• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern No Requiem for Us CS



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
[appearance here]​
~General Info~
Age: {12-17}

Description: {optional}
Hair colour:
Eye colour:
Skin tone:
Extra features: {Tattoos, scars, birthmarks, piercings, etc.}


Physical attributes: {anything that is different about you because of your lineage ex. tail, eyes, etc.}
Control: {control on your powers}
Opinion on your powers:

Father: {anyone but Satin, feel free to take actual demons or make up your own}

Family: {add relationship with them, if they are alive or deceased, and their opinion of you}
Who knows: {Does anyone know about your father? Does your mother even know, or was she tricked into something she had no idea she did?}

{anything else this didn't cover or anything you want to add ^-^}

Power is first come first serve sorry, and try to not have powers too simular to others :3
Juju Juju NeonFlow NeonFlow franandcesca franandcesca Ayama Ayama AsterRose AsterRose Nano Nano MToki MToki
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~General Info~
Name: Titus Radael
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Age: 15

Description: Titus is short in stature with messy black hair that does what it wants. His skin is a pale colour that looks sickly from his lack of time out in the sun. His eyes are a pale shade of brown that looks like a greyish yellow. His body is mostly thin and small, his face being the only thing with fat on it with it being squishy. His fingers are boney and thin, most people comment they are perfect piano-playing fingers. His skin is littered with moles ranging in small, mainly small ones. His body is thin and boney naturally making his ribs slightly visible on his chest and his bones prominent in the rest of his body. This also makes him uncomfortable to sit on.
Height: 5'2
Weight: 103 lbs
Hair colour: Black with a red streak on the right side of his head
Eye colour: A pale brown, looks like an almost yellowish-grey
Skin tone: A pallid shade of white from lack of exposure to the sun
Build: Thin, no real muscles adorn his body. He is boney and you can see his ribs through his skin.
Extra features: He has multiple scars along his abdomen from surgeries along with some scars on his scalp.

Personality: Titus is an aloof sort of person who doesn't like people getting close. He gets flustered easily and uses anger to distract others from his embarrassment. He doesn't trust people easily and always acts especially cold to unknown people before getting close to them. Despite putting on the persona of an icy bastard(HA) he does care for others. He tries to ignore his care for people but he can only do so much. His trust is an extremely fragile thing and once you break it you will most likly never get it back again. He also instinctively hates germs, his past making him into a neat freak and a germaphobe. He is basically an emotional bean that tries to act tough to protect himself. ;-;
  • Hugs (N-No I don't!)
  • Reading
  • Blankets
  • Food
  • Tea
  • Driving
  • People lying to him
  • Cold
  • Water(he can't swim)
  • Embarrassment
  • Loud sounds
  • People scaring him
*Counting his moles
*Tapping his fingers on his thighs when he is overwhelmed
-The ocean/being in water and not being able to touch the bottom
+Remembering things
+Thinking on his feet
-Not very trusting
-Physically weak

Physical attributes: Whenever he uses his powers or get's emotional his right eye turns red.
Powers: Pyromancy: The ability to control and create fire. His fire is normally orange(normal shade of fire lol) but he can change it to a blue that makes it hotter and harder to put out. His ability grants him immunity to being burned and overheating, it also makes his body hotter than a normal human's. He is still learning how to control his powers and the full extent of it.
Control: He has a grasp on his powers but is definitely still learning, he has a tendency to start using it by accident whenever he gets angry. This can be by coating his hands in flames or at times setting the room around him ablaze.
Opinion on your powers: Titus has no ill feelings towards his powers. He doesn't care that much about who his father is and anything like that, to him he is just like any other kids, just a little more flammable.

Father: Satan
Bio: Titus's mother could not bear children, no matter how many times she and her husband tried it never worked. She prayed to the God she worshipped but no matter the amount of praying she never got them answered. That was, until the day she prayed to Titus's father. She wanted a baby no matter what it took, surprisingly he answered her and promised her a child. Just like that Evan and Beth were ecstatic they would finally be able to have a child, however, of course, Evan didn't know it was the spawn of Satan.

When Titus was born he was like any other kid, and it continued that way until he was 6. Once he turned six, he began to show signs of his father's powers. His eyes would shift red or he would cause a small flame by accident. This was how Evan found out about his wife's deal, he was furious not that she had a baby with another but because of who the baby was from. He was determined to try and fix his son and take the demon out of him.

They fed him pills that would have no effect on normal humans but the holy water in it made him weak and sickly. He was told that his immune system wasn't strong enough and that he was allergic to almost everything. He wasn't aloud outside and had to spend his life inside a bubble or hazmat suit so that he wouldn't get sick. His parents took him around the country trying to find a cure for his supposed illness but were rather trying to find a way to take the demon out of him. Eventually, they found a doctor who had experience in this sort of thing and took him to a specialized hospital where he was the only patient.

There it started out like any other one of his times in specialized hospital houses, however, Titus felt like the building was off. As the surgeries went on his body began to deteriorate and he began to notice spirits in the building of dead kids. At first, he thought they were there to harm him but it wasn't soon after that that he realized they were trying to protect him. The spirits also lead him to a girl that lived near the house he was in, outside the glass that protected him from the outside. She became his first friend and helped him keep himself sane in this place.

The spirits gave him away to learn more about his situation, the passcode to the files held in the head doctor's office. There he found files showing that the kids the doctor claimed to be curing had all perished by her hands. Titus tried to explain this to his parents but they didn't believe him. No one believed him about the doctor or about the ghosts he was seeing. Finally came the day of the final procedure, something none of the others had survived completing. He knew he had to get out or he would die.

Sadly he wasn't able to break through the bulletproof glass before he was caught and sedated by his father he thought he could trust. He then learned as he was restrained, bible verses being spewed in Hebrew what he was. His father apologized that it had to be this way but it was the only way to 'cure' him. His mother just watched sobbing, apologizing to him that she birthed him this way.

His rage of betrayal and desperation kicked in causing his powers to activate and for him to blackout. While he was blacked out he burned the doctors and nurses along with his parents alive to protect himself, also burning down the building in the process. From the ashes, he awoke by the girl shaking him. He was stronger than the others who had gone through this proceeders according to her because he was the child of Satan like herself. According to her only herself and he had ever managed to escape from that place.

The two of them escaped together, her teaching him more about his heritage. He then decided to gather other children of demons to group up with them. They would surely perish if they were left to survive on their own as now the church knew of the devil's spawns resistance. They would have to fight for their survival or at least die trying. None of them had gone through the facilities like they had since Titus destroyed the only one, but they had to make sure that they never would in the future. If they didn't act now, who knew what would be left for their futures?

Evan Radael~
(Father, 39, deceased)
Titus used to be extremely close to his father, they both enjoyed a similar sense of humour along with many other things. He was more of a friend rather than a parent to Titus, however recently Titus has grown to hate the man. Titus currently has a very strong-willed hate towards the man. On the other hand, Evan always had strong hate towards Titus. He was the son he wanted but the way he was born was an absolute sin. He despised his genes and always hated how the boy could keep on living so freely while he was Satan's spawn.
Beth Radael~
(Mother, 43, deceased)
Titus was close to his mother when she was alive. She was always calming and around him much more than his father was. She always knew how to make him feel better and how he was feeling. She always tried to make him happy when he was sad and wanted to do anything to make him happy. In the end, Titus felt pain for her death but still harboured hatred towards her. She may have been better than his father but what she did still filled him with hatred. Beth loved her child without a doubt in her mind. She wanted him her whole life and to her, it didn't matter who the father was. She wanted him but Evan convinced her that he couldn't live in this world the way he was. They had to fix him, make him normal. In the end, she regretted everything she did and wished she had never made the deal she made, no she wished that he could have been born normal and avoided all this.
(Friend, 15, alive)
Titus doesn't have a solid opinion on her quite yet. She is definitely the person he trusts most, but at the same time, he is unsure about her motives. She is his right-hand man and he appreciates having her with him. Due to his past, he finds it difficult to trust her just yet, but he hopes in time that that will change for the better. She also helps him get a hold on his powers.
Who knows: The people who know of his lineage is Luci and the Church at this time.
~General Info~​
Name: Luci
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100
Hair colour: Red. A streak of white in her bangs
Eye colour: Red-brown
Skin tone: Pale
Build: Thin
Extra features: A verticle scar, like an upside-down cross, in the center of her forehead. It opens up to reveal a third, blood-red eye. Luci hides it under her bangs.

Personality: Luci is the sort of person who likes to be in control of things, which shines through her compulsive lying. This helps her be a decent good leader since she is good at micromanaging and, to an extent, manipulating people. She often comes across as childish and lazy, getting bored easily, though is surprisingly driven towards her goal. Luci is naturally curious and tends to be a bit nosey, but her talent in observation comes in handy. Resourceful and good at making plans on the fly, Luci can keep a level head in stressful situations. In fact, she doesn't seem to get stressed out or fearful over much. However, it is hard to tell if its confidence or due to her sarcasm and lying skills.

Likes: White bunnies (only the white ones), Chinese food, fortune tellers, fun socks, puns, dark humour, lying, sarcasm, oreos, compliments.
Dislikes: The colour pink, milk, people lying to her, loss of control, church people, doctors.
Hobbies: Chess, collecting eyes, talking with ghosts, hide and seek, magic tricks, stealing.
Habits/quirks: plays with her hair when bored or thinking, lying.
Fears: Being helpless and out of control. Abandonment.
Strengths: Chill, observative, decisive, analytical.
Weaknesses: Holds grudges, nosey, overthinking.

Physical attributes: third eye on her forehead and several faint lines on her body from where her 'eyes' are. Blood from the eyes are goopy and black, dripping down her skin when she uses her powers for too long.

  • Evil Eye: Luci's third eye, located in her forehead, gives her the ability to see and communicate with evil spirits. They are naturally drawn to her, and she can bind them to her by taking their eyes.
  • An eye for an eye: As mentioned above, when Luci takes the eyes of a ghost she binds them to her. She will be able to share their vision and telepathically communicate with them over large distances. She can give eyes to allies, though it's not the most comfortable procedure and having a creepy, eyeless ghost follow you around might disturb some... regardless, it is quite useful for keeping tabs on people! Think of it as the improved, satanic version of a walkietalkie/gopro!
*Extra eyes can be physically seen dotting Luci's (or another's) body, though they look like faint scars when inactive. Like a cut, they will bleed when they are opened and are a dull red.

