
Novosibirsk Transit Train-rail

 Emanuel was siting in a coach seemingly on his own looking out the window out to the Ob river and it surroundings as the trains intercoms came on and announced that it would very soon reach the Mayak station. The room had been filled with ever since setting from Berlin


"Could not be so loud paimon i know that you might find it hard to believe but we are on a secret mission for the clock tower and the old man" Emanuel  ever so agitated

"oh yes if that is what you wish master, so i would not be wrong in presuming that we will be meeting the others from the tower in the city?"Paimon said curiously

"oh demon king of hell cant hide anything from can"    Emanuel  said sarcastically

"yes, well i don't doubt "the  Girl" will be there waiting for us there then "

"yes, Anna arived there  a few days ago and has prepared the summoning by now.........probably"

"when will give up your ever so human wish and just give in to your lust and just wed the girl"

"Enough! Paimon, you know i have no such intentions I will..."

just as Emanuel was about to finish his sentance the intercom came on.

"Dear passengers we have arrived at the Mayak station. Please watch yourself on your exit!" 

"its time we started then. how about you return to my ring now."

 Emanuel  exited  the train with great haste as not to miss his stop. after making his departure off the train he went down the block to the Mayak DK[a community concert hall that he had the clocktower hold for him]

when arrives the old wooden door that works as the entrance to the center he unlocks  it and enters the build to see a woman putting the finishing touchs on a summoning circle.

"so you finally got here eh, my father said youd be here yesterday you know "anna said

"then i guess neither of really listened to his orders then"

 "anyhow its about time i go scout the town then for the....." 



'So its seems that you haven't chocked any holy water yet"


"could you two not fight for once in each of your existence!"

 "sorry i should be going then and go scout the town like i.." 

"that wont be necessary. i want you to leave the city now and head home to England"

  "if that is what you wish then i shall head home right away"

"thank you for your help here Anna"

you know you could always run and just not take part in this."

"Anna you know that will never be possible for me, so now please leave before i start"

anna bows and leaves the build heading out the city

"hmmm so i guess we will be on our own until we meet the others then"

 "alright im going to start the ritual so would you not bother me"

" alright then master"

Emanuel  walked the summoning circle and opened his suitcase taking out a glistening arm brace, he then placed the arm in the center of the circle

"I shall begin now"

he  breathes deeply

"Dear knight of Camelot"

"he who failed to protect both king and country"

"A knight whose only honor is disgrace"

"I call you forth "

"so that you can serve me king of all the holy land"

"and regain the honor that you once lost"


   wind blew all across the room with smoke accompanying it with  Bedivere bowing in the middle of it all.
"Thanks..." a woman sleepily yawned, courteously thanking the bus driver as she clanked down the steps and planted her feet on solid ground, right outside her house and that disastrously old tree. It was nice having the bus stop right outside your home. The only thing scary was how the tree looked like it could crash on her at any moment, but overall, it was extremely convenient. She wouldn't want to walk home in the cold anyway, which was already coursing through her bones. In fact, she would very much like to have some coffee to warm her up right about now. She just needed to... get home. In fact, what was taking so long? She was still... a ways off... from her door. Her path was longer than expected, and every step she took did little to close the gap between her and the front door. Was she going crazy? This would never take that lo--

"Hello, auntie." the woman froze as a cold hand grabbed her arm. Despite the layers she was wearing and the deep chill of February, she could feel something dreadful shoot through her veins from the very spot it touched her, "Can you help me?" slowly turning around to meet the voice, she couldn't think of whom it belonged to. Heck, she couldn't even think right now. But what she saw couldn't be explained, no matter how much one thought. It was a child, lacking in layers on this wintry, February night, with the sweetest smile. Yet, his hand was twisted with long gashes, as if crushed and scraped, and his legs were mutilated in the same fashion. The woman remained where she was, petrified.

"Yes?" the woman replied, shaking, glancing from her front door to this broken child in front of her.

"Can you come wait with me?"

