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Fantasy New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides

Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha listened as Yona explained the other uses of flowers, though that was information she knew already she really had no use for creating dyes from flowers, though making poisons and medicines from them was something she had use for. But she wasn't gonna say her thoughts out loud, after all she had only just met the woman today, and she was pretty sure she wasn't being 100% forthcoming with her, likely a woman with a closet of secrets, but to be fair Welsha had her own list of secrets that she wanted to keep under wraps so it was fair play.

Yona atleast seemed willing to give them the reason for coming to the city at the very least, the reason actually caused her to blink a few times a bit stunned by what they said. She herself was still a bit under her parents thumb and could relate a bit to Yonas situation. Though unlike Yona she was still on a bit of a leash when it came to her parents, though that could also be said about a few other figures in her life as well. But what Yona said also gave a bit of information about her and her past at the very least, but before she could ponder on what Yona said, she turned the question around back to her, making Welsha jump up a bit in surprise.

"Welll erm, I guess you could say my choices of colleges were limited and my parents would only agree to pay for certain colleges, and I had a few job opportunities open to me here for once I graduated College." She didn't really want to elaborate further on that instead opting to give a small smile before rubbing the back of her head and adding "I guess unlike you I'm still a bit on my parents leash since their the ones mostly funding endeavors in this city. Heh" she was a bit embarrassed to say that part since she was a bit concerned that the other lady would look a bit down on her for still being reliant on their parents despite being so far away from them but being underestimated was something that Welsha was perfectly fine with since it gave them certain perks and advantages at the cost of a bit of respect and pride.
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth
South District: The Roost
Clipped Wings Cannot Rebirth

Helva was pretty annoyed with todays events so far, she would probably have to talk Elenore down from her rage induced mood, and Reds little mood swing was doing her no favors on top of that Reds sponsoree who was even more impulsive than her was here. While Controlling both Red and Charlie wouldn't be much of a issue, Elenore was a bit of a different story, and it was more than likely going to take a bit of negotiation on their end to calm them down. Unfortunately before Helva could intervene into the situation Reds little sponsoree opted to chime in, their carefree voice was defiantly not helping the situation at all and there explanation was not something that was really wanted either. It wasn't until they decided to pull their sword and brandish it towards her neck in order to make their own little point did Helva take a deep breath in and out in pure annoyance. She had to fight back her typical instincts to kill the kid because they were a Phoenix and the Sponsoree of Reds for that matter, but still the action wasn't going to go unpunished.

After a moment Pei opted to make their appearance and explain themselves, Helva honestly didn't know how to feel on one hand she really wasn't fond of Pei on the other hand this would give them a easier time in calming down the situation. Still Peis appearance earned a glare from Helva and Hiyma who were both annoyed at the situation, Helva then gave a Telepathic message to Hiyma Why exactly didn't you know that he could create clone copies of himself. Hiyma in response dropped all the equipment and gave a exaggerated groan before replying I didn't know he could do that! But fine I'll update his profile so that we will know for next time. without missing another beat Hiyma pulled out her phone in order to update Peis profile, before then taking a pair of gloves from the med kit and digging into the fake body in order to find some organs or anything that could be used to tell the difference between it and a real body, so that she can more easily identify if the body is a fake or not in the future.

Meanwhile Helva turned back to the others but before going on to address Charlie and Pei she had business to attend to, walking next to Shrike she looked towards Red and without any warning what so ever she smacked Shrike across the back of his head putting enough force behind it to make it hurt and deliver a point. Without saying another word to Shrike she addressed Charlie saying "Temperer put Red down." noting how he was still holding onto Red after breaking down at Peis appearance. Charlie being her Sponsoree she expected him to obey but she still had business with her to attend to as Helva walked on over to her, "Red you know good well your not allowed to stab Phoenixes especially without permission! That was the one group that was off limits to you!" she was a bit annoyed that she had to scold Red over this, and once Charlie decided to her down she was fully prepared to grab her by the ear like a Child and scold her like one.
Isobel Pham
Post Outbreak: Swimming Amongst Water Lilies [July 13, 2022]
Fog Grove, North District
Aerith, Asti, Damian, Khydnah, Peyton

Free. Isobel has always been fascinated at how such a small word could mean something so magnificent. It has been a long time since she held the weight of these four letters in her hands and she has forgotten what it feels like but she desperately wants it back.

Even as she floats amongst the lily pads, body and mind equally battered, she hopes. But every part of her hurts and she can barely open her eyes. Surely they would find her. Surely they would drag her back to whatever hell she had just escaped from.

Isobel hears voices approach. They are unfamiliar to her. Perhaps it would be a better fate if she allowed herself to sink into the cold embrace of the murky waters that surround her. It would not be difficult. After all, there was liberation in death and she already feels her consciousness fading.

There was no response to the questioning or gentle prodding. It wouldn't have been a stretch to assume that they were already dead were it not for the almost imperceptible rise and fall of their chest.

Silently, from the shadows, another figure approaches. He is dressed smartly, with a buttoned-up dress shirt and pressed pants. Even in the darkness, the gemstones embedded into his cufflinks seem to sparkle. He moves with grace and poise. A stark contrast to his surroundings, one could only wonder how he had found his way here.


"Hello." The man greets the five serpents. His voice is warm and gentle as if he had bumped into an old friend on the street rather than a group of strangers in the swamp. "I believe you've found something that belongs to me."

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Elias Yumin
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage
July 3rd, 2022 | Post Arc 3, TimeSkip 1
Blue Mist Isle (Day 2)
Elias, Zach, Taka, Yushui, Kairong(?), Hiachi, Tak, Sebastian
St. Steinburg's Maiden Voyage

Leaning against the rails of a private balcony overlooking Moonshore Bay, Elias watched the tour guide lead a stream of passengers off the ship and towards the beaches of their first stopping point - Blue Mist Isle. A tropical island with lush greenery, numerous beaches, and welcoming natives eager to squeeze coins from tourists, it was an ideal vacation spot for St. Steinburg’s first passengers to stretch their sea legs and explore…should they so desire. At the end of the day, all activities offered on the luxury cruise were optional and people vacationed how they like. Whether they chose to climb off the boat to explore/take pictures/see new sights or remained to relax on the ship–with its various amenities–was up to individual tastes.

Some swam.

Some tanned.

Some stayed in their beds.

Elias' eyes lingered on a red-haired, young woman who’d won several beach volleyball matches since stepping foot into the sand.


“Someone you know?”

“Not exactly,”
Elias turned to the Chessmistress who appeared ready to enjoy the beach. He didn’t blame her. The warm weather, topped with clear skies. The glistening sea. The calmly rolling waves. It all made for a soothing allure and Elias was tempted to take a dip as well. Perhaps after the transaction. “I trust you’re satisfied with the arrangement?”

“I won’t be completely satisfied until the exchanges are made and we return to Amestrian shores.” She reached into the pocket of her open shirt, pulling out a crystal vial. “But yes, this will do. Your investment is appreciated.”

Elias took the vial, inspecting its contents. “This is what gave Miss Felton her potential?”

“Yes. 94.4% purity and 30% failure rate though–fair warning for whoever’s taking it.”

“What’s the risk?”


Elias pocketed the vial. It seemed that his dear senior Tiger would have to bet on his luck if the NP truly intended to make the change. Elias, for his part, didn’t think the risk was worth taking, but a promise was a promise. The fact that an NP could never climb the ranks of the Albino Tiger gang was also undeniable…unless something changed, of course. “Our dear new Jack probably wouldn’t be very happy with me if she finds out,”


“She doesn’t like drugs, you see.”
Elias clarified amiably. “I suspect it has something to do with her history in the North District. Fortunately, she seems to be distracted by other matters at the moment.”

“You’re referring to the dissonance within the Albino Tiger gang,”

“So you know of it?”

“It’s hard not to,”

“Hm, I suppose someone who likes to leave their pieces everywhere would catch wind of it eventually…both sides are working very hard, after all~”
And idols drew attention wherever they went, no matter how secretive they tried to be. Not to mention the shifting number of immigrants.

“You speak as if this has nothing to do with you. Do you not care who leads your gang?”

“Do you?”

“...I do if they impede my daily business.”

Elias picked up a flute from the nearby wine-tasting rack, swirling the liquid contents in his hand. “Crime is nothing more than an illegal business. Whether it’s dealing in drugs, sex, death, or priceless artworks, we’re all just trading in the end. Securing our trade routes. The only difference between legal and illegal is in what the government allows and what it doesn’t–something that constantly changes as society does anyway. Do you know why crime still exists? Why the gangs still do?”