Control: Really good at controlling her powers.
Opinion on your powers: She thinks they are pretty rad. Any advantage over others is always a good thing.

Father: Satan
Bio: Luci's backstory changes every time she tells it to someone. One time she was an orphan, the other she was a sheltered girl in a Satanic cult. Perhaps none are true, or perhaps all are. The only one who has most of the story straight is Titus, but even still there are some details she has omitted for simplicity's sake. It's not that she lacks trust in her one friend, its that some things are better left forgotten. What's really important was what happened after her vague origins. Like Titus, she was eventually brought to the private 'hospital' in an effort to cure her condition.

Unlike Titus, she did not have a power overflowing with raw energy. Had she been the first sinner she wouldn't have stood a chance, but thankfully the bloody history of the church worked in her favour. From the restless dead, she learned of what the place truly was and a potential way she could get out. All it would take was a silver tongue and patience.

Of course, things sometimes don't go as smoothly as you plan. Days of preparation were foiled when her captors had a sudden change of schedule, forcing her to make her move too early. She followed the instructions of the ghosts but ended up being cornered and captured. In her moment of need, the ghosts had gone silent. It was strange, but they had been like friends in that hell, and their disappearance was crushing. They just watched her get dragged back. Not even her father was helping.

The next test almost killed her. She was left weak and with the knowledge that the next one would be her end. To make matters worse the spirits were not talking and didn't seem to want her to leave. Only then did she understand what they wanted. She told them she would help them get revenge if they worked together. Of course, they were eager, and each gave her an eye so they were bound. When a nun came to check on her that night, the church was a nun short. Luci brought her host of spirits to the object of their ire; the head nun. They were not able to kill her, but Luci managed to take out the woman's eye. She fled while the spirits distracted the woman, escaping the facility.

From then on, Luci watched over the facility on behalf of her father. Her unique connection with the head nun allowed her to evade them for years and gain access to any information her ghosts could not. She tested many other 'demon children', but the only one who managed to get out was Titus.

Satan: (father)(alive). Luci claims to be in contact with him, but it's uncertain if she is lying.
Titus: (friend)(alive) probably the closest thing to a best friend Luci will ever get. She really enjoys his company and is proud of him for destroying the church-hospital.

Who knows: A couple of demon hunters.
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~General Info~​
Name: Luci
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100
Hair colour: Red. A streak of white in her bangs
Eye colour: Red-brown
Skin tone: Pale
Build: Thin
Extra features: A verticle scar, like an upside-down cross, in the center of her forehead. It opens up to reveal a third, blood-red eye. Luci hides it under her bangs.

Personality: Luci is the sort of person who likes to be in control of things. This helps her be a decent good leader since she is good at micromanaging, but at the cost of coming across as bossy. She is naturally curious and tends to be a bit nosey, but her talent in observation comes in handy. Resourceful and good at making plans on the fly, Luci can keep a level head in stressful situations. In fact, she doesn't seem to get stressed out or fearful over much. However, it is hard to tell if its confidence or due to her sarcasm and lying skills.

Likes: White bunnies (only the white ones), Chinese food, fortune tellers, fun socks, puns, dark humour, lying, sarcasm, oreos, compliments.
Dislikes: The colour pink, milk, people lying to her, loss of control, church people, doctors.
Hobbies: Chess, collecting eyes, talking with ghosts, hide and seek, magic tricks, stealing.
Habits/quirks: plays with her hair when bored or thinking, lying,
Fears: Being helpless and out of control. Abandonment.
Strengths: Chill, observative, decisive, analytical.
Weaknesses: Holds grudges, nosey, overthinking.

Physical attributes: third eye on her forehead and several faint lines on her body from where her 'eyes' are. Blood from the eyes are goopy and black, dripping down her skin when she uses her powers for too long.

  • Evil Eye: Luci's third eye, located in her forehead, gives her the ability to see and communicate with evil spirits. They are naturally drawn to her, and she can bind them to her by taking their eyes.
  • An eye for an eye: As mentioned above, when Luci takes the eyes of a ghost she binds them to her. She will be able to share their vision and telepathically communicate with them over large distances. She can give eyes to allies, though it's not the most comfortable procedure and having a creepy, eyeless ghost follow you around might disturb some... regardless, it is quite useful for keeping tabs on people! Think of it as the improved, satanic version of a walkietalkie/gopro!
*Extra eyes can be physically seen dotting Luci's (or another's) body, though they look like faint scars when inactive. Like a cut, they will bleed when they are opened and are a dull red.

Control: Really good at controlling her powers.
Opinion on your powers: She thinks they are pretty rad. Any advantage over others is always a good thing.

Father: Satan
Bio: Luci's backstory changes every time she tells it to someone. One time she was an orphan, the other she was a sheltered girl in a Satanic cult. Perhaps none are true, or perhaps all are. The only one who has most of the story straight is Titus, but even still there are some details she has omitted for simplicity's sake. It's not that she lacks trust in her one friend, its that some things are better left forgotten. What's really important was what happened after her vague origins. Like Titus, she was eventually brought to the private 'hospital' in an effort to cure her condition.

Unlike Titus, she did not have a power overflowing with raw energy. Had she been the first sinner she wouldn't have stood a chance, but thankfully the bloody history of the church worked in her favour. From the restless dead, she learned of what the place truly was and a potential way she could get out. All it would take was a silver tongue and patience.

Of course, things sometimes don't go as smoothly as you plan. Days of preparation were foiled when her captors had a sudden change of schedule, forcing her to make her move too early. She followed the instructions of the ghosts but ended up being cornered and captured. In her moment of need, the ghosts had gone silent. It was strange, but they had been like friends in that hell, and their disappearance was crushing. They just watched her get dragged back. Not even her father was helping.

The next test almost killed her. She was left weak and with the knowledge that the next one would be her end. To make matters worse the spirits were not talking and didn't seem to want her to leave. Only then did she understand what they wanted. She told them she would help them get revenge if they worked together. Of course, they were eager, and each gave her an eye so they were bound. When a nun came to check on her that night, the church was a nun short. Luci brought her host of spirits to the object of their ire; the head nun. They were not able to kill her, but Luci managed to take out the woman's eye. She fled while the spirits distracted the woman, escaping the facility.

From then on, Luci watched over the facility on behalf of her father. Her unique connection with the head nun allowed her to evade them for years and gain access to any information her ghosts could not. She tested many other 'demon children', but the only one who managed to get out was Titus.

Satan: (father)(alive). Luci claims to be in contact with him, but it's uncertain if she is lying.
Titus: (friend)(alive) probably the closest thing to a best friend Luci will ever get. She really enjoys his company and is proud of him for destroying the church-hospital.

Who knows: A couple of demon hunters.
Accepted brosive
pink girls hoodie_.jpeg

Name: Renata “Rennie” Ricci

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 16

Height: 5’6
Weight: 120lbs
Hair colour: Black with bleached tips
Eye colour: Hazel
Skin tone: Honey
Build: Thin, triangular shaped body
Extra features: Her nose is pierced with a silver ring.

Personality: Rennie always puts herself first. She is not afraid of tearing others down to ensure what’s best for her, or what she thinks is best. She keeps her friends at a distance, if she’d even call them that. This was probably due to never having a strong connection growing up. Rennie is very competitive and loves attention, as long as it’s for the right things. Otherwise she is highly bored and will not stop complaining about it.
Likes: foxes, street fashion, hoodies, being on top, winning, insults, horror films, big cities
Dislikes: Being stepped on, secrets, not getting her way, long dresses, long nails, heat
Hobbies: Soccer, photography.
Habits/quirks: often chews gum, typically has her hands in her pockets
Fears: Being completely alone and unsupported, bees and wasps, her life crashing around her
Strengths: High stamina, persuasive, intimidating, knows when someone is wronging her
Weaknesses: holds grudges, short tempered, will insult you at least once a day, quick to assume, the world revolves around her

Physical attributes: The right side of her face has red scales on it in patches, but she just thinks they’re burn marks from an incident in her adolescence.
Powers: Rennie call this power her “Evil Eyes”. Each of her eyes can be activated for a different purpose. Her left eye can have a person follow one command she gives them if they stare at it for five seconds when it glows gold. When her right eye glows red, if she looks at a person for at least five seconds they feel a burning sensation in their head. She is not aware of which eye does which herself.
Control: Rennie is aware that these powers she holds are not the limits of them. She is able to call upon these powers at will, but her right eye occasionally activates without her realising.
Opinion: Rennie wouldn’t say she’s in awe of these powers, but she does find them overly useful.


Father: Alastor
Bio: Rennie’s mother, Bella, was known to fool around a lot at a young age, so she wasn’t entirely surprised to be pregnant with Rennie. She kept her child at a distance, treating Rennie as more of an obligation.

Rennie was very needy as a child up until the age of 8. She’d get absolutely furious if her needs, within the bounds of her mother’s income of course, weren’t met. She’d have a tantrum every second day. As she went to school, she was labeled a very troubled child and would heavily get scolded by teachers.

However, as she grew up she started to find that people around her slowly grew more compliant to requests the madder she got. Rennie decided that it couldn’t be coincidental, so she decided to test it out on her mother when she was about 10. At dinner one night, her mother was commanded to swap out her glass of water for a glass of wine. Though Rennie found out she hated the stuff, she finally knew that she had this psychic power, catching a gold glow in a glass’ reflection that she assumed came from her eyes.

Rennie then used these powers to improve her life. During tests and quizzes she always had a smarter classmate write her name on their own sheet so she’d pass without studying one bit. Teachers excused her for every rule she broke. And when other people challenged her or tried to take her down, she also discovered her mind burning ability.

Rennie became untouchable as she went into high school. She was a soccer superstar, a passionate photographer, and the Queen Bee. Those who didn’t respect her, staff or student, feared her. Her exes were among those who feared her.

With not having to focus on schoolwork anymore thanks to her psychic slaves it gave her more important things to focus on. Most notably was her soccer team, her photography blog, and finding out who her father is. She saved up for a DNA test but it didn’t clarify anything, and she’s struggled to find out anything about her twisted heritage. Her clique and her part time job as a gas station attendant have lately distracter her from that.