"W-what?" the woman stopped breathing for a moment, taken aback by what was unfolding before her, "I-I should really go back home... my mother will get worri-"

"But... my mama will get worried too..." the woman sighed, her heart softening a little for this thing before her. She couldn't make heads or tails of what it was. She needed to say no. This was in no way normal. If only she could make it to her house... but the hand holding her seemed to freeze her in place, "It's cold out here, please?" the child pleaded, yet, he began to move, dragging her from her front door. She couldn't resist, she couldn't make any attempt to escape. From the moment the hand laid on her, it felt like every muscle had tensed into a frozen bundle of fear.

"This way." the child urged her, and her body complied, although her mind was screaming to stop. The child was leading her further and further away from her home, onto the road, where the child continued to tug her forward, "My mama's gonna pick me up there!" the child pointed at the other side of the street, but all the woman could think of was returning to the pavement. Even getting away from this kid would be enough. Lights in the distance suddenly flashed across the snow as a car came barreling towards her, but she couldn't move. She couldn't even bat an eyelid. All she could do was watch the car ride in, its passengers suddenly displaying shock as the sound of braking tires screeched with the skidding car.

"You will be safe... with me..."

Just as the car was about to crash into her, a mighty crash resounded. The old tree outside her home had suddenly cracked. The ice that filled its crevices and veins came along with it as the icicles that hung from its branches shattered upon the tarmac. Its thicket of branches and trunk had landed right between her and the car, and to her relief, it had stopped upon crashing into the fallen tree. The car may have been damaged, but all of them were only left in shock and relief that something so miraculous had happened.

"You'll... be safe... with me..."

"Mama?" the woman looked towards the child, but he had disappeared. Leaving no footprints in the snow or salt, he stood next to a blonde, regal lady wearing nothing but a white robe, holding a torch. The lady may have been far off, but everything about her could be seen in crisp, clear detail. Her golden eyes that glistened like jewels, her flowing white dress that seemed to meld into the snow perfectly, and the words that she mouthed. Despite being so far away, it was like she knew what the torchbearer was saying.

"Thank you, my child." the phrase continued to resound in her head as the two figures left, as quickly as they had came. The woman could only stare in shock before she looked down into her own hands. She was gently holding a candle, and although it wasn't lit, it was more comforting than anything else in the world. She retreated into her house, phoned a call to the police, and placed the candle, now alight, in front of her door. With seething whispers, the candle released wisps of silent smoke that snaked down the steps, past the walkway to the road, where it entered her domain.

"I'm impressed Caster."

"With what, master?" Caster turned towards Blake, who was cooking in the kitchen. The stock he had been preparing was subtly simmering in the pot as the pale magus took another swig of blood from his flask, returning his attention to skimming the scum that drifted to the top.

"I mean no offence, but I had thought it was always the Caster class servant who'd always been at a disadvantage. Yet, you're already busy."

"Well, that's true... the Grail did inform me about the other vessels' parameters and skills." Caster continued as she continued meditating, focusing on her magecrafts and the spirits that grew increasingly active throughout the city, "I do believe there's plenty of reasons to underestimate me... I doubt any of the other classes will take me seriously until we can produce results."

"Dghash ghait(that's right)!" Willem's muffled voice came from the basement. In their small basement, several holes had opened up, and foreign stones and rocks were pouring in like ice-cream from a dispenser, "Ee yush neegh do gedh a headthargh(we just need to get a headstart)!" the vampire came thumping up the stairs, appearing with a mouthful of basalt and marble, and minerals by the piles in his arms, "So, Caster!" Willem's voice cleared up again as he swallowed, "How about I show you the site we have available for ya?"

"Yes!" Caster exclaimed, "This is just perfect!" a blonde looked down into the gaping foundation.

"It will take a long while for our territorial creation to cover this area, but we should be able to hide this from the human population just fine." Willem gleefully beamed.

"But from the sounds of it... this may prove a tumultuous venture." Blake piped up, "We're up against seven servants in total. This has quite a high risk..."

