• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

No title will do this thread justice. Let the RP heavens decide if we were meant to be.


Junior Member

Disclaimer: Text-heavy blathering that makes you want to puke because apparently I don't have my priorities straight.

Disclaimer: I'm so determined on finding "The One" that I ended up putting this much effort in a mere partner scouting thread.

Disclaimer: Lord, help me. I actually don't know what I'm getting myself into, but it's too late to stop me.

Disclaimer: This thread is always open to new people, no matter how old the creation date reads.

Disclaimer: My thirst for a lifelong RP partner is uncontrollable.

Hello there! I'm thrilled that my thread has captured your attention because you just made this entire process so much easier for me. Basically, the gist of this entire thread is that I'm searching for a role play partner who I can trust and devote myself to. No silly, I'm not looking for a date. I'm just really picky on who I spend my time on--especially when role playing, which happens to take up a lot of my time. Precious time. Time that I could use to tend to real world things, but instead is taken up by you. Which I may, or may not mind. Okay, sorry, you probably understand what I'm getting at by now.

As you've probably gathered by the amount of sentences it took for me to start off a mere prologue to this thread, I am, by this site's terms, a Detailed role player. I'm blind to Simple RPs--as a matter of fact, define 'simple' to me because I all I hear is me typing an entire essay just describing how symmetrical my mirror is to my closet door. I'm ridiculous aren't I? Point is, I can't do it. I can't role play Simply at all, the creative juices brewing in my head is much too superfluous for me to effectively restrain myself to some three sentences and a line of dialogue. If I'm bordering writer's block, or feeling excessively lazy and drained--I can, at the very least, push myself to do Casual. Casual in my point of view, meaning three paragraphs of ten sentences or more.

Now before I get around to the anticipated requirements, here's a little About Me section, shamelessly copied and pasted from my profile page.

Hello dears. I'm Mana, an INFJ (according to the MBTI, Myer Briggs Type Indicator), and female. I'm going to pretend you clicked on my profile because you're interested in getting to know me better. Unfortunately, I can be pretty apprehensive and bashful when it comes to associating with others.

I am not one who easily leans towards trusting someone based on talking to them for a couple of hours, or even a couple of days. I suppose, in a way, I could be described as "hard-to-get"? Nevertheless, I am quite the paranoid and wary one so if I don't answer private questions about me right away, please don't take it too personally.

I can share with you some of my interests, of which you may, or may not, find that you hold in common with me. I am an avid fan of both, anime and manga. As a matter of fact, I can claim that I practically just about grew up with it. Most of the childhood TV shows I can recall from back then, I recognize today actually, as anime.

My favorite genres in manga--applicable to written fiction also--tend to fall under, or between the succeeding: horror, psychological, mystery, thriller, tragedy, fantasy, action, shounen, shounen-ai, josei, and seinen. You can probably gather that I'm basically into what others label "the dark stuff".

I used to read yaoi manga more often in my middle school days, but looking at them now, the stories usually are lacking in depth, are repetitive and own predictable patterns, no character development, or if none of these--I would find the art style to be unappealing.

These days, I settle for reading better crafted slash stories published online, or through fanfiction. I can count exactly one yaoi manga that is ongoing now, that I am actively reading--and about ten long since finished ones, resting in my bookmarks.

I assume there is no harm also, in sharing a little about the role play-indulged side of myself. I have been role playing actively for over four years, although last year I had slacked off quite a bit due to groundbreaking events hitting me left and right at the time. I am still adjusting to aforementioned events.

I have always preferred, and still do prefer--detailed role plays. When it comes down to it, something about Simple and oftentimes Casual role plays, successfully manage to set me off the wrong way.

As someone who craves the itty-bitty technicalities--whether it involves character development, or a scenario that leads towards a moving point in plot--it is a task to fully satiate myself with Simple and Casual type roleplayers. From my experience, role plays involving these types are typically written through one-liners, carry generic or recycled character concepts, has fairly bland plots, and take place in cliche settings.

All of my main role play pet peeves together in the same scene. There is little need to state that, obviously, I would lose interest in these role plays within a heartbeat. However, I've observed that on this particular site, what users perceive to be Casual is technically semi-literacy--a step up from previous role plays elsewhere, where Casual meant one-liners.

