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Fandom Noragami - The Golden Dragon



All site rules apply

Use decent grammar and spelling, a few mistakes are ok but at least spellcheck

Take turns posting unless your character has been engaged in a conversation or an action is directed towards them

If you read this crap put Nora at the end of your CS.

No god modding or bunnying, your character is not going to dodge every attack and he is not Neo from the Matrix!

Respect other RPers


Apparent Age:

Real Age:


Race:(Regalia, God, or Elemental Spirit)




Abilities/Alternate Form(if Regalia):

Name: Tatsuo Koteisue, God of the Red Courage

Apparent Age: 21

Real Age: 101

Gender: Male

Race: God



Personality: Tatsuo is quiet but nice. He tries to be helpful when he can but understands the teachings of tough love. He enjoys observing life as it happens and finding a peaceful quiet spot every now and then.

Background: Originally born from the prays of Italian soldiers asking for courage in the first great war. A son of Mars he lived of the prayers of men who reverted to the old gods in times of need. He never became much more than a minor god and was prayed to again during the second World War but was soon forgotten once the war ended.

He found a common cause with the teachings of Bushido and converted his form into one more Japanese one. The conversion took a great toll on him and he was forced to stay in his physical form. Due to his lack of worshipers he his often forced to eat human food and takes odd jobs to make a living.

Abilities: Tatsuo aura can inspire courage to people around him and he is in the process of learning how to create an aura of fear as well. He also can surround his body in flames though it takes a lot of energy so he really only creates flames around his fists.
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-Name- Kaito Reizo, God of The Arts.

-Apparent Age- 18 (give or take a bit)

-Real Age- 72

-Gender- Male

-Race- God




Spacey but enjoys being in the company of friendly people. Tends to forget where he is at times, usually resulting in him drawing pictures or composing small bits of music in random areas. He usually feels bad about vandalizing other people's property and often tries to clean it up quickly. Enjoys wandering around and rarely stays still for more than a few hours at most, but Kaito can often be found lazying around in parks on sunny days.


Born of the prayers for artistic greatness from aspiring Japanese manga artists after they'd been inspired by the American comics and cartoons during their occupation of Japan. Kaito is a relatively young god and has yet to establish him self in society's mind. However he was very popular for a while after the occupation had ended, giving aid to many in many artistic areas, including musical, visual and culinary arts. (Theatrical arts weren't exactly his strong suit though.)

After the large boom of artistic creation following the begin of manga he was slowly forgotten, people came to him less and less. He once had a shrine, though it has since quickly fallen into disrepair with no followers and Kaito's loss of interest in its upkeep. He is quick the help any person who asks for his aid, but for the most part he does odd jobs around town. Lacking any really loyal worshipers, he's become a very good cook himself and has contemplated working in restaurants. Though lacking memorability, he is unable to get a job easily.

-Abilities- Kaito's only real ability is bringing life to drawings for a short amount of time, he's not strong enough to keep it up for more than about a half an hour.



Etsu Nait?

Apparent Age:


Real Age:







hatsune miku blue hair anime girls 1920x1231 wallpaper_www.animemay.com_27.jpg


Etsu was once a evasive and quiet girl, the one who hid her problems and only went to school to learn, not make friends. She lived life as a spectator, never getting into trouble or attending any exciting social events. She never craved interaction because it was something she took for granted, she enjoyed the company of herself and the occasional other, but she didn't feed off of it. She changed once she died, her solitary nature has broken and cracked. She still retains her manners and most of her morals, but she often contemplates doing bad things for attention, sometimes she even does them. She has grown to hate the feeling of lonesomeness, the fact that almost no one can see her depresses her. She realizes now that she took the few friends she had for granted. She stalks people, watching them live their lives and sometimes making it harder for them if she's in a bad mood. Her emotions are unstable, it's like walking on eggshells with her. She wants to be happy, she'll do anything to feel that emotion again, but no matter what she does she never feels it. She feel alone and nothing more than her masters tool, though she's quite the disobedient Regalia. She is loyal to her master, she'll never desert him/her when they really need her, but she isn't easy to work with. She strays into sin occasionally, causing her master pain, but mostly she just wanders off or refuses to bond 100% with her master. There is a LOT of eye rolling involved with her when it comes to orders. Deep down inside she's just hurting, she hates the fact that she has to live on through death like this while others her age get to begin their lives. She yearns to live along side them, to taste what they taste, feel what they feel. It crushes her that she'll never get to live a normal life.