“I assumed it was because the city’s government is weak,”

“Well yes, given four major powers of equal standing, ones that have rooted themselves into the city since its founding” A
nd the fifth one he’s just learning about, “the police have far too much to handle on their own…” Not to mention the corruption that existed within the government itself. Bribing/Making deals with city officials had become far too easy. And, though the West District held many powerhouses–financially at least–the other Districts didn’t lack in power either. Power in the city had taken an entirely different meaning the moment Potential jumped into the equation anyway. “But I was alluding to a more philosophical answer. Crime exists because people want it. Because the individual will generally prioritize their individual needs over the needs of the community. Illegal drugs are in the market because there are people that will buy them. Games are pirated because there are people that can’t afford them. Crime will continue to exist so long as there are things people want–things they are willing to defy the law for.”

Elias shrugged, his eyes drifting to the open blue sky. “In my eyes, removing crime from the city is an impossible goal, not without removing freedom at any rate” The Dragons in the East District tried to do just that. “And those that try are biting far more than they can chew. Rather than stamping out crime, isn’t it smarter to try and control it?”

“What are you suggesting?”

Elias smiled innocently. “I am not suggesting anything. I’m simply saying that, if I were the government, I’d be more focused on controlling the flow of crime rather than removing it. Currently, crime in each district is being controlled by their respective gangs. From Dragons in the East that are set on enforcing their own rules to the Serpents of the North who don’t care what crimes occur as long as they remain the top dogs, each of them nonetheless control the crime that occur in their respective district in their own way. Mitigate it. Criminals control criminals in this city. You’d think it’d be a poor idea, and yet New Oasis has managed to make it work. I suspect it will continue to work so long as the balance is maintained between the four districts.”

And yet, several factors have been trying to shake up that balance as of late.

“Interesting…you don’t support your gang’s bid into Central, then? Despite being an Albino Tiger? Is that why you’re working with me on this venture?”

Elias took a long sip of the flute, finishing its alcoholic content in one swig, before tossing the remaining glass over the rails and into the sea. “It’s true that I don’t think rocking the boat to be very smart, but I don’t dislike change, and that isn’t why I’m working with you.”

Elias could see Valerie silently waiting for him to continue. He chuckled. “Are you aware that the single most trending video of last year, beating out even Iori’s hit single, was one of the Dragon King’s flagrant display of power as he decimated a bridge? Not in terms of likes, mind you, but terms of the sheer number of views it was enough to make one lucky individual–with a shoddy video camera–a very rich man. Everyone’s seen it. Everyone has something to say, whether it be to compliment his strength or to criticize his actions. People are drawn to conflict so long as it doesn’t actually involve them. In movies. In games. In stories. A bit of drama makes things exciting and, with the way things are in the world, the gang leaders are as much local celebrities as they inspire fear. Hence why people, both NPs and Hps, continue to flock to New Oasis despite its many dangers.”

“...where are you going with this?”

“I’m a bit of the same,”
Elias shrugged again, his eyes twinkling. “A simple, young man looking for a bit of distortion to spice up the monotony of everyday life. I figured I ought to give being a Tiger an actual try and do some crime for once. But no one is ever satisfied when I tell them I’m helping them because I’m bored, so let’s just say I’m looking forward to all the revenue our ship promises to provide. Membership fees don’t pay themselves, after all.”

Straightening from the rails, Elias, or rather Elijah Anamnesis, moved to depart. “It was a pleasure talking with you, Chessmistress. We should do it again sometime.”

“And where are you going, Anamnesis?”

“To deal with some rats that have snuck aboard. I’m aware that your children have things handled, but the less blood is shed on this ship, the better we’ll be off.”

“Join me on the beach when you’re done. We’ve still got other matters to discuss.”

“I could never say no to a beautiful lady,”
Lifting the blonde’s knuckles to his lips, Elias offered a quick peck before his steps took him below St. Steinburg’s deck.
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𝑵𝒂𝒐𝒎𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again
Central District Club
May 6th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Tak and Dante
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again
Dante was tense. Naomi couldn't blame him--he was in a very vulnerable position with a stranger. His face was turned away from her, although she barely noticed, focused on the task as she was. She wasn't sure she wouldn't be as stiff as a board in his position, as well. There was something...intimate about tending to someone's wounds. Like it was something to do to someone you loved more so than a stranger. You could so easily hurt them again, which Naomi noticed as she accidentally grazed a wound. "Sorry," she murmured, but somehow his body language...relaxed a little after that. A slight smile came to Naomi's face, and she made sure she was extra careful with her hands after that point.

As they were getting ready to leave, Naomi saw a flash of clothing disappear into her trunk a split second before she closed it. She scoffed, although her eyes glittered with amusement, and she looked at Dante with a fake disapproving look. She almost missed the smile. A toothy grin that said he knew exactly what it was that he was doing. Naomi couldn't help but give off a little laugh. Okay, fine. You win this time. it said.

She asked if he was ready to go inside, and he said yeah, that he was freezing. "You don't get cold when you're impeccably dressed," Naomi said, her voice faux-chastising, as she gestured at the short dress she was wearing. He was right though, it was cold--she had just gotten so used to ignoring it. And when you were already feeling sick from withdrawals, what was one more misery to add to the pile? "But if you were to turn into a popsicle, maybe I'd just have to eat you up?" she said with a laugh. It was up to him to decide how he wanted to interpret that.

He gave her that trade-mark shit eating grin as she told him she should go wash her hands. She responded with a wry smile. "You should always wash your hands after dealing with blood! Even if you were wearing gloves." She thought it might have been slightly insulting to add that it was to make sure you didn't catch some blood-borne disease. She watched him walk away for a moment, his hands outstretched in a shrug, before he realized something. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out...cigarettes and a lighter. Naomi's eyes widened. If she had been some kind of cartoon character, no doubt her pupils would have become large and shaped like stars or hearts or something of the like.

“Here, candy sticks,” he said, turning on his heels and handing her the whole pack.

How soon into meeting someone could you say that you had fallen in love?

Naomi eagerly took the cigarettes, pulling one out and lighting it, inhaling deeply. Nicotine wasn't her drug of choice, but man was it good at taking the edge off. "Thank you. I really needed that," she said with a relaxed sigh. The world didn't hurt nearly as much anymore. Man, the things she did for the miracle. As they were walking back, Dante asked if she thought the bouncer would beat him up if he blew smoke in his face. Naomi laughed, nearly losing her cigarette. "He really got under your skin, huh?" That was sweet. "If he does, he's a shitty bouncer. They have to deal with assholes all the time."

As they passed through the entrance, Naomi had to try hard to hold in the laughter. Dante's facial expressions, the bouncer's furrowed brow. As the passed, true to his word, Dante exhaled cigarette smoke all over the other man. The man grunted, target hit. Naomi's face curled into a smirk. It was nice having someone get so offended on her behalf. She was so used to the stares at this point that she didn't even notice them much anymore. When you intentionally made yourself beautiful, you'd get people that would view that beauty...salaciously. It was something she had never gotten growing up as Fumiko. In college, every person she was around was micro-managed and vetted by her father. It wasn't until she got to the north that she really started noticing those glances--at first, she loved them. Then she got annoyed by them. Now, she was indifferent to them. Growth?

Dante said that he was going to go to the bar to look for Tak and make sure he hadn't been kidnapped. "That would be just our luck, huh? See you soon," she laughed. She watched his back disappear into the crowd. Now, where exactly was the restroom again? As Naomi glanced around, the music died down. That raised an eyebrow. A club stopping the music? A man walked onto the DJ stage, some old man, his voice booming on the speakers. The professor, huh? Naomi's eyes lit up with excitement. This was it. The New Miracle was here! Workers began pouring out of hidden doors, carrying little platters with tiny pills on them. Damn, she was so far from the dancefloor! She rushed forward, trying her best to find a waiter that wasn't being swarmed by other dope-sick party fiends.

She got her hands on one. “…But, It had one problem, a major flaw in its design.” the voice spoke over the speakers. Naomi crunched the pill in-between her teeth, trying to turn it into powder. Faster absorption. She wasn't above drinking water from the tap in the bathroom to wash the rest of it down. “That flaw was…that it would eventually end.”

Wait, what?