Family: Bella (mother). A distant but somewhat loving relationship that grows further apart as Rennie gets older.
Who knows: Every knows and suspects there’s something wrong with her, but nobody has confirmed or denied her heritage.
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Name: Renata “Rennie” Ricci

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 16

Height: 5’6
Weight: 120lbs
Hair colour: Black with bleached tips
Eye colour: Hazel
Skin tone: Honey
Build: Thin, triangular-shaped body
Extra features: Her nose is pierced with a silver ring.

Personality: Rennie always puts herself first. She is not afraid of tearing others down to ensure what’s best for her, or what she thinks is best. She keeps her friends at a distance if she’d even call them that. This was probably due to never having a strong connection growing up. Rennie is very competitive and loves attention, as long as it’s for the right things. Otherwise, she is highly bored and will not stop complaining about it.
Likes: foxes, street fashion, hoodies, being on top, winning, insults, horror films, big cities
Dislikes: Being stepped on, secrets, not getting her way, long dresses, long nails, heat
Hobbies: Soccer, photography.
Habits/quirks: often chews gum, typically has her hands in her pockets
Fears: Being completely alone and unsupported, bees and wasps, her life crashing around her
Strengths: High stamina, persuasive, intimidating, knows when someone is wronging her
Weaknesses: holds grudges, short-tempered, will insult you at least once a day, quick to assume, the world revolves around her

Physical attributes: The right side of her face has red scales on it in patches, but she just thinks they burn marks from an incident in her adolescence.
Powers: Rennie calls this power her “Evil Eyes”. Each of her eyes can be activated for a different purpose. Her left eye can have a person follow one command she gives them if they stare at it for five seconds when it glows gold. When her right eye glows red, if she looks at a person for at least five seconds they feel a burning sensation in their head. She is not aware of which eye does which herself.
Control: Rennie is aware that these powers she holds are not the limits of them. She is able to call upon these powers at will, but her right eye occasionally activates without her realizing.
Opinion: Rennie wouldn’t say she’s in awe of these powers, but she does find them overly useful.


Father: Alastor
Bio: Rennie’s mother, Bella, was known to fool around a lot at a young age, so she wasn’t entirely surprised to be pregnant with Rennie. She kept her child at a distance, treating Rennie as more of an obligation.

Rennie was very needy as a child up until the age of 8. She’d get absolutely furious if her needs, within the bounds of her mother’s income, of course, weren’t met. She’d have a tantrum every second day. As she went to school, she was labelled a very troubled child and would heavily get scolded by teachers.

However, as she grew up she started to find that people around her slowly grew more compliant to requests the madder she got. Rennie decided that it couldn’t be coincidental, so she decided to test it out on her mother when she was about 10. At dinner one night, her mother was commanded to swap out her glass of water for a glass of wine. Though Rennie found out she hated the stuff, she finally knew that she had this psychic power, catching a golden glow in a glass’ reflection that she assumed came from her eyes.

Rennie then used these powers to improve her life. During tests and quizzes, she always had a smarter classmate write her name on their own sheet so she’d pass without studying one bit. Teachers excused her for every rule she broke. And when other people challenged her or tried to take her down, she also discovered her mind burning ability.

Rennie became untouchable as she went into high school. She was a soccer superstar, a passionate photographer, and the Queen Bee. Those who didn’t respect her, staff or student, feared her. Her exes were among those who feared her.

Not having to focus on schoolwork any more thanks to her psychic slaves it gave her more important things to focus on. Most notably was her soccer team, her photography blog, and finding out who her father is. She saved up for a DNA test but it didn’t clarify anything, and she’s struggled to find out anything about her twisted heritage. Her clique and her part-time job as a gas station attendant have lately distracter her from that.

Family: Bella (mother). A distant but somewhat loving relationship that grows further apart as Rennie gets older.
Who knows: Everyone knows and suspects there’s something wrong with her, but nobody has confirmed or denied her heritage.
Accepted! :3
name // yuliy pavelovich mikhailov
gender // male
sexuality // ┐(︶▽︶)┌
age // seventeen (17)

height // 5’7”
weight // 130lbs
hair color // grey
eye color // blue
skin tone // healthy
build // lean
extra // n/a

Having been conceived with the intention of hiding a demon spawn right under the church’s nose, Yuliy’s appearance is about as mundane as could be. The pewter grey locks framing his near unnaturally bright cyan eyes make him stand out in a crowd, but, in the end, it’s never more than a quickly passing interest. Those who dye their hair with similar shades are a dime a dozen, and his average height, figure, and face value contributes little to his visual points of interest. If he were to be completely honest, he prefers it that way, as there are already too many people who ask if he dyes his hair or wears color contacts. Adding on some freaky features like horns or a tail for people to gawk at would be frankly depressing not to mention downright embarrassing.

The life of the party and a natural-born moodmaker, Yuliy is someone whom both his peers and teachers alike agree to be a generally likeable individual. He isn’t a particularly gifted child whether it be in academics or sports, but he’s the sort that’s willing to put in the effort to rise above the baseline. This effort is also fed into his social interactions, though his affinity with people is a fair bit higher than his general skills. Inclusive of others but not overbearingly so, his sharp intuition and sensitivity to the needs and desires of people allow him to be mindful of their boundaries without disrupting his own wild tempo. However, as he is far from a people pleaser, he has little patience for fussy and stuck-up individuals and tends to be vocal about their “attitude problems,” typically in the form of dramatic sarcasm. Fortunately, his ire is slow to cap while swift in its retreat. Likewise, he is quick to forgive and forget, unless you happen to be a certain bastard father.

- tomatoes…?
- dogs
- music
- paper cranes

- irrational numbers...and irrational people
- being observed
- people who hum off-tune/off-key
- his biological father

- photosynthesizing
- jam sessions
- cooking

- still says grace before meals
- tends to wear multiple layers of clothing

- accidentally killing someone one day
- being a burden
- plane flights

- can down a plate of food in 5 seconds (he claims)
- street smart
- high EQ
- harder worker

- allergic to tomatoes but obsessed with them to an unhealthy degree
- gets cold more easily than others
- limited by lack of talent/genius in most areas
- forgives even traitors

physical attributes // 91°F body temp
powers // Прощай!
control // moderate
opinion // he’d rather not have them at all

Yuliy’s powers revolve around infecting wounds which fester until they induce widespread necrosis of the surrounding tissue. However, Death is merely the flipside of Life. Likewise, the effects of his power can be easily retracted by his will, and he may even heal injury not inflicted by his powers. Typically, the necrotic progression takes a total of three days to cause death, but water appears to accelerate the process due to Vepar’s influence.

After several mishaps during his teens, Yuliy has noted that his power is entirely obedient to his will. As such, his disease-inducing abilities are kept under wraps so long as he takes care not to hold on to his grudges too seriously. The subconscious, however, is a dangerous part of the human psyche, and he still slips up from time to time. Fortunately, his morals are upright and his guilty conscience is strong, so it doesn’t take much to patch his victims up like new.

father // vepar

As a fresh immigrant and a single mother, Evgenia Mikhailova often struggled to make ends meet during her first few years in Vancouver. It wasn’t until Yuliy reached the age where he could attend school that she settled for a much more stable and better paying job, causing the child to become more mindful of his mother’s struggles. However, his mother never in any way made him feel that he needed to mature faster than other children. She didn’t spoil him, but she never failed to ensure he felt loved by spending time with him or nursing him back to health whenever his frail body relapsed, a condition he was always apologetic for. In turn, he would frequently offer his prayers to God in hopes that he would grow to become much stronger to lessen the burden on his mother. Yet in a twist of irony, his faithful practices were, in fact, the very cause of his fragile health.

As a child baptised in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Yuliy would faithfully attend Sunday Liturgies with his mother. Unbeknownst to both his mother and himself, his receiving of Holy Communion every week clashed with his demonic lineage which lead to his deteriorating health. Fortunately (or unfortunately), no one saw this as particularly strange, as he had taken it from such a young age that most assumed he was simply born weak.

Yuliy himself continued to hold on to this belief, even assuming that his health which slowly improved over the years was God answering his prayers. However, as his resistance to the effects of the consecrated bread and wine grew, so did the effect of his previously suppressed powers.

At first his only thoughts were that a strange number of people were suffering from the same strange symptoms: a sudden onset of quickly spreading necrosis. Stranger yet was the fact that the necrotic tissue would mysteriously disappear soon after the news of the disease reached his ears. It was only by the 4th victim to this elusive disease that Yuliy began to notice a pattern. Those that contracted it had offended him in some way, and the same people had rid themselves of the disease as soon as he had thought about how while he disliked their attitudes, he never wanted them dead.

The mere prospect of such a horrific ability sickened him, but by the 7th victim, the facts harshly slapped him in the face. With a threat from some mysterious kidnapper he just barely managed to escape from and then a group of children claiming that he was of demonic descent, Yuliy grew to realize that the story behind his supposedly deceased biological father wasn’t as simple as his mother had claimed. Instead of a fellow immigrant she had met on the ship ride to Canada who happened to pass away while she was still pregnant, he was most likely...

[Yevgenia Ivanovna Mikhailova] If it weren’t for the fear that his mother might be endangered by his existence, Yuliy would have preferred to live out the rest of his high school and college years with his family. He’s had his fair share of rebellions against his mother, but, at the end of the day, the two shared a mutually deep bond. He’d even eat okra if it’d make her happy.

[Elias Argyris] When Yevgenia remarried seven years ago, the ten-year-old Yuliy didn’t kick up much of a fuss seeing that his mother was happy with the man. Yuliy doesn’t quite feel the same connection with him that he does with his mother, but he still thinks he’s a pretty swell guy. Part of the reason he was willing to leave his mother’s side was due to trusting that Elias would take care of her in his stead.

[Vepar/Pavel] In spite of his mild temperament, Yuliy is quick to express his contempt for the man who donated the other half of his genes. He neither has the slightest clue as to whom his father is, nor does he care to find out. To Yuliy, his biological father is just scum who tricked and abandoned his mother once he was done using her.

[Syoma Pavelevich Aimedov] Due to the close relationship of their mothers, Yuliy and Syoma were raised like a pair of siblings. The two often harass each other, but it’s all in good jest and neither of them take it too seriously. Strangely enough, they share a great deal of “coincidences” such as the same exact date of birth and strange hair color. He is also the unreliably reliable great tutor-sama that Yuliy would come crying to whenever he did poorly on an exam.