I can see myself in the near feature, possibly becoming accustomed to the Casual role play style used here. As a writer, I naturally aim to write as much as humanly possible a day--and so testing out the Casual route as well may not prove to be such a bad thing after all. ♥

All done? Good! Now we can get on to--wait, wait...if you actually skipped through all of that, that's strike one for you, of three, and now what's left is to see if you meet the following requirements:

Ideal Partner

  • Detailed role player

  • Can see themselves remaining with me as an RP partner by the long run.

  • Preferably female (you'll see why soon).

  • Leans more towards M/M, or slash RPs than anything else. I presently only do MxM pairings. This means that I prefer to play male characters, and in fact, has only played the opposite gender so far. It would be ideal that you do also. This does not mean that my character and yours have to be involved in a predetermined romantic relationship--in fact, I'd rather just put two together and whatever happens, happens. There might not even be romance involved at all. Depending on how we grow together as role players, I may find it in me to venture into playing as a female and vice versa.

  • Doesn't drop out of an RP without explanation, especially if there's a chance problems could be fixed.

  • Has a sense of communication, i.e discusses in OOC and lets me know if they'll be inactive for a time period due to unnamed (or rather named) reasons.

  • Willing to work together to form defined plot lines for RPs.

  • Drops 'hints' to help IC RP story line in OOC.

  • Understands that both of us have real lives, and can become severely busy. Especially since I'm in school.

  • Does not pester, guilt-trip, or rage if RP business is going slow. If I'm committed to an RP, I will make sure to participate when life allows me room to do so. If I'm too busy irl to post every week or so, and you ground me for it, that will not spell good things for either of us. Chances are, if I am already so occupied that I can't be regularly active, I'm most likely stressed by whatever I'm trying to get out of the way irl.

  • You pressuring me to post faster can affect many things negatively. One, on top of being stressed over irl activities, I also have to worry about living up to your unrealistic expectations. Two, your actions can cause me to lose any and all interest in role playing with you. Three, I already have to deal with anxiety on a daily basis. As accentuated in point One, pressuring me to do something I'm trying to get around to is going to make me uncomfortable and anxious about completing said thing.

There, now that list wasn't so bad now was it? Whatever do you mean, I am absolutely not a selective individual, nu-uh. If you find that you meet most of these requirements, then oh baby, we're getting somewhere. Next, (I promise, the nightmarish wall of text is almost over) is a list of role play genres, pairings, and settings which I either lean towards, or just stay away from. G for Genre, S for Setting, P for Pairings. Personal favorites are marked with a star.


  • Drama (G)
  • Dark themes thrill me (G/S) ★
  • Psychological/Character Development (G) ★
  • Romance (G)
  • Angst (G) ★
  • Fairy tale (S)
  • Folklore (S)
  • Horror (G) ★
  • Mystery (G) ★
  • Supernatural (G) ★
  • Fantasy (G)
  • Sci-Fi (G)
  • Master x Slave (P) (I have no shame, this is the only kind of pairing I've done so far with a loyal RP partner from another site.) ★
  • Neko x Human (P)
  • Royalty x Royalty (P)
  • Forest (S)
  • Urban/Suburbs (S)
  • Devil x Human (P)
  • Friendship
  • Others to be added sooner.


  • Slice of Life (G)
  • Fandom (G) (Very, very, very rare. Despite being in thousands of fandoms, I hardly care.)
  • Historical (G)
  • High-school (S) (I testify as a high-schooler that HS needs to die, or just send me to the afterlife already. Why would I allow my characters to undergo this form of torture? Unless you and I craft an exceptional plot for this one, just let it go.)
  • Virtual World (S)
  • Steampunk (S)
  • Will probably add more later.

Alright, I'm finished. I've reached my peak. My hands are bleeding, while my eyes are foaming. It's 1AM, and somewhere around the globe a fetus cub is threatening to chew my brain out. My journey through Hell ends here for the night. I was going to add a list of plot ideas I had for 1v1's, but apparently that's for another time. I'll update them in the (stolen) post below when I can. Otherwise, feel free to deliver your soul to me.

TL;DR The obstruction of text above is a demonstration of how crazy I get when writing--and so if you can't handle the above insanity, we were not fated to be, unfortunately.
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RP Ideas

Will update later. Please don't be upset that I took the first comment. :')
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[QUOTE="Kazuka Rikiya]Let me roleplay with you fellow yaoi lover.
I love your Juuzou picture by the way-

(Thank you! He's adorable, isn't he?) Haha, well I suppose that would all depend on whether or not you can meet my requirements. ^^
Fucking cute little psycho.