Led by instinct, Naomi spit out what was left of the pill in her mouth. But she could already feel it hitting. She laughed a little, staring out at the zombies in the crowd. What was this drug doing? She felt so happy, so swimmy. So did the crowd, she thought. But they weren't moving. Already the concerns that made her spit the drug out were washing away. What did it mean that it never ended? Who cared? If she ever got tired of it she could call Tri and he would set her right. She could barely even process why that might even slightly be a bad idea--having the king of serpents come here to save her from a never-ending high. She'd just have to go home first! Maybe Dante could drive her. He loved the car. How he would get home from there didn't cross her mind.

She looked down at her hands, the color shifting all shades of the rainbow in the lights of the club. That's right! She was supposed to wash them, huh? She looked around, everything swimming and beautiful and sparkly. There the restroom was! Naomi proceeded forward, nimbly dancing around the frozen people and stepping over those who fell to the floor. She was laughing the whole time, her mind pure bliss. What was wrong with everyone? Was the high really that good that they couldn't handle it? She had nearly forgotten how she had spit out most of it at this point--she felt more like a God, able to handle paradise better than these mere mortals.

She made it to the restroom. She opened the first door she saw--gender was a construct anyways, and all she was doing was washing her hands. She made it to the sink. Looked in the mirror and laughed with delight at the reflection. She really was so pretty, wasn't she? This was little Fumiko's dream--beautiful, happy, free. She lathered up her hands, getting lost in the feeling of the water rushing over them as she twisted them around and around.

“I knew I shouldn’t have had those leftovers I found in the back of the fridge.” Tak? Tak! Naomi turned around, not even bothering to turn the water off, and approached the stall she heard Tak's voice come from. "Tak! Dante went to the bar to look for you, but I found you instead!" she laughed, wiggling her hands over the top of the stall door. It was very undignified, very Un-Nao-Like, but at the moment she didn't care. They were all just different characters she put on. Why not just let herself exist for once? Do what she wanted? "Are you sick? Do you need some water?" she asked, trying to make her voice drop with concern. It didn't work very well, it sounded more like she was mildly amused at poor Tak's fate. "I can go get you some! And I can get Dante too! And maybe I could find you some paradise. They're purple! Do you like purple?" she was rambling, but she didn't really care. She was just so...happy. Her hands were clean, she got to try the new drug, she found her friend. The fact that he might not be feeling well barely registered in her mind. He'd get better. He was Tak, after all. Nothing could take that man down short of a nuclear bomb. He was too resilient, like a little cockroach.

((ooc: ))
((Outfit: Red Dress with red high heels))
((Die in the Disco))

Swimming Amongst Water Lilies
North District
Post Arc 3, July 13th, 2022
Swimming Amongst Water Lilies

Khydnah's amber eyes narrowed slightly as she assessed the newcomer, his presence unwelcomed in the desolate swampland. She remained crouched by the water's edge, the figure she had pulled from the depths still cradled in her grasp.

"̷I̶s̴ ̶t̴h̶a̶t̶ ̵s̶o̶?̵ ̴O̷n̶e̸ ̷w̷o̸u̷l̷d̵ ̵t̵h̶i̷n̷k̷ ̷t̵h̸e̷y̷'̷d̷ ̴t̴a̶k̶e̴ ̷b̷e̸t̴t̸e̵r̵ ̸c̷a̴r̴e̴ ̴o̸f̷ ̷t̴h̴e̷i̷r̸ ̶"̸p̶r̶o̵p̸e̸r̷t̵y̷"̸ ̷i̶f̷ ̵t̵h̸a̸t̴ ̸w̶e̸r̷e̸ ̵t̴r̶u̴e̵.̴"̸ Khydnah's voice was smooth yet laced with a subtle hint of skepticism. She made no move to release her hold on the injured figure, her stance betraying a readiness for any potential confrontation.

The air around them seemed to thicken with tension, the oppressive atmosphere of the swamp amplifying the standoff between the enigmatic woman, her slightly less enigmatic compatriots, and the well-dressed stranger.

Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Lucem Lucem Eteri Eteri thebigfella thebigfella Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Rutger Vos
Messy Delight
Clark's Cafe, South District
November 17th, 2021 | Pre-Arc 3
Rutger, Gideon( Coyote Hart Coyote Hart )
Messy Delight
Rutger's face remained unmoved as Gideon pulled the pin, in fact, there was a part of him that wanted Gideon to let go of the lever. Explosives were messy weapons, that's why he tended to stay away from them. Can't be silent if an explosion follows your every step. Still, he admired the raw power they held and it was an excellent choice if you were in an open conflict with an enemy."Doesn't fit my tastes as it's a bit too loud for me. Luckily, there is a wide array of weapons that we can choose from." A stream of tea followed his words, putting down the cup as he almost finished the contents. He still found it a bit surprising that Gideon would use explosives, though it made sense since guns aren't as useful against a HP.

He's personally seen the results of explosives, the scaring it could cause if you were lucky enough to survive. "I've seen explosives like that at work. It isn't a quick and painless death if the explosives aren't strong enough." In this moment of time, his eyes wandered down to his own hands, not realizing he was playing around with the fork on his plate. While he was no stranger to death, cruelty hit too close to home for him. "I killed a man who had lost his limbs from a car bomb. He wasn't a target... I just felt bad for him..." His voice wandered off as he suddenly dropped the fork, his gaze returning to Gideon's face. "I'm sure you would do the same for me." While Rutger was playing around before, his tone was anything but joking now. There was a part of him that wished the human life was worth more... but they were just as expendable as the bottles they threw out every day.

Rutger slowly arose from his feet, tidying up his outfit, reaching down to slip up his stockings that had slid down more than he'd like. He would have to go shopping for new ones that were tighter, he didn't exactly like bending down with a dress on... he didn't want to reveal any information to any person who may be ogling at him. After tightening the choker around his neck, he moved around the table, standing behind Gideon. Rutger lightly grabbed Gideon's shoulders, softly shaking him. "Let's go bomber boy. I have someone to stab today and if you wait any longer, it might be you." He leaned in close, whispering the last part in his ear to tease him. Teasing superiors was something he always enjoyed.

The black haired lad stepped away, humming as he moved his feet towards the door. His heels clanked against the floor, making him a noticeable presence in the room. When he stepped out into the air, he was greeted to a light drizzle, causing him to pout. "Hopefully it doesn't get any worse, my makeup can barely hold up to this." The gloomy day did a great job at setting the mood. Killing people on a bright and sunny day was almost mockingly bad. Nobody should die on a good day.
CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
"Of course it was." Megumi responded flatly, "Who else would feel threatened by a man with the money and influence to clean up a place such as that? It could have been any one of those four damnable organizations." She then sighed: "I spent so many years after that trying to find my son's killer. But the trails always dried up. Loose ends turned up empty. It was as if they slipped through the net I had cast and disappeared into the depths again..." She then looked towards where the two of them had come from and frowned. "Ryu always blamed himself for his father's death. I could always see it in his eyes."

She then let out a dry laugh and sipped some of her own tea. A few blossom leaves fell from above into the indoor courtyard as a moment of somber silence passed by. "He was just a boy back then, what could he have done? Ah, but he wouldn't want me to revisit this old pain." she then said. "I'm glad that he still retains his generosity, helping you with your business and all. The years tends to make one colder and more cynical." It was then that faint footsteps could be heard as Megumi looked past Samira with a smile, seeing her grandson on approach now after having finished his necessary task.

"Ah, we have a cup for you if you want tea." Megumi offered to her grandson, preparing to pour out hot water over the remaining cup.

CS Link
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
Katōre, Sankai
Ryutaro, Samira
A Summer Breeze Scatters Blossoms
By this point, Ryu had taken the time to recompose himself with the privacy that had been afforded to him. In the shrine, he wiped away his sorrows and cleared his throat before preparing to leave. He did offer a final prayer to both his father and to his lost love before returning to the outside world. By the time he entered the main part of the estate and approached Samira and his grandmother, he looked no different as he had before. The same stoic front that he maintained as though nothing could push him, along with a faint smile on the edges of his lips. It was a mask he was used to wearing and it slipped on comfortably like a glove at a moment's notice.

"No, thank you. I wouldn't burden you with treating me. Having us here is more than enough." Ryu then said as he joined the two ladies at the kotatsu.

But Megumi disregarded her grandson's polite declining and poured him a cup anyway, stirred with the bamboo stick to get the matcha integrated into the waters properly. By this point, Ryu had no choice but to accept with a faint scoff. "Your business friend was telling me about how you helped her family's business get into the Amestrian market. Wine business is difficult to break into outside of home countries."

"Ah, yes. We actually met at a wine-tasting party." Ryu recalled, scratching his chin. "She was there as ambassador for her family, with a selection of bottles to choose from for people to sample." He turned his gaze to Samira with a smile: "I was probably one of the few brave enough to try wine from Telabiim. We struck up a conversation from there... and the rest is history."