Syoma. Members of the church had their eye on him, but it is mere suspicions rather than a solid belief that he is of demonic descent.

1. He's dabbled in music by learning how to play the violin as a child. When he and Syoma got around to forming a band, Yuliy decided to pick up guitar as well.
2. Yuliy is unaware that Syoma and he are in fact half-siblings.
3. Doctors were unable to explain why Yuliy’s body temperature is far below the normal human average. As far as they can tell, it doesn’t appear to affect his health negatively other than the fact that he gets cold a bit more easily than others.
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name // yuliy pavelovich mikhailov
gender // male
sexuality // ┐(︶▽︶)┌
age // seventeen (17)

height // 5’7”
weight // 130lbs
hair color // grey
eye color // blue
skin tone // healthy
build // lean
extra // n/a

Having been conceived with the intention of hiding a demon spawn right under the church’s nose, Yuliy’s appearance is about as mundane as could be. The pewter grey locks framing his near unnaturally bright cyan eyes make him stand out in a crowd, but, in the end, it’s never more than a quickly passing interest. Those who dye their hair with similar shades are a dime a dozen, and his average height, figure, and face value contributes little to his visual points of interest. If he were to be completely honest, he prefers it that way, as there are already too many people who ask if he dyes his hair or wears color contacts. Adding on some freaky features like horns or a tail for people to gawk at would be frankly depressing not to mention downright embarrassing.

The life of the party and a natural-born moodmaker, Yuliy is someone whom both his peers and teachers alike agree to be a generally likeable individual. He isn’t a particularly gifted child whether it be in academics or sports, but he’s the sort that’s willing to put in the effort to rise above the baseline. This effort is also fed into his social interactions, though his affinity with people is a fair bit higher than his general skills. Inclusive of others but not overbearingly so, his sharp intuition and sensitivity to the needs and desires of people allow him to be mindful of their boundaries without disrupting his own wild tempo. However, as he is far from a people pleaser, he has little patience for fussy and stuck-up individuals and tends to be vocal about their “attitude problems,” typically in the form of dramatic sarcasm. Fortunately, his ire is slow to cap while swift in its retreat. Likewise, he is quick to forgive and forget, unless you happen to be a certain bastard father.


irrational numbers...and irrational people


null: does not like to be observed

“that’s for me to know and you to find out”

can down a plate of food in 5 seconds

also tomatoes

physical attributes // 91°F body temp
powers // Прощай!
control // moderate
opinion // he’d rather not have them at all

Yuliy’s powers revolve around infecting wounds which fester until they induce widespread necrosis of the surrounding tissue. However, Death is merely the flipside of Life. Likewise, the effects of his power can be easily retracted by his will, and he may even heal injury not inflicted by his powers. Typically, the necrotic progression takes a total of three days to cause death, but water appears to accelerate the process due to Vepar’s influence.

After several mishaps during his teens, Yuliy has noted that his power is entirely obedient to his will. As such, his disease-inducing abilities are kept under wraps so long as he takes care not to hold on to his grudges too seriously. The subconscious, however, is a dangerous part of the human psyche, and he still slips up from time to time. Fortunately, his morals are upright and his guilty conscience is strong, so it doesn’t take much to patch his victims up like new.

father // vepar

As a fresh immigrant and a single mother, Evgenia Mikhailova often struggled to make ends meet during her first few years in Vancouver. It wasn’t until Yuliy reached the age where he could attend school that she settled for a much more stable and better paying job, causing the child to become more mindful of his mother’s struggles. However, his mother never in any way made him feel that he needed to mature faster than other children. She didn’t spoil him, but she never failed to ensure he felt loved by spending time with him or nursing him back to health whenever his frail body relapsed, a condition he was always apologetic for. In turn, he would frequently offer his prayers to God in hopes that he would grow to become much stronger to lessen the burden on his mother. Yet in a twist of irony, his faithful practices were, in fact, the very cause of his fragile health.

As a child baptised in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Yuliy would faithfully attend Sunday Liturgies with his mother. Unbeknownst to both his mother and himself, his receiving of Holy Communion every week clashed with his demonic lineage which lead to his deteriorating health. Fortunately (or unfortunately), no one saw this as particularly strange, as he had taken it from such a young age that most assumed he was simply born weak.

Yuliy himself continued to hold on to this belief, even assuming that his health which slowly improved over the years was God answering his prayers. However, as his resistance to the effects of the consecrated bread and wine grew, so did the effect of his previously suppressed powers.

At first his only thoughts were that a strange number of people were suffering from the same strange symptoms: a sudden onset of quickly spreading necrosis. Stranger yet was the fact that the necrotic tissue would mysteriously disappear soon after the news of the disease reached his ears. It was only by the 4th victim to this elusive disease that Yuliy began to notice a pattern. Those that contracted it had offended him in some way, and the same people had rid themselves of the disease as soon as he had thought about how while he disliked their attitudes, he never wanted them dead.

The mere prospect of such a horrific ability sickened him, but by the 7th victim, the facts harshly slapped him in the face. With a threat from some mysterious kidnapper he just barely managed to escape from and then a group of children claiming that he was of demonic descent, Yuliy grew to realize that the story behind his supposedly deceased biological father wasn’t as simple as his mother had claimed. Instead of a fellow immigrant she had met on the ship ride to Canada who happened to pass away while she was still pregnant, he was most likely...

[Yevgenia Ivanovna Mikhailova] If it weren’t for the fear that his mother might be endangered by his existence, Yuliy would have preferred to live out the rest of his high school and college years with his family. He’s had his fair share of rebellions against his mother, but, at the end of the day, the two shared a mutually deep bond. He’d even eat okra if it’d make her happy.

[Elias Argyris] When Yevgenia remarried seven years ago, the ten-year-old Yuliy didn’t kick up much of a fuss seeing that his mother was happy with the man. Yuliy doesn’t quite feel the same connection with him that he does with his mother, but he still thinks he’s a pretty swell guy. Part of the reason he was willing to leave his mother’s side was due to trusting that Elias would take care of her in his stead.

[Vepar/Pavel] In spite of his mild temperament, Yuliy is quick to express his contempt for the man who donated the other half of his genes. He neither has the slightest clue as to whom his father is, nor does he care to find out. To Yuliy, his biological father is just scum who tricked and abandoned his mother once he was done using her.

[Syoma Pavelevich Aimedov] Due to the close relationship of their mothers, Yuliy and Syoma were raised like a pair of siblings. The two often harass each other, but it’s all in good jest and neither of them take it too seriously. Strangely enough, they share a great deal of “coincidences” such as the same exact date of birth and strange hair color. He is also the unreliably reliable great tutor-sama that Yuliy would come crying to whenever he did poorly on an exam.

Syoma. Members of the church had their eye on him, but it is mere suspicions rather than a solid belief that he is of demonic descent.

1. He’s allergic to tomatoes.
2. He's dabbled in music by learning how to play the violin as a child. When he and Syoma got around to forming a band, Yuliy decided to pick up guitar as well.
3. Yuliy is unaware that Syoma and he are in fact half-siblings.
4. Doctors were unable to explain why Yuliy’s body temperature is far below the normal human average. As far as they can tell, it doesn’t appear to affect his health negatively other than the fact that he gets cold a bit more easily than others.
I love him lol, just mind adding more to his likes, hobbies, ect. lol I love the section because it has personality but I need to know these things lol. You could send me this in pm if you prefer to keep it like this, or you can add like a spoiler, something lol. Hope it's not too much trouble ;=;
name // yuliy pavelovich mikhailov
gender // male
sexuality // ┐(︶▽︶)┌
age // seventeen (17)

height // 5’7”
weight // 130lbs
hair color // grey
eye color // blue
skin tone // healthy
build // lean
extra // n/a

Having been conceived with the intention of hiding a demon spawn right under the church’s nose, Yuliy’s appearance is about as mundane as could be. The pewter grey locks framing his near unnaturally bright cyan eyes make him stand out in a crowd, but, in the end, it’s never more than a quickly passing interest. Those who dye their hair with similar shades are a dime a dozen, and his average height, figure, and face value contributes little to his visual points of interest. If he were to be completely honest, he prefers it that way, as there are already too many people who ask if he dyes his hair or wears color contacts. Adding on some freaky features like horns or a tail for people to gawk at would be frankly depressing not to mention downright embarrassing.

The life of the party and a natural-born moodmaker, Yuliy is someone whom both his peers and teachers alike agree to be a generally likeable individual. He isn’t a particularly gifted child whether it be in academics or sports, but he’s the sort that’s willing to put in the effort to rise above the baseline. This effort is also fed into his social interactions, though his affinity with people is a fair bit higher than his general skills. Inclusive of others but not overbearingly so, his sharp intuition and sensitivity to the needs and desires of people allow him to be mindful of their boundaries without disrupting his own wild tempo. However, as he is far from a people pleaser, he has little patience for fussy and stuck-up individuals and tends to be vocal about their “attitude problems,” typically in the form of dramatic sarcasm. Fortunately, his ire is slow to cap while swift in its retreat. Likewise, he is quick to forgive and forget, unless you happen to be a certain bastard father.

- tomatoes…?
- dogs
- music
- paper cranes

- irrational numbers...and irrational people
- being observed
- people who hum off-tune/off-key
- his biological father

- photosynthesizing
- jam sessions
- cooking

- still says grace before meals
- tends to wear multiple layers of clothing

- accidentally killing someone one day
- being a burden
- plane flights

- can down a plate of food in 5 seconds (he claims)
- street smart
- high EQ
- harder worker

- allergic to tomatoes but obsessed with them to an unhealthy degree
- gets cold more easily than others
- limited by lack of talent/genius in most areas
- forgives even traitors

physical attributes // 91°F body temp
powers // Прощай!
control // moderate
opinion // he’d rather not have them at all

Yuliy’s powers revolve around infecting wounds which fester until they induce widespread necrosis of the surrounding tissue. However, Death is merely the flipside of Life. Likewise, the effects of his power can be easily retracted by his will, and he may even heal injury not inflicted by his powers. Typically, the necrotic progression takes a total of three days to cause death, but water appears to accelerate the process due to Vepar’s influence.