If you can get me excited about an rp, I will go very far in terms of detail and length. So I think that kind of goes both ways.
[QUOTE="Kazuka Rikiya]You bump a lot-

If it assists in reaching an audience, why not?
[QUOTE="Kazuka Rikiya]True enough.
Am I allowed a chance to try out, or is that a no?

Perhaps a no for now?`
Hm....I may need to add a segment displaying some samples of to what extent do I typically write in a single post.
Hello! First off, thank you for your comment on my avatar~ I'm terribly sorry that I couldn't reply, the 24 hour requirement ordeal is being a rather large theoretical thorn in my side. Secondly, I have read through your wonderfully detailed and amusing post. I feel as if I can meet your stated requirements, and would absolutely love the chance to conjure up some sort of twisted yet stimulating plot with you. I am interested in seeing your post length, but I can confidently say that aside from usually matching my partners length, I can get a good seven paragraphs with 10+ sentences each when given the chance. I hope to hear from you soon~
Ah, always a pleasure to meet a fellow INFJ. Not that I'm completely obsessed with the Myer Briggs test... No, nothing like that at all. ;)

Anyway, your post has definitely caught my eye. It's so difficult to find people who actually enjoy writing ten or more paragraphs for a large majority of their posts, even if a vast amount of those words are detailing a particular attribute of another character's hand. Okay, that might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but you get my point; I love detail. I enjoy writing it, and I love reading it. I have trouble becoming completely involved in a role play that doesn't read like a novel, in which each post feels like a completed scene. Maybe it's because most of my time in the "real world" is spent imagining the lives of my characters and their reactions to my partner's characters, as well as the worlds and situations that they are in. So I suppose you could say I was looking for a collaborator than simply a role play partner in which I would occasionally engage in a casual role play or two. One of my favorite parts of roleplaying is simply plotting with the other writer, coming up with new worlds, intriguing characters, and twisty, unexpected plotlines.

Regarding your requirements... I am completely open to slash pairings, if there are to be any pairings at all. To be honest, I am fascinated by intimate, platonic relationships, so I see no need for romance to be forced. If it happens, then it happens. If not, we can still write a pretty damn great story. :)

I get where you're coming from about school being hectic; it's quite difficult to write a quality post after spending hours reading convoluted texts concerning chemical reactions or whatnot. If your post were to come late, simply tell me and I would not hold it against you for a second... A minute, at the most. Depends on if the story was left off at a cliffhanger, and I began to question if you were holding off simply to spite me. ;) It generally takes me a week to get a post up, as a few days are always spent writing it, and then a couple more are spent editing it to my liking. However, I could participate in OCC plotting and/or chatting and all of that other good stuff almost every night.

As for the "half a year of role playing" requirement... I've been roleplaying (not on this site) since I was twelve, so we are all good there. Not that I was a particularly good writer or anything, but we'll just forget about that.

As for genres... I'm kind of weird here. I don't like to label stories with genres, just because I feel that it limits where the story can go. I will say, however, that I love writing about worlds that differ from our own, but still are handled realistically and seriously. For example, a world where possessing super powers were the norm, and those without those abilities were considered inferior or impaired, and were frequently discriminated against. How would the conservative and liberal parties handle or view the situation? Could steps, even controversial ones such as abortion or sterilization, be taken to minimize the number of powerless individuals born? How would the powerless react to a world that pities and demeans them? Exercise revenge? Peacefully attempt to change the public's view? Or would they simply give up?

Those are types of questions that I enjoy conversing about when plotting with another partner. The "what if", "how", and "why" interrogatives always produce fun discussions.

I may also mention on a side note that I am a huge time travel and alternate universe dork, if that is anything you are interested in. If not, we can always find something else to write about.

Okay, I suppose I went off on a bit of a tangent there, but if you couldn't tell, I was just a little bit excited to meet someone who seems to admire detail just as much as I do. If you are still interested in finding a partner, just shoot me a PM, and I'd be happy to discuss anything else that needs to be sorted out. :)
Hello there! I'm Integra, and I like mystery, horror, and angst as much as you do, it would seem. If you're still looking for a roleplay partner, I'm always here. I gathered from your post that you can make really long replies. Usually I satisfy myself with three to four paragraphs with a couple sentences each. I'm aware that you're probably cringing in front of your computer as you read that, so (hopefully) you'll be pleased to know that I am willing to push myself to put as much time and detail into a long reply as you are. You never have to worry about me giving one liners or anything even remotely close to a short response. I know that the worst thing during a roleplay is typing out a detailed response and getting "He smiled." as the reply. It's annoying.