Beann Beann
Reminiscence Dedai
The Frog in the Well
North District | Collapsed Worksite
Post-Arc 3 | June 22nd
Rem, Kisara, Deirest, Melody, | (Areith)
The Frog in the Well
Rem’s head leaned back, her eyes peering at the woman past her nose. She chewed silently as they described their situation.

She garnered no answers. The response she got was vague, reluctant. Annoying.

At least it was something.

Deirest, and others that Four-Eyes had mentioned she didn’t recognize, had no connection to these guys or their colleagues, yet she and some of them had shared the same fate. She was certain the girl had even less than what this group had. Was it just some serial killer with a particularly gruesome pattern? Were they sending a message?

She turned her head down to look at the body again. Her hand reached out, hovering a bit above the neck.

No, they couldn’t be sending a message. The way Deirest was decapitated seemed especially… hasty. She was unexpected.

The cuts were all a little different. Deirest’s was just.. More different. Something Rem had already noted, but she had now chosen to theorize over. Were they committed by different people? A group with an agenda? Or just someone with subpar, eclectic taste in weaponry?

More likely than not, Deirest was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Rem blinked, slowly, as the neck stump began to wiggle and squirm.

Ew. Is that what it looks like when it wants to revive?

Immediately choosing to turn her attention elsewhere, she glanced over to the ascending horns peeking out of the floor. Her eyes seemed to have lit up at the sight— finally, something that could give a lead. As soon as the disembodied head came into Rem’s view, she studied it.

…Nothing. Absolutely nothing helpful on its own. The marks were completely gone.

“...Thanks,” she responded with a sigh. Her hand loosely gestured towards the body. “Put them together.”

She watched as head and body reunited as one. It was intriguing, really, seeing the potential work in real-time. And rather quickly, too— which was good. There weren’t too many hours in a day, and she wasn’t sure how long Four-Eyes was willing to put up with their guests.

But as the parts weaved together like a stitching, she noticed pure instinctual fury tracing the woman’s face. Fury that she wasn’t particularly interested in facing herself. She stepped away from the brute as Kisara stepped forward. She knew better than to get in range of a feral animal.

The woman woke. She lunged— and Rem watched as the blood-drooling corpse attacked and was subsequently subdued by the Ace.

Rem popped a bubble. “Yeah. I said trust me. She’s just insane or something. Couple that with having just been dead a moment ago, and…” she gestured towards the woman.

“Turn her this way. Hey, Deirest?” People’s memories were fickle, and Deirest herself was a fickle person with amnesia and extreme blood loss. But she was Rem’s last hope for a decent lead… at least, unless she pushed for a better answer from Four-Eyes.

"You're fine. Remember anything?"

BluEndings BluEndings The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit simj26 simj26 miki miki thebigfella thebigfella
Areith Rozárie
The Frog in the Well
North District, Collapsed Worksite
June 22nd, 2022|| Post-Arc 3
Rem, Kisara, Deirest, Melody
Frog in the Well

The world continued to move underneath your stride. The Earth spun on its axis; from dawn to dusk, it shifted between seen and unseen realms. Just like eyes must constantly blink, the sky must always dim.

Your eyes had been closed for a while; our eyes stared at the bleak sky. It whispered the rumbles of anger, displaced thunder replaced with the heavy footfalls of your trudge along.

Jagged, our body felt. Nerves on edge, down to the fervent ligaments. A silent fervor, thoughts that hung within your mouth along with the taste of tobacco and polluted air. You spoke to no one, not even He above.

Every word of the gospel had been written with blood and ink. The path to salvation was one where periods would be dotted with crimson, you understood. Nevertheless, a wretched feeling clung to your heart, leeches in your veins that wriggled and writhed underneath your flesh, demanding to feast.

Retribution, was such a term fitting for your desires? Or was it simply revenge and all its damnation? Wrought with sin, you were. The reality that you had not yet purged yourself of carnal desires began to etch more prayers and beg for vindication within your skull.

You stepped through a doorway that barely fit your massive form, boots stepping across the toppled door to wander within the crumbling walls. Quickly, your eyes opened as ours shut, and an all-accepting smile wormed its way slowly across your features.

A lack of familiar faces, descriptions, and affiliations eluded you, and messages from beyond didn’t tell you from friends or foes. However, the shape they took was not necessary to you currently; all you desired were answers.

And glancing to the side, your first question had been solved.

“Oh, joyous!” You quickly strolled over to the monstrous-looking woman who had your savior within her grip as soon as you could in your habit, hands pleasantly clasping together as you closed the gap, eyes looking upon the messiah with a glimmer in your bright red eyes.

“I was afraid it would take ages to track you down; I’m elated to see you all in one piece. I knew He had told me to come here for a reason!” Her eyes turned upwards in thanks for the invisible and intangible controller of fates and truth-hood, her hands spreading out to bring weight to her gratitude, and then her focus became more earthly, focusing upon the woman who had His chosen within such a violent grip.

“Please, if you would,” she gestured with an open palm to the ground, still keeping her amiable smile, “It is not too late for repentance. He is as understanding as He is merciful.”

Still, as you spoke politely, the undeniable bubbling of acrimony stirred within us. A combination of your earlier feelings and this current disgrace. But there was a better time to be causing problems. To follow Him was to see the bigger picture, far beyond current misunderstandings.

So, you would subdue your feelings and instead let them ferment; after all, the source of your rage, that violent ferocity that hadn’t shown itself in years, was directed at something much different, much more direct.

And tonight, you will find it. You could feel His presence, and the messiah’s presence clearly made this another part of His plan.

Jacques de la Isarn
Happy Therapy with Dr. Jacques
Dr. Haman's Office, West District
July, 17th
Jacques, Passeri
Happy Therapy with Doctor Jacques
In the same manner that taxidermy heads of stags are hung above crackling fireplaces in the quaint settings of wealthy and cozy estates in the country a century back, Dr. Haman had a selection of pictures, sepia shaded for the dated effect, of ballerinas, divas, convicts and slack-jawed politicians lined up on the walls of her office. These had been her quarries, her stuffed prizes who prior to their butchering had wandered the harsh modern society along with their fellow creatures of less fortune and fame. But these specimens in particular she had stolen from their natural habitats and fixed into her very narrow concept of a well-adjusted human. Thus mounted they are better off. Now the pop-singer on the verge of drowning herself in sex and infamy after a harsh break-up had emerged anew in her same old bubbly persona. The prolific murder convict who could be barely held from attempting suicide his every lucid hour had walked out of the courtroom in the glamorous camera light guiltless and dignified. All this was thanks to her and no one else, the renowned Dr. Haman, counseling psychology figurehead and cognitive therapy poster child.

Now seated on her ergonomic throne of padded leather she gazed upon her lifeworks for she was proud of them indeed. The human minds were to her as delicate machines in ill-advised environments to a mechanic. It would be nice if the situation for everyone could be generally improved. No war, no violence, no suffering, no poverty. That way no machines could ever run afoul and no humans would need counseling. But that is not to be, and so she must allow us men and women to be subjected to the unadvised environments of the world. People like her must always be ready to swoop in and fix the problems. The world needed her - someone who was well-acquainted with the human condition, sentiments and squalor. Someone who could tell when a cog ground to a halt which moisture of misery was the culprit, which rust of regret had caused the malfunction. Once there, with scientific accuracy she would pull and push, discard the cog if must with ruthless efficiency, or replace the casing with something else altogether. Everything was justified so long as the specimen emerged a happy person. For whatever else do we ever need but to be happy?

She was happy, content. She was proud, confident.

And she would be looking right now at the next patient, one of even greater fame than the last, who could, no doubt, be Dr. Haman’s next mark of achievement, the next head to be mounted on her office wall. She would read a bit about this patient as she waited. And she would turn her smiling face upside down, and with a grim visage and grim demeanor she would answer the door for her next patient. The appearance of a professional was of paramount importance, and so she must maintain it - a cool distance to signify her carelessness for whoever her patients were, that no amount of fame in the outside world mattered once they had passed the doorstep to her solemn hall. There they ceased to be a person of wealth and achievements and became something to be fixed, a malfunctioned machine to be analyzed and adjusted.

Thus may Dr. Haman be summarized. And now draped in her personality and a white coat, both barely concealed the lithe body and frilly dress beneath, “Dr. Haman” went to the door. The gloved hand clutched the knob with a dull sound, and then the door opened for another of the dramatis personae, the patient, Passeri Park.

