Advice/Help New to RP


New Member
Hey everyone! I'm fairly new to roleplaying and while I have already read through a lot of the discussions on the site, I would love to know if any of you have any particular things that you like/dislike that newer role-players tend to do so I could take that into account before I begin any role-plays here. Thank you!
Make sure before you pair with someone, there are boundaries w/ rl or rp. Atleast make sure your partner is okay w/ that dynamic, b/c feelings can get involved.

Also, be stingy about your real life information. I personally don't care if people know my rl situation, but I never give my name. I dont like being looked up lol.
-13 year experience.
Make sure before you pair with someone, there are boundaries w/ rl or rp. Atleast make sure your partner is okay w/ that dynamic, b/c feelings can get involved.

Also, be stingy about your real life information. I personally don't care if people know my rl situation, but I never give my name. I dont like being looked up lol.
-13 year experience.
Thank you!
I would also say steer clear of people who can't distinguish between roleplays and real life just in general.

But yeah a good bit of advice is to read the rules of any group roleplay you want to join. Ask questions of the person running the thread (the GM) if you have any questions.

If you are doing roleplay with one other partner (1x1) than be sure to be very clear on what you are looking for.
Everyone else already mentioned it, but definitely being clear about what you want from the roleplay is important. It's not going to be fun if you're not strict with your personal rules - if you tell someone you don't want a romantic roleplay and they keep pushing, it's easier to block and move on :) Also I think making sure to not attach youtself to the character you roleplay too much. I always had the problem of being super attached to the character and the story but then the other person ghosts me and I feel super disappointed.

And most importantly....have fun! Don't ever stress over RP :D

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