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Realistic or Modern Nine & Zoo's OOC

Ah, thank you very much! Sorry for the wait on making it here.
So a lot of your tropes are up my alley. Personally, my favorites are dark/twisted fantasy set in our current reality. I love demons, vampires, and other things that go bump in the night. Otherwise, I also very much like things involving organized crime. What do you think? :3
That sounds great, I'm actually very into modern fantasy with a dark twist and that includes demons and such. In my version demons tend to be more humanlike though, meaning they have their own bodies but also demonic powers.
I have one idea for a plot that you might like? It's a mesh of the two main things you mentioned. How about something like two young demon characters in a gang of sorts, like a clique that hangs around smoking and spraying graffiti and such. Maybe they're orphans as well. But then they catch the attention of a more powerful demon crime-lord and he recruits them to work for him? And/or they get captured by hunters who force them to act as spies? I feel like there's a lot of possibilities for this one.
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I really like that! It's original and we could take it a lot of directions. We'd just have to work out our demon lore!
How would you like these demons to exist and be? Are they descendants from hell or more like a creature, borne of a humanoid creature that always roams earth? Maybe a little more like feudal demons in present day, and they're able to disguise themselves? Or maybe the "demon" in them is defined by their terrifying individual powers. They could also have other common traits like vampires do, perhaps they all have a degree of mind manipulation or "body snatching?"
More like the second one, and it is like a disguise but when they get into intense fights or something, horns and blackened eyes and skin appear which makes them more dangerous. And they have powers ranging from telepathy to posession, levitating objects and manipulating fire.
While they are in human form though, it's not immediately obvious what they are unless a person knows what exactly to look for.
I like it! So it'd be safe to assume too that they may be born on earth to other demons, and that there could be such a thing as half-demons, quarter-demons, etc.
Should we enter the roleplay when our characters first meet? Perhaps they meet each other because your character or mine is fresh to the clique/gang. I think them being orphans is a good idea, too, to give them more of a connection. Or would you rather they've known each other their whole lives? One of our characters could have a little more baggage than the other that could develop into more of a problem in the future, too. Something that when the other character learns and gets involved it creates drama. Maybe one of our characters has a more "distinguished" lineage than they would've known. Just thinking outloud ^^
Yes, that would be true (:
I think it would be good if they knew each other already mainly for the sake of getting those introductions out of the way.
I love that idea. Maybe the reason why the crime boss chooses them is because one of the characters is related to him somehow... Maybe he's an orphan because his parents were involved in crime and got killed and now he's finally been found.
Alright, cool!
Also, I'm glad you like it! I think we're going a good direction. What else should we discuss? I guess, where should this take place?
Great, me too!
I'm thinking a big city, maybe with a bit of historic background so there can be museums and old libraries just to give it a bit of character.
I agree. If we wanted to go with something a little more roughneck, we could set it in Detroit or the Bronx. There's definitely a lot of history. New Orleans might be cool, too.
Also, I'm sorry for disappearing! I work at a club and it got really busy for me this weekend. I try to warn people of such absences in advance, and in the future I will. I'm ready to get into this! ^^
I really really love the New Orleans idea. That would be so great, the environment and the voodoo vibes and all that.
That's completely OK (: Thank you for letting me know.
I am too! We should get started on our characters (:
Yes! Lots of room for other things that go bump in the night.
Most definitely! I was thinking about dreaming up a female character for this. If you'd rather me not, I don't have to, either! Looking back, perhaps it'd be interesting if my character's circumstances were different. The male we previously discussed could be connected to the extreme organized crime underground of their kind, having been orphaned. Maybe my character could have been more dejected from her family.. She could've been adopted by a non-demon family that later discovered what she was and cast her out, or maybe her original demon parents just weren't great and she ran away or they left her somewhere. I don't know if either of those things sound too cliche or not!
That doesn't sound cliche at all, I really like it actually. I'd be okay if you made more than one main character as well, just let me know what you'd prefer to do. I'm still going with the character we discussed previously, I really like the idea of him just being inclined to delinquency with no idea that he's related to an actual criminal.
I agree! I like the sounds of him, too. I think my character's experiences would be interesting to combine with yours, too. Two young people getting into trouble, and also some potential animosity or envy over the fact that his parents actually wanted him and amounted something to someone.
What ages should we go with, anyhow? Like early twenties, or should we go younger, late teens?

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