoo she'd gotten recently just below her knee. It was simple, a rose with space around it if she ever wished to get a name done.

Her main concern, however, was staring her right in the face. This was her very first time leaving the house without something to cover up the fact she'd substained an injury which left her without her right forearm and hand. The idea of people staring terrified her, yet at the same time, deep down she knew one day she'd have to face going out without it hidden. To show a future partner she wasn't as perfect as others out there.

She knew wearing baggy clothes others could see the fact she wasn't, as someone crudely put it "complete", but there was some sort of comfort that people couldn't see the scars, not the injury itself. It was her coping mechanisim, so to speak.

Jolting out of her thoughts at the sound of someone at her front door, Alice made her way across the apartment, hand resting upon the lock for a moment or so. It was the very first time her friend would see her arm, and she was so damn scared of what she'd say.

But Alice wanted to go to the beach with her. She knew she did, and was ready for her friend (Her only and best) to see this, to know why she found it so hard to cope. Stepping back as she opened the door, the blonde anxiously waited to see her friend's reaction to her, feeling sick to the stomach.
I'm just dropping by to say a little hi and,


This plot is so breathtaking(and heartbreaking). I've never seen anyone actually going for this kind of plot, much less have the confidence to do try.

Happy RPing!
Why, thank you! I like to go for things like this, as I find it often tests people. Too often, perfection is demanded from a character, physically and psychologically, and I find it sets too many limitations on where things can go.

It's not my first character to have something "wrong". I have a few whom use wheelchairs, two autistic characters (One low-functioning, one high) and a blind male.
:0 Hiya, this plot is amazing. I'd be more than willing to take a jab at it with you. Shoot me a PM when you can, I can get you a writing sample if you need as well. :)
Indeed! It certainly brings a whole new experience to the table; though not many dare to take up the challenge.

Most people I know who are able to express a character's views about their disabilities are often those who experienced it first hand, and those people are authors(fanfiction authors). It's nice to see a change in the generic characters I see every day.

Iskolde said:
:0 Hiya, this plot is amazing. I'd be more than willing to take a jab at it with you. Shoot me a PM when you can, I can get you a writing sample if you need as well. :)
Will do when I can tomorrow. :) Looking forwards to it!
[QUOTE="Ally Harper]Will do when I can tomorrow. :) Looking forwards to it!

Oh, dear. I didn't realize you were new, I can start a PM for us if you need me to. I'm terribly sorry. :)
This plot sounds really neat! I quite like rps that sorta allow characters to get back onto their feet, it happens frequently with mine. I've only done shorter, more conversation rps with friends for a while, so I'm a tad rusty with forums, but I have enough years under my belt to get around it quick. I also have a character with a disability that might fit the plot well, but that's up for discussion obviously. I create OCs for things so I'm not above doing that at all.

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