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Realistic or Modern No Requiem for Us OC

seasonedcat seasonedcat Juju Juju
How far apart are each of Titus/Luci’s visits to the other characters? Also did they talk to Yuliy before Syoma? Currently I have my post written so that Yuliy had been planning to go over to Syoma’s house for help with studying. If Yuliy was before Syoma, then Syoma might know about Titus and Luci already from Yuliy, and I wasn’t sure if that would be a problem. 🤔
Well Syoma has no idea about the demon spawn thing so even if we showed I dont think he would know about it. So we probably saw your character first. And in the scene he is studying in school during one of his free periods, your character probably has class.
Well Syoma has no idea about the demon spawn thing so even if we showed I dont think he would know about it. So we probably saw your character first. And in the scene he is studying in school during one of his free periods, your character probably has class.
I meant that assuming Yuliy is at home, school isn't in session at that moment in time. Yuliy's initial plan (before getting pulled aside by Titus and Luci) is to go over to Syoma's house to study. Yuliy has already told Syoma about his weird plague ability before, so if they met up afterwards, I'm fairly sure he would mention something like, "Hey, so I met these two weird people and..." Err...basically I just meant that Syoma might have been informed beforehand and not that Yuliy would be with him in that scene.
Well Syoma has no idea about the demon spawn thing so even if we showed I dont think he would know about it. So we probably saw your character first. And in the scene he is studying in school during one of his free periods, your character probably has class.
He might have no idea about the demonspawn thing, but he knows Yuliy would never lie to him!! (just kidding) Anyhow are we assuming these all happened in the same day? That might mean Yuliy was getting ready to leave for school, if it was before Syoma.
Sorry for the delay, realized missy hadn't replied so I was waiting for her. I'll get my post up soon and Missy can catch up if she posts after.
Missy Missy
I'm dying. I was writing the post about Quilo, which is in a supermarket, while I was in a supermarket XD
Adrian's "That's interesting" counter: 1
(I intend to have this be something he says a lot, but I am curious on how much it will actually be said)
Luci screeching in the background: WHEN THE MOON HITS YOUR EYE LIKE A BIG PIZZA PIEEEEEE!
Just as a heads up, I'll be MIA this week starting Tuesday due to finals Dx
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