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Thou Shalt Not Detonate
Sewers beneath the Pleasure District, East District
THE POPE, Lloyd Sorvocah, Renjiro Ikeda, Yona Kowloong, Aerith Rozárie
Thou Shalt Not Detonate

Throughout the early morning a rumor spread throughout the East District like a wildfire. Proprietors and patrons alike gossiped in anxious tones of stories of noise coming from below the roads. The ecstatic hum of the pleasure district’s nightlife had served to mask the sounds from being heard initially, but as the sun rose the sounds grew louder. Voices of all types and hues came whispered from every drain and opening, an indiscernible babel which seemed to betray the presence of a great many people congregating in the sewers.

The Azure Dragons, vigilant as ever, had already substantiated information that the voices heard coming from the sewers were due to Sable Serpent ploy to detonate an explosive beneath the pleasure district. It wouldn’t be allowed to happen. A strong response had been mustered and a hard hitting team of defenders embarked to the sewers to neutralize the threat and cease the trickle of rumors above before their citizen’s tensions ever began to swell.

However as soon as the group had opened their pathway into the sewers the voices, which had since grown louder as they approached, seemed to all at once stop. What was left behind in their place was an eerie, damp silence which hung heavy for a moment before a voice deep as wood knots echoed forth from the darkness.





The oppressive silence returned but for a moment before a deep thud was heard which echoed forth from the pipework. And then there was another. And another. An even steady beating had formed as though the sewer itself had borne a heart which was declaring itself known for the Dragons to hear. A heart of darkness awaited them, hungrily beckoning them inward with its rhythm.
Lloyd Sorvocah
2022, July 22nd
Thou Shalt Not Detonate
Pleasure District Sewers, East District
THE POPE Vorifengrous Vorifengrous , Lloyd (Me), Renjiro Beann Beann , Yona CasualTea CasualTea , Aerith thebigfella thebigfella
Thou Shalt Not Detonate
Lloyd would find himself to be one of three Dragons to find himself at the sewer entrance to neutralise whatever threat is hiding in the dark, and likely the one to pull the grate from the hinges, setting it aside for its inevitable repair. Getting keys on such short notice was not really a thing to consider. It wasn't long after that a voice boomed and echoed through the underground concrete structure, only confirming the presence of a threat in a most eerie manner. He finds himself lucky that he had not taken any chances before leaving and has brought his weapon with him; a large two-handed blade in a full metal scabbard made for bashing.

He turns his head to Yona as he engages his Potential to grow some armour over his body in preperation of the coming encounter. "You know, if I had a penny everytime we would be fighting together in a sewer, I would have two pennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice already," he says with a slight joking manner. He is still practicing on the spot humour with some encouragement from Jackson.
He then turns to Renjiro and says, "I think we have met only once, during an event your sister organised, I believe. Renjori, if I remember correctly? There were a lot of people and a lot of names."

Lloyd makes sure to stay in the front, something Yona would likely be familiar with already. The current darkness doesn't bother him much, also due to his Potential, but not on his own volition.
'Is it time to hunt again~?' a voice in his head asks. Lloyd ignores it, but it doesn't stop. 'You know ignoring me does not work, not anymore. You have ignored me far too long already.'
'Will you shut up?! This is not the time!' Lloyd responds in his head.
Playing With Fire
South District
July 17th, 2022
Vulken, Yong-Yut, Passeri, Dagger
Playing With Fire

So, Kenny,” Yong-Yut tilted her head to the side, her hand firmly on the wheel. “Does she even know you’re bringing a plus-two?

Passeri Park wasn’t someone Yong-Yut expected to be in the vicinity of once, let alone twice. It was one thing for the celebrity to help rebuild the bridge as a charity effort, but for Vulken to be personally invited to lunch?

He was an interesting choice, to be sure.

Honestly, she wasn’t all that excited. Meeting up with someone so famous had its consequences— that being said, she definitely knew who was. Her gaze flickered up to the rear-view mirror.

There, it revealed, Amelie sat in the backseat. One could almost see her sparkling with excitement— nearly a driving hazard. Passeri Park was her absolute favorite, and it was pretty obvious if you even mentioned her name in the girl’s presence.

...Let alone a fan?

"Whaaat?" Vulken's gaze moved from the passenger window to the backseat, where the little ray of sunshine he and YY had taken in shot a blinding smile at him, clearly unable to contain her anticipation to see her idol once again. He forced a halfhearted grin in return, before turning his head back to observe the scenery outside-- if you could even call it that.

"Honestly, I don't remember if I told 'er or not. Maybe I did." He tried to peek back into his memory to find a concrete answer for his friend to no avail. "I gotta feelin' she wouldn't really give a shit, though. Didn't seem really flirty when she asked me 'ta meet up, after all."

If one had to pick a word to describe Vulken's mood since he woke up that day, it would without a doubt be dispirited. He himself couldn’t explain why. It just felt like something was constantly tugging at the sleeve of his jacket, warning him that agreeing to meet this gorgeous, yet increasingly mysterious pop star was a mistake. A harbinger of negativity, he supposed.

"...If anythin', you two can go get lunch somewhere while I talk to 'er. My treat."

In short, he had a bad feeling about this whole thing. And it didn’t help that Yong-Yut refused to let him drive to help him clear his mind. He felt strangely unseasy, but not in the ‘Oh, shit. I’m in danger’ kind of way. He wanted to think about it more to see if he could put his finger on it, but the short distance from their strange meeting spot cursed him as YY smoothly slid the car into the nearest parking spot.

Oh, well. He thought to himself, mustering a smirk and stepping out of the car, reaching back to open Amelie’s door for her.

He had gotten pretty good at faking it throughout the years, anyway.

Yo! Y'rang 'fer me?

gxxberkit gxxberkit The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit simj26 simj26

Elise Cutter
Playing With Fire
July 17th, 2022
Discreet Van, South District
Passeri, Dagger, Vulken, Yong-Yut
Playing With Fire
“Hm.” She responded non-verbally to the princess's questions. To someone else, perhaps, it would have sounded as if it was a cursory attempt at showing that she was listening. To the princess, hopefully, it was an affirmative response to her questions. That didn’t mean she wasn’t distracted by other issues. That much was clear by her constant glancing at the rear-view mirror. A stalker trained well enough would be able to avoid her attention, but she was sure that there were none suited for such an endeavour here, not in New Oasis.

There were ears and eyes everywhere. She could never be sure who was listening, who was watching. On any other day before this one, she wouldn't be so worried. No one paid attention to a dead woman walking, after all, and there were plenty in the streets of New Oasis. However, she had made the mistake of becoming slightly more noticeable when she had decided to lend the princess and the king her aid. She couldn’t be sure, but she was also not sure if there was a complete lack of her paranoid suspicions.

That was why she had taken the pains to appear a little different. Her hair had been loosed from its poor excuse of a braid and strung up into a basic ponytail, and a false eye had replaced her eyepatch, complete with a pair of unbranded shades in an attempt to mask the scars crawling across the lost eye. Some of the natural brown of the past Elise Cutter had begun to seep into the roots of her snow-white hair, too, which could aid in masking her identity a little more. Still, she felt that it wasn’t enough. There was nothing else she could do about it. She just had to keep a low profile.

She pulled the van to a stop, and ran a check on her equipment, namely the Beretta and the knives on her belt. She hoped it didn’t come to a point where she had to use any of them, but hope was a poor contender against bitter expectations. Even if the Birds weren’t a threat, they were still in New Oasis. A kitchen sink full of scum and dirt.

The princess’ words, at least, brought some emotion to her heart, and perhaps her face though. She wanted dearly to tell her that she was the worst person to lay her trust on. She had failed one too many times, not just the ones she had lost, but also the princess herself, and even the ice king. She tried to say something, but the words caught at her throat. Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, and she drew in a breath as the princess closed the door of the van behind her.

“Dammit,” she hissed, and climbed out of the van herself. She moved around the vehicle, tugging and straightening out her jacket. “Yeah, let’s move.”

They had only just arrived at the entrance of the ramen place, just as a car pulled up at the place. Through the windows, she just barely glanced a shock of red hair, and someone else that looked somewhat familiar. Were those the ones they were supposed to meet? She nudged the princess, and motioned towards the car as it came to a stop, just as the automatic doors of the shop hummed open, and an attendant stepped out to greet them.

Elise gave her a practiced, false smile of a salarywoman, and the voice of one that had probably just come from the boonies. “Give us a sec, yeah? We’re waitin’ on a couple others. Table for four, I-I think. Oh, wait a sec–” she glanced back over to the people exiting the car now.

