• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Nighttraveler Academy


New Member



-If you have something you don't like or would like to be changed, I would like for you to state it. Please be straightforward with me so I know what's going down! I don't guarantee it'll be changed, but at least I'll know about what's happening with you guys. I love knowing what's up.

-Please, please, please, I know this role play is a casual, but I want you to type a little bit. 3 paragraphs max per post, and that's just because I'd like to keep this role play up and runnin'. I also find it difficult to reply to short posts.

Also, please, please, keep your grammar in check. It annoys me personally to find people using text talk in a post. Especially when I'm not completely certain what a word should be and I have to end up looking it up. But use your periods properly, use an exclamation mark in the right way, ect. I mean, the one thing I won't be picky about will be the whole ", ",/!/?/."" thing because I know how confusing that stuff gets after a while.

Words that are cut short like running, "runnin'" should also be spelled in a proper format. You don't just simply say "runnin" you add an aprostrphe at the end to replace your missin' "g". And I won't get really strict on this either, but if your character is one of those that don't pronounce their "g's" please make an attempt to make the sentence proper. I know it may seem ridiculous, but I really do go crazy with this sort of stuff.

-Be polite, be nice, and don't be an absolute bitch on her period. Like, having a dick character and being a complete ass is fine in character, but uphold your manners when you're speaking to other people. I know I'm a new member in this site, and I can't control what people say or do, but I would like some respect. Act like you're at you grandmother's house and if you say something stupid you get hit upside the head.

Because I will be that grandmother for you and I will hit you upside the head.

Verbally, of course.

-Cursing is totally fine. I don't prefer to curse myself, but everyone around me always curses. And I make characters that curse too. Just don't make it after every word. Maybe if the character is super upset they can curse a lot but don't do it all the time. Like, please.

-I like to know what's going on, as I believe I've stated before. I hate it when stuff is being plotted behind my back because then I don't know what to do and things get messy. If you're planning anything involving this role play, could you just PM me about it? Like, character pairings or perhaps you might want something to go on involving the whole plot and your character. Just tell me what you wanna do, I'm open ears. I love listening to new ideas.


-I wont do anything like, add stuff to your character sheet if you read all of this. This is a lot of junk, I know. I'm a writer, I do this. Look, I trust y'all read this. You can read. And if you didn't read all of it, then just remember you get 2 warnings before I get bitchy about stuff.​
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I am interested in this! But for some reason I can't see what you've put in the Overview. :(

MrsOliver said:
I am interested in this! But for some reason I can't see what you've put in the Overview. :(
Ah, I'm sorry. I like to post things from google docs since I'm much more accustomed to that system... I will try my best to post something that isn't in a document file! My apologies. For now, you can just post a character sheet. I'll inform you when I've gotten that down!
[QUOTE="Sarcastic Bitch]I like it! Quite interesting.

SassyAndroidSera said:
Ooh, Thai sounds good
Once you two have read as much of the information I've placed in the tabs as you can, you can go right ahead and make a character sign-up!!
@Sarcastic Bitch @SassyAndroidSera oh wait, I just looked. Sorry! I will read down your sheets and accept you accordingly!!
Oooooh, this looks cute, I might make a character (((;

I also can't see the overview too doe, but I see you're getting on that ))));
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]Oooooh, this looks cute, I might make a character (((;
I also can't see the overview too doe, but I see you're getting on that ))));

Yep!! Sorry about that^.^
KN I GH T SK Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/38513-mrsoliver/ said:
@MrsOliver[/URL] @Devious Dilbert
I got a post up on the overview.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
Yeeeeeeeeee- I'll make a character either today or tomorrow, or at least I'll try to ))); I could be real busy tomorrow.
Yay! (: Is it alright if I didn't use an anime picture for my character's appearance?

Well- I'm home now. My cs's are up, but im still working on them at the moment )));

@SassyAndroidSera Would it be alright if my girl character and yours were roommates?

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