Etsu was born into a strict Japanese family. She was the youngest child of twelve, an absurd number of children due to her parents lack of self control. All of her siblings had already moved out or were about to by the time she was born, which means she was raised in a house by herself. Life wasn't particularly hard for her, she was always the loner child. As a kid she would go exploring by herself, an adventurous trait that she has retained to this day. Schooling was never a problem, Etsu was never bullied or made fun of or Miss Popular, but she got through okay. She graduated high school with straight A's and moved onto college to pursue a career in Bio-medical.

During her fourth year of college Etsu was killed. She was walking home from a small, local coffee shop late at night when gunfire erupted. It wasn't aimed at her, but she had been caught in the cross fire of a gang fight. She was shot forty one times and still managed to stay alive until she got to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.

She only remembers watching her coffee fall to the ground, the creamy brown liquid inside polluted by dark dots of red once it hit the cement below.

Abilities/Alternate Form:
Ignore everything but the bow and arrows, she forms her own quiver which is also made of the same hardened, almost unbreakable ice. The bow and arrows are so cold that they form frost on any nearby physical-world product, be it organic or man-made. It also has a blue, frosty aura around it.
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Apparent Age:


Real Age:









Very Happy-Go-Lucky personality, friendly, Optimistic, very sarcastic and snarky at times. Can come across as useless or weak, but is surprisingly useful and hates not being able to help. Athletic and smart-witted, sometimes criticizes the god she is working with if they are not thinking their plan though or are doing something stupid


She died in a car crash at the age of 14, and was the only member of her family to die in the crash, so she always felt lonely, and scared of being a burden to her grieving family. After 10 years, she has accepted her life as a spirit and soon learned about the gods and the ways she could help them. She loves to hang around her old school building and her families houses, but sometimes feels foolish for doing that because she knows they'll never see her again. She does miss her life a lot and always wishes she could return to her family, but had come to terms with her death, because she knew it was the best thing for her to do instead of sulk all the time.

Abilities/Alternate Form(if Regalia):

She turns into a silver Scythe with dark green ribbons hanging off the handle and near the blade as well. It has a some what light green glow around the blade an a small charm of a cinnamon bun hanging off the end of the handle.

Name: Taromaru

Apparent Age: 12

Real Age: 200

Gender: Female

Race: God (God of Animal Spirits and Reincarnation)



Personality: Taro is cold and shy and doesn't talk much on the outside pushing away others and is quite a sadist but in the inside she is quite caring and loves to draw pictures,eat food, and relax. Taro is very lazy yet she manages to get her own shrine because of her gift to heal people's precious animals to a healthy life. Taromaru doesn't like summer much because it's too hot and would often be inside but in winter she's always playing and sometimes stuck in a snowman.

Background: Whenever an animal dies it is Taromaru's job to collect their soul and decide whether to turn them into a spirit to watch over others and their loved ones, or to reincarnate them into another life form. People with animals they so dearly loved pray everyday for their animal to overcome sickness, their love was too strong and powerful it created Taromaru the goddess of Animal Spirits and Reincarnation. Many groups of people would come to Taromaru's shrine and would offer food to her in return to save their pet from sickness or wish they would have a better life in the next life. Some would go to her shrine so they can meet their pets from the dead who were already long gone from saving, but for that they needed to sacrifice a greater price. Their precious memories of their pet they wished to meet. To Taromaru it takes great energy to let a human meet the dead, and the limited time is only 2 hours. Many took up the offer and in the end they left the shrine without a clue to what they were doing there. It was sad to Taromaru to be honest, but she knew that at least they had a last goodbye.

