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Fandom Nonsuch Manor Academy: Character Sheets



Illusion is eternity. Machines will live forever.
Interest check thread located here.

Character applications are closed!

Here's what to keep in mind: These teenagers have all been recruited with the story that they're incredibly gifted children, or have great potential. So much so that this apparently elite school is willing to pay for them to travel and attend.
Of course, they're not being chosen purely on that: they want children who are smart, but who will still do as they're told, from a suitably untroublesome family. But most of all, FIREWALL want students who are deemed "compatible" with the digital world, which they determine using information they've gathered from the missing Chosen Children, and the internet presence of the candidates.
(Children are more compatible than adults, and yet some are more suited than others. They don't quite understand why.)
Ultimately they want teenagers who can manipulate digimon and cause them to grow stronger, and are looking for the most suitable candidates from those they've invited to the school. So, they'll overlook some troublesome behaviour or intellect in pursuit of that. With the knowledge that if a student is more trouble than they're worth, they'll get rid of them.

Age: 15-16. Included for the sake of completeness.
Country of origin: Nonsuch Manor is located in England, but has taken "students" from all over the world.

Appearance: Whether it includes an image or not is up to you.
History: Can be brief, but explain how they got to this point in their life, perhaps what led them/their guardians to accept the letter, etc.
Family: Who they live with- who might accompany them to the school, or send them off on their own. A glimpse into their home life.
Personality: The following fields can be merged into this one.
Skills: Or significant lack of skills.

Digimon: Child/rookie form, at least for now. It might be a while until these chaps show up, though. Please no legendary or overpowered types!
Main evolution path: Or, the path that you have in mind. Things may happen.

You can include personality, nicknames (etc) for the digimon now. Or you can wait and see where the RP goes, then add those details in later.
Bear in mind that these digimon did not choose to be partnered with humans, and likely will have a different dynamic than "organic" partner digimon. Some may have been kept and tested by FIREWALL for some time.
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Name: Eliisabet Sepp
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Country of origin: Estonia


History: Love, love it all and it will never leave you. Her mother's words would ring after Eliisabet's sister died. How she died, was too normal, just a car flying by. For Eliisabet to keep thinking of it was too weird. They lived in a modest family; father in booming life of start-up companies in Estonia, with a wife by his side-they always looking to the world to capture. "Power is the only way we going to save everyone" - is what all their talk would evolve too. Pushing children for higher grades, that was fine. Having video night just be slideshows of other countries was fine. Eliisabet wasn't fine. She craved to just find a spot, nothing for dumb people, or something too smart; she would even dream of finding a cozy cave in the mountains and just laying in there for the rest of her days, to let all of herself drip away without a little sister.

The letter came, her parents knew her children would be admired one day -this was just going to help their jewel get a head start networking. Sign. Ship. Tell their daughter.
Daughter blinked, breathed, didn't outright mourn, packed her belongings toward the little England town.
Family: Mother - Anue Sepp: Marketing director that hates talking to the public without her husband. Whenever anyone sees her outside the office, they'd think she was a skeleton walking back to the grave. At home or work, she would be the chattiest, smother cats that you'd ever lay eyes on. Father - Andres Sepp: CEO of something, if you ever see him outside of work you'd see man riled with energy, passion, and anger. He would start a fight if somebody tapped his shoulder and would of the street fighting scars to prove it. At home or work, he gives off a calming presence with his wife that could turn a stock room into a Buddhist paradise.
Personality: Call it hardy or uncaring when it comes to difficult situations, she'll look at the crashing tide and just try to deal with it. Physical, emotional, intellectual, all problems - at least try to withstand. She has recently, she thinks, be more self-aware. The only thing she wants whenever she talks to someone is for them to at least pass her as decent in their eyes. This has to lead to her going along with some peers, with on some extreme ideas-coupled with the uncanny ability to bend her personality into another person's, she has taken bits and pieces of everyone she has met-whether good or bad; she doesn't know.
Likes: Armadillos, simple fashion, relaxation with no music.
Dislikes: Any types of comments that pertain her, quiet music
Fears: To be hated.
Aspirations: Create peace for her and only her.
Skills: Compressive in English, French, Estonia to the point of being able to read high level literature; poor ability in athletics; limited to Geometry level of math; has extended fashion knowledge; some knowledge on burrowing animals; intermediate at Chess and Go; poor ability in video games; poor judge of musical abilities.

