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Futuristic No Paradise For Gods (Accepting New Players)

No, you don't. I live in England. Last Friday, we had a lot of rain. Rivers in three different places burst their banks. There was flooding. It wasn't good.

But then again, you might live in Texas or somewhere, so what do I know?

Huh, it started raining again.
Sorry for the wait everyone. I had a very busy weekend with particular work projects. I'm around and will examine character sheets. Please remind me of wheter or not you are auditioning for a particular role.

@Malphaestus Your profile looks good and will be considered for ASF squad leader.

@TheJipan Your profile looks good. Are you not spending all of your mutation points for a reason?

@Ebizu Veuship Profile looks good, but you spent too many mutation points. Please take a look at the mechanics tab if you have not already.
I just fixed it, sorry, I didn't take into account the double points from 6 onwards. Just modified the powers, so you don't have to read everything.

Hope it's ok now :3

Sovereign said:
Your profile looks good. Are you not spending all of your mutation points for a reason?
Why, indeed I am! I only intend for him to have that one mutation, and that one mutation has the potential to be really powerful. I also intend for the character to be the 'newcomer'-type, who isn't used to the mutation. Basically, it's his only mutation and I want to leave lots of room for development.
@TheJipan Yes, you're good to go.

Sorry for the delay, I was hoping we'd get a few more characters before starting. If anyone has any friends they want to ask to make a character please do!
@Ebizu Veuship You're good to go

@TheJipan I'm just hoping for a few more people to join up before we start, at least one, hopefully two. I've been monitoring traffic and such. Also work has been very busy with the only other people at my job who do what I do quitting the company.
@Sovereign I see. I kinda also posted to bring the RP up in the list of forums, to improve the chance of more players.

I guess if there are less people doing the same job as you, that makes you more valuable?
At least you're not likely to lose your job, and you don't seem like the kind of person to shy away from hard work.

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