They brought a kid. She tilted her head quizzically. Assurance that this would not go south, that they attempt anything with the kid around? Or insurance, that neither she nor the princess would slit their throats? Maybe both?

“Make that five! Didn’t think they’d bring their kid!” She turned back towards the Birds and waved them over. “Hey! Over here! We just arrived ourselves! And who’s the little brat with you, huh? Ain’t she cute? Look at her, Mari!” She tapped the princess's shoulder in false excitement, pointing at the girl with their Birds.

Now that they were closer, she certainly did recognise the two of them. Or at least, one of them. That vibrant red hair belonged to the man she had saved once, in some dark alleyway, back before she'd become...whatever she was now. The woman with him...she looked familiar, yes, but she couldn't quite place her finger on who. She might have shot at her once. They, on the other hand, didn't so much as glance her way as they approached. The change in attire, hairstyle, and standard behavioural patterns might have thrown them off. She still couldn't be sure. She'd just stick with this persona for the time being.

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Pascal Corbin
Rain on the Mountaintop
Borgo Orecchiette, Fusilli
Passeri, Jackson, Jesper, Pascal, Milo, Boltius, Gav
Rain on the Mountaintop

If the game show had a challenge involving stacking food, Pascal would have clearly won, as made apparent by the various things he managed to put all on one plate. One could theorize that he wasn't the type to make multiple trips while getting the groceries in upon catching sight of it, and they would be spot on. He made his way back to where he had left Thelma and Jackson, only to find that the former was no longer around. He assumed they had either gone for more food, or perhaps to check out what else the mansion had to offer.

Instead, Jackson was talking with Passeri, Gav, and a silver-haired individual. From what the red-clad man could gather, the conversation was about work. He wasn't quite sure he would have mentioned vigilante work so openly like Gav did, but maybe the man was just that confident that he could handle whatever was thrown at him. Those muscles could be for more than aesthetic, Pascal assumed. And Jackson was apparently a freelancer in the East. Did he know the connotations that a vague statement like that had? Or perhaps he had purposefully made a vague statement because the connotations were not far off.

"Oh, I'm from the West," Pascal chimed in. "My day job is a glorified tax collector, but I'm also involved in some content creation." He eyed Jackson and Gavril. There were connotations in his own statement as well in regards to his affiliation. Chances weren't zero that the others were loyal to his "enemies". He watched as the other blond attempted to feed one of the egg tarts to his friend before taking a forkful off something off of his own plate.

"Yeah... I was really enjoying the challenges," he commented. "It's a shame things got so messy. Then again, maybe it was for the best. Eventually the alliance we made would have had to come to an end if things had continued." He looked to Jackson with a chuckle. It was strange that a terrorist attacked a game show though... then again, with Passeri's name on it, maybe it really wasn't. It was certain to get their name and messages out in front of many people. On that note... "Who was that woman, anyway?" he asked. Had she said anything? Or perhaps mentioned the group she was a part of or their mission? He had been conked out at some point, so maybe he missed it, or maybe the impact caused some memory loss. The only notable thing he remembered was that apparently Thelma was a Serpent.

The Shadow Over Stein Street
June 26th, 2022
Suspiciously Located Manor, West District
Mugen, Deirest
The Albino Tigers weren't ready for the change that was coming. For years, Cade had waited for an opportunity like this to arrive. Now that it was here, he could hardly contain his excitement.

"It's not far, now." He called over his shoulder to the troupe who followed him, the troupe he'd one day lead.


"This better be worth it," a second voice called a warning. His scarred face scowled, hands plunged deep into pockets, hunched forward as he followed this whelp who sought Mugen's favor.

No matter what pretty words this man proffered, no matter what lilywhite promises he made, Ryuji had already taken the measure of him. He wouldn't last. Small comfort for the annoyance of his company, though.


"Peace, bro." A third voice rose, and Ryuji's scowl deepened. Though he couldn't see it from the back, Daiki could feel the creases in his companion's face, the frown lines and furrowed brow, deepen. All he could do was sigh and shake his head. Some things never changed. "About how far, bro?" The blonde raised his voice to reach the head of their caravan, the newest of their ranks. This was a trial of sorts. He'd promised to show them something of value buried deep in this neighborhood, something that would secure a place for him in the new order that was to come. Whether it was real, or just lipservice, remained to be seen. Daiki hoped for the sake of their new fledgling friend that he'd spoken true, as he cast a sidelong glance backward at the figure who loomed there, eyes forward, expression implacable as the evening sky.

"Almost there. It's right—"

His next words were swallowed by the shattering of glass and his own choking screams of alarm. As quickly as it had happened, it was over. The alleyway was still once more, but for the fading sound of screams and scrabbling footsteps.


He thrashed like an animal in a trap as he was dragged into the darkness. His Potential summoned an explosion of blackpowder in his fingertips. He snapped his fingers in the face of his captor, igniting and expelling a fiery shockwave blast into the gloom. Desperately, he tried to scrabble to safety. Disoriented as he was, he had no clue in which direction safety lay.

Passeri Park
July 15th, 2022
The Suede Bee, West District
Passeri, Rohen, Dyne
"Yo yourself!" The ignition of a smile. Across eyes first, and then her lips, paving over whatever burbling moodiness dwelled deeper within. "Rohen, yeah? Or do you prefer Crow? I know how some people can be about codenames."

There was a few things she recognized in the woman's gait. The lethargic slouch, the general sense of invisibility that came from blending into the crowd, and then the mechanical, military steadiness that hid beneath it all. It felt awfully familiar but not particularly surprising. The woman's work history was the first and foremost reason she'd picked her name out of the endless hat of fresh, indentured rookies, after all.

"It should be light work tonight. No need for anything rough. Your job is to... Entertain, I guess?" There was a rustle of unseen knickknacks as Passeri reached into her handbag, soon producing a small purse and a tidily folded photograph, taken through the eye of one of the local statue's CCTV. Neatly, she tossed both through the air. "That's your mark. To start with, I just want you to play with her. Strike up a conversation... Maybe buy her some drinks, if she's receptive. Try and feel around and see if she's been hanging around for business or pleasure. There's a few thousand in there, so use it to get yourself some chips and whatever else you think you'll need for the night."

It was a job that called for personability, but not too much of it. A set of standards that ruled both Passeri and her usual company out. That, and the fact that despite her years-long involvement with the Tigers she still hadn't the slightest idea how any of this gambling business worked.

"I'll be listening in... And joining in too, if things go well. Feeling her out is the most important thing here. There's VIP rooms on the upper floors. If everything goes smoothly we'll be inviting her upstairs for a proper chat." A tinge of awkwardness wormed its way into her smile. "But until then... I won't be much help, I'm afraid! Can't be reeling in too many eyes, you know? I'm trying to keep all of this on the down low."

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Areith Rozárie
Thou Shalt Not Detonate
Sewers beneath the Pleasure District, East District
July 22nd, 2022|| Post-Arc 3
THE POPE, Lloyd Sorvocah, Renjiro Ikeda, Yona Kowloong
Thou Shalt Not Detonate

A stroll through the putrid wastes. Clouded water splashed against cement, spraying its vile sea spray into the air, the smell of salt replaced with the stench of sulfur and ammonia. Yet, you felt no distaste. Comfort, nostalgia, almost like being back at home, did the wander through these cramped tunnels give you. A time long since past, before your awakening, before He had spoken to you, the mixture of featureless walls only disturbed by cracks and mysterious growths, the skittering of roaches and rodents. For a time, you went here to escape, hide, and have a place where you were kept away from it all.

As disgusting as it was, at least it gave you somewhere to smoke in peace, as a Serpent, that took a lot of work to come by.

But those were times long since past, your eyes glazed across the rushing sewage, the polluted water absorbing the overhead light and leaving no reflection. With each heavy step of your heels, you filtered in and out of darkness, the red glow within your pupils never wavered, looking ahead, the constant move forward.

For progression, disruption must first come; upheaval brings about change. That is what He has told me. For the goal of bringing upon a better world, an understanding must be made. The desire to progress must be instilled. The coming calamity will take no prisoners; the deaths will be in the many. A small explosion couldn’t compare. It wasn’t even a taste of what was to come.

The largest combustion is comparable to a whisper in the wind when face to face with total annihilation. Our hearts beat, and each one felt heavy. A decision you had made with the hopes of bringing salvation to the surface, and for that, you skulked underground amongst the city’s veins.

