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Fantasy New World, New Allies


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
The screams.

That's what woke him.

Darian was asleep, having recently repaired their warren's overland solar generator and needed a good night's rest. Alas, it wasn't going to come anytime soon. After the screaming, he heard growls and rough speech in a foreign tongue, sounds of combat followed by more and more screams. "T'aa di lackth da'a!!!" was all he heard before the door to his bunkroom was torn open by the claws of a reptilian anthropmorph with a club in its right hand and the limp body of a human female in his other. He was at least 8 feet tall, wearing clothes that were reminiscent of the Viking era he had read about in school. Without thinking, he grabbed his repeater steam-powered crossbow from the wall next to his bunk and fired at the beast's chest. The last thing he remembered was the massive club swinging down.

~~||| Seven Days Later |||~~
Darian was walking through the shrubbery of the overland - the land above the warren, as his people called it. He was alone, no gear, no weapons, tired, hungry and thirsty. Food and water weren't an issue. All warren residents were trained in tracking and survival. It was the constant hunting parties that he had to worry about. Those reptilian men were on his trail and had been the last week. He was the only one that survived. No other warren residents made it out alive. He stopped and caught his breath, hand on a tree for support.

"Sto'or ree ack de lackth da'a." He whipped his head around as he heard the rough language and groaned quietly. Would he ever have any rest? He stumbled forward and miraculously found a river a few minutes later. "Oh thank God," he whispered. He contemplated ending things, just throwing himself to the current and letting gravity do the rest. But he took a deep breath and steadied himself, trudging across a shallow area.

Suddenly, a spear struck the water next to his head. He whipped around and saw three of those lizard warriors on the riverbank, starting to wade in after him. His options swam through his head in an instant. Lizards. They can swim. But with all that armor they wore it'd be nearly impossible to chase him downriver. Having made his decision, he took a deep, shaking breath and dove under, riding the current and getting away from his pursuers as quickly as he could manage. He didn't know when, but somewhere along the line he hit something hard and blacked out.

Rayna Rayna

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