Abilities: Taromaru can summon Spirits of animals to attack enemies or guard her when injured, she also has a healing ability to heal others when injured, but the thing is she can't heal herself.
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My Info



Futsunushi, God of Swords



Nushi, Fuu


Looks - 24 years old

Real Age - 875 years old



Hair Color


Skin Tone



6' 7"

About Me


Fuu was a quiet person, probably due to his age. He prefer to meditate in his own shrine than lurking around town. Even if he met another gods, he doesn't talk much and only talk when he was questioned. And he loves animal, especially foxes and he kept one on his shrine.


Futsunushi no Kami, one of the old gods in Japan. As the gods of swords, he was often sought on warring era and he personally helped Minamoto clan in Heian period and helped Tokugawa Shogunate in Sengoku era. He often, back when samurai was still common, assumed a human form and walked around town, and helped people in troubles. This was his way to make him more popular. His shrines was really popular back then, although it became abandoned lately. Also, he knew Taromaru since she was just newborn, and because she looked like a fox and he often came by her shrines to play with her.


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@EstyDonuit - Accepted!

@Celebi - There is always room for more people

@DGLong - Can you be more specific about what you are a god of? Also if you are a god of samurai you could be at the most 900 years old because there is no steady record of them until the 12th century, same goes with the katanas. Sorry, but I am a big fan history and inaccuracies can be a pet peeve of mine.
Name: Caspian Fairchild

Apparent Age: 17

Real Age: 20

Gender: Male



Personality:Caspian is a very calm person but he is not afraid to speak his mind. He is kind and very perceptive to most people's feelings. He can be depended on to follow through on something. He is very easy to get a long with. At times when something makes him angry, then he does get truly mad. Caspian is loyal to a fault believes that loyalty is one of the most important values a person can have. He can be sarcastic if he wishes, but most of the time he's not.

Background: Caspian was the victim of a pedestrian death that involved him, his friend and a careless driver. He was walking to school with his friend like they always did in the morning. Caspian was talking to Ren about what they were planning to do after school. Ren said that he was really excited about getting to play a new game that he had gotten and Caspian had smiled. They were chatting and walking across the street when a careless driver zoomed out of nowhere and hit them both, Caspian had taken the force of the hit so Ren was partly spared. Caspian remembers that the sky was the bluest blue that he had ever seen. He vaguely remembers someone calling 911 and being lucid when they arrived. The last thing he remembered was that he heard one of the doctors call out, "He's going into shock!" and blacked out. When he awoke Caspian was a spirit. He was never sure what had happened to Ren.

Abilities/Alternate Form(if Regalia):
His weapon form has a silvery-white glow to it when enemies are near.

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Name: Tajimamori

Nickname: Taji

Apparent Age: 31 years old

Real Age: ????

Gender: male

Race:God of confectionery and sweets!



Personality: In truth if one were to meet this god in person, you wouldn't exactly be able to tell if they were a god, or simply a nosy uncle you had forgotten about but met once, but has heard about your relationship down the grape vine enough to be somewhat interested, only that somewhat jacked up to REALLY interested. Aside from that hes rather personable, abit to nosy and huggy but a good man who simply wishes for all the world to be happy and pleased with their lives, due to this he is rather pacifistic and more or less try to bribe the person into friendship more then actually fight, should the being be able to accept them being the first thought.

However he gets rather... sad if he disappoints a friend, even in the slightest of ways, almost to a point he almost seems like he would cry himself to death... Aside from that he is a rather wonderful cook, specializing in sweets and confectioneries, if abit miserly with his prices when it comes to fellow gods... What? They can pay! They're gods!

Background: Tajimamori - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now while Taji isn't worshiped as much as many other gods, he certainly holds his place in the hearts of many people, especially those who hold their hearts in their stomachs. While holding no shrine of his own, he is respected by many bakers and any who wish their cooking to flourish.