After several mishaps during his teens, Yuliy has noted that his power is entirely obedient to his will. As such, his disease-inducing abilities are kept under wraps so long as he takes care not to hold on to his grudges too seriously. The subconscious, however, is a dangerous part of the human psyche, and he still slips up from time to time. Fortunately, his morals are upright and his guilty conscience is strong, so it doesn’t take much to patch his victims up like new.

father // vepar

As a fresh immigrant and a single mother, Evgenia Mikhailova often struggled to make ends meet during her first few years in Vancouver. It wasn’t until Yuliy reached the age where he could attend school that she settled for a much more stable and better paying job, causing the child to become more mindful of his mother’s struggles. However, his mother never in any way made him feel that he needed to mature faster than other children. She didn’t spoil him, but she never failed to ensure he felt loved by spending time with him or nursing him back to health whenever his frail body relapsed, a condition he was always apologetic for. In turn, he would frequently offer his prayers to God in hopes that he would grow to become much stronger to lessen the burden on his mother. Yet in a twist of irony, his faithful practices were, in fact, the very cause of his fragile health.

As a child baptised in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Yuliy would faithfully attend Sunday Liturgies with his mother. Unbeknownst to both his mother and himself, his receiving of Holy Communion every week clashed with his demonic lineage which lead to his deteriorating health. Fortunately (or unfortunately), no one saw this as particularly strange, as he had taken it from such a young age that most assumed he was simply born weak.

Yuliy himself continued to hold on to this belief, even assuming that his health which slowly improved over the years was God answering his prayers. However, as his resistance to the effects of the consecrated bread and wine grew, so did the effect of his previously suppressed powers.

At first his only thoughts were that a strange number of people were suffering from the same strange symptoms: a sudden onset of quickly spreading necrosis. Stranger yet was the fact that the necrotic tissue would mysteriously disappear soon after the news of the disease reached his ears. It was only by the 4th victim to this elusive disease that Yuliy began to notice a pattern. Those that contracted it had offended him in some way, and the same people had rid themselves of the disease as soon as he had thought about how while he disliked their attitudes, he never wanted them dead.

The mere prospect of such a horrific ability sickened him, but by the 7th victim, the facts harshly slapped him in the face. With a threat from some mysterious kidnapper he just barely managed to escape from and then a group of children claiming that he was of demonic descent, Yuliy grew to realize that the story behind his supposedly deceased biological father wasn’t as simple as his mother had claimed. Instead of a fellow immigrant she had met on the ship ride to Canada who happened to pass away while she was still pregnant, he was most likely...

[Yevgenia Ivanovna Mikhailova] If it weren’t for the fear that his mother might be endangered by his existence, Yuliy would have preferred to live out the rest of his high school and college years with his family. He’s had his fair share of rebellions against his mother, but, at the end of the day, the two shared a mutually deep bond. He’d even eat okra if it’d make her happy.

[Elias Argyris] When Yevgenia remarried seven years ago, the ten-year-old Yuliy didn’t kick up much of a fuss seeing that his mother was happy with the man. Yuliy doesn’t quite feel the same connection with him that he does with his mother, but he still thinks he’s a pretty swell guy. Part of the reason he was willing to leave his mother’s side was due to trusting that Elias would take care of her in his stead.

[Vepar/Pavel] In spite of his mild temperament, Yuliy is quick to express his contempt for the man who donated the other half of his genes. He neither has the slightest clue as to whom his father is, nor does he care to find out. To Yuliy, his biological father is just scum who tricked and abandoned his mother once he was done using her.

[Syoma Pavelevich Aimedov] Due to the close relationship of their mothers, Yuliy and Syoma were raised like a pair of siblings. The two often harass each other, but it’s all in good jest and neither of them take it too seriously. Strangely enough, they share a great deal of “coincidences” such as the same exact date of birth and strange hair color. He is also the unreliably reliable great tutor-sama that Yuliy would come crying to whenever he did poorly on an exam.

Syoma. Members of the church had their eye on him, but it is mere suspicions rather than a solid belief that he is of demonic descent.

1. He's dabbled in music by learning how to play the violin as a child. When he and Syoma got around to forming a band, Yuliy decided to pick up guitar as well.
2. Yuliy is unaware that Syoma and he are in fact half-siblings.
3. Doctors were unable to explain why Yuliy’s body temperature is far below the normal human average. As far as they can tell, it doesn’t appear to affect his health negatively other than the fact that he gets cold a bit more easily than others.
Accepted, I love the tomatoes uwu


~General Info~
Name: Celia Palison
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Height: 5'4
Weight: 106 ibs
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Black
Build: Slim and bony
Extra features: Birthmarks forming along her spine, taking the form of a snake

Personality: Often quiet, but takes everything like a game. She often spends much of her time watching things, silent as she observes the strange nature of the world.
Likes: Sushi, Horror movies, dancing, solitude and nail polish
Dislikes: Her reflection, comedies, large crowds, social media, church people, chocolate
Hobbies: Dancing, people watching, travelling, hitch hiking, stealing things
Habits/quirks: Often times she holds expressionless emotions, only in the odd moments of excitement revealing more
Fears: Constraints, adults and small places
Strengths: High agility, quick reactions, skilled with daggers
Weaknesses: Reckless, tempted easily, and low stamina/strength

Physical attributes: Black eyes with slightly larger than average pupils
Powers: Shifting to appear as one's greatest nightmare.
Control: Little control, often times if one is stressed, they would be more likely to have a glimpse of her power; enhanced if she herself is stressed by anger or sadness.
Opinion on your powers: This power comes as a curse to her

Father: Ose

Bio: Lone hours that turned to days and tumbled into years mark the progression of Celia's life. Outcast by her overly religious mother, her first breaths were drawn into the irony of it all. From one foster home to another, she stumbled into different surroundings, each becoming worse than the one before. While it remained mystery for the longest of times, most simply, the reason for abandoning her was from the frequent nightmares her foster parents reported, ones of her... or perhaps it was from the far off expression she maintained most of the time. It seemed her world was all but exempt from love. That was until the day, the day of her 14th birthday when she settled into another religious house. While they finally showed Celia love, greater concerns cast over it like a dark cloud after the warning they received from a priest... such simple words that took the very thing she yearned for, out of her grasp. The nightmares grew worse, almost lively . She could not tell why they looked at her with such horrors. She knew then it was time to leave. It was from the priest's words that she truly understood what she was, or what she was spawn of. Celia took flight, threatened by the priest, and in turn, becoming the nightmare so many looked upon her as. Still lacking of control, she lives as a nomad, moving continuously to keep others off of her trail.

Family: Unknown; mother was impregnated by the trickery of Ose, luring her in with a warm embrace and promise of greater enlightenment
Who knows: Mother knows (told by priest upon her third trimester, but abandoned immediately after). Many of her former foster homes knew there was something wrong with her, but few confirmed or were in denial. A priest who is hunting her
Last edited:

View attachment 645946View attachment 645947
Theme song:

~General Info~
Name: Celia Palison
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Height: 5'4
Weight: 106 ibs
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Black
Build: Slim and bony
Extra features: Birthmarks forming along her spine, taking the form of a snake

Personality: Often quiet, but takes everything like a game. She often spends much of her time watching things, silent as she observes the strange nature of the world.
Likes: Sushi, Horror movies, dancing, solitude and nail polish
Dislikes: Her reflection, comedies, large crowds, social media, church people, chocolate
Hobbies: Dancing, people watching, travelling, hitch hiking, stealing things
Habits/quirks: Often times she holds expressionless emotions, only in the odd moments of excitement revealing more
Fears: Constraints, adults and small places
Strengths: High agility, quick reactions, skilled with daggers
Weaknesses: Reckless, tempted easily, and low stamina/strength

Physical attributes: Black eyes with slightly larger than average pupils
Powers: Shifting to appear as one's greatest nightmare.
Control: Little control, often times if one is stressed, they would be more likely to have a glimpse of her power; enhanced if she herself is stressed by anger or sadness.
Opinion on your powers: This power comes as a curse to her

Father: Ose

Bio: Lone hours that turned to days and tumbled into years mark the progression of Celia's life. Outcast by her overly religious mother, her first breaths were drawn into the irony of it all. From one foster home to another, she stumbled into different surroundings, each becoming worse than the one before. While it remained mystery for the longest of times, most simply, the reason for abandoning her was from the frequent nightmares her foster parents reported, ones of her... or perhaps it was from the far off expression she maintained most of the time. It seemed her world was all but exempt from love. That was until the day, the day of her 14th birthday when she settled into another religious house, while they finally showed her love, greater concerns cast over it like a dark cloud after the warning they received from a priest... such simple words that took the very thing she yearned for, out of her grasp. The nightmares grew worse, almost lively . She could not tell why they looked at her with such horrors. She knew then it was time to leave. It was from the priest's words that she truly understood what she was, or what she was spawn of. Celia took flight, threatened by the priest, and in turn, becoming the nightmare so many looked upon her as. Still lacking of control, she lives as a nomad, moving continuously to keep others off of her trail.

Family: Unknown
Who knows: Mother knows (told by priest upon her third trimester, but abandoned immediately after. Many of her former foster homes knew there was something wrong with her, but few confirmed or were in denial. A priest who is hunting her

Love her, just need some questions answered then she's fine! :3
Why did her mother have her if she was so religious? Was there some trickery at play?
Another her power you mentioned people received nightmares when they adopted her, is a passive power that can't be controlled or is it something she can work on controlling? And with the worst nightmare, part can she only turn into your worst nightmare or also other fears? Could she even turn into something that someone isn't afraid of but in certain situations causes fear? Also is it a form of illusion or does her body actually change?
Love her, just need some questions answered then she's fine! :3
Why did her mother have her if she was so religious? Was there some trickery at play?
Another her power you mentioned people received nightmares when they adopted her, is a passive power that can't be controlled or is it something she can work on controlling? And with the worst nightmare, part can she only turn into your worst nightmare or also other fears? Could she even turn into something that someone isn't afraid of but in certain situations causes fear? Also is it a form of illusion or does her body actually change?
^^ Of course. Oh for the mum, it was trickery. Ill add that to the CS. She was lured. Well really for that one, I think the parents thought it was a nightmare, but most likely was just seeing her at night. Oh no they can see their other fears, Id say, but I can just keep it at greatest for now. She can practice with skill, so maybe she can be turned to what someone is not afraid of in time. It's more a form of illusion that is real to the person, so others may not see what the victim does, and in turn, if she lashed out at them, the damage could be physical only to them... though maybe that is too powerful, so we can say that is when she is older haha xD
^^ Of course. Oh for the mum, it was trickery. Ill add that to the CS. She was lured. Well really for that one, I think the parents thought it was a nightmare, but most likely was just seeing her at night. Oh no they can see their other fears, Id say, but I can just keep it at greatest for now. She can practice with skill, so maybe she can be turned to what someone is not afraid of in time. It's more a form of illusion that is real to the person, so others may not see what the victim does, and in turn, if she lashed out at them, the damage could be physical only to them... though maybe that is too powerful, so we can say that is when she is older haha xD
You can make it physical for them like they have no wounds but feel the pain. This in extreme cases can kill them from shock. I think that would be good.
~General Info~