"But the returns will prove invaluable, I'm sure of it!" Willem optimistically replied,"Besides, we can minimise the risk. We don't have to perform the ritual as intended if we work on a different approach."

"We shall keep a low profile nonetheless..." Caster voiced, now hushed, "Perhaps it be best if we worked on a bit of security until we can bring our plan to fruition." Caster touched both Blake and Willem and a spell imparted upon them from her fingertips, "If you have my aid, you should have an easier time with your family magecraft, yes? Not that you'll be on the front lines anyway..." Blake nodded in response, and a sigil formed on his neck, a simple golden bird, but Blake could feel mana flooding his magic circuits from it, "And since you'll be on the front lines..." another sigil formed, this time on Willem's tongue, and he could feel something invigorating, a newfound strength, rush through his body, coiling in his mind, and resting on the tip of his tongue, "And since we'll need something to work with." Caster raised her hand, and a staff materialised in it, before it was brought down to the ground, and layers of magic seeped forth from the ground, covering the foundation in a phalanx of bounded fields, "As long as we play this straight, we have a good shot at this. You won't be getting any sleep for the next few days." Caster laughed, and her two masters returned the smile.

"We haven't slept in centuries." the two replied in unison. With that, the three of them scattered, disappearing as quickly as they had appeared on the scene to attend to their role in their plan.
 Clovis was bored. Well, he was the most powerful elemental mage in the word, having obtained the title of "Average One," but power wasn't the reason he was bored. It was this horrendous waiting. The flight to Novosibirsk had been delayed for the past four hours, leaving Clovis and Lancer to sit in boredom.

 It was funny, as he expected the servent to call him something rather insulting, perhpas slave, but no, he always got "Master!" from the kid. He chuckled for a moment, before being slapped in the face. "What the fuck!" he shouted, drawing the looks of everyone around him. Looking up, he would see a startlingly beautiful woman leaning towards him, her hands on her hips. "Ophelia? What are you doing here, child?" he would ask.

 Ophelia Barthomeloi was one of his greatest pupils-obviously, what wither her bloodline- and seemed to have taken to the unorthodox teacher, much to the chargain of her father. Of course, if he were to dismiss Clovis, Ophelia would give the man hell, so he was generally forced to keep the Average One on staff. "I called you by your title, Clovis, like you keep asking people to do, yet when I do, you never seem to here me!" the girl would pout, crossing her arms and acting aloof.

 "Your servent even attempted to call you as we, but you didn't seem to here him better than I," she said. "I'm sorry Ophelia, I was lost in thought. I wasn't expecting you to be here. Wait a moment, why ARE you here, anyway? Shouldn't you be in your dorm, young lady? It's already past 10:00 pm. And last I checked, curfew was at 8:30." Clovis stated, pointing an accusatory finger at Ophelia. "I'm here to help you get to Russia!" she'd exclaim, blushing slightly. "If you don't want to borrow my family's private jet, then you can. always wait another four hours if you want," after a moment, she would add. "Oop, now it's delayed by five hours," She grinned cheekily at the older man.

 With a heavy sigh, Clovis would nod his head. "Fine. But if I know you, you want something," he would say. "Take me with you. I want to see you win," she'd tell him, having obtained a stubborn look in her eye.

 He knew there was no way around this. Once Opelia had her mind set on something, she'd do anything to get what she wanted. Even if it meant stowing onboard of a plane or taking that private jet of hers to Novosibirsk. "Fine. But you come back here the moment we get there, got it?"

"Yes sir!" she'd say, doing a little joke salute before taking his hand, and leading him through the crowds. "This way!" she shout happily. "Lancer, the bags!" Clovis would exclaim, before being pulled into the crowds by his student.

 Lancer shook his head at the sight of the two, a slight smile playing on his lips. He was now dressed in modern clothes, his original outfit hidden in one of the three small bags that made up their luggage. He was wearing blue jeans, sneakers, a purple t-shirt, and an unmarked blue hoodie.

