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Futuristic No Paradise For Gods (Accepting New Players)

That's good to hear, assuming you weren't being sarcastic. The obvious limitation of it is being reliant on there being mutants in the area.

I have one thing I'm not sure about, which is the 'choosing'. What I'm thinking is that the character has to activate the power, then a die is rolled to decide which mutation it copies and the mutation lasts a fixed amount of time before fading and probably leaving him tired.
That's what I'd been thinking too. I can handle the dice on this end, so you don't have to worry about it.
Sovereign said:
That's what I'd been thinking too. I can handle the dice on this end, so you don't have to worry about it.
Fantastic! I'll get right on with a character sheet then.

And a side note - I'll usually only be on from 10pm GMT to 1am GMT(at the latest) and I'm usually fairly busy even then. At the weekends, I'm usually more responsive, but just a heads up so you don't think I'm ignoring you.
Given I'm usually on every single day, it shouldn't be a problem then.

On a second, unrelated note - would you mind taking a look at thread I've linked in my signature? I have an idea, but no idea where to go with it and you seem to be really good with that sort of thing.
That's fine, as long as you adhere to the activity rules.

@Malphaestus You might want to read the mutation system rules under mechanics. You cannot have a level 8 power to start --it goes beyond your starting point allotment.
Sovereign said:
That's fine, as long as you adhere to the activity rules.
@Malphaestus You might want to read the mutation system rules under mechanics. You cannot have a level 8 power to start --it goes beyond your starting point allotment.
Oh, yes! Sorry there man, don't know what happened there.

It'll be fixed immediately!
Alright, note that all roles are tentative until enrollment is complete. Then the roles will be filled --I just don't want to rob anyone of their chance to apply for a role they want.
[QUOTE="Ebizu Veuship]I would like to be the Ultan Special Contracts Medic, obviously if no one else mind.

Everyone has a shot at what they want. Write your CS with that in mind to audition for the role.
Sovereign said:
@Malphaestus @TheJipan
Are any of you looking to fill one of the specific roles, or are you all applying Open Role?
Still don't quite get it... I'll piece it together using the other CSs as examples. I'll take a quick look at the roles, but I think I'm applying for an open role. Geez, feels like auditioning for the school play again...
Given your character, it seems you are applying for an open role. Unless you specifically want one of the roles listed at the top of the character sign-up thread, you're auditioning for open role.
You're at the school play, auditioning to do whatever you want?

Jeez, I'd want to be a tree breakdancing in front of the princess whilst she is fighting the fifty meter tall llama of DOOM.
Malphaestus said:
You're at the school play, auditioning to do whatever you want?
Jeez, I'd want to be a tree breakdancing in front of the princess whilst she is fighting the fifty meter tall llama of DOOM.
0_0 what. Just... What?!
Malphaestus said:
You're at the school play, auditioning to do whatever you want?
Jeez, I'd want to be a tree breakdancing in front of the princess whilst she is fighting the fifty meter tall llama of DOOM.
That was wild from start to finish.

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