You were not alone. He was all around you, along with him. Numerous followers, separated but amassed, the faint voices that echoed off the rounded walls reverberated out the grates that peered towards the sidewalks above.

“Oh, holy lord,” you prayed, your hands locked together as you dropped your head, your hair hiding your eyes as you continued to step through the concrete labyrinth, twisting pipes over your head.

“May you guide your followers, as minuscule and numerous as they are? For thine are all your children, and thy will they carry, amassed into one their belief gives form to a holy figure of thine creation:.”

Areith’s head rose again. And the sounds of waterfalls rang against her ears. Massive canals surrounded her at all sides; she stood on a metal walkway above an abyss, where water poured down to the unknown.

She unclasped her hands, listening silently as massive gouts of water flowed and crashed down from gravity, the sounds of raging rapids of man-made nature. Its purpose is to dispose of waste like any other natural marvel.

Finally, quiet words came from her lips as she weakly raised her open palms in the air, beckoning his presence.

“The Pope.”

The Professor
CS Link
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again
Central District
May 6th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Takakazu, Dante (@Haze-), Nao ( tityanya tityanya )
Nina & Dante (@Haze- )
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again


The professor laughed in elation, his lanky arms raised high above his head, his jagged jaw moving up and down as he chortled. The comatose people around him laughed along with them; some of them laughed so hard they fell down and continued to chuckle until they ran out of air, some even falling unconscious.

“MOYAYAYAYA! This is the dream! Complete and total joy, unlimited joy and pleasure, all of one’s desires lived forever and indefinitely! This is the power of science! MOYAYAYA!”

His joy was abruptly halted; the sound of a pill hitting the ground rang in his ears as they twitched like a bat. Immediately, his posture inverted from broad and boasting to slumped and inquisitive. A gleam crossed his rounded glasses as he spotted the culprit; a woman amongst the crowd had spit out his wonder drug.

“Moyayaya. A bit too late for that, little miss.” He spoke, words threaded with malice as he watched her stare at her hands; the look in her eyes began to change, and so did her stance and her gait; the constant laughing showed that she had already consumed enough to take effect, if not from the way she carried himself.

Calmly, the professor walked through the crowd, almost as if a way had been made for him; he could step forward with no obstructions as he bent down and picked up the discarded drug. He held it between his fingers and clenched it between his fist as it twitched in silence.

And once again, that fourth sense of his activated. His eyes looked upward at the bar placed above the dance floor. Some poor souls had not yet reached the wonderland and feared nirvana.

He only needed to snap a finger with his gloved hand, and the message was received.

The bartender didn’t miss a beat. As he was going to reach for a glass, his trajectory changed to grab the glass next to it. He filled it with ice and rum speechlessly and topped it off with a spray from the fountain of fizzy soda. He placed it in front of Dante and slid back the credit card, letting a small smile come to his face.

“It’s on the house, on behalf of the reveal event.” he said with a slight nod before he turned his attention towards Nina, “What about you, young lady? Can I get you anything else?”

The deal was too good to be true.

Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again
Central District
May 6th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Takakazu, Dante (@Haze-), Nao ( tityanya tityanya )
Nao ( tityanya tityanya )
If Something Tastes Funny, Try It Again

The sounds of a rushing faucet echoed through the bathroom. The occasional gurgling of the pipes, the buzzing of the lights. It acted as a backdrop, the symphony of the everyday orchestra that Tak always found himself stuck in.

His hand scratched his back as he sat on the porcelain throne, his dead eyes staring lifelessly at the stall door; a slight smack of his lips as he felt time pass by, as he thought spoiled leftovers pass through him. He reached for a strip of toilet paper but paused when he heard a familiar voice.

“Eh?” His initial response, as his slow brain tried to put a face to the voice, had already forgotten about Dante and Nao in his lack of object permanence. Before he could spend too much time thinking about it, a pair of fingers hung on the top of the stall, causing his deadpan eyes to blink.

“The hell are you doin’, dumb bitch?” He asked dryly, “I’ll piss on those things, damnit.”

She continued to ramble on; it was ridiculous, whatever she was saying, Nao was speaking so much nonsense he wasn’t even able to keep up, but he got the gist of what she was saying, an annoyed grin coming across his face, the corner of his lip twitching slightly.

“If ya really wanna help me, how about leavin’ me alone? I’m tryin’ to wipe my ass here. Go to the convenience store and grab me a fiber bar and some hemorrhoid medicine; make yourself useful,” he said, with a sharp kick on the door, hoping that would be enough to get her to leave him alone, as he once again reached to grab a sheet of toilet paper and finish up.

Of course, Tak hadn’t even noticed anything was wrong.
Shishido Takakazu
CS Link
Everyone's A Critic
Feralia Art Gallery, Central District
June 30th, 2022 || Pre-Arc 3
Camila (@Roda the Red), Takakazu
Everyone's A Critic

The growing pool of drool leaking out the corner of Tak’s lips was starting to turn into a proper, respectable river that would be respected by hydrologists worldwide when a harsh pull on his ear caused his eyes to tear open, his rubber-like skin was pulled so taut it began to tear off his skull before slapping back into place with enough force to make him reflexively reach up to hold onto his ear, guarding it with both hands as he let out a childish, “Owwww!”

His head quickly snapped over to look at Camila, “What was that for!?” he loudly shouted, uncaring for the situation or the scenery as he fumed; his anger was short-lived as he let out a huff, pushing himself back into his seat and letting himself be swallowed by the cushions as he continued to wear a sour expression.

“Peh! What’s the point of dealing with this whole thing anyway? If you ask me, we might as well go grab this lady and--”

His voice was swallowed by the cheers, and as he looked toward the stage to see what all the excitement was about, his tongue rolled out of his mouth as his jaw dropped, eyes bulging out of his head, his posture slouched and sloppy as he leaned forward out of his seat, suddenly becoming attentive.

“T-That’s Hillclad!?” Tak blundered out, his head turning to look at Camila with bloodshot eyes, pointing toward the front of the stage with his mouth open like a kid showing his mom something interesting on TV.

“You didn’t tell me she was a babe!” He punctuated with a slam of his fist into his thigh, and then he turned back to the stage, his gaze sharpening as a hand came to his chin.

“This changes everything…” he murmured, the meaning unknown as he rubbed at his scruff, rolling around his tongue in his mouth in thought.

He was silent, unnaturally so for him, for a long moment. As the betting began, he didn’t even make any absurd comments on the price.

“T-THAT MUCH!? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SUPPLY OF PLAYBEE HONEY MAGS I COULD BUY WITH THAT!?” It would have been the expected reaction from him, the brute standing up and climbing on top of his seat to blurt out something obnoxious and grab everyone’s attention; that would have been what Tak would have done.

But, instead, he said nothing; he stayed stoic, unnaturally so. And then numbers began to fly.

“250,000!” A man masked with a mask, a “hear no evil” monkey upon his face, raised his numbered sign up in the air.

“390,000!” Came another shout, a woman adorned in jewelry, wrapped in the fluff and patterned of skinned animals from her scarf to her belt, her wrinkled features dolled up in makeup.

“621,000!” Another scream, this time from a young child wearing a ruffled button-up and a cravat, flanked side by side by his personal butlers as he sat on the balcony, looming down at the rest of the crowd.

The numbers continued to rise and rise until it neared its end.

“925,000! I HEAR 925,000!” The MC shouted, scanning the crowd to see if anyone else would try to raise the price, but no one was coming up to bat. After a beat, he raised a finger in the air.


And then it was joined by another.




A booming shout echoed throughout the whole auditorium, and everyone’s heads turned in unison to look for the source.

There was the famous art critic, using the head of the person in the row in front of him as a supporting footrest as he raised a singular finger high up to the heavens, the glimmer of the lights above basking it in a glow as it came soaring down to point straight down towards the stage like an arrow, the critic’s grin hidden his hand as it showed the look on his face.

“I raise one million Amestriyen for that painting!”

No one spoke a word and only looked on in awe.

Operation Burning Heartthrob
South District
Pre-Arc 1, August 10th 2021
Charlie, Vulken
Operation Burning Heartthrob

“Haaah??” Vulken leaned in to show Charlie a bewildered expression. “Neverrr?!

Why the hell not?! Charlie was a good looking guy! He even had that cuteness factor that some chicks went crazy over. How was it that he’d never asked for a woman’s number in his life? Then, it hit him. Charlie was a pretty mellow, mild-mannered guy. Even the current look on his face screamed shy. He’d definitely had people he liked in the past, but he had probably always been too bashful to make a move.