Cutemon -

Main evolution path: Gummymon (Pink) -> Cutemon -> CuteShoutmon -> Cho Hakkaimon -> Crusadermon
(Note: plans with GM, this will probably not be the used by character, but in lore reference)
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Name: Anton Kinsky Maria
Title: Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein
Age: 16.
Gender: Male
Country of origin: Liechtenstein


History: Born to Alios Phillip Maria and Sophie Elizabeth Marie Gabrielle, the current ruling family of the Principality of Liechtenstein, Anton has known only the finer things in life ever sense he was a child. The finest clothes. The finest schools. The finest foods. The finest....everything. It's all so...fine. And that is why he so finely is displeased with it all. Every choice he has ever made, every thought he thought he thought was decided for him by someone else. What to eat. What to wear. What classes to take in school. Everything predetermined. Even the girl he would one day wed had already been picked out for him by his parents, and much like himself was currently being groomed to be the perfect for him while he was to be the perfect fit for her. The entire situation was maddening.

Don't misunderstand, he knew full well why such things were expected of him, and he had every intention of hopefully becoming the successful monarch his parents were trying to force him to be. But it was for that exact reason that he hated what his life was. What if he didn't want to be a monarch? What if he wanted to be...ordinary? Was there something so wrong with that? These thoughts plagued him his entire life. So you could imagine his, and his parents, surprise when that fateful letter came in that extended to him a chance to get away from the life his family decided for him. His father objected, until Anton pleaded for him to listen to reason. To give him a chance. To let him decide this one thing for himself, if nothing else in this entire world. His father, seeing this and remembering making a similar plea to his own father decades before, did what his own father would not do for him. He allowed Anton to make the decision as to whether he would attend this school or not. And choose it Anton did. He would go to this school and finally have a taste of the life he had always wanted.

Father: Alios Phillip Maria, Prince Regeant of Liechtenstein
Mother: Sophie Elizabeth Marie Gabrielle, Princess Regeant of Liechtenstein
Sister: Marie-Anne Elizabeth, Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein

Personality: Despite his dislike of his upbringing, Anton has learned to keep a calm head about himself given almost any situation. It is easier to think of a solution that benefits all involved when one is calm after all. This doesn't mean he doesn't get angry, he just never lets it show.
Likes: Archery, Flying, Boating, Math
Dislikes: Others making decisions for him; Allergic to pineapple
Fears: Failing to live up to his parent's expectations
Aspirations: Keep his country prosperous like his family before him
Skills: Archery, Math, Diplomacy

Digimon: Betamon
Main evolution path: Betamon → DarkTyrannomon → MetalTyrannomon → Machinedramon
Name: Clovis Mori Dallier
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Country of origin: France/Japan
Blonde.jpgAppearance: A fair-skinned boy with golden locks and a slight frame. His nigh-constant, stone-faced expression reflects his manner.
History: Clovis is the product of a short-term love affair between a talented young ballet dancer and an exchange student in France. The relationship ended rather abruptly, for his father chose his career over staying with the young woman, who was now pregnant. He left her heartbroken, and the young woman would eventually succumb to depression shortly after giving birth. For the early part of his life, Clovis was raised by his maternal grandparents. And in spite of the circumstances of his conception, they loved him regardless and raised him with care. It wasn't a perfect life, and the topic of his parents weighed heavily upon him even as a child, but it was idyllic.