I was also into yaoi at some point or another, but I have also given up on the shallow plots of yaoi manga and have turned to the glorious world of roleplaying and fanfiction to give me something worthy of my time. Naturally, I like MxM pairings.

I'm also in high school, and really busy all the time, so I won't harass you if you don't reply right away. (Not like I expect that or anything.)

When I start a roleplay, I take it seriously, and I'm in it for life. I like coming up with pairings and plots with my partners, so hopefully we could come up with something together. I fancy fantasy settings and roleplays, and I agree with your views on high school RP's, those have never interested me either.

I've been roleplaying for years, however, I've only been on this particular website five or six months. I'm hoping that you read this and think to yourself that I'm a person you could really enjoy a roleplay with, because I think that we could come up with great ideas!

I'll eagerly await your response, and hope for good news! Until then,

@Dear Inspector @Integra Sorry for the late, and short reply. I've just gotten back home, and have been out for hours, so I am currently in a drained state of mind. I write this by means of expressing that I have read both of your posts. Perhaps the both of you can PM me some ideas or plots you've had in mind that you would die to try? I'll be glad to look over them tomorrow, if possible.

As for pairings, I'm also in favor of "letting it play out" as you would say. If romance develops, fantastic...if not, I'm sure it'll turn out great either way. When I refer to pairings, I generally mean "roles" given to our characters in 1 v 1 (ex. Demon x Human, Angel x Demon, Master x Slave, Prince x Consort, etc)--and these pairings may or may not develop into romance. So far, I'm pretty interested in what the both of you have to offer as RPers. ^^
Whatever do you mean, I am absolutely not a selective individual, nu-uh.


You've got sass and a sense of humor, I like your already! I also (as I'm sure many have said already) appreciate and admire the amount of effort you've dedicated to your search thread alone. I'm proud to say I didn't acquire any strikes, and read through this thoroughly (mostly out of entertainment, your 'nightmarish wall if text' is actually quite lovely).

Unfortunately I'm overwhelmed with obligations at the moment, and have absolutely zero interest in slash/yaoi. But in the future, perhaps, the fates will align our profiles! (Sounded worse in my head). You seem like a wonderful partner, I wish you luck with your search!
Salutations, extravagant one.

After reading through your beautiful walls of words, I have concluded that you remind me of a good friend of mine. Like, a LOT. Kinda scary how much to be honest. Nevertheless, I feel that I meet all of your requirements in one way or another, and would be delighted to start a roleplay with you. Or, if nothing else, just chat, because you seem like someone who could carry thoughtful and intriguing conversation.

Anyhow, hopefully the fates will allow you to respond to this brief message soon.
Heya! I've met you recently, as you might know, and I kind of found your partner thread.

//Please don't be creeped out, I just liked your writing style, I'm sorry. ;-;

As per your demands, I'm a detailed roleplayer with around two years on RpN.

I play mostly male characters myself, but I don't mind doing females. Then again, it sounds like you're up for M/M - I'm good with that.

I'm not much for 'instant romance' or anything of the like - I don't get into roleplays for romance almost at all. If it flows, cool, if it doesn't then it doesn't need to be there.

With the busy factor.. I am a full-time girl guide, which does mean that I go to camp and things. It means that Thursday nights I'm completely unavailable until quite late, it means I work (a lot) on badgework and that I disappear for weekends at a time. This can be up to a week in the summer, and it can be at a moment's notice. As such, I will always try to alert my partners - but if I don't have time to talk with everyone, I'll hopefully have time to throw up a profile status. I get being busy. High school and guides together slaughter sometimes.

I post around once a week in most 1v1s, but if I'm excited you might get posts back the day you reply. That's not because I expect you to reply to it right away, moreso because I have time then.

I'll poke you once every two or so weeks when it comes to posting, I'm going to be honest. It's not to be mean or angry or anything, and hopefully it won't come off that way, but it'll just be a little 'hey are you busy 'cause that's cool, just a reminder this roleplay is a thing.'

