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Realistic or Modern Not According To Plan

Gemma Nye

A baby was the worst case scenario for Alaura Rozeny. Like, c’mon. The only time she ever caved into the lures of the body without being in a relationship first was in a moment of poor decision making and no condom. Muse B, more popular and likable than Alaura could ever hope to be, ensnares her and she catches feelings for him, knowing that he probably would never go for a girl like her.
Alaura could be wrong, but the most important thing is to come clean and tell Henry Winslow that she’s pregnant. Henry takes it well, surprisingly, and offers to do what he can to help with the baby. Alaura makes it clear she doesn’t expect him to marry her, but she’d like to keep the baby and he’s welcome to be in its life.
Henry, a real socialite, rises to the occasion without hesitation, wanting to be there for the child. He was abandoned by his father not long after he was born and swore to never be that kind of man. But as time goes on and he accompanies Alaura to some appointments and helps with shopping for the necessary items, really begins to fall for her. He notices his thoughts becoming consumed with her and thinks he might actually be in...love?
Gemma Nye Gemma Nye Librocubicularist Librocubicularist

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