Azen Bisset
Non-binary (he/they)
Demiromantic Asexual
14 years


Zen has short white hair, cut barely to their ears. They wear lighter clothing when they can, but it gets quite dirty quite easily. Otherwise, they can normally be seen in a sweater and jeans/sweatpants.
4' 11"
Practically white; extremely short
Pale Blue (appear clouded over)
Pale (with freckles)
Skinny, with no visible muscle (if they were shirtless you could see their ribs)
Eye "tattoos" on their palms and the backs of their hands


Zen is very cautious, both in their surroundings and around others. While it's hard to see them expressing themselves, even a smile can say a lot. It could be said that Zen is afraid to show emotion.
Honey, plants, tarot cards, blankets
Alcohol, motorcycles, swears, hail
Tarot readings, rune doodles
Drumming their fingers on the back of their other hand
Running their fingers through their hair
Humming random tunes to themself
"Staring" not directly at someone (they're getting better!)
Alcohol, loud noises, strangers
Listening to others
Figuring out if someone is hostile
Rarely expresses self "well"

Physical Attributes
Zen's ears are slightly pointed. Their teeth and nails are a tad sharper than normal for humans, with the latter being much more sturdy.
Azen is able to write runes and imbue them with power.
By drawing arcane runes- whether in the air or using some sort of medium- Zen can access an extradimensional space. Living organisms cannot exist in this space.
They are yet to attempt permanent runes. They are able to make any rune mean anything, as long as there is a method to the rune's creation. (The runes are able to be of 1-5 word phrases, but can only be statements.)
Their circles are all temporary, the reliability of said circles dependent upon the accuracy of their runes. (The larger the circle the more detailed/complex the runes have to be. The largest they have accomplished is a circle 1ft in diameter.)
Eh, could do better. At the least, it's up to Zen if they get used.

The only child of Adele Bisset, Azen was borne blind. They knew nothing of their true father until much later in life- years after Adele married. By this time, Azen had encountered their magick. Adele did not give too much thought to this, being an extremely kind parent for their child.
Everything changed when the fire nation attacked when Norris entered their lives. He was kind at first, though Zen could recognize their hostility from the beginning. His anger at Zen had first been due to their not being his biological child. Soon after, they became jealous of the attention Adele gave Zen.
Encouraged by his friends, Norris did some digging, some data collection, and compiled his research. He went to Adele with a binder full of photos and notes about Zen, along with information of the child's true father. He screamed at Adele that day, throwing the heavy binder at her.
Feeling at fault for that pain, Zen ran. They ran as fast and as far as they could, past Roux and Norris' other friends. Zen ran for what seems like eternity. And though they don't flee as fast or with as much fear, Azen is still running.

Adele Bisset (Mother, Alive?)
Neither Zen nor Adele know the whereabouts of the other- or even if they're still alive. During their time together, they shared a close bond. However, it seems she has cut off all ties with Zen.

Norris Bisset (Legal Father, Alive?)
Like with Adele, Zen knows not the status nor location of their legal father. However, Zen did not favor Norris. They exuded a dark aura- beyond even hostility. Zen was ridiculed for their lack of sight primarily by him.

Stolas (Father, Alive)
Zen has never seen their father in person but does know a fair bit about him from research. However, most of the information they know was from the internet, so who's to say?

Alix Roux (Norris's Friend, Alive)
Though Zen has never spoken with any of Norris's friends, they could easily recognize Alix. Roux was the most menacing of the group- including Norris himself. He had a face one couldn't forget, and seemed insistent that if Norris was "to marry that Bisset girl", he would need to "get rid of her annoying daughter."

Who knows: Zen, Adele, Norris, Norris's friends, likely some priests

Azen was assigned as female from birth, but absolutely hates she/her.
Azen has a journal full of different runes that they've written.
They have extremely good spatial reasoning despite their lack of sight.
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View attachment 646961
~General Info~

Azen Bisset
Non-binary (he/they)
Demiromantic Asexual
14 years


Zen has short white hair, cut barely to their ears. They wear lighter clothing when they can, but it gets quite dirty quite easily. Otherwise, they can normally be seen in a sweater and jeans/sweatpants.
4' 11"
Practically white; extremely short
Pale Blue (appear clouded over)
Pale (with freckles)
Skinny, with no visible muscle (if they were shirtless you could see their ribs)
Eye "tattoos" on their palms and the backs of their hands


Zen is very cautious, both in their surroundings and around others. While it's hard to see them expressing themselves, even a smile can say a lot. It could be said that Zen is afraid to show emotion.
Honey, plants, tarot cards, blankets
Alcohol, motorcycles, swears, hail
Tarot readings, rune doodles
Drumming their fingers on the back of their other hand
Running their fingers through their hair
Humming random tunes to themself
"Staring" not directly at someone (they're getting better!)
Alcohol, loud noises, strangers
Listening to others
Figuring out if someone is hostile
Rarely expresses self "well"

Physical Attributes
Zen's ears are slightly pointed. Their teeth and nails are a tad sharper than normal for humans, with the latter being much more sturdy.
Azen is able to write runes and imbue them with power.
By drawing arcane runes- whether in the air or using some sort of medium- Zen can access an extradimensional space. Living organisms cannot exist in this space.
They are yet to attempt permanent runes. They are able to make any rune mean anything, as long as there is a method to the rune's creation.
Their circles are all temporary, the reliability of said circles dependent upon the accuracy of their runes.
Eh, could do better. At the least, it's up to Zen if they get used.

The only child of Adele Bisset, Azen was borne blind. They knew nothing of their true father until much later in life- years after Adele married. By this time, Azen had encountered their magick. Adele did not give too much thought to this, being an extremely kind parent for their child.
Everything changed when the fire nation attacked when Norris entered their lives. He was kind at first, though Zen could recognize their hostility from the beginning. His anger at Zen had first been due to their not being his biological child. Soon after, they became jealous of the attention Adele gave Zen.
Encouraged by his friends, Norris did some digging, some data collection, and compiled his research. He went to Adele with a binder full of photos and notes about Zen, along with information of the child's true father. He screamed at Adele that day, throwing the heavy binder at her.
Feeling at fault for that pain, Zen ran. They ran as fast and as far as they could, past Roux and Norris' other friends. Zen ran for what seems like eternity. And though they don't flee as fast or with as much fear, Azen is still running.

Adele Bisset (Mother, Alive?)
Neither Zen nor Adele know the whereabouts of the other- or even if they're still alive. During their time together, they shared a close bond. However, it seems she has cut off all ties with Zen.

Norris Bisset (Legal Father, Alive?)
Like with Adele, Zen knows not the status nor location of their legal father. However, Zen did not favor Norris. They exuded a dark aura- beyond even hostility. Zen was ridiculed for their lack of sight primarily by him.

Stolas (Father, Alive)
Zen has never seen their father in person but does know a fair bit about him from research. However, most of the information they know was from the internet, so who's to say?

Alix Roux (Norris's Friend, Alive)
Though Zen has never spoken with any of Norris's friends, they could easily recognize Alix. Roux was the most menacing of the group- including Norris himself. He had a face one couldn't forget, and seemed insistent that if Norris was "to marry that Bisset girl", he would need to "get rid of her annoying daughter."

Who knows: Zen, Adele, Norris, Norris's friends, likely some priests

Azen was assigned as female from birth, but absolutely hates she/her.
Azen has a journal full of different runes that they've written.
They have extremely good spatial reasoning despite their lack of sight.
What are their limitations with their power? How much can their runes do? ;O

Name: Adrian Vern

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 17


Description: [above]

Height: 5’11

Weight: 136 lb

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Light blue

Skin tone: fairly pale

Build: A bit lanky but lean

Extra features: n/a


Personality: Adrian is a bit of a mess even by teenage standards. For him, every decision no matter how inconsequential requires intensive analysis and planning. Despite (or perhaps because of) the amount of mental he puts into active thought, he will find that passive or mundane things may elude him, leading to some mild absent mindedness. On top of that, he often times has trouble with social interaction, and is quick to panic when things are not going according to either plan or expectation. This is not to say that Adrian is a lost cause. He has a fairly upright moral code, and is often able to contain his emotions until the situation permits.

Likes: when things make sense, hot chocolate, discoveries, and comics

Dislikes: math, small talk, rain and cold weather

Hobbies: Parkour and reading

Habits/quirks: has a tendency to verbalize his inner monologue

Fears: The Church, new people, the unexpected, dogs

Strengths: intelligent, detail oriented, dexterous, hyper-focused

Weaknesses: socially inept, cowardly, indecisive, hyper-focused


Physical attributes: when he activates his power, the visual coloration of his eyes go into the negative.

Powers: Hex– Adrian has the ability to bestow hexes, or minor curses, onto people he can see. Each hex has a different effect, and Adrian is still discovering how many are at his disposal. Most hexes deal with a person’s reasoning, emotions, or physiology. When he “casts” a hex, he speaks a phrase in a demonic language he has never heard, but he (and others of demonic heritage) understands fluently. He must be able to visually see the target of the hex at the moment of application for it to take effect, though the hex may persist after line of sight is broken. Only one hex may exist at any given time. If he were to bestow a new hex while another is active, the old hex will dissipate. He can also end a hex’s effect at any time. A hex’s effect can potentially be resisted if the target has a strong connection to either demonic or divine forces.

While they have many applications, the hexes Adrian has at his disposal are not explicitly powerful. As such, hexes are best used indirectly to accomplish goals. There is no mind control hex, but there are hexes that can make individuals more susceptible to persuasion. There is no kill hex, but there are hexes that can cause an individual to be at greater risk. etc.