 Lancer remembered back to his time alive, when he knew a girl very similar to Ophelia, always dragging him along on adventures. Eventually, she had become his queen, and they had lived happily, until HE had come. Lancer would shake these rather saddening thoughts off, both physically and mentally, before following student and teacher through the crowds.
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Kypher's hands came together as he thought for a moment before he ran them through his hair, "Okay, that's still fairly useful." He paused for a few seconds before coming to some internal decision, "Alright. I suggest we waste no time with our offensive in this war. I believe one of you historical figures must have said the best defence is a great offence, so we'll go with that. Two servants with excellent combat abilities plus Hel here will move into the city. They will search for the other seven servants in this war and report back using Hel's ability, or, if they find an isolated servant, eliminate the threat immediately. All servants should return to this location before sundown or if they find themselves alone with a large group of enemies." Kypher glanced from Avenger and then to Ozymandias, "Of course, not to underestimate your strength, but I am awfully meticulous when it comes to any kind of ultimate reward." The magus paused, glancing around the room to see if anyone disagreed, "One could argue that we are rushing into things, but I have no doubt that the enemy servants have already been summoned, meaning it will be easier for us if we can pick them off one by one whilst they have not gathered as we currently are. Does anyone have a map of the city?" Kypher suddenly asked, it just hitting him that some form of strategic geographic mapping would be of great help. Avenger simply sniffed at all the tactics and such, wanting someone to fight.

@Colt556 @Arlo Hayes @Dante Verren @gogojojo331 @i cant remember who else sorry!

Charity and Shielder - The Ice Palace

The effect she'd had on Mammon was surprising, to say the least. She hadn't expected him to get riled up so easily in the first place. Even if he was a true lord of hell - or multiple, as the case may be - she wasn't sure the power was worth the personalities it came with. It looked like this war would become a very delicate balancing act.

With that in mind, she'd have preferred to keep Shielder out of the mix for slightly longer. It looked as though the Pharaoh - Savior, apparently -  wouldn't take no for an answer. In any case, Shielder's promise not to attack his allies was a good sign. "Alright." She shrugged. "Shielder is on his way now."

Get in here, Shielder. She communicated, before giving him a quick rundown of what the other Servants had revealed about themselves. 

It wasn't long before the door to the room opened, and Charity's Servant strode into the room. His eyes flickered across the room, revealing only a blink of distaste at Avenger's appearance, and the smallest of grins at the sight of the second Alter Ego. He quickly broke eye contact with the Servants, and lowered into a kneeling bow. "From what my Master has told me, I am in the presence of many great kings and lords," He said, his tone one of humility. "I, myself am but a humble knight. I have no desire for the grail, and no ambition to be anything more than what I am. If you will permit it, I shall serve as your shield for the course of this war." After speaking, he stayed in his kneeling position, waiting for an affirmation.

Behind him, Charity lit a cigarette, hoping that this was the sort of thing that appealed to those arrogant types, and wondering exactly how much of it Shielder meant.

@Colt556 @Dante Verren @Arlo Hayes @Destructus Kloud @gogojojo331
"I'm afraid travel tonight will not be possible, not for me at least. I'm agraid construction of the palace has left me rather drained and I must rest." Hel told them, addressing the wheelchair bound master.

"Though if you insist on going out I can send something like a familiar with you as a sentinel. But I'm afraid that's the most I can do tonight." 

Brenna had been listening to everyone and quite frankly wasn't satisfied that they would be an effective team. She sat up straight in her chair and waved Hel back to silence her, finally deciding to say something. 

"I'm not quite sure we're all on the same page here. It appears to me there are some masters here that are willing to command their servant, and others that seem to be the servant themselves. I'm afraid if we let such structural disorder go it'll end in our ultimate self destruction. We need to work together of course, but there is a structure to these things. Now I believe we should set such things in order then discuss our strategy as competent masters. Not to say tge servants can't speak, but we need a sense of order if we are to get anywhere." Brenna said. She didn't want to enrage any of the more prideful servants but she needed to speak with those that knew the time period. 

@Dante Verren @Colt556 @SomeStupidWords @Destructus Kloud @gogojojo331
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