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New to D&D

Fantastic. Though, in our group, this wouldn't have upset the DM, but made him laugh so damn hard, he'd have to check his pants. We had a game that started with all of our characters being generic rogues out of the monster manual. We were all scheduled to die, we knew this going in, so each of our characters started filling out tropes in movies. My character became he rookie with no training and another's became the old guy with three days until retirement and a pregnant wife. It was fantastically stupid.

Spork to the Kidney from a malourished irradiated orphan in slave's rags, such a Badass way to murder Giants. i mean, 3 hit points at level 3 and all i could do was Spork things. the weakest character was effectively the strongest, because of the power of Luck. she started tanning the hides of the giants she slew and selling the tanned leather to haberdashers and the meat to butchers and the market was flooded with gianthide and giant meat. the poor slaves never had to starve or freeze again. they had fine leather clothes and a decent supply of meat.
I've don't believe I've played much 5e, but am willing to learn it to DM. As long as we are sure of the group. I'd like a small group of 5 at max if I'm DMing. @MissUnderstood Will that be okay with you? 
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That would be fine. 4-5 is perfect for 5e. I've got some links for you, if you need them. I can send you PDFs of the PHB, Monster Manual, and DMG, as well as a handy site that's amazing for calculating encounters for you, so you don't have to keep referencing the DMG.

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