I don't know how you feel about post blitzes - when you get into a call/IM/conversation for around an hour and write posts back and forth, joke around, etc - but I do offer to do them with my partners occasionally. They can be fun, honestly, but they're not a requirement~

I'd like to do a roleplay with some dark themes, maybe a kind of folklore-horror or mystery king of jazz? I'm not sure yet. I've been on a little bit of a partner search myself, honestly, and though I like fandom I have a few going already. I really do like adventure and action games, though, and I must admit I really like combat-heavy roleplaying.

I'd also say I'm a fan of tropes and of the 'classes' in many fantasy games as a base for characters, but I also really love to worldbuild. I like starting from building blocks already set, and making cool stuff.

Like, yeah, maybe I'd grab a 'little girl big gun' trope - but that wouldn't be the character, that'd just be a part of them.

If we can build up magic, and lore, settings and locations... That'd be really cool.

But yeah! I know this is a really old thread - sorry for that - but if you are still interested in a roleplay it'd be great if you could reply or PM me.

And if there's any weird grammer/spelling in my post, I'm sorry for that too - it's quite late into the night here. :P
Meredith said:
Heya! I've met you recently, as you might know, and I kind of found your partner thread.
//Please don't be creeped out, I just liked your writing style, I'm sorry. ;-;

As per your demands, I'm a detailed roleplayer with around two years on RpN.

I play mostly male characters myself, but I don't mind doing females. Then again, it sounds like you're up for M/M - I'm good with that.

I'm not much for 'instant romance' or anything of the like - I don't get into roleplays for romance almost at all. If it flows, cool, if it doesn't then it doesn't need to be there.

With the busy factor.. I am a full-time girl guide, which does mean that I go to camp and things. It means that Thursday nights I'm completely unavailable until quite late, it means I work (a lot) on badgework and that I disappear for weekends at a time. This can be up to a week in the summer, and it can be at a moment's notice. As such, I will always try to alert my partners - but if I don't have time to talk with everyone, I'll hopefully have time to throw up a profile status. I get being busy. High school and guides together slaughter sometimes.

I post around once a week in most 1v1s, but if I'm excited you might get posts back the day you reply. That's not because I expect you to reply to it right away, moreso because I have time then.

I'll poke you once every two or so weeks when it comes to posting, I'm going to be honest. It's not to be mean or angry or anything, and hopefully it won't come off that way, but it'll just be a little 'hey are you busy 'cause that's cool, just a reminder this roleplay is a thing.'

I don't know how you feel about post blitzes - when you get into a call/IM/conversation for around an hour and write posts back and forth, joke around, etc - but I do offer to do them with my partners occasionally. They can be fun, honestly, but they're not a requirement~

I'd like to do a roleplay with some dark themes, maybe a kind of folklore-horror or mystery king of jazz? I'm not sure yet. I've been on a little bit of a partner search myself, honestly, and though I like fandom I have a few going already. I really do like adventure and action games, though, and I must admit I really like combat-heavy roleplaying.

I'd also say I'm a fan of tropes and of the 'classes' in many fantasy games as a base for characters, but I also really love to worldbuild. I like starting from building blocks already set, and making cool stuff.

Like, yeah, maybe I'd grab a 'little girl big gun' trope - but that wouldn't be the character, that'd just be a part of them.

If we can build up magic, and lore, settings and locations... That'd be really cool.

But yeah! I know this is a really old thread - sorry for that - but if you are still interested in a roleplay it'd be great if you could reply or PM me.

And if there's any weird grammer/spelling in my post, I'm sorry for that too - it's quite late into the night here. :P
Oh, don't worry, I'm not creeped out. Far from. I'd say I'm entertained, and amused (in a good way). There's something that strikes as wondrous to me when someone else takes interest in me I guess? I'm used to it being the other way around. I should probably edit my post regarding the M x M thing, haha. It seems a lot of people took it to mean that I want romance to be established right off the bat when in fact I'd rather let everything flow however--and I just prefer to play a male character, with another user who plays a male character, lol.

I'm guessing you're a sophomore in high school? In that case, I would be older than you. c: And don't worry about this thread being old--I intend for it to be my "go to" thread if someone wants to see if they're compatible with me. As far as I'm concerned at the moment, I wouldn't mind trying a little something with you. Just hit me up on PM and we'll see if we can come up with something.
I think I've spoken to you on the other website that looks like this one except ~*~ dark ~*~ and ~*~ edgy ~*~

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