To supplement his limited amount of worshipers he tends to a small restaurant specializing in what he does best, he also hosts parties, caters to events and much more! Willing to suit any sort of palate, no matter how strange! he even on occasion is called upon to cater to gods as well! his prices are rather reasonable and well suited to simple daily dining should you want to drop by for a snack~!

*now hiring waiters or waitresses

**prices vary on event catering.

***Delivery available.

****Hiring delivery personnel.


Aside from his absolutely god-like cooking skills he has various other skills, such as a interesting power that allows him to cause fruits to ripen the instant they come into his hands, these fruit also have various effects on the person who eats them.

*Very tasty~!

*Miraculous healing powers, allowing one to recover from illness, fatigue and injuries with shocking speed.

*Make very nice smoothies.

In truth, as a minor god he has little in the way of awe inspiring powers, however this doesn't prevent him from being happy with whom he is! All respect cookery, regardless of where they come from!


if anything else is needed, please let me know!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/1442458845770.jpg.d6d519a1ab2aa2b1d4d190eae02b3ef9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81145" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/1442458845770.jpg.d6d519a1ab2aa2b1d4d190eae02b3ef9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The Heart



Name || Nen

Height || 5'0"

Weight || 100 lbs.

Apparent Age || 18

Real Age || Since the existence of living creatures

Race || Goddess of Love, Family, Relationships, and Home

|| Symbol ||


Personality || Nen is kind to everyone and is full of good spirits. She welcomes everyone as a friend and would do just about anything asked of her. She is very gentle and radiates a feeling of warmth and protection. There is hardly ever a time she is harsh to someone and it is usually because she cares for them and wishes they would change their path. Nen is incapable of hatred and even prays and hopes better of her enemies. She does not hold grudges either. Nen would take anyone into her home and protect so long as they are kind and appreciative.

|| Likes ||

- Pink

- Tea

- Kindness

- Flowers

- Soft Music

- Fuzzy Blankets

- Cooking

|| Dislikes ||

- Ill will toward others

- Losing someone she cares for

- The Dark

- The Cold

- Snakes

|| Quirks ||

- Nen is a little more touchy feely than your average person but she is gentle and the gestures are meant with kindness

- She hums and sings while she is doing things

|| Her Shrine ||

Nen's shrine is somewhat like a large dolled up family home. The lights are always on, the grass is filled with flowers and the inside has things like a kitchen, a fire place, big comfy beds, and doily as far as the eye can see.

|| Abilities ||

- Nen can shield people from things like immediate harm, diseases, and other things that would harm them or render them any less than healthy and happy

- Nen can give people pieces of her power, though this takes away from her. Every piece is a piece of Nen. Nen is only so much.

- Nen can control things like fertility and health. She can heal just about any disease

- Nen can control peoples feelings to a degree. She can calm them or make them happy. Aside from that, other emotions are out of her control

|| Weaknesses ||

- Nen cannot fight for herself

- It is near impossible for her to raise a sword or hand to someone because she cannot hate

- Nen is weak alone

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@DGLong - Your post for the most part is OK, but I ask you and anyone else to ask me before making their first post and wait for me to say accepted for their CS.
Ok so just to be official @Stamper - Accepted!

Everyone please wait to post, I have something coming up that will smoothly introduce the characters and have them meet.
*awkward shifting eyes* ....Hey there... how are you today?

Subtlty aside, am I accepted? Goin down the list of folks it looks almost like yea didn't see me there, if so I truely hope it ain't gona running problem where the head honcho don't recognize my presence... or am I a ghost and I don't realise it? Seriously somebody prove I'm still among the living and not like some Internet ghost. @HawkBlood
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@Orikanyo - Your character is norse god and the way I have gods set up. They get their power from worshipers so all the norse gods would've died off. Also I feel like having a norse god would break the feel/setting of the rp with it being japanese Shintoism.
@HawkBlood aye I suppous so, a pity then, I'd attempt another but I lack motivation for such things at the moment.

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