Control: Adrian’s willful control of his ability is neigh absolute. He can become uncomfortable or antsy if he doesn’t have an active hex on somebody for reasons he can’t explain. However, what Adrian has in control, he lacks in scope. As mentioned, he is still discovering new applications of his hexes and he speculates that his power goes far beyond his comprehension.

Opinion on your powers: Despite them being the reason he is hunted, Adrian could not be more grateful for his powers. To him, they are proof of his importance, making them his favorite part about himself.


Father: Dantalion

Bio (warning, themes of bullying and retaliation of bullying in a school setting): Adrian always knew he didn’t have the most normal life. His adoptive father, Roland Vern, had raised him alone since he was too young to remember. For the first thirteen years of his life Adrian assumed the biggest thing separating him from others his age was that he and his dad would never stay in one place for more than a year. Through the entirety of elementary school and most of middle school, they would settle for the duration of the school year and then would move during the summer. This was Adrian’s normal, and while it did present some challenges for the boy, he trusted his dad when the man had asked him to do so even if the question of ‘why’ was never answered. Despite this trust, Adrian often wondered what it would take to get Roland to reveal why they moved around so much.

Turns out, it would take awakening his demonic heritage.

It happened in eighth grade. Adrian was experiencing a bout of new kid syndrome in the form of some verbal attacks. It came with the lifestyle, and by now Adrian had mostly gotten used to heckling. However, by sheer chance, this particular bully was striking each of Adrian’s insecurities one after the next. It was the end of a long week of this kid, Dylan was his name, refusing to relent for reasons beyond anyone’s comprehension. In the past when this would happen, there was a nagging sensation in the back of Adrian’s mind that would wordlessly whisper to him that he could do something about it. It was different than the urge to punch someone. This was far more… refined. Adrian had been able to keep it down in the past, not knowing what this instinct wanted him to do and afraid of getting in trouble for acting on impulse. But after several days of prolonged harassment, and after years of keeping his head down and drowning it out, it was an offhanded comment about his jacket that caused him to give in.

Instinct taking over, Adrian turned to glare at Dylan as he spoke a phrase in a language he had never heard, but understood like second nature. Next thing anyone knew, the bully was desperately scrambling away, screaming bloody murder and generally giving the impression of running for his life. There were approximately two seconds of complete silence after Dylan left earshot before a sea of whispers flooded the hall. “What the hell was that?” “Did you hear what he said?” “Forget that, did you see his eyes?” and what seemed like thousands more such questions hit the air like a swarm of stinging insects all gunning for Adrian’s throat.

Adrian knew what had happened. He had used a demonic language to inflict a mental curse on Dylan that resulted in causing a wave of fear in the bully. The what was not the cause of Adrian’s distress. It was the why and the how. Why had he been able to do what he did, and how did he even know that was what happened. Between those questions and the stares and whispers from the other students in the hallway, he couldn’t take it.

Adrian had not paid attention to exactly how he had returned to where he and his dad were staying for the year. All he knew was that he was still in hysterics by the time he entered the doorway. Explaining what had happened to his dad had been no easy task in his state of hyperventilation and panic, but apparently he made enough sense to warrant a shift in Roland’s expression. Promising explanation, Roland helped Adrian calm down. Once there was quiet in the room, the man delivered.

Shortly after he was born, Adrian was scheduled to be “cured” by the church, as they had somehow come to the knowledge of his mother’s unholy conception. Before any procedures began, someone had managed to bypass security and steal the infant away. That person had been Roland himself, who had been sent by his own father, the demon Vapula, to save the boy. At the time, Roland did not know of any other half-demons, nor had he received any other communication from his father, so to him Adrian was a big deal. Thus was the story of how Roland had “adopted” Adrian, the explanation of both why they were constantly moving, and how Adrian was capable of the feat he had preformed earlier that day.

With those revelations came a shift in lifestyle. The Verns went from moving once a year to almost twice a month, forgoing apartments or houses in favor of hotels and other temporary arrangements. Neither money nor identification proved to be obstacles since Roland’s demonic power was the ability to control electronics, digital or otherwise. Thus, according to databases and digital records, their collection of IDs were legitimate and their trips to ATMs revealed no duplicity at work.

Adrian would not return to school, but would turn to self-education in more relevant fields, such as demonology, metaphysics, and certain aspects of history among others. Much of his mental energy went toward gaining better understanding of his powers, now dubbed hexes. It was a grueling process involving many trips to public places and deciphering what he can from his target’s behavior. The process was made easier due to the fact that whenever he "casts" a hex, he instinctually understands the general concept of its application. The research and experimentation was mostly to get a handle on specifics. Discovering new hexes were as exciting as they were frustrating, as the randomness of discovering them by accident or chance always left him wondering just how many he is capable of.

It had been a hex that had caused the first major turning point in Adrian’s life. The next was would be caused by a text. He was in the library, nose deep in a large tome on metaphysics, when he got the text from Roland. The Church had the hotel surrounded and were closing in on their room. The shock of this information hit like a freight train. He wanted to try to help, try to get Roland out of there so they can both escape.

But they had talked about this.

If it came down to it and only one of them could evade capture, it had to be Adrian. Roland had not been contacted by his demonic parent to save himself, but to save him. For what purpose, if there was a purpose at all, didn’t matter. If Roland believed there was a way they could both make it out of this, he would have said so, a fact accented by the next notifications on his phone being money transfers to electronic accounts and a single digital plane ticket to Vancouver, which left in two hours.

Thus, with nothing more that the cloths on his back, the library book he had absentmindedly stolen, his phone and a heavy heart, Adrian boarded that plane, unaware of where this milestone would take him.


Family: Roland Vern [unknown]: The half-demon offspring of Vapula bears the power to manipulate electronics and digital devices. Seventeen years ago he used these powers to rescue Adrian from the Church after his birth per Vapula’s wishes, and has since taken the role of his guardian. Roland would and has put his wellbeing on the line for Adrian both because of their bond and in hopes of earning the respect of his father.

Who knows: Roland, maybe the Church, maybe his bio mother whoever she is

Extra: In an effort to take on an activity that would more effectively help Adrian manage his anxious tendencies, Roland began teaching him the fine arts of parkour and urban exploration. Now, whenever he needs to resent himself either mentally or emotionally (or if he is just unimaginably bored), he may absentmindedly start free running. He has outstanding fines in seven cities that consider running across a rooftop to be trespassing.
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What are their limitations with their power? How much can their runes do? ;O
concerning the runes, they cannot create nor destroy matter. however, they can "create" energy (fire, light) and can imbue others with certain statements ("i am brave", "kind", "we will succeed" etc)
View attachment 647541

Name: Adrian Vern

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 17


Description: [above]

Height: 5’11

Weight: 136 lb

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Light blue

Skin tone: fairly pale

Build: A bit lanky but lean

Extra features: n/a


Personality: Adrian is a bit of a mess even by teenage standards. For him, every decision no matter how inconsequential requires intensive analysis and planning. Despite (or perhaps because of) the amount of mental he puts into active thought, he will find that passive or mundane things may elude him, leading to some mild absent mindedness. On top of that, he often times has trouble with social interaction, and is quick to panic when things are not going according to either plan or expectation. This is not to say that Adrian is a lost cause. He has a fairly upright moral code, and is often able to contain his emotions until the situation permits.

Likes: when things make sense, hot chocolate, discoveries, and comics

Dislikes: math, small talk, rain and cold weather

Hobbies: Parkour and reading

Habits/quirks: has a tendency to verbalize his inner monologue

Fears: The Church, new people, the unexpected, dogs

Strengths: intelligent, detail oriented, dexterous, hyper-focused

Weaknesses: socially inept, cowardly, indecisive, hyper-focused


Physical attributes: when he activates his power, the visual coloration of his eyes go into the negative.

Powers: Hex– Adrian has the ability to bestow hexes, or minor curses, onto people he can see. Each hex has a different effect, and Adrian is still discovering how many are at his disposal. Most hexes deal with a person’s reasoning, emotions, or physiology. When he “casts” a hex, he speaks a phrase in a demonic language he has never heard, but he (and others of demonic heritage) understands fluently. He must be able to visually see the target of the hex at the moment of application for it to take effect, though the hex may persist after line of sight is broken. Only one hex may exist at any given time. If he were to bestow a new hex while another is active, the old hex will dissipate. He can also end a hex’s effect at any time. A hex’s effect can potentially be resisted if the target has a strong connection to either demonic or divine forces.

While they have many applications, the hexes Adrian has at his disposal are not explicitly powerful. As such, hexes are best used indirectly to accomplish goals. There is no mind control hex, but there are hexes that can make individuals more susceptible to persuasion. There is no kill hex, but there are hexes that can cause an individual to be at greater risk. etc.

Control: Adrian’s willful control of his ability is neigh absolute. He can become uncomfortable or antsy if he doesn’t have an active hex on somebody for reasons he can’t explain. However, what Adrian has in control, he lacks in scope. As mentioned, he is still discovering new applications of his hexes and he speculates that his power goes far beyond his comprehension.

Opinion on your powers: Despite them being the reason he is hunted, Adrian could not be more grateful for his powers. To him, they are proof of his importance, making them his favorite part about himself.


Father: Dantalion

Bio (warning, themes of bullying and retaliation of bullying in a school setting): Adrian always knew he didn’t have the most normal life. His adoptive father, Roland Vern, had raised him alone since he was too young to remember. For the first thirteen years of his life Adrian assumed the biggest thing separating him from others his age was that he and his dad would never stay in one place for more than a year. Through the entirety of elementary school and most of middle school, they would settle for the duration of the school year and then would move during the summer. This was Adrian’s normal, and while it did present some challenges for the boy, he trusted his dad when the man had asked him to do so even if the question of ‘why’ was never answered. Despite this trust, Adrian often wondered what it would take to get Roland to reveal why they moved around so much.

Turns out, it would take awakening his demonic heritage.

It happened in eighth grade. Adrian was experiencing a bout of new kid syndrome in the form of some verbal attacks. It came with the lifestyle, and by now Adrian had mostly gotten used to heckling. However, by sheer chance, this particular bully was striking each of Adrian’s insecurities one after the next. It was the end of a long week of this kid, Dylan was his name, refusing to relent for reasons beyond anyone’s comprehension. In the past when this would happen, there was a nagging sensation in the back of Adrian’s mind that would wordlessly whisper to him that he could do something about it. It was different than the urge to punch someone. This was far more… refined. Adrian had been able to keep it down in the past, not knowing what this instinct wanted him to do and afraid of getting in trouble for acting on impulse. But after several days of prolonged harassment, and after years of keeping his head down and drowning it out, it was an offhanded comment about his jacket that caused him to give in.