Shortly before turning nine, however, the man who had left his mother alone suddenly returned. Having married into and inherited a powerful position in a corporate conglomerate, the man offered his grandparents a seemingly better life for the young boy. They relented after careful thought, but without consulting Clovis, rationalizing it as the best option for him. And so, the young boy was whisked away to his father's homeland. Naturally, he never integrated into the household and was silently disdained by the man's family as an outsider and a reminder of his surrender to baser impulses. In that cold atmosphere, the boy secluded himself and focused solely on his studies. Not to win the affection or praise of the father he never had, but to become an elite to prove his worth to that family and then completely abandon them to strike his own path. When it became clear that his honed talents and accumulated knowledge eclipsed those of his half-siblings, Nonsuch Manner seemed to be a promising dumping ground for the unwanted prodigy. And naturally, the young man longed to return to Europe and abscond from the cruel silence that oppressed him with that family.
Father - Toyotaro Rintaro: Head of the Ōgai Financial Group
Mother - Elise Dallier: Deceased
Grandfather - Georges Dallier: Retired actor
Grandmother - Renée Dallier: Retired teacher
Personality: Serious and quiet, Clovis is someone who was practically forced to grow up early. As a result, he shows much restraint when dealing with his peers and can come off as a cold and perhaps arrogant. And as a someone who was largely left to excel on his own, Clovis finds it hard to aid others if they're less proficient in a field than him - he doesn't have the talent needed to teach, in other words. And in turn, he's someone who doesn't ask for aid, he'll stubbornly struggle on his own until he inevitably gets back up on his feet no matter how much time that takes. This indivualistic, lone-wolf demeanor is something that he's aware of and yet sees no problem with. And as a result, the value of friends is lost on him as a result.
Likes: Reading, training, surpassing his peers.
Dislikes: Conversing with others, anything Japanese.
Fears: Dying without achieving anything.
Aspirations: Prove his superiority to his father's family and forge his own path.
Skills: Fencing, kendo, and both French and Japanese history. Fluent in French, Japanese and English. Proficient in other subjects but that means much less in an environment filled with other prodigies and notable people like Nonsuch. Mediocre calligraphy, unfortunately.

Digimon: Agumon (Black)
Main evolution path: Agumon (Black) → Greymon (Blue) → MetalGreymon (Blue) → Gaiomon
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Name: Aster Sunniva
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Country of origin: Australia


History: Growing up with parents who were both doctors in their own professions was never really easy. Especially when you didn't really have any siblings to play with. Thus leading to many lonely days. Her mother, Briar, is a well known oncologist at a pediatric hospital where as her father, Virgil, is a veterinarian at an emergency clinic. With jobs like these one would imagine how they'd have time to spend with their daughter, let alone one another. Between the ages of 1 to 6, Aster was raised at home by her nanny before she was ever sent to an actual school (and was practically raised by this woman for a good portion of her life). But she wasn't like most children in her grade levels. She never really talked to anyone and never really participated in any extracurricular activities outside the classroom or made friends. Instead she threw herself into academics, even did her best to pass physical education with flying colors, and studying. But this was expected of her by her parents, they wanted their daughter to have a bright mind and know as much as she could so that she'd be able to get to their level one day with ease. Then one day there came a letter in the mail addressed to Aster from an academy located somewhere in England. When her parents read the letter they saw it as an opportunity of a life-time for their daughter. To study abroad an perhaps learn new things, that was their mind set. So with their minds made up Aster accepted and started packing her things. On the last day home she said goodbye to her parents and her beloved nanny, telling them that she'll make them proud, before shipping off to jolly ole England.

Family: Virgil Sunniva~ Aster's father and a veterinarian who works ungodly hours at an emergency clinic. He came to Australia from Europe when he was a young man, fresh out of vet school. He wanted to fresh start to life and thought moving out of the country was the best way to do that. Some time later he got his job, met Briar, fell in love, got married and had Aster. Though from there he spent most of his time working and unable to see his daughter as often as he'd like. But despite that he has high expectations for her and wants her to always be the best in everything she does.
Briar Sunniva~ Aster's mother and a respected pediatric oncologist at a well known children's hospital. Briar is a native Australian but surprised her family, and herself, when she fell for Virgil. Though just like her husband the woman works crazy hours at the hospital and doesn't get much time to spend with her daughter; however, she too has high expectations for Aster.
Abigail~ Aster's nanny who had always been like a mother to her since she was baby. Unlike her parents though, Abigail always made sure to let Aster know that no matter what she does in life that she was proud of her and that her parents were too.

Personality: Aster is a very quiet, shy, and timid girl. Since she spends most of her time studying, and not really trying to talk to other kids, her social interaction skills are rather poor. If someone tries talking to her she gets visibly nervous and will stutter if she chooses to respond. Though she tends to stay by herself. When it comes to her teachers or those of authority, however, Aster is very respectable and will answer them without a problem. That's how you're suppose to treat them, right? Plus she's too scared to really rebel against anyone in charge. Besides this Aster is incredibly book smart, but everything else might as well be foreign.
Likes: Studying, reading, animals, anything that's soft to the touch, running
Dislikes: Loud noises, people no sense of personal space
Fears: Letting her parents, her teachers, and herself down
Aspirations: To find true happiness and make at least one friend
Skills: Distance running, well versed in the subject of basic first aid in both people and animals, is a little stronger in math and science than history and literature.
But she's terrible with technology aside from a smart phone and the most basic computer skills. Also she sucks at baking and being organized (her methods are more like organized chaos. It might be messy to one, but Aster knows where everything is).

Main evolution path: Labramon -> Seasarmon -> Cerberumon -> Anubismon

Name: Danny Groeneveld
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Country of origin: The Netherlands


History: When Danny was three years old his family got in a car crash caused by a drunk driver while he got off with just a broken collarbone his parents were less lucky. His mother was in a coma for two weeks and his father died. Eventually with help from both sets of grandparents they two were able to rebuild their lives though it took a while for Danny to get over his fear of cars. With only one source of income Ina spent most of her time working when she was recovered, Danny wished they could spend more time together but eventually accepted it was necessary.

It soon became clear that Danny was smarter than most kids and bored at school he stopped putting in as much effort, though he still made sure his grades were decent. When his mother found out she was secretly worried that he would keep that attitude his whole life but she didn't know how to convince him to change. When Nonsuch sent Danny their application she saw it as a great opportunity for him and convinced him to take it.

Mother Ina Jansen - Single mother
Father Hans Groeneveld - Died in a car accident involving alcohol
Personality: The following fields can be merged into this one.
Likes: Computers, comics/ manga, videogames, camping.
Dislikes: Drunks, bullies, cars.
Fears: Heights, letting down people who count on him, hurting others.
Aspirations: To make enough money to take his mother when she gets older and live a comfortable life himself.
Skills: He can swim, knows how to read a map, has some knowledge of edible plants and mushrooms, and is decent at hacking.

On the other hand he can't cook and he sucks at climbing trees.


Main evolution path: Fanbeemon > Snimon > SkullScorpionmon > HerculesKabuterimon
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Name: Ethan Gray
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Country of origin: United States of America


For a time, Ethan's life was simple. He was raised by two loving parents and lived in a peaceful community. His family wasn't rich, but they were never left wanting for anything. It was a normal, happy life that he wouldn't have traded for anything. Every day was fun and filled with joy, something he owed to his brother.

Rather than siblings, Ethan and Ian got along as best friends, spending most of their time together and getting into all kinds of mischief. They were similar in many ways, which made it easy to get along. They liked the same games, liked the same foods, and wore the same clothes. Instead of causing them to clash, their similarities brought them closer together. The boys were an inseparable pair that enjoyed their connection. However, the resemblance faded as they grew older. As time would tell, there was a clear difference between them.

Just like when they were kids, Ethan and Ian continued to develop similar interests. However, that didn't mean they possessed the same skill. No matter what, Ethan always came up short. While gifted in his own right, he could never compare to his older brother. The gap between them started off small, but as they reached adolescence, it grew to the point where one completely eclipsed the other. The moment Ian's talent blossomed was when Ethan's life took a sharp turn.

For years, Ethan lived in his brother's shadow. When growing up alongside a rising sun, it was easy to live in the shadows. His relationship with his parents made that clear to him. The changes were small at first, but it eventually became painfully obvious that one sibling was receiving more attention than the other. It was more than just Ian being the center of attention when the family got together. Oftentimes, his parents would forget about him when it came to things like packing lunches, or just taking notice of his presence in general. It wasn't as if their actions were motivated by any sort of cruelty. In fact, he doubted they were fully aware of their tendency to forget about him when his brother was around. He couldn't really blame them for that sort of behavior. Their jobs left them with little time to spend with their children, so it was hard to give each of them equal attention, especially when one of them had a much larger presence.

Things weren't any different outside the home. Ian was something of a local celebrity, excelling at anything he put his mind to. Whenever the two were together, it was like Ethan became invisible. When they were separate, people usually approached him just to ask about Ian. If not being asked to be a messenger for things like love letters and party invites, people would mention how great it must've been to have such an amazing older brother. They'd carelessly mention how he should work hard to be just like Ian, or half-heartedly ask about his dreams to be considerate. Even if he was more skilled than his peers, he was always treated like second best. Instead of being his own person, his life revolved around someone else. After all, a prodigy couldn't compare to a superhero.

While much of his life was impacted by his brother's success, the two didn't see each other very often. With sports, academics, work, and an active social life, Ian was always busy with something. Still, in the rare moments they were together, his brother treated him with kindness. He never saw him as lesser, loving him like always. Ian still tried to be there for him as a friend and a sibling, even if they weren't as close as they used to be. Even if he was unreceptive to his brother's attempts at connecting, he never held it against him. That made it difficult to be angry with him. It wasn't his fault at all.

Because of Ian's success, people expected one of two things out of Ethan. They either expected him to grow to be just like his brother, or expected nothing from him at all. With the former, people would claim that he just wasn't trying hard enough, despite knowing that Ian was some sort of superhuman that couldn't be surpassed. He was irritated by those expectations, but it was hard to argue with those that expected nothing from him.

Ethan never had a dream of his own. There was no goal for him to pursue, no great aspiration that motivated his actions. As much as he tried to find something that could light a fire inside of him, nothing ever came of that search. Even if he took an interest in something, Ian would always be better at it, creating an unreachable standard that others would expect out of him. There was nothing out there for him.

With the other members of his family always busy, it was like Ethan lived alone. He spent all his time in his room, browsing internet forums and keeping himself busy with hobbies. It was part of his normal, uneventful life, lived without excitement or dreams to pursue. He thought life would always be this way and had accepted that things would likely never change. That was until something unexpected happened.

Out of nowhere, a strange invitation arrived. An invitation to a prestigious school came in the mail, offering a full scholarship. Aside from the fact that his parents hadn't heard of the place before, this was nothing out of the ordinary. They received tons of invitations like these all the time. However, the strange thing about this one was that it was addressed to Ethan. His parents even waited a few days just to be sure that there wasn't a mistake, believing that it was meant for Ian. Setting that aside, they were still happy for him and decided that sending him away would be a good thing, hoping that it would be the push he needed to find his calling or to become as talented as his brother.

Adam Gray- Father

Erika Gray- Mother

Ian Gray- Brother

Personality: Ethan is a person that doesn't like to go against the flow. Despite living in the shadow of his brother, he's not so desperate for recognition that he's willing to bring the wrong kind of attention to himself. He accepts things the way they are, knowing that making a fuss about the things you don't like just brings trouble. While he isn't completely satisfied with the current state of life, he can at least say that it's quiet. Preferring not to ruin one of the few things he has going for him, he doesn't get involved in things he deems as being more trouble than they're worth, passing by without giving them a second glance. Even if he finds himself in an unfavorable situation, he's more than happy to apathetically nod and give the correct responses so he can get out as soon as possible.

When he doesn't have to worry about getting dragged into something he'd rather avoid, Ethan is candid about his feelings. He's not a doormat that'll just let people walk all over him for the sake of convenience, willing to put his foot down when needed. So long as he doesn't think it'll lead to some serious consequences down the line, he'll speak his mind. It's not as if he goes out of his way to be rude, but beating around the bush and masking things behind sweet words isn't very productive. Although, he can be a little hypocritical when it comes to expressing himself.

Despite being straightforward in most cases, he doesn't like to reveal much about himself. Things like his favorite foods or taste in music are fine, but he keeps a lock on more personal subjects. That starts getting into the area where revealing his true thoughts is too troublesome. Revealing things like that can only have negative consequences. It's not like expressing himself in that way will make things change for the better, so it's easier to avoid it all together.

While he mostly keeps to himself, it's not like Ethan hates being in the presence of other people. He's no social butterfly, but he's amicable enough to avoid the label of a brooding loner that brags about not needing friends. Still, there are certain types of people that he has trouble getting along with. Energetic and hyperactive personalities are bad for his health, since he's the type that prefers to stay inside. Passionate people are also on that list, but for more complex reasons.

As someone that has no goal in life, Ethan has some trouble with people that passionately pursue their dreams. He's not edgy enough to hate people that have aspirations, but it can be difficult to deal with them. It reminds him of his own issues, something he would prefer to avoid.

Likes: Reading. Drawing. Cooking. Coding. Animals.

Dislikes: Running. Loud noises.

Fears: Never being recognized as his own person

Aspirations: None

Skills: Ethan possesses great skill when it comes to working with computers. While he also has a knack for math and science, he prefers to work with his hands. Whether he's dealing with lines of code or physical parts, working with computers has always been his primary hobby. Also being a skilled artist, the two talents pair well together.

While it's nothing worth mentioning compared to other skills, Ethan considers himself to be a pretty decent cook. With his parents often busy with work, he had to learn how to take care of himself. Practically living by himself these days, he's had a lot of time to become skilled in cooking, cleaning, sewing, and other forms of housework. While on the topic of mundane skills, he's also able to speak Japanese on account of it being his mother's native language. He's above average when it comes to most sports, but nothing too flashy.

kisspng-impmon-digimon-digital-card-battle-agumon-guilmon-reveal-5b14b581b8a958.60390511152808...jpgDigimon: Impmon

Main evolution path:
Impmon →
Wizarmon →
Baalmon →
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Name: Boris Grigorijevič Pečorin (Boris Grigorievich Pechorin; rus. Борис Григорьевич Печорин)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Country of origin: Russian Federation


History: Boris was born into the family of a former Tsarist nobleman from the 18th century. His family had lost all their privileges during the Soviet period, but adapted quite well, since neither his father, nor his grandfather shared any of the views of their noble heritage. He was born and raised in Moscow in a middle-class family; his father was a university professor and his mother was a schoolteacher. He had, for the most part, a happy childhood until his 11th birthday. Several weeks after that seemingly cheerful day, Boris' parents died.

He got the news while he was in school. He doesn't remember much, just a pale and worried expression on the face of two of his teachers, a series of blurred talks, drives, worried faces (once more), some grumpy policemen and a final ruling - accident. The boy never saw his parents again, not even their bodies, just two wooden coffins doing down in heavy rain, somewhere in Moscow, a city that from that moment, for Boris at least, became grey.

The young boy, having no living relatives, was sent to an institution. He was a loner, he kept to his books, his knowledge and his intellect, noticed at one point by a man called Vladimir Andropov, a psychologist in the institution where Boris had been placed. Andropov, an old man at the time, childless himself, saw through Boris' tragedy and taught him to use his intelligence as a weapon in the world. Boris had always excelled in academic matters, but with Andropov's tutoring, he managed to elevate his abilities to an even higher level. Still, Andropov, although managing to save him from the terror of solitude and life in an institution, he did not manage to open him up. Boris trusted Andropov and formed a bond with him, but that was about that. No one else had any access to him and to each and everyone, he always looked like an obedient robot - intelligent and capable, but with no actual will.

One day, not long after Boris' 16th birthday, the institution received a letter from the Nonsuch Academy, inviting Boris to be one of their pupils. Andropov, who was the young boy's supervisor, was curious and suspicious, as almost all old Russians are, but after a thorough search (as thorough as a man setting foot into his sixties and raised in the Soviet Union could do), everything seemed fine. It was a big opportunity for the child, he thought, and although it would probably mean another loss and another disappointment, he suggested it to Boris. The boy, of course, initially rejected, but after several conversations and persuading that it was the best way for him to ''master'' his tragedy, the boy accepted and that is where his story begins.

Family: None; considers Vladimir Andropov as a father figure

Personality: Boris was never the resident extrovert, but before the tragedy, he had a healthy social life for a child of his age. He had friends, he went out and managed to combine all of that successfully with his infinite curiosity. He liked books, he liked knowledge and he would always aspire to learn at leas one new fact a day. As a child, he took piano lessons and also English and French, speaking them practically fluently (English with an accent, though) by the age of 16. He never could pinpoint the exact thing he disliked at that period, mostly because he was protected from the ''real horrors'' of existence by his caring parents.

And yet, all of that changed. The tragedy hit him hard, although most people thought he was just catatonic. He did not cry, he did not say a word, but he suffered. Something inside of him fell apart into a million pieces and it could never be fixed again. He closed himself out and dedicated his life to the one thing he had left - knowledge. He could be seen reading all day, every day, and it seemed as the young boy had absolutely no other interest in life. He socialised with no one, he detested the things his peers did at that age and the only person he ever actually talked to was Andropov, whom he started to trust after a while. Andropov helped him a lot and he made the pain, the loss a little easier to bear. It was during the formation of this liaison, that he managed to pinpoint the major thing he disliked - injustice. He never found out the truth about his parents' deaths and he had formed an opinion that it was not just, that it was not just for him to have ended up alone in the world. That is why he closed himself out of the world. He did what he had to do, like a pre-programmed machine, but never involved himself in the world much. He kept to his books, to his knowledge, fearing that if he opened up, reality would eat him up like a rabid beast. He once even coined a nickname for himself - Turtle Man (rus. čelovek-čerepaha/chelovek cherepakha/человек-черепаха).

Although goalless at one point, after talking to Andropov, he decided to work to become a teacher just like his parents.

Skills: Is extremely intelligent and bright, very intellectually gifted and a true thinker. Has a developed logical reasoning and the ability to deduce things from the smallest of details; he is also fluent in English and French, can play the piano and is, although he never knew why, very fast. On the other hand, he has almost no social skills and generally finds it difficult to work in a group, despite being very loyal and prepared to fulfill orders.

Digimon: Tapirmon
Main evolution path: Poyomon ---> Tokomon ---> Tapirmon ---> Sorcerimon(a) ---> Wisemon ---> AncientWisemon/Piedmon(b,c)

(a) The Champion form is interchangeable. I have an idea that it changes based on the dominant emotion at the time of Digivolution, as a reflection of Boris' emotional state. Wizardmon would be the true form, but Sorcerimon would be an alternative evolution, not evil per se, but much colder and unpleasant than Wizardmon, which would be a reflection of Boris' emotional issues. (I can exclude this and Wizardmon, too, if necessary, as it interferes with the character above)
(b) The same, only Piedmon would be a truly evil Mega Evolution, something like SkullGreymon was to Greymon and Megidramon was to WarGrowlmon.
(c) I picked AncientWisemon because he fits best, but also since I checked that other people also used very strong Mega Digimon (p.e. Crusadermon is a Royal Knight, Machinderamon is a Dark Master, Anubismon is a God Digimon and Beelzemon is one of the Demon Lords, who are equally powerful as the Ancient Warriors), which is why I hope it can stay, as a slightly weaker version than the original AncientWisemon.

(Yes, I have read everything and I apologise for my boldness here, but I've been a fan of Digimon since they first appeared in Europe, almost 20 years ago. I've seen all the shows, played most of the games, had toys, had cards, wrote fiction, played Digimon RPs and this one... well... it really sounds promising. I like the people involved and I decided to ''eschew'' the regular way... if my boldness was out of place, feel free to delete this app, but in case you would not accept another person here... well... it could stay here for later, no? That's all from me *crosses fingers he doesn't get killed*)
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Name: Amber Fox

Age: 15

Country of Origin: England.


Her father is a retired pro-boxer who now works as a regular saleryman in an insurance company in Manchester. Her mother is the CEO of a fashion design company in America. They split when she was barely two years old so Amber doesn’t understand the reasoning behind it, though she swears she remembers every detail of the room where it happened. Her parents didn’t separate on bad terms, so she still sees her mother from time to time. However, Amber ended up developing a closer relationship to her father who raised her.

Growing up, Amber was always regarded as a bright, gifted child. Teachers liked her. Her grades were high, near the top of her school. Her test scores exemplary. What other kids spent hours studying, Amber found she picked up easily with little effort because of eidetic memory. It bored her. The “friends”. The teachers. The perfect society that everyone wanted to fit her in just because she could score high on tests. Do well in physical exams. Amber didn’t want to be a cog in the well oiled machine.

She didn’t like the expectations that people started piling on her the better she did.

Starting middle school, Amber hung with a different crowd. Changed her hairstyle. Wore different clothes. She still kept her grades up because she didn’t want to worry her parents. However her extracurricular activities changed from after school lessons to video games and skateboarding. She excelled in random things from tattoo design to woodworking. She won a woodworking competition (with her cabinet) in Manchester, then sold her trophy to buy video games. There wasn’t anything Amber couldn’t do if she put her mind to it. As a result, she lacked direction.

She started learning to box from her father as means to release the pent up frustration she feels at life in general.

The one day, Amber received a letter inviting her attend Nonsuch Manor Academy. It was a new school. No one really knew anything about it. Her father didn’t think it was a good idea to let her attend a school that barely had any record. However, since the school was willing to pay for board and tuition, Amber thought why not. She didn’t really care which high school she attended. They were all the same to her. Just another location with snooty adults that tried to tell kids what was good for them and dumb kids that tried to climb a meaningless, imaginary hierarchy.

Personality: Anti-social. Really the best way to describe her because she doesn’t like people. Doesn’t like society. She is often either indifferent, bored, or angry, though her anger is rarely expressed outwardly. She channels it out through other means. Punching sandbags. Passive aggressive jabs. She restrains herself well enough since she’s smart enough to understand taking her anger out on someone else does nothing but cause trouble for her. Amber is a logical person, weighs the pros and cons of her actions, and will smother her flames if it produces the better outcome. However, should her boiling point be reached, Amber can’t really be called a passive person either.