He reached forward, placing a hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Trust me, kiddo. It ain’t hard at all. Y’see someone ya like, and ya go up to ‘em and strike up a conversation. Simple shit– tell ‘er ‘yer name, ask ‘er where she’s from, shit like that. Then, if ya like what ya hear, and y’think its worth it, just ask for it so you two can ‘hang out sometime’ or some shit like that.

Using that same hand, he gently shoved Charlie further into the bar– further away from him.Go ‘head!” He grinned, shooting the rookie a thumbs up. “As long as you think they’re cute, and can hold a conversation, you’re golden!

@Roda the Red

[art by gxxberkit]
East District, Skate Park
Post-Arc 3 || June 11th, 2022
Pei, Javi
The broken bottle wobbled along the rim of the waste bin before it finally tipped over and settled on its side.

"Haha! Nice one!"

Luvi bobbed to and fro in the air before him, trilling happily, visibly pleased with itself.

"C'mere, gimme some," Javi said smiling, holding out his knuckles for the floating blue creature to touch with her snout. As he did, a jealous Rocco peeked his head over Javi's shoulder, clutching on to the fabric of his shirt like some kind of alien koala. Javi placated the creature with a quick nuzzle of the cheek before setting the critter down to walk beside him. This act elicited an indignant huff as Rocco's small legs worked to match its master's stride.

"Damn," the young Dragon breathed his disbelief as they walked, board tucked under the crook of his arm. He took in the relative disarray of the skatepark. And the lack of skaters... It was a sight he'd never seen before. "Okay, I definitely do not remember it bein' like this..."

Javi couldn't lie. He felt a little embarrassed now for the way he'd hyped up his old skatepark to his buddies... But there was something more to it, too. The trash everywhere, and the fact that the park was all but abandoned... It didn't feel like all this was the result of simple neglect.

Before he could dwell on it any further, a shape appeared in his peripheral vision. He turned, focused, and watched as the shape morphed from a vague smudge into a mom (he didn't know she was a mom, but she looked like one) rapidly approaching his location. If he'd looked more closely, he'd have noticed she was pissed. But he didn't, so he didn't. Mostly he was just happy to see some sign of life here. The quiet was getting eerie.

He raised one hand in a wave and said, "Hey! What—"

He barely got two words out before she laid into him. I mean really let him have it. She jabbed her finger in his face so close to his nose that he almost went cross-eyed. The critters got restless, even as Javi held up both hands in a gesture of peace to both parties. Accusations that he didn't understand were flying, buzzing past both sides of his head like stray bullets.

"Woah hold on, jus— ho— hold on a sec— I don't— know what— you're talkin' about?!"


At this, Javi paused. He exchanged a dubious look with Rocco, who looked back up at him, head tilted half to one side. Pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place. Too bad he had no idea what picture it formed.

"Lady... I think you got the wrong guy."

His sincerity seemed to give her pause. She looked at him, mouth slightly agape, as though she were a basking fish sucking up micro-organisms. Before she could say anything, though, a sound like a commotion startled them both. All eyes turned deeper into the park, searching for the source of the new noise.

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The Amestrian Job
July 29th, 2022 | Post Arc 3
King's Ransom Casino and Bar, West District
Dagger, Oliver, Jacques, Hiachi, Tak, Dante, Shen(?)
The Amestrian Job

As Madra and members of the Albino Tigers gathered in the dimly lit backroom of the King's Ransom Casino and Bar, the air was thick with anticipation. The sounds of gambling and the distant thump of the casino band outside the door provided a backdrop to their gathering. After waiting for all of the small taskforce to arrive, the meeting began.

"Oi, eyes up, shams!" Madra's voice cut through the room like a knife. "Right ogeous handlin' of a job this...And worse still, I'm in charge."

She rolled an overlay of structural plans out across the large, center table. The bank, a fortress-like structure in the North-western quadrant of the Eastern district, was rumored to house not only the riches of the Azure Dragons but many of the influential and affluential of the realm.

"Bank's security is the easy part," Madra continued. "Garda rotations/locations, alarm systems, entrances, exits, front, back, unorthodox." she pointed at locations, objects and scribbles on the pages. "The tellin' on the Dragons, no doubt stationed in and around the buildin', is less solid."

She quickly lit a cigarette with a mimed lighter before continuing, blowing the smoke up and away from the plans.
"The langer he is, Shen is no fool. This bein' one of, if not the largest dragon coffers in New Oasis...We guess at least 30 dragons, in addition to the guards. HPs among them to be sure."

Madra exhaled a puff of smoke and gave a frenzied smile "All in great craic..."

She pulled over the portion if the overlay that shows the street level, swiping over it a few times to lay it flat and wipe away her own cigarette ashes.

"Hiachi and friend," a gloved finger pointed at a portion of a building adjacent to the bank. "Our eyes in d'sky. You'll keep sketch and offer up any insight you can garner from yer point'o vantage." Madra said to her.

"Dagger, ya wagon. You, Oliver and Tak are on dope duty. Keepin' the clerks 'n jerks in line, roughin' up the would be heroes." She reached under the table and tapped three times. "And keepin' them alarms nice and hush."

"Jacques, lock 'em out. Doors, windows, grates, turn em' to girders. Once we're in, no one gets in or out. Buy time and force Shen to use his little, teleportin' geebag. We'll 'av a wee somethin' waitin' on 'em." she smirked to herself after taking a drag of the cigarette.

"Dante, man after me own heart. Breachin' team." she said plainly, pointing her fingers between him and herself.
"Questions? Concerns?...Moans?...Groans?"

Madra started rolling up the plans, "Close yer tabs, cash yer chips 'n make yer peace. We're off to the market in twenty. Gotta stock up, get the messages."

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Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong CasualTea CasualTea , Welsha Reaper
What's the Tea

Welsha listened as Yona explained the other uses of flowers, though that was information she knew already she really had no use for creating dyes from flowers, though making poisons and medicines from them was something she had use for. But she wasn't gonna say her thoughts out loud, after all she had only just met the woman today, and she was pretty sure she wasn't being 100% forthcoming with her, likely a woman with a closet of secrets, but to be fair Welsha had her own list of secrets that she wanted to keep under wraps so it was fair play.

Yona atleast seemed willing to give them the reason for coming to the city at the very least, the reason actually caused her to blink a few times a bit stunned by what they said. She herself was still a bit under her parents thumb and could relate a bit to Yonas situation. Though unlike Yona she was still on a bit of a leash when it came to her parents, though that could also be said about a few other figures in her life as well. But what Yona said also gave a bit of information about her and her past at the very least, but before she could ponder on what Yona said, she turned the question around back to her, making Welsha jump up a bit in surprise.

"Welll erm, I guess you could say my choices of colleges were limited and my parents would only agree to pay for certain colleges, and I had a few job opportunities open to me here for once I graduated College." She didn't really want to elaborate further on that instead opting to give a small smile before rubbing the back of her head and adding "I guess unlike you I'm still a bit on my parents leash since their the ones mostly funding endeavors in this city. Heh" she was a bit embarrassed to say that part since she was a bit concerned that the other lady would look a bit down on her for still being reliant on their parents despite being so far away from them but being underestimated was something that Welsha was perfectly fine with since it gave them certain perks and advantages at the cost of a bit of respect and pride.
Yona Kowloong
Pre-Outbreak: June 21, 2022
Moonflower Cafe, West District
Yona Kowloong, Welsha Reaper Peckinou Peckinou
What's the Tea
She continued driving as she was listening to Welsha, despite noticing her small jump. Sounds like she threw a curve ball at her. She wasn't expecting it. When she heard about Welsha's reason, she could tell that her parents still dote on her and restrict her quite a bit. Even though she seems about her age now, her parents still have a grip on her. However, her situation is not the same as Yona's. "I disagree. If anything, you have better circumstances." She said. "Your parents still treat you like you're their child. My relatives saw me as nothing more than a possession. A tool to get what they needed. My parents can't protest against the majority."

She cleared her throat. "As for me, I'm having to rely on the abundance of money I brought from overseas. Earned by my own labor. Despite most not being clean." She said with a hint of darkness in her tone. As she turned a corner and passed an alley, she saw two hooligans fighting among each other. "That world was never clean to begin with anyway." She added in a quiet voice. She took a look at her GPS and just continued to drive. Though, she didn't have anything else to say so the ride soon turned into a silent one. She figured maybe putting on some music to give some mood? "Hm, what kind of music do you like, Welsha? Though I'd just put some on to lighten up the atmosphere." She asked.

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