Instinct taking over, Adrian turned to glare at Dylan as he spoke a phrase in a language he had never heard, but understood like second nature. Next thing anyone knew, the bully was desperately scrambling away, screaming bloody murder and generally giving the impression of running for his life. There were approximately two seconds of complete silence after Dylan left earshot before a sea of whispers flooded the hall. “What the hell was that?” “Did you hear what he said?” “Forget that, did you see his eyes?” and what seemed like thousands more such questions hit the air like a swarm of stinging insects all gunning for Adrian’s throat.

Adrian knew what had happened. He had used a demonic language to inflict a mental curse on Dylan that resulted in causing a wave of fear in the bully. The what was not the cause of Adrian’s distress. It was the why and the how. Why had he been able to do what he did, and how did he even know that was what happened. Between those questions and the stares and whispers from the other students in the hallway, he couldn’t take it.

Adrian had not paid attention to exactly how he had returned to where he and his dad were staying for the year. All he knew was that he was still in hysterics by the time he entered the doorway. Explaining what had happened to his dad had been no easy task in his state of hyperventilation and panic, but apparently he made enough sense to warrant a shift in Roland’s expression. Promising explanation, Roland helped Adrian calm down. Once there was quiet in the room, the man delivered.

Shortly after he was born, Adrian was scheduled to be “cured” by the church, as they had somehow come to the knowledge of his mother’s unholy conception. Before any procedures began, someone had managed to bypass security and steal the infant away. That person had been Roland himself, who had been sent by his own father, the demon Vapula, to save the boy. At the time, Roland did not know of any other half-demons, nor had he received any other communication from his father, so to him Adrian was a big deal. Thus was the story of how Roland had “adopted” Adrian, the explanation of both why they were constantly moving, and how Adrian was capable of the feat he had preformed earlier that day.

With those revelations came a shift in lifestyle. The Verns went from moving once a year to almost twice a month, forgoing apartments or houses in favor of hotels and other temporary arrangements. Neither money nor identification proved to be obstacles since Roland’s demonic power was the ability to control electronics, digital or otherwise. Thus, according to databases and digital records, their collection of IDs were legitimate and their trips to ATMs revealed no duplicity at work.

Adrian would not return to school, but would turn to self-education in more relevant fields, such as demonology, metaphysics, and certain aspects of history among others. Much of his mental energy went toward gaining better understanding of his powers, now dubbed hexes. It was a grueling process involving many trips to public places and deciphering what he can from his target’s behavior. The process was made easier due to the fact that whenever he "casts" a hex, he instinctually understands the general concept of its application. The research and experimentation was mostly to get a handle on specifics. Discovering new hexes were as exciting as they were frustrating, as the randomness of discovering them by accident or chance always left him wondering just how many he is capable of.

It had been a hex that had caused the first major turning point in Adrian’s life. The next was would be caused by a text. He was in the library, nose deep in a large tome on metaphysics, when he got the text from Roland. The Church had the hotel surrounded and were closing in on their room. The shock of this information hit like a freight train. He wanted to try to help, try to get Roland out of there so they can both escape.

But they had talked about this.

If it came down to it and only one of them could evade capture, it had to be Adrian. Roland had not been contacted by his demonic parent to save himself, but to save him. For what purpose, if there was a purpose at all, didn’t matter. If Roland believed there was a way they could both make it out of this, he would have said so, a fact accented by the next notifications on his phone being money transfers to electronic accounts and a single digital plane ticket to Vancouver, which left in two hours.

Thus, with nothing more that the cloths on his back, the library book he had absentmindedly stolen, his phone and a heavy heart, Adrian boarded that plane, unaware of where this milestone would take him.


Family: Roland Vern [unknown]: The half-demon offspring of Vapula bears the power to manipulate electronics and digital devices. Seventeen years ago he used these powers to rescue Adrian from the Church after his birth per Vapula’s wishes, and has since taken the role of his guardian. Roland would and has put his wellbeing on the line for Adrian both because of their bond and in hopes of earning the respect of his father.

Who knows: Roland, maybe the Church, maybe his bio mother whoever she is

Extra: In an effort to take on an activity that would more effectively help Adrian manage his anxious tendencies, Roland began teaching him the fine arts of parkour and urban exploration. Now, whenever he needs to resent himself either mentally or emotionally (or if he is just unimaginably bored), he may absentmindedly start free running. He has outstanding fines in seven cities that consider running across a rooftop to be trespassing.
concerning the runes, they cannot create nor destroy matter. however, they can "create" energy (fire, light) and can imbue others with certain statements ("i am brave", "kind", "we will succeed" etc)
What would happen if they imbue others with those statements? (Sorry I dont know if you said this somewhere so forgive me if I'm being stupid)
What would happen if they imbue others with those statements? (Sorry I dont know if you said this somewhere so forgive me if I'm being stupid)
it mostly just heightens or brings those traits to mind. (with a statement about being kind, it may simply bring to mind kindness- though it doesn't make them act upon it)
it mostly just heightens or brings those traits to mind. (with a statement about being kind, it may simply bring to mind kindness- though it doesn't make them act upon it)
Ah! Sounds awesome! They're accepted! :3
Name: Quilo Gwyneira
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Age: 16

Height: 5’8
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair colour: pale silver-blonde
Eye colour: ice blue
Skin tone: cool & pale
Build: Ectomorphic w/ toned legs
Extra features: none

Quilo tries to mind his business. Unlike his proud father, he is risk-averse; he prefers to “play it safe.” Against his better judgment, he finds it hard to say “no” sometimes. He is kind enough, inclusive, and easy to make smile or chuckle. He is better at talking than at fighting; he tends to give others a kind word and persuade through flattery and the occasional white lie or half-truth. When provoked, he typically doesn’t yell or lash out; he simply goes silent.

Likes: anatomy, track & field, winter, ice cream, cemeteries, extra-large drinking cups, the color blue
Dislikes: math, contact sports, summer, coats, nuns, clowns, the color yellow
Hobbies: running, parkour, coin collecting, photography
Habits/quirks: draws patterns in the condensation or frost on windows.
Fears: surgery, abandonment
Strengths: quick-thinking, charismatic, understanding
Weaknesses: timid, indecisive

Physical attributes:
Quilo’s skin feels much colder than that of the average human. He exhales cold air, so he has to carefully manage his breathing to avoid others noticing this. Ice crystals form on his skin when he is stressed and the air around him cools rapidly if he loses his temper.

Demonic item summoning - Quilo’s father was known to carry three items: a lance, a scepter, and a banner. Quilo himself can create short-lived replicas of all three items, though the scepter seems to have no special properties.
  • Lance - The lance is Quilo’s only mode of attack. When a wound is inflicted with this weapon, the surrounding area is instantly assailed by a painful frostbite.
  • Serpent - A staff or scepter with a snake ornament at its head forms in Quilo’s hands. Its properties are unknown, if it has any.
  • Ensign - Quilo can raise a quasireal banner. Nearby demons and their kin are reinvigorated and slowly healed over the course of an hour. It has no perceivable effect on humans.
Control: Good, but not perfect
Opinion on your powers: If he didn’t have them, he could live a mundane life... but he can’t say if that’s what he truly wants. Currently, he is leaning towards “yes”.

Father: Eligos, a grand duke of Hell
Miriam Gwyneira was late coming home from a Long road trip and found herself caught in a blizzard that wasn’t supposed to lighten for several days. A handsome man invited her to tail him back to his home. Given she was in the middle of nowhere, she felt she had little choice but to accept his offer. Three days passed, the two talking almost nonstop. Eli, as the man called himself, was incredibly charming in Miriam’s opinion. She succumbed to desire on the fourth night, but woke on the fifth day to find the house abandoned. Eli was nowhere to be found, but the faint odor of smoke and brimstone lingered...

Miriam soon discovered she was pregnant. She was afraid someone else would discover the truth. Her parents Diane and Llewelyn soon found out but feared the whole family would be persecuted, so they kept the child’s hellish origins a secret. They even took Miriam and moved far away to ensure no one knew them. Llewelyn died of a heart attack shortly after.

While Miriam was giving birth, Diane prayed the rosary. Much to everyone’s relief, a fairly normal-looking, healthy boy was born. With the exception of his especially light skin color, Quilo appeared so perfectly average in his early years, it seemed nothing would come of his lineage. What a foolish thought that was...

Even at a young age, the pale Quilo would occasionally dream of a powerful and terrifying mounted knight, carrying a lance, a banner, and a scepter and reigning over sixty legions of devils. This hellish nightmare caused him to wake up screaming on several occasions. Miriam told him the visions were merely a dream, though deep down, she knew the ordeal was only beginning. Any drawings depicting the seal of Eligos were hidden and later burned.
It wasn’t until age 12 that Quilo discovered his powers. He had the most vivid dream of his father, holding up the scepter as the legions roared. This time, the image of the scepter stuck in Quilo’s mind, even after he awoke. He felt a profound chill in his hands and then noticed ice crystals forming on his palms. A copy of that very item he had seen rapidly sprouted from the accumulating frost. This was no dream; something was different about him. His mother quickly learned of his powers manifesting and was forced to divulge the truth.

Miriam and Diane worked with Quilo to manage his stress levels that summer, to reduce the risk of his powers manifesting accidentally. They also researched Eligos to understand what to expect power-wise. Strangely, the boy seemed to be a polar opposite of his father, using ice instead of fire. Miriam theorized this was simply because Quilo was conceived in bitter-cold conditions, though she can’t say for sure.

Regardless, this “devil child” or “hellspawn”—as the books called Quilo’s kind—seemed to have no aspirations of initiating some diabolical scheme to corrupt the mortal realm. He was always praised for his good behavior, in fact. This has proven to be the case, time and time again for the next four years...

  • Miriam Gwyneira (mother, alive) - Quilo has a good rapport with his mother. She sheltered him a lot.
  • Diane Gwyneira (grandmother, alive) - Diane is a nervous wreck, fearing for her family’s safety.
  • Llewelyn Gwyneira (grandfather, deceased)
Who knows: Only Miriam and her parents for sure. Quilo suspects some bullies at his school are suspicious of him.
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