That’s not to say that she has no one she likes. Her parents (her father especially). The tattoo artist she met down the street. Some of her skateboard companions. They are passable in her eyes. She has a half-empty view of life. She is blunt and honest when she bothers talking to people and that’s only if she’s really bored or really has something to say. She has a superiority complex that, while not outwardly shown, leads her to believe she is better than most. She is straightforward. Doesn’t resort to manipulations. Doesn’t really hide anything. You know she dislikes you when she glares at you, though she’ll only produce a scathing remark if she thinks your worth effort.

However, to a person she believes is worth the effort, her loyalty is unquestionable. She is brave in the face of adversity. She welcomes challenges. In fact, one could almost say she craves it given how dull her life has been in her mind. It’s for that reason, she’s always searching for a new direction, though she’s quick to grow bored.

Likes: Heavy metal, tattoos, skateboarding, punching her sandbag, spicy food, rain.

Dislikes: social hierarchy, people who go with the flow, dishonesty, bullies, cowards, sweets, overly clean places.

Fears: That she’ll be bored for the rest of her life.

Aspirations: None at the moment.

Skills: Boxing, fighting, skateboarding, test-taking, drawing, video games, and woodworking. She has good memory when it comes to information being presented to her. Visual more than auditory because of photographic memory. She picks things up quickly. She has a good sense of rhythm and direction. Show her map once and she won’t get lost, even when going to new city. She’s good at copying what she sees, though she doesn’t necessarily understand the meaning behind it.

Digimon: Candlemon

Evolutionary Path: Mokumon --> Demimeramon --> Candlemon --> Meramon --> Skullmeramon --> Boltmon


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Name: Anna Sarkar
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Country of origin: England
Digimon: Floramon

History: Anna was one of those children who have always been clever, alongside her parents' encouragement and high hopes for her future. But she never seemed to take her studies seriously, and would rather put in the bare minimum before going out with her friends. As the years went by, she frustrated her parents and her teachers more and more with her cavalier attitude. More so when she wanted to drop advanced maths and science in favour of art and photography, despite being more than capable of the former subjects. She wasn't allowed to, and was too scared of how her parents might react if she skipped out anyway, or if she failed on purpose. So she settled for being mediocre, and just waiting for the end of each school day.

At the worst possible time, while still cooling down from a shouting match with her father, a letter congratulating her admission to Nonsuch Manor Academy. It was decided that she would accept before she even had the chance to read the letter for herself. The place didn't look bad, but it was far away from home, away from her friends, with little mention of classes that interested her (instead, mostly academic subjects and sports), and most importantly: she hadn't been able to choose for herself.

Family: Her mother and father: a lawyer and a microbiology lecturer, respectively, and both full-time. She sees her older sister Daisy more often than her parents, although she's about to leave for university. Not that it matters any more, if Anna's leaving home too.

Personality: Anna has the kind of petulance reserved for teenagers whose parents are both wealthy and largely absent. Her way of rebelling is simply by apathy towards anything she doesn't like. She looks a little young for her age and is shorter than most of her peers, which might be what encourages her to act the way she does.
However, if she's not allowed to do something, she's less likely to sulk or whine than she is to sneak out and do it anyway. Most of what drives her is the desire to keep up with her friends or peers, and she can be easily swayed by the fear of being left out, or standing out too much. She definitely doesn't mind spending time alone, though she'll still message people, and takes her camera as an excuse to go exploring.

Likes: Sunshine, feel-good novels, taking photos, drawing in her sketchbook, exploring nature, talking with her friends.
Dislikes: She hates not having control over her life, and gets frustrated when she isn't instantly good at something. Sports and most video games also don't interest her.
Fears: Deep down, that she might be failing: and more than that, the fear of admitting that she was wrong not to take things seriously. Also, spiders.
Aspirations: Anna would much rather stick with her art and take classes (even if, realistically, she'd get frustrated if she wasn't the best in the class, or given advice she didn't like the sound of). She'd love to travel, too, on her own whims.
Skills: Aside from her skills in photography and art (which are good, but still unrefined due to lack of direction), she's more than capable at maths and science. She can swim and climb trees, but despite her love of being outside doesn't know too much about survival or camping.

Digimon: Floramon
Main evolution path: Yuramon - Tanemon - Floramon - Kiwimon - Blossomon - Gryphonmon

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