(Non-Canonical) Exalted DeathMatch!

What group should Silence In Daylight work for?

  • Ligier Enterprises, a division of Malfeas, Inc.

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  • The Steam Faction

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So long as you don't mind serving those who betrayed their Masters, who usurped their betters, and then abandoned the Creation that they fought for? For what?  To play Games they can't even understand fully?  Who are so addicted to them that they ignore the prayers of their Chosen?  These are the Gods you pledge yourselves to?


The Solars were betrayed by their lessers.  We at Ligier Enterprises know acutely how this can affect you, and unlike the Gods, who allowed your Shards to sit, forgotten and dusty, we can promise you, that we will never waste your potential, or ignore your concerns.

The Heavens are only interested in maintaining the current sad state of affairs.  Gods who ignore their callings, Spirits who truck with the affairs of Mortals. When the Associates at Ligier Enterprises ran things, the seasons ran on time, and the Spirits were unmanifested and doing their jobs.

Can you honestly say that about the current Age?  We held back the Rakasha, and the Gods' ineptitude allowed them to crash in and carry off half the Creation.  Did the Unconquered Sun even look up from his game board to even notice that his Chosen weren't around, and what about the prayers ignored by his followers?  That the Contagion had decimated the Creation?  That ghosts were walking the Creation, rather than return to the Wheel?

This is the gross negligence that we propose to rectify. The Gods offer you peace... the peace similar to the Soma that the Machine God's servants feed to their proles.  

Do you wish to sup on a narcotic of lies and half truths, our Associates will honor that wish, but we remind all potential partners that we offer an alternative to the status quo, which is not getting any better.

Feel the winds of change.  Choose real freedom.  A freedom not fettered by lackadaisical Gods who sup on the Ambrosia of your worship, but do little in return, save plan their next move in the Games of Divinity.  Choose a future that is full of change, and justice.  Choose a Creation that is back in the hands of Them That Made It All, and not petty bureacrats who wish only to manage problems, not solve them...
Well sir...that is a mighty offer there, I have nay looked upon this realm in time. Hmm, how is O'rial and Malfeas these days? I hear they fell on hard times...for that matter who is in the Dome?
*Looks to Ker'ion* Where are the Primordials of this Realm? Their avatars are nowhere to be felt? And why does the one of Bey talk of Malfeas as he were a place?
In ordrer to sustain this version of reality, certain measures had to be put into place.  The primordials were asked if they would leave this area of reality to flourish on it's own, assisting occasionally, but not decimating the area.

Most of them refused, and a war ensued.  Malfaes was one of the leaders of their army, and his body was used as a prison for those who were defeated.  They were then sent to another realm so that they could no longer cause harm to this version of creation.

We have had to deal with their minions occasionally crossing back into our world to wreak havok, but on the whole, it is much more peaceful now.

I know of at least two of the Primordials that were not involved in the war and still exist outside of the great prison.  One is the land on which you stand, Gaia, who is on the side of the gods.  And the other is Autocthon, the great Machine who's side you have ben requested by others to join.
By peaceful, you mean "decaying at an accellerated pace"...

It's sad listening to the toady of absentee landlords discussing details of their falling apart tenement.
...So you overthrew my kin? *twitch*

You lose! Good day, sir!

*arrives some days later near the Malfean prison.* Gentlemen...I'm home.
*Cursing loudly, I pull out your hourglass and shake it harshly to make the sands flow faster* :evil:
...So you overthrew my kin? *twitch*
You lose! Good day, sir!

*arrives some days later near the Malfean prison.* Gentlemen...I'm home.
It's been a while, Wanderer. [aside] Ligier! Get down here. We have...a visitor.

 You'll excuse me if I don't rise to greet you? I'm kinda tied down at the moment...
But come, take refreshment. It's not what you're undoubtedly used to, but dear Sess does take a toll on all who pass by her.

 I'm sorry to say that your dear friend O'rial won't be joining us. He was...too proud to accept what he knew would come, and now slumbers...elsewhere. If you like, I'll have someone guide you to him, but be warned--his experiences have ripped away much of the one you knew.
At some point, we might want to talk about a merger with your Associates.  We can offer some definite improvements to your current education system, as well as infrastructure assistance.  Just think of the long term growth potential, especially if our Associates were to assist in giving full functionality to your Strider population--even those who currently have no Dragon Blooded souls to inhabit them.  We are after all, about growth and progress.

Can we schedule a meeting?
I can only assume you mean Stalkers, and are talking about our lack of Dragon King souls.

As for a meeting, though the offer is intruiging... growth is a significant factor of our business... it would risk internal strife. Many our members are particularly attached to your rivals in the marketplace.
This is why a good, productive meeting is in order.  With some of your Elders on board, we could make the transition easy and painless.  I'll include a few pamphlets for your Associates to peruse, at their leisure of course, that will explain our market position, as well as our business strategy.  We aren't looking for market saturation, but rather control of key markets, and letting the name recognition flow from there.  Good advertising, and a low key approach will benifit both of our Associates.

Just think of the potential with an increase to your populations, and thus your market share, in reviving what has been lost for so long.  Think of those of your people who could be reached with a education program that could be spread not by Ptorak, but by the our Associates as well.  

And we don't descriminate, like some others do, against scales, horns, fangs or internalized genitalia.  What you do with your appearances is your business.  We are, after all, about freedom.  We just want to help the Creation find that creative spark, and end the static and repressive system that has arisen becasue of an untenable market structure.  By reducing choice, the Realm has shackled the Creation to inferior product that can't compete with the Rakasha, the Neverborn, the Alchemicals and others.

At Ligier Enterprises, we value a vibrant and competitive market, filled with possiblities, not just in forms of worship, but also in form, in lifestyle, we are the choice to make when you want change...

And let's face it, given the current state of the Creation, it needs change more than anything else.

Shall I send a few of our Associates to Rathess, with samples and our literature?  Say noonish?  And perhaps we can stop off before the meeting to take care of a small problem you seem to be having with warm blooded interlopers from the Realm.  Just a simple service from Them That Made It All, free of charge, to show our how we treat our customers...
ANOTHER lawyer?  Our books are pretty filled up, but I'm certain we can pencil you in...say 4ish?
I must admit that the possibilities for profit inherant in a partnership are too much to turn down. Please, make your way to Rathess; we shall send a few of our more open-minded members to escort you. Unfortunately we will not be able to avail of your generous aid with the nuisances in our territory, since we would require that this meeting be kept low-profile; a few of our more conservative elements still hold a grudge from the unfortunate conflicts that reduced our market share in the first place.
"And I'll take that..."

"Wait! I was reading fine print! Something about my soul-"

"HA! Good one...>.>"
Hey I never sign anything until I have

A: Read it fully

B: Comprehended it

C: Rewritten it until it is of my liking
Hey I never sign anything until I have
A: Read it fully

B: Comprehended it

C: Rewritten it until it is of my liking
 That's assuming, after one look at the special contracts, you'd want to do anything but serve your lord and master for eternity.

 Foolish mortal...
We of course, retain all rights and privileges of any properties that would be put into your service.  Royalties and schedules for compensation are in the blue folder, the list of dues and fees in the red.  

Again, all of the details are listed in the large Jade tablets that we keep in the lobby.  Please feel free to avail yourself to them at any time you have questions.  We only want those in our service that want to be here.  Unwilling Associates are unproductive Associates, and we at Ligier Enterprises value productivity and performance far too much to take on Associates who are not fully on board with our interests, which is why we provide The Broken-Winged Crane so that you can be entirely sure of what your duties and